blob: 6a2cd23e28551b95440d9d52bf75a3e79c073907 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/http2/hpack/varint/hpack_varint_decoder.h"
// Test HpackVarintDecoder against hardcoded data.
#include <stddef.h>
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/http2/platform/api/http2_logging.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/http2/platform/api/http2_string_utils.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/http2/tools/random_decoder_test.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/common/platform/api/quiche_arraysize.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/common/platform/api/quiche_string_piece.h"
using ::testing::AssertionFailure;
using ::testing::AssertionSuccess;
namespace http2 {
namespace test {
namespace {
class HpackVarintDecoderTest : public RandomDecoderTest,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<
::testing::tuple<uint8_t, const char*>> {
: high_bits_(::testing::get<0>(GetParam())),
prefix_length_(0) {}
void DecodeExpectSuccess(quiche::QuicheStringPiece data,
uint32_t prefix_length,
uint64_t expected_value) {
Validator validator = [expected_value, this](
const DecodeBuffer& db,
DecodeStatus status) -> AssertionResult {
VERIFY_EQ(expected_value, decoder_.value())
<< "Value doesn't match expected: " << decoder_.value()
<< " != " << expected_value;
return AssertionSuccess();
// First validate that decoding is done and that we've advanced the cursor
// the expected amount.
validator = ValidateDoneAndOffset(/* offset = */ data.size(), validator);
EXPECT_TRUE(Decode(data, prefix_length, validator));
EXPECT_EQ(expected_value, decoder_.value());
void DecodeExpectError(quiche::QuicheStringPiece data,
uint32_t prefix_length) {
Validator validator = [](const DecodeBuffer& db,
DecodeStatus status) -> AssertionResult {
VERIFY_EQ(DecodeStatus::kDecodeError, status);
return AssertionSuccess();
EXPECT_TRUE(Decode(data, prefix_length, validator));
AssertionResult Decode(quiche::QuicheStringPiece data,
uint32_t prefix_length,
const Validator validator) {
prefix_length_ = prefix_length;
// Copy |data| so that it can be modified.
std::string data_copy(data);
// Bits of the first byte not part of the prefix should be ignored.
uint8_t high_bits_mask = 0b11111111 << prefix_length_;
data_copy[0] |= (high_bits_mask & high_bits_);
// Extra bytes appended to the input should be ignored.
DecodeBuffer b(data_copy);
// StartDecoding, above, requires the DecodeBuffer be non-empty so that it
// can call Start with the prefix byte.
bool return_non_zero_on_first = true;
return DecodeAndValidateSeveralWays(&b, return_non_zero_on_first,
DecodeStatus StartDecoding(DecodeBuffer* b) override {
CHECK_LT(0u, b->Remaining());
uint8_t prefix = b->DecodeUInt8();
return decoder_.Start(prefix, prefix_length_, b);
DecodeStatus ResumeDecoding(DecodeBuffer* b) override {
return decoder_.Resume(b);
// Bits of the first byte not part of the prefix.
const uint8_t high_bits_;
// Extra bytes appended to the input.
const std::string suffix_;
HpackVarintDecoder decoder_;
uint8_t prefix_length_;
// Bits of the first byte not part of the prefix should be ignored.
::testing::Values(0b00000000, 0b11111111, 0b10101010),
// Extra bytes appended to the input should be ignored.
::testing::Values("", "00", "666f6f")));
struct {
const char* data;
uint32_t prefix_length;
uint64_t expected_value;
} kSuccessTestData[] = {
// Zero value with different prefix lengths.
{"00", 3, 0},
{"00", 4, 0},
{"00", 5, 0},
{"00", 6, 0},
{"00", 7, 0},
{"00", 8, 0},
// Small values that fit in the prefix.
{"06", 3, 6},
{"0d", 4, 13},
{"10", 5, 16},
{"29", 6, 41},
{"56", 7, 86},
{"bf", 8, 191},
// Values of 2^n-1, which have an all-zero extension byte.
