| // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_crypto_client_stream.h" |
| |
| #include <memory> |
| #include <string> |
| |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/crypto/aes_128_gcm_12_encrypter.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/crypto/quic_decrypter.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/crypto/quic_encrypter.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_packets.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_server_id.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_utils.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/tls_client_handshaker.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/tls_server_handshaker.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_arraysize.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_flags.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_ptr_util.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_test.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/test_tools/crypto_test_utils.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/test_tools/quic_stream_peer.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/test_tools/quic_stream_sequencer_peer.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/test_tools/quic_test_utils.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/test_tools/simple_quic_framer.h" |
| |
| using testing::_; |
| |
| namespace quic { |
| namespace test { |
| namespace { |
| |
| const char kServerHostname[] = "test.example.com"; |
| const uint16_t kServerPort = 443; |
| |
| class QuicCryptoClientStreamTest : public QuicTest { |
| public: |
| QuicCryptoClientStreamTest() |
| : supported_versions_(AllSupportedVersions()), |
| server_id_(kServerHostname, kServerPort, false), |
| crypto_config_(crypto_test_utils::ProofVerifierForTesting(), |
| TlsClientHandshaker::CreateSslCtx()) { |
| CreateConnection(); |
| } |
| |
| void CreateConnection() { |
| connection_ = |
| new PacketSavingConnection(&client_helper_, &alarm_factory_, |
| Perspective::IS_CLIENT, supported_versions_); |
| // Advance the time, because timers do not like uninitialized times. |
| connection_->AdvanceTime(QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(1)); |
| |
| session_ = QuicMakeUnique<TestQuicSpdyClientSession>( |
| connection_, DefaultQuicConfig(), supported_versions_, server_id_, |
| &crypto_config_); |
| } |
| |
| void CompleteCryptoHandshake() { |
| if (stream()->handshake_protocol() != PROTOCOL_TLS1_3) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*session_, OnProofValid(testing::_)); |
| } |
| EXPECT_CALL(*session_, OnProofVerifyDetailsAvailable(testing::_)) |
| .Times(testing::AnyNumber()); |
| stream()->CryptoConnect(); |
| QuicConfig config; |
| crypto_test_utils::HandshakeWithFakeServer(&config, &server_helper_, |
| &alarm_factory_, connection_, |
| stream(), server_options_); |
| } |
| |
| QuicCryptoClientStream* stream() { |
| return session_->GetMutableCryptoStream(); |
| } |
| |
| MockQuicConnectionHelper server_helper_; |
| MockQuicConnectionHelper client_helper_; |
| MockAlarmFactory alarm_factory_; |
| PacketSavingConnection* connection_; |
| ParsedQuicVersionVector supported_versions_; |
| std::unique_ptr<TestQuicSpdyClientSession> session_; |
| QuicServerId server_id_; |
| CryptoHandshakeMessage message_; |
| QuicCryptoClientConfig crypto_config_; |
| crypto_test_utils::FakeServerOptions server_options_; |
| }; |
| |
| TEST_F(QuicCryptoClientStreamTest, NotInitiallyConected) { |
| EXPECT_FALSE(stream()->encryption_established()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(stream()->handshake_confirmed()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(QuicCryptoClientStreamTest, ConnectedAfterSHLO) { |
| CompleteCryptoHandshake(); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(stream()->encryption_established()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(stream()->handshake_confirmed()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(QuicCryptoClientStreamTest, ConnectedAfterTlsHandshake) { |
| SetQuicFlag(FLAGS_quic_supports_tls_handshake, true); |
