blob: e9ae4d336e752664d33135d93eb1df6b12d1570b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/qbone/bonnet/tun_device.h"
#include <linux/if.h>
#include <linux/if_tun.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_test.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/qbone/platform/mock_kernel.h"
namespace quic {
namespace {
using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::AnyNumber;
using ::testing::Invoke;
using ::testing::Return;
using ::testing::StrEq;
using ::testing::Unused;
const char kDeviceName[] = "tun0";
const int kSupportedFeatures =
// Quite a bit of EXPECT_CALL().Times(AnyNumber()).WillRepeatedly() are used to
// make sure we can correctly set common expectations and override the
// expectation with later call to EXPECT_CALL(). ON_CALL cannot be used here
// since when EPXECT_CALL overrides ON_CALL, it ignores the parameter matcher
// which results in unexpected call even if ON_CALL exists.
class TunDeviceTest : public QuicTest {
void SetUp() override {
EXPECT_CALL(mock_kernel_, socket(AF_INET6, _, _))
.WillRepeatedly(Invoke([this](Unused, Unused, Unused) {
EXPECT_CALL(mock_kernel_, close(next_fd_)).WillOnce(Return(0));
return next_fd_++;
// Set the expectations for calling Init().
void SetInitExpectations(int mtu, bool persist) {
EXPECT_CALL(mock_kernel_, open(StrEq("/dev/net/tun"), _))
.WillRepeatedly(Invoke([this](Unused, Unused) {
EXPECT_CALL(mock_kernel_, close(next_fd_)).WillOnce(Return(0));
return next_fd_++;
EXPECT_CALL(mock_kernel_, ioctl(_, TUNGETFEATURES, _))
.WillRepeatedly(Invoke([](Unused, Unused, void* argp) {
auto* actual_flags = reinterpret_cast<int*>(argp);
*actual_flags = kSupportedFeatures;
return 0;
EXPECT_CALL(mock_kernel_, ioctl(_, TUNSETIFF, _))
.WillRepeatedly(Invoke([](Unused, Unused, void* argp) {
auto* ifr = reinterpret_cast<struct ifreq*>(argp);
EXPECT_THAT(ifr->ifr_name, StrEq(kDeviceName));
return 0;
EXPECT_CALL(mock_kernel_, ioctl(_, TUNSETPERSIST, _))
.WillRepeatedly(Invoke([persist](Unused, Unused, void* argp) {
auto* ifr = reinterpret_cast<struct ifreq*>(argp);
if (persist) {
EXPECT_THAT(ifr->ifr_name, StrEq(kDeviceName));
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, ifr);
return 0;
EXPECT_CALL(mock_kernel_, ioctl(_, SIOCSIFMTU, _))
.WillRepeatedly(Invoke([mtu](Unused, Unused, void* argp) {
auto* ifr = reinterpret_cast<struct ifreq*>(argp);
EXPECT_EQ(mtu, ifr->ifr_mtu);
EXPECT_THAT(ifr->ifr_name, StrEq(kDeviceName));
return 0;
// Expect that Up() will be called. Force the call to fail when fail == true.
void ExpectUp(bool fail) {
EXPECT_CALL(mock_kernel_, ioctl(_, SIOCSIFFLAGS, _))
.WillOnce(Invoke([fail](Unused, Unused, void* argp) {
auto* ifr = reinterpret_cast<struct ifreq*>(argp);
EXPECT_TRUE(ifr->ifr_flags & IFF_UP);
EXPECT_THAT(ifr->ifr_name, StrEq(kDeviceName));
if (fail) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
// Expect that Down() will be called *after* the interface is up. Force the
// call to fail when fail == true.
void ExpectDown(bool fail) {
EXPECT_CALL(mock_kernel_, ioctl(_, SIOCSIFFLAGS, _))
.WillOnce(Invoke([fail](Unused, Unused, void* argp) {
auto* ifr = reinterpret_cast<struct ifreq*>(argp);
EXPECT_FALSE(ifr->ifr_flags & IFF_UP);
EXPECT_THAT(ifr->ifr_name, StrEq(kDeviceName));
if (fail) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
MockKernel mock_kernel_;
int next_fd_ = 100;
// A TunDevice can be initialized and up
TEST_F(TunDeviceTest, BasicWorkFlow) {
SetInitExpectations(/* mtu = */ 1500, /* persist = */ false);
TunDevice tun_device(kDeviceName, 1500, false, &mock_kernel_);
EXPECT_GT(tun_device.GetFileDescriptor(), -1);
ExpectUp(/* fail = */ false);
ExpectDown(/* fail = */ false);
TEST_F(TunDeviceTest, FailToOpenTunDevice) {
SetInitExpectations(/* mtu = */ 1500, /* persist = */ false);
EXPECT_CALL(mock_kernel_, open(StrEq("/dev/net/tun"), _))
TunDevice tun_device(kDeviceName, 1500, false, &mock_kernel_);
EXPECT_EQ(tun_device.GetFileDescriptor(), -1);
TEST_F(TunDeviceTest, FailToCheckFeature) {
SetInitExpectations(/* mtu = */ 1500, /* persist = */ false);
EXPECT_CALL(mock_kernel_, ioctl(_, TUNGETFEATURES, _)).WillOnce(Return(-1));
TunDevice tun_device(kDeviceName, 1500, false, &mock_kernel_);
EXPECT_EQ(tun_device.GetFileDescriptor(), -1);
TEST_F(TunDeviceTest, TooFewFeature) {
SetInitExpectations(/* mtu = */ 1500, /* persist = */ false);
EXPECT_CALL(mock_kernel_, ioctl(_, TUNGETFEATURES, _))
.WillOnce(Invoke([](Unused, Unused, void* argp) {
int* actual_features = reinterpret_cast<int*>(argp);
*actual_features = IFF_TUN | IFF_ONE_QUEUE;
return 0;
TunDevice tun_device(kDeviceName, 1500, false, &mock_kernel_);
EXPECT_EQ(tun_device.GetFileDescriptor(), -1);
TEST_F(TunDeviceTest, FailToSetFlag) {
SetInitExpectations(/* mtu = */ 1500, /* persist = */ true);
EXPECT_CALL(mock_kernel_, ioctl(_, TUNSETIFF, _)).WillOnce(Return(-1));
TunDevice tun_device(kDeviceName, 1500, true, &mock_kernel_);
EXPECT_EQ(tun_device.GetFileDescriptor(), -1);
TEST_F(TunDeviceTest, FailToPersistDevice) {
SetInitExpectations(/* mtu = */ 1500, /* persist = */ true);
EXPECT_CALL(mock_kernel_, ioctl(_, TUNSETPERSIST, _)).WillOnce(Return(-1));
TunDevice tun_device(kDeviceName, 1500, true, &mock_kernel_);
EXPECT_EQ(tun_device.GetFileDescriptor(), -1);
TEST_F(TunDeviceTest, FailToOpenSocket) {
SetInitExpectations(/* mtu = */ 1500, /* persist = */ true);
EXPECT_CALL(mock_kernel_, socket(AF_INET6, _, _)).WillOnce(Return(-1));
TunDevice tun_device(kDeviceName, 1500, true, &mock_kernel_);
EXPECT_EQ(tun_device.GetFileDescriptor(), -1);
TEST_F(TunDeviceTest, FailToSetMtu) {
SetInitExpectations(/* mtu = */ 1500, /* persist = */ true);
EXPECT_CALL(mock_kernel_, ioctl(_, SIOCSIFMTU, _)).WillOnce(Return(-1));
TunDevice tun_device(kDeviceName, 1500, true, &mock_kernel_);
EXPECT_EQ(tun_device.GetFileDescriptor(), -1);
TEST_F(TunDeviceTest, FailToUp) {
SetInitExpectations(/* mtu = */ 1500, /* persist = */ true);
TunDevice tun_device(kDeviceName, 1500, true, &mock_kernel_);
EXPECT_GT(tun_device.GetFileDescriptor(), -1);
ExpectUp(/* fail = */ true);
} // namespace
} // namespace quic