{"0700", 3, 7},
{"0f00", 4, 15},
{"1f00", 5, 31},
{"3f00", 6, 63},
{"7f00", 7, 127},
{"ff00", 8, 255},
// Values of 2^n-1, plus one extra byte of padding.
{"078000", 3, 7},
{"0f8000", 4, 15},
{"1f8000", 5, 31},
{"3f8000", 6, 63},
{"7f8000", 7, 127},
{"ff8000", 8, 255},
// Values requiring one extension byte.
{"0760", 3, 103},
{"0f2a", 4, 57},
{"1f7f", 5, 158},
{"3f02", 6, 65},
{"7f49", 7, 200},
{"ff6f", 8, 366},
// Values requiring one extension byte, plus one byte of padding.
{"07e000", 3, 103},
{"0faa00", 4, 57},
{"1fff00", 5, 158},
{"3f8200", 6, 65},
{"7fc900", 7, 200},
{"ffef00", 8, 366},
// Values requiring one extension byte, plus two bytes of padding.
{"07e08000", 3, 103},
{"0faa8000", 4, 57},
{"1fff8000", 5, 158},
{"3f828000", 6, 65},
{"7fc98000", 7, 200},
{"ffef8000", 8, 366},
// Values requiring one extension byte, plus the maximum amount of padding.
{"07e0808080808080808000", 3, 103},
{"0faa808080808080808000", 4, 57},
{"1fff808080808080808000", 5, 158},
{"3f82808080808080808000", 6, 65},
{"7fc9808080808080808000", 7, 200},
{"ffef808080808080808000", 8, 366},
// Values requiring two extension bytes.
{"07b260", 3, 12345},
{"0f8a2a", 4, 5401},
{"1fa87f", 5, 16327},
{"3fd002", 6, 399},
{"7fff49", 7, 9598},
{"ffe32f", 8, 6370},
// Values requiring two extension bytes, plus one byte of padding.
{"07b2e000", 3, 12345},
{"0f8aaa00", 4, 5401},
{"1fa8ff00", 5, 16327},
{"3fd08200", 6, 399},
{"7fffc900", 7, 9598},
{"ffe3af00", 8, 6370},
// Values requiring two extension bytes, plus the maximum amount of padding.
{"07b2e080808080808000", 3, 12345},
{"0f8aaa80808080808000", 4, 5401},
{"1fa8ff80808080808000", 5, 16327},
{"3fd08280808080808000", 6, 399},
{"7fffc980808080808000", 7, 9598},
{"ffe3af80808080808000", 8, 6370},
// Values requiring three extension bytes.
{"078ab260", 3, 1579281},
{"0fc18a2a", 4, 689488},
{"1fada87f", 5, 2085964},
{"3fa0d002", 6, 43103},
{"7ffeff49", 7, 1212541},
{"ff93de23", 8, 585746},
// Values requiring three extension bytes, plus one byte of padding.
{"078ab2e000", 3, 1579281},
{"0fc18aaa00", 4, 689488},
{"1fada8ff00", 5, 2085964},
{"3fa0d08200", 6, 43103},
{"7ffeffc900", 7, 1212541},
{"ff93dea300", 8, 585746},
// Values requiring four extension bytes.
{"079f8ab260", 3, 202147110},
{"0fa2c18a2a", 4, 88252593},
{"1fd0ada87f", 5, 266999535},
{"3ff9a0d002", 6, 5509304},
{"7f9efeff49", 7, 155189149},
{"ffaa82f404", 8, 10289705},
// Values requiring four extension bytes, plus one byte of padding.
{"079f8ab2e000", 3, 202147110},
{"0fa2c18aaa00", 4, 88252593},
{"1fd0ada8ff00", 5, 266999535},
{"3ff9a0d08200", 6, 5509304},
{"7f9efeffc900", 7, 155189149},
{"ffaa82f48400", 8, 10289705},
// Values requiring six extension bytes.
{"0783aa9f8ab260", 3, 3311978140938},
{"0ff0b0a2c18a2a", 4, 1445930244223},
{"1fda84d0ada87f", 5, 4374519874169},
{"3fb5fbf9a0d002", 6, 90263420404},
{"7fcff19efeff49", 7, 2542616951118},
{"ff9fa486bbc327", 8, 1358138807070},
// Values requiring eight extension bytes.
{"07f19883aa9f8ab260", 3, 54263449861016696},
{"0f84fdf0b0a2c18a2a", 4, 23690121121119891},
{"1fa0dfda84d0ada87f", 5, 71672133617889215},
{"3f9ff0b5fbf9a0d002", 6, 1478875878881374},
{"7ffbc1cff19efeff49", 7, 41658236125045114},
{"ff91b6fb85af99c342", 8, 37450237664484368},
// Values requiring ten extension bytes.
{"0794f1f19883aa9f8ab201", 3, 12832019021693745307u},
{"0fa08f84fdf0b0a2c18a01", 4, 9980690937382242223u},
{"1fbfdda0dfda84d0ada801", 5, 12131360551794650846u},
{"3f9dc79ff0b5fbf9a0d001", 6, 15006530362736632796u},
{"7f8790fbc1cff19efeff01", 7, 18445754019193211014u},
{"fffba8c5b8d3fe9f8c8401", 8, 9518498503615141242u},
// Maximum value: 2^64-1.
{"07f8ffffffffffffffff01", 3, 18446744073709551615u},
{"0ff0ffffffffffffffff01", 4, 18446744073709551615u},
{"1fe0ffffffffffffffff01", 5, 18446744073709551615u},
{"3fc0ffffffffffffffff01", 6, 18446744073709551615u},
{"7f80ffffffffffffffff01", 7, 18446744073709551615u},
{"ff80feffffffffffffff01", 8, 18446744073709551615u},
// Examples from RFC7541 C.1.
{"0a", 5, 10},
{"1f9a0a", 5, 1337},
TEST_P(HpackVarintDecoderTest, Success) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < QUICHE_ARRAYSIZE(kSuccessTestData); ++i) {
struct {
const char* data;
uint32_t prefix_length;
} kErrorTestData[] = {
// Too many extension bytes, all 0s (except for extension bit in each byte).
{"0780808080808080808080", 3},
{"0f80808080808080808080", 4},
{"1f80808080808080808080", 5},
{"3f80808080808080808080", 6},
{"7f80808080808080808080", 7},
{"ff80808080808080808080", 8},
// Too many extension bytes, all 1s.
{"07ffffffffffffffffffff", 3},
{"0fffffffffffffffffffff", 4},
{"1fffffffffffffffffffff", 5},
{"3fffffffffffffffffffff", 6},
{"7fffffffffffffffffffff", 7},
{"ffffffffffffffffffffff", 8},
// Value of 2^64, one higher than maximum of 2^64-1.
{"07f9ffffffffffffffff01", 3},
{"0ff1ffffffffffffffff01", 4},
{"1fe1ffffffffffffffff01", 5},
{"3fc1ffffffffffffffff01", 6},
{"7f81ffffffffffffffff01", 7},
{"ff81feffffffffffffff01", 8},
// Maximum value: 2^64-1, with one byte of padding.
{"07f8ffffffffffffffff8100", 3},
{"0ff0ffffffffffffffff8100", 4},
{"1fe0ffffffffffffffff8100", 5},
{"3fc0ffffffffffffffff8100", 6},
{"7f80ffffffffffffffff8100", 7},
{"ff80feffffffffffffff8100", 8}};
TEST_P(HpackVarintDecoderTest, Error) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < QUICHE_ARRAYSIZE(kErrorTestData); ++i) {
} // namespace
} // namespace test
} // namespace http2