blob: 409290ba9d41509f29db5c33a14a8e087d8a49dd [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "absl/synchronization/mutex.h"
#include "quiche/http2/core/spdy_framer.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/http/spdy_utils.h"
#include "quiche/quic/tools/quic_backend_response.h"
#include "quiche/quic/tools/quic_simple_server_backend.h"
#include "quiche/common/http/http_header_block.h"
namespace quic {
// In-memory cache for HTTP responses.
// Reads from disk cache generated by:
// `wget -p --save_headers <url>`
class QuicMemoryCacheBackend : public QuicSimpleServerBackend {
// Class to manage loading a resource file into memory. There are
// two uses: called by InitializeBackend to load resources
// from files, and recursively called when said resources specify
// server push associations.
class ResourceFile {
explicit ResourceFile(const std::string& file_name);
ResourceFile(const ResourceFile&) = delete;
ResourceFile& operator=(const ResourceFile&) = delete;
virtual ~ResourceFile();
void Read();
// |base| is |file_name_| with |cache_directory| prefix stripped.
void SetHostPathFromBase(absl::string_view base);
const std::string& file_name() { return file_name_; }
absl::string_view host() { return host_; }
absl::string_view path() { return path_; }
const quiche::HttpHeaderBlock& spdy_headers() { return spdy_headers_; }
absl::string_view body() { return body_; }
const std::vector<absl::string_view>& push_urls() { return push_urls_; }
void HandleXOriginalUrl();
absl::string_view RemoveScheme(absl::string_view url);
std::string file_name_;
std::string file_contents_;
absl::string_view body_;
quiche::HttpHeaderBlock spdy_headers_;
absl::string_view x_original_url_;
std::vector<absl::string_view> push_urls_;
std::string host_;
std::string path_;
QuicMemoryCacheBackend(const QuicMemoryCacheBackend&) = delete;
QuicMemoryCacheBackend& operator=(const QuicMemoryCacheBackend&) = delete;
~QuicMemoryCacheBackend() override;
// Retrieve a response from this cache for a given host and path..
// If no appropriate response exists, nullptr is returned.
const QuicBackendResponse* GetResponse(absl::string_view host,
absl::string_view path) const;
// Adds a simple response to the cache. The response headers will
// only contain the "content-length" header with the length of |body|.
void AddSimpleResponse(absl::string_view host, absl::string_view path,
int response_code, absl::string_view body);
// Add a response to the cache.
void AddResponse(absl::string_view host, absl::string_view path,
quiche::HttpHeaderBlock response_headers,
absl::string_view response_body);
// Add a response, with trailers, to the cache.
void AddResponse(absl::string_view host, absl::string_view path,
quiche::HttpHeaderBlock response_headers,
absl::string_view response_body,
quiche::HttpHeaderBlock response_trailers);
// Add a response, with 103 Early Hints, to the cache.
void AddResponseWithEarlyHints(
absl::string_view host, absl::string_view path,
quiche::HttpHeaderBlock response_headers, absl::string_view response_body,
const std::vector<quiche::HttpHeaderBlock>& early_hints);
// Simulate a special behavior at a particular path.
void AddSpecialResponse(
absl::string_view host, absl::string_view path,
QuicBackendResponse::SpecialResponseType response_type);
void AddSpecialResponse(
absl::string_view host, absl::string_view path,
quiche::HttpHeaderBlock response_headers, absl::string_view response_body,
QuicBackendResponse::SpecialResponseType response_type);
// Finds a response with the given host and path, and assign it a simulated
// delay. Returns true if the requisite response was found and the delay was
// set.
bool SetResponseDelay(absl::string_view host, absl::string_view path,
QuicTime::Delta delay);
// Sets a default response in case of cache misses. Takes ownership of
// 'response'.
void AddDefaultResponse(QuicBackendResponse* response);
// Once called, URLs which have a numeric path will send a dynamically
// generated response of that many bytes.
void GenerateDynamicResponses();
void EnableWebTransport();
// Implements the functions for interface QuicSimpleServerBackend
// |cache_cirectory| can be generated using `wget -p --save-headers <url>`.
bool InitializeBackend(const std::string& cache_directory) override;
bool IsBackendInitialized() const override;
void FetchResponseFromBackend(
const quiche::HttpHeaderBlock& request_headers,
const std::string& request_body,
QuicSimpleServerBackend::RequestHandler* quic_stream) override;
void CloseBackendResponseStream(
QuicSimpleServerBackend::RequestHandler* quic_stream) override;
WebTransportResponse ProcessWebTransportRequest(
const quiche::HttpHeaderBlock& request_headers,
WebTransportSession* session) override;
bool SupportsWebTransport() override { return enable_webtransport_; }
void AddResponseImpl(absl::string_view host, absl::string_view path,
QuicBackendResponse::SpecialResponseType response_type,
quiche::HttpHeaderBlock response_headers,
absl::string_view response_body,
quiche::HttpHeaderBlock response_trailers,
const std::vector<quiche::HttpHeaderBlock>& early_hints);
std::string GetKey(absl::string_view host, absl::string_view path) const;
// Cached responses.
absl::flat_hash_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<QuicBackendResponse>>
responses_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(response_mutex_);
// The default response for cache misses, if set.
std::unique_ptr<QuicBackendResponse> default_response_
// The generate bytes response, if set.
std::unique_ptr<QuicBackendResponse> generate_bytes_response_
// Protects against concurrent access from test threads setting responses, and
// server threads accessing those responses.
mutable absl::Mutex response_mutex_;
bool cache_initialized_;
bool enable_webtransport_ = false;
} // namespace quic