| supported_versions_.clear(); |
| for (QuicTransportVersion transport_version : |
| AllSupportedTransportVersions()) { |
| supported_versions_.push_back( |
| ParsedQuicVersion(PROTOCOL_TLS1_3, transport_version)); |
| } |
| CreateConnection(); |
| CompleteCryptoHandshake(); |
| EXPECT_EQ(PROTOCOL_TLS1_3, stream()->handshake_protocol()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(stream()->encryption_established()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(stream()->handshake_confirmed()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(QuicCryptoClientStreamTest, MessageAfterHandshake) { |
| CompleteCryptoHandshake(); |
| |
| *connection_, |
| message_.set_tag(kCHLO); |
| crypto_test_utils::SendHandshakeMessageToStream(stream(), message_, |
| Perspective::IS_CLIENT); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(QuicCryptoClientStreamTest, BadMessageType) { |
| stream()->CryptoConnect(); |
| |
| message_.set_tag(kCHLO); |
| |
| "Expected REJ", _)); |
| crypto_test_utils::SendHandshakeMessageToStream(stream(), message_, |
| Perspective::IS_CLIENT); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(QuicCryptoClientStreamTest, NegotiatedParameters) { |
| CompleteCryptoHandshake(); |
| |
| const QuicConfig* config = session_->config(); |
| EXPECT_EQ(kMaximumIdleTimeoutSecs, config->IdleNetworkTimeout().ToSeconds()); |
| |
| const QuicCryptoNegotiatedParameters& crypto_params( |
| stream()->crypto_negotiated_params()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(crypto_config_.aead[0], crypto_params.aead); |
| EXPECT_EQ(crypto_config_.kexs[0], crypto_params.key_exchange); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(QuicCryptoClientStreamTest, ExpiredServerConfig) { |
| // Seed the config with a cached server config. |
| CompleteCryptoHandshake(); |
| |
| // Recreate connection with the new config. |
| CreateConnection(); |
| |
| // Advance time 5 years to ensure that we pass the expiry time of the cached |
| // server config. |
| connection_->AdvanceTime( |
| QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 5)); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*session_, OnProofValid(testing::_)); |
| stream()->CryptoConnect(); |
| // Check that a client hello was sent. |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, connection_->encrypted_packets_.size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(ENCRYPTION_INITIAL, connection_->encryption_level()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(QuicCryptoClientStreamTest, ClockSkew) { |
| // Test that if the client's clock is skewed with respect to the server, |
| // the handshake succeeds. In the past, the client would get the server |
| // config, notice that it had already expired and then close the connection. |
| |
| // Advance time 5 years to ensure that we pass the expiry time in the server |
| // config, but the TTL is used instead. |
| connection_->AdvanceTime( |
| QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 5)); |
| |
| // The handshakes completes! |
| CompleteCryptoHandshake(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(QuicCryptoClientStreamTest, InvalidCachedServerConfig) { |
| // Seed the config with a cached server config. |
| CompleteCryptoHandshake(); |
| |
| // Recreate connection with the new config. |
| CreateConnection(); |
| |
| QuicCryptoClientConfig::CachedState* state = |
| crypto_config_.LookupOrCreate(server_id_); |
| |
| std::vector<std::string> certs = state->certs(); |
| std::string cert_sct = state->cert_sct(); |
| std::string signature = state->signature(); |
| std::string chlo_hash = state->chlo_hash(); |
| state->SetProof(certs, cert_sct, chlo_hash, signature + signature); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*session_, OnProofVerifyDetailsAvailable(testing::_)) |
| .Times(testing::AnyNumber()); |
| stream()->CryptoConnect(); |
| // Check that a client hello was sent. |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, connection_->encrypted_packets_.size()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(QuicCryptoClientStreamTest, ServerConfigUpdate) { |
| // Test that the crypto client stream can receive server config updates after |
| // the connection has been established. |
| CompleteCryptoHandshake(); |
| |
| QuicCryptoClientConfig::CachedState* state = |
| crypto_config_.LookupOrCreate(server_id_); |
| |
| // Ensure cached STK is different to what we send in the handshake. |
| EXPECT_NE("xstk", state->source_address_token()); |
| |
| // Initialize using {...} syntax to avoid trailing \0 if converting from |
| // string. |
| unsigned char stk[] = {'x', 's', 't', 'k'}; |
| |
| // Minimum SCFG that passes config validation checks. |
| unsigned char scfg[] = {// SCFG |
| 0x53, 0x43, 0x46, 0x47, |
| // num entries |
| 0x01, 0x00, |
| // padding |
| 0x00, 0x00, |
| // EXPY |
| 0x45, 0x58, 0x50, 0x59, |
| // EXPY end offset |
| 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, |
| // Value |
| '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8'}; |
| |
| CryptoHandshakeMessage server_config_update; |
| server_config_update.set_tag(kSCUP); |
| server_config_update.SetValue(kSourceAddressTokenTag, stk); |
| server_config_update.SetValue(kSCFG, scfg); |
| const uint64_t expiry_seconds = 60 * 60 * 24 * 2; |
| server_config_update.SetValue(kSTTL, expiry_seconds); |
| |
| crypto_test_utils::SendHandshakeMessageToStream( |
| stream(), server_config_update, Perspective::IS_SERVER); |
| |
| // Make sure that the STK and SCFG are cached correctly. |
| EXPECT_EQ("xstk", state->source_address_token()); |
| |
| const std::string& cached_scfg = state->server_config(); |
| test::CompareCharArraysWithHexError( |
| "scfg", cached_scfg.data(), cached_scfg.length(), |
| reinterpret_cast<char*>(scfg), QUIC_ARRAYSIZE(scfg)); |
| |
| QuicStreamSequencer* sequencer = QuicStreamPeer::sequencer(stream()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(QuicStreamSequencerPeer::IsUnderlyingBufferAllocated(sequencer)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(QuicCryptoClientStreamTest, ServerConfigUpdateWithCert) { |
| // Test that the crypto client stream can receive and use server config |
| // updates with certificates after the connection has been established. |
| CompleteCryptoHandshake(); |
| |
| // Build a server config update message with certificates |
| QuicCryptoServerConfig crypto_config( |
| QuicCryptoServerConfig::TESTING, QuicRandom::GetInstance(), |
| crypto_test_utils::ProofSourceForTesting(), KeyExchangeSource::Default(), |
| TlsServerHandshaker::CreateSslCtx()); |
| crypto_test_utils::FakeServerOptions options; |
| crypto_test_utils::SetupCryptoServerConfigForTest( |
| connection_->clock(), QuicRandom::GetInstance(), &crypto_config, options); |
| SourceAddressTokens tokens; |
| QuicCompressedCertsCache cache(1); |
| CachedNetworkParameters network_params; |
| CryptoHandshakeMessage server_config_update; |
| |
| class Callback : public BuildServerConfigUpdateMessageResultCallback { |
| public: |
| Callback(bool* ok, CryptoHandshakeMessage* message) |
| : ok_(ok), message_(message) {} |
| void Run(bool ok, const CryptoHandshakeMessage& message) override { |
| *ok_ = ok; |
| *message_ = message; |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| bool* ok_; |
| CryptoHandshakeMessage* message_; |
| }; |
| |
| // Note: relies on the callback being invoked synchronously |
| bool ok = false; |
| crypto_config.BuildServerConfigUpdateMessage( |
| session_->connection()->transport_version(), stream()->chlo_hash(), |
| tokens, QuicSocketAddress(QuicIpAddress::Loopback6(), 1234), |
| QuicIpAddress::Loopback6(), connection_->clock(), |
| QuicRandom::GetInstance(), &cache, stream()->crypto_negotiated_params(), |
| &network_params, |
| std::unique_ptr<BuildServerConfigUpdateMessageResultCallback>( |
| new Callback(&ok, &server_config_update))); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(ok); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*session_, OnProofValid(testing::_)); |
| crypto_test_utils::SendHandshakeMessageToStream( |
| stream(), server_config_update, Perspective::IS_SERVER); |
| |
| // Recreate connection with the new config and verify a 0-RTT attempt. |
| CreateConnection(); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*connection_, OnCanWrite()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*session_, OnProofValid(testing::_)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*session_, OnProofVerifyDetailsAvailable(testing::_)) |
| .Times(testing::AnyNumber()); |
| stream()->CryptoConnect(); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(session_->IsEncryptionEstablished()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(QuicCryptoClientStreamTest, ServerConfigUpdateBeforeHandshake) { |
| *connection_, |
| CryptoHandshakeMessage server_config_update; |
| server_config_update.set_tag(kSCUP); |
| crypto_test_utils::SendHandshakeMessageToStream( |
| stream(), server_config_update, Perspective::IS_SERVER); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(QuicCryptoClientStreamTest, NoChannelID) { |
| crypto_config_.SetChannelIDSource(nullptr); |
| |
| CompleteCryptoHandshake(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(stream()->WasChannelIDSent()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(stream()->WasChannelIDSourceCallbackRun()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(QuicCryptoClientStreamTest, PreferredVersion) { |
| // This mimics the case where client receives version negotiation packet, such |
| // that, the preferred version is different from the packets' version. |
| connection_ = new PacketSavingConnection( |
| &client_helper_, &alarm_factory_, Perspective::IS_CLIENT, |
| ParsedVersionOfIndex(supported_versions_, 1)); |
| connection_->AdvanceTime(QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(1)); |
| |
| session_ = QuicMakeUnique<TestQuicSpdyClientSession>( |
| connection_, DefaultQuicConfig(), supported_versions_, server_id_, |
| &crypto_config_); |
| CompleteCryptoHandshake(); |
| // 2 CHLOs are sent. |
| ASSERT_EQ(2u, session_->sent_crypto_handshake_messages().size()); |
| // Verify preferred version is the highest version that session supports, and |
| // is different from connection's version. |
| QuicVersionLabel client_version_label; |
| session_->sent_crypto_handshake_messages()[0].GetVersionLabel( |
| kVER, &client_version_label)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(CreateQuicVersionLabel(supported_versions_[0]), |
| client_version_label); |
| session_->sent_crypto_handshake_messages()[1].GetVersionLabel( |
| kVER, &client_version_label)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(CreateQuicVersionLabel(supported_versions_[0]), |
| client_version_label); |
| EXPECT_NE(CreateQuicVersionLabel(connection_->version()), |
| client_version_label); |
| } |
| |
| class QuicCryptoClientStreamStatelessTest : public QuicTest { |
| public: |
| QuicCryptoClientStreamStatelessTest() |
| : client_crypto_config_(crypto_test_utils::ProofVerifierForTesting(), |
| TlsClientHandshaker::CreateSslCtx()), |
| server_crypto_config_(QuicCryptoServerConfig::TESTING, |
| QuicRandom::GetInstance(), |
| crypto_test_utils::ProofSourceForTesting(), |
| KeyExchangeSource::Default(), |
| TlsServerHandshaker::CreateSslCtx()), |
| server_compressed_certs_cache_( |
| QuicCompressedCertsCache::kQuicCompressedCertsCacheSize), |
| server_id_(kServerHostname, kServerPort, false) { |
| TestQuicSpdyClientSession* client_session = nullptr; |
| CreateClientSessionForTest(server_id_, |
| /* supports_stateless_rejects= */ true, |
| QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(100000), |
| AllSupportedVersions(), &helper_, |
| &alarm_factory_, &client_crypto_config_, |
| &client_connection_, &client_session); |
| CHECK(client_session); |
| client_session_.reset(client_session); |
| } |
| |
| QuicCryptoServerStream* server_stream() { |
| return server_session_->GetMutableCryptoStream(); |
| } |
| |
| void AdvanceHandshakeWithFakeServer() { |
| client_session_->GetMutableCryptoStream()->CryptoConnect(); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server_session_->helper(), CanAcceptClientHello(_, _, _, _, _)) |
| .Times(testing::AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server_session_->helper(), GenerateConