blob: 45b0d33ff467b64833396bcfe49a41117ba6e19b [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_stream_id_manager.h"
namespace quic {
namespace test {
class QuicSessionPeer;
class UberQuicStreamIdManagerPeer;
} // namespace test
class QuicSession;
// This class comprises two QuicStreamIdManagers, which manage bidirectional and
// unidirectional stream IDs, respectively.
class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE UberQuicStreamIdManager {
QuicSession* session,
QuicStreamCount max_open_outgoing_bidirectional_streams,
QuicStreamCount max_open_outgoing_unidirectional_streams,
QuicStreamCount max_open_incoming_bidirectional_streams,
QuicStreamCount max_open_incoming_unidirectional_streams);
// Called when a stream with |stream_id| is registered as a static stream.
// If |stream_already_counted| is true, the static stream is already counted
// as an open stream earlier, so no need to count it again.
void RegisterStaticStream(QuicStreamId id, bool stream_already_counted);
// Sets the maximum outgoing stream count as a result of doing the transport
// configuration negotiation. Forces the limit to max_streams, regardless of
// static streams.
void ConfigureMaxOpenOutgoingBidirectionalStreams(size_t max_streams);
void ConfigureMaxOpenOutgoingUnidirectionalStreams(size_t max_streams);
// Sets the limits to max_open_streams + number of static streams
// in existence. SetMaxOpenOutgoingStreams will QUIC_BUG if it is called
// after getting the first MAX_STREAMS frame or the transport configuration
// was done.
// TODO(fkastenholz): SetMax is cognizant of the number of static streams and
// sets the maximum to be max_streams + number_of_statics. This should
// eventually be removed from IETF QUIC.
void SetMaxOpenOutgoingBidirectionalStreams(size_t max_open_streams);
void SetMaxOpenOutgoingUnidirectionalStreams(size_t max_open_streams);
void SetMaxOpenIncomingBidirectionalStreams(size_t max_open_streams);
void SetMaxOpenIncomingUnidirectionalStreams(size_t max_open_streams);
// Sets the outgoing stream count to the number of static streams + max
// outgoing streams. Unlike SetMaxOpenOutgoingStreams, this method will
// not QUIC_BUG if called after getting the first MAX_STREAMS frame.
void AdjustMaxOpenOutgoingBidirectionalStreams(size_t max_streams);
void AdjustMaxOpenOutgoingUnidirectionalStreams(size_t max_streams);
// Returns true if next outgoing bidirectional stream ID can be allocated.
bool CanOpenNextOutgoingBidirectionalStream();
// Returns true if next outgoing unidirectional stream ID can be allocated.
bool CanOpenNextOutgoingUnidirectionalStream();
// Returns the next outgoing bidirectional stream id.
QuicStreamId GetNextOutgoingBidirectionalStreamId();
// Returns the next outgoing unidirectional stream id.
QuicStreamId GetNextOutgoingUnidirectionalStreamId();
// Returns true if the incoming |id| is within the limit.
bool MaybeIncreaseLargestPeerStreamId(QuicStreamId id);
// Called when |id| is released.
void OnStreamClosed(QuicStreamId id);
// Called when a MAX_STREAMS frame is received.
bool OnMaxStreamsFrame(const QuicMaxStreamsFrame& frame);
// Called when a STREAMS_BLOCKED frame is received.
bool OnStreamsBlockedFrame(const QuicStreamsBlockedFrame& frame);
// Return true if |id| is peer initiated.
bool IsIncomingStream(QuicStreamId id) const;
// Returns true if |id| is still available.
bool IsAvailableStream(QuicStreamId id) const;
size_t GetMaxAllowdIncomingBidirectionalStreams() const;
size_t GetMaxAllowdIncomingUnidirectionalStreams() const;
void SetLargestPeerCreatedStreamId(
QuicStreamId largest_peer_created_stream_id);
QuicStreamId next_outgoing_bidirectional_stream_id() const;
QuicStreamId next_outgoing_unidirectional_stream_id() const;
size_t max_allowed_outgoing_bidirectional_streams() const;
size_t max_allowed_outgoing_unidirectional_streams() const;
QuicStreamCount actual_max_allowed_incoming_bidirectional_streams() const;
QuicStreamCount actual_max_allowed_incoming_unidirectional_streams() const;
QuicStreamCount advertised_max_allowed_incoming_bidirectional_streams() const;
QuicStreamCount advertised_max_allowed_incoming_unidirectional_streams()
friend class test::QuicSessionPeer;
friend class test::UberQuicStreamIdManagerPeer;
// Manages stream IDs of bidirectional streams.
QuicStreamIdManager bidirectional_stream_id_manager_;
// Manages stream IDs of unidirectional streams.
QuicStreamIdManager unidirectional_stream_id_manager_;
} // namespace quic