blob: f0c135786bab94a65739900a6daf41cea3b4a12c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// FrameDecoderState provides state and behaviors in support of decoding
// the common frame header and the payload of all frame types.
// It is an input to all of the payload decoders.
// TODO(jamessynge): Since FrameDecoderState has far more than state in it,
// rename to FrameDecoderHelper, or similar.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include "http2/decoder/decode_buffer.h"
#include "http2/decoder/decode_status.h"
#include "http2/decoder/http2_frame_decoder_listener.h"
#include "http2/decoder/http2_structure_decoder.h"
#include "http2/http2_constants.h"
#include "http2/http2_structures.h"
#include "http2/platform/api/http2_logging.h"
#include "common/platform/api/quiche_export.h"
namespace http2 {
namespace test {
class FrameDecoderStatePeer;
} // namespace test
class QUICHE_EXPORT_PRIVATE FrameDecoderState {
FrameDecoderState() {}
// Sets the listener which the decoders should call as they decode HTTP/2
// frames. The listener can be changed at any time, which allows for replacing
// it with a no-op listener when an error is detected, either by the payload
// decoder (OnPaddingTooLong or OnFrameSizeError) or by the "real" listener.
// That in turn allows us to define Http2FrameDecoderListener such that all
// methods have return type void, with no direct way to indicate whether the
// decoder should stop, and to eliminate from the decoder all checks of the
// return value. Instead the listener/caller can simply replace the current
// listener with a no-op listener implementation.
// TODO(jamessynge): Make set_listener private as only Http2FrameDecoder
// and tests need to set it, so it doesn't need to be public.
void set_listener(Http2FrameDecoderListener* listener) {
listener_ = listener;
Http2FrameDecoderListener* listener() const { return listener_; }
// The most recently decoded frame header.
const Http2FrameHeader& frame_header() const { return frame_header_; }
// Decode a structure in the payload, adjusting remaining_payload_ to account
// for the consumed portion of the payload. Returns kDecodeDone when fully
// decoded, kDecodeError if it ran out of payload before decoding completed,
// and kDecodeInProgress if the decode buffer didn't have enough of the
// remaining payload.
template <class S>
DecodeStatus StartDecodingStructureInPayload(S* out, DecodeBuffer* db) {
HTTP2_DVLOG(2) << __func__ << "\n\tdb->Remaining=" << db->Remaining()
<< "\n\tremaining_payload_=" << remaining_payload_
<< "\n\tneed=" << S::EncodedSize();
DecodeStatus status =
structure_decoder_.Start(out, db, &remaining_payload_);
if (status != DecodeStatus::kDecodeError) {
return status;
<< "StartDecodingStructureInPayload: detected frame size error";
return ReportFrameSizeError();
// Resume decoding of a structure that has been split across buffers,
// adjusting remaining_payload_ to account for the consumed portion of
// the payload. Returns values are as for StartDecodingStructureInPayload.
template <class S>
DecodeStatus ResumeDecodingStructureInPayload(S* out, DecodeBuffer* db) {
HTTP2_DVLOG(2) << __func__ << "\n\tdb->Remaining=" << db->Remaining()
<< "\n\tremaining_payload_=" << remaining_payload_;
if (structure_decoder_.Resume(out, db, &remaining_payload_)) {
return DecodeStatus::kDecodeDone;
} else if (remaining_payload_ > 0) {
return DecodeStatus::kDecodeInProgress;
} else {
<< "ResumeDecodingStructureInPayload: detected frame size error";
return ReportFrameSizeError();
// Initializes the two remaining* fields, which is needed if the frame's
// payload is split across buffers, or the decoder calls ReadPadLength or
// StartDecodingStructureInPayload, and of course the methods below which
// read those fields, as their names imply.
void InitializeRemainders() {
remaining_payload_ = frame_header().payload_length;
// Note that remaining_total_payload() relies on remaining_padding_ being
// zero for frames that have no padding.
remaining_padding_ = 0;
// Returns the number of bytes of the frame's payload that remain to be
// decoded, including any trailing padding. This method must only be called
// after the variables have been initialized, which in practice means once a
// payload decoder has called InitializeRemainders and/or ReadPadLength.
size_t remaining_total_payload() const {
QUICHE_DCHECK(IsPaddable() || remaining_padding_ == 0) << frame_header();
return remaining_payload_ + remaining_padding_;
// Returns the number of bytes of the frame's payload that remain to be
// decoded, excluding any trailing padding. This method must only be called
// after the variable has been initialized, which in practice means once a
// payload decoder has called InitializeRemainders; ReadPadLength will deduct
// the total number of padding bytes from remaining_payload_, including the
// size of the Pad Length field itself (1 byte).
size_t remaining_payload() const { return remaining_payload_; }
// Returns the number of bytes of the frame's payload that remain to be
// decoded, including any trailing padding. This method must only be called if
// the frame type allows padding, and after the variable has been initialized,
// which in practice means once a payload decoder has called
// InitializeRemainders and/or ReadPadLength.
size_t remaining_payload_and_padding() const {
QUICHE_DCHECK(IsPaddable()) << frame_header();
return remaining_payload_ + remaining_padding_;
// Returns the number of bytes of trailing padding after the payload that
// remain to be decoded. This method must only be called if the frame type
// allows padding, and after the variable has been initialized, which in
// practice means once a payload decoder has called InitializeRemainders,
// and isn't set to a non-zero value until ReadPadLength has been called.
uint32_t remaining_padding() const {
QUICHE_DCHECK(IsPaddable()) << frame_header();
return remaining_padding_;
// How many bytes of the remaining payload are in db?
size_t AvailablePayload(DecodeBuffer* db) const {
return db->MinLengthRemaining(remaining_payload_);
// How many bytes of the remaining payload and padding are in db?
// Call only for frames whose type is paddable.
size_t AvailablePayloadAndPadding(DecodeBuffer* db) const {
QUICHE_DCHECK(IsPaddable()) << frame_header();
return db->MinLengthRemaining(remaining_payload_ + remaining_padding_);
// How many bytes of the padding that have not yet been skipped are in db?
// Call only after remaining_padding_ has been set (for padded frames), or
// been cleared (for unpadded frames); and after all of the non-padding
// payload has been decoded.
size_t AvailablePadding(DecodeBuffer* db) const {
QUICHE_DCHECK(IsPaddable()) << frame_header();
QUICHE_DCHECK_EQ(remaining_payload_, 0u);
return db->MinLengthRemaining(remaining_padding_);
// Reduces remaining_payload_ by amount. To be called by a payload decoder
// after it has passed a variable length portion of the payload to the
// listener; remaining_payload_ will be automatically reduced when fixed
// size structures and padding, including the Pad Length field, are decoded.
void ConsumePayload(size_t amount) {
QUICHE_DCHECK_LE(amount, remaining_payload_);
remaining_payload_ -= amount;
// Reads the Pad Length field into remaining_padding_, and appropriately sets
// remaining_payload_. When present, the Pad Length field is always the first
// field in the payload, which this method relies on so that the caller need
// not set remaining_payload_ before calling this method.
// If report_pad_length is true, calls the listener's OnPadLength method when
// it decodes the Pad Length field.
// Returns kDecodeDone if the decode buffer was not empty (i.e. because the
// field is only a single byte long, it can always be decoded if the buffer is
// not empty).
// Returns kDecodeError if the buffer is empty because the frame has no
// payload (i.e. payload_length() == 0).
// Returns kDecodeInProgress if the buffer is empty but the frame has a
// payload.
DecodeStatus ReadPadLength(DecodeBuffer* db, bool report_pad_length);
// Skip the trailing padding bytes; only call once remaining_payload_==0.
// Returns true when the padding has been skipped.
// Does NOT check that the padding is all zeroes.
bool SkipPadding(DecodeBuffer* db);
// Calls the listener's OnFrameSizeError method and returns kDecodeError.
DecodeStatus ReportFrameSizeError();
friend class Http2FrameDecoder;
friend class test::FrameDecoderStatePeer;
// Starts the decoding of a common frame header. Returns true if completed the
// decoding, false if the decode buffer didn't have enough data in it, in
// which case the decode buffer will have been drained and the caller should
// call ResumeDecodingFrameHeader when more data is available. This is called
// from Http2FrameDecoder, a friend class.
bool StartDecodingFrameHeader(DecodeBuffer* db) {
return structure_decoder_.Start(&frame_header_, db);
// Resumes decoding the common frame header after the preceding call to
// StartDecodingFrameHeader returned false, as did any subsequent calls to
// ResumeDecodingFrameHeader. This is called from Http2FrameDecoder,
// a friend class.
bool ResumeDecodingFrameHeader(DecodeBuffer* db) {
return structure_decoder_.Resume(&frame_header_, db);
// Clear any of the flags in the frame header that aren't set in valid_flags.
void RetainFlags(uint8_t valid_flags) {
// Clear all of the flags in the frame header; for use with frame types that
// don't define any flags, such as WINDOW_UPDATE.
void ClearFlags() { frame_header_.flags = Http2FrameFlag(); }
// Returns true if the type of frame being decoded can have padding.
bool IsPaddable() const {
return frame_header().type == Http2FrameType::DATA ||
frame_header().type == Http2FrameType::HEADERS ||
frame_header().type == Http2FrameType::PUSH_PROMISE;
Http2FrameDecoderListener* listener_ = nullptr;
Http2FrameHeader frame_header_;
// Number of bytes remaining to be decoded, if set; does not include the
// trailing padding once the length of padding has been determined.
// See ReadPadLength.
uint32_t remaining_payload_;
// The amount of trailing padding after the payload that remains to be
// decoded. See ReadPadLength.
uint32_t remaining_padding_;
// Generic decoder of structures, which takes care of buffering the needed
// bytes if the encoded structure is split across decode buffers.
Http2StructureDecoder structure_decoder_;
} // namespace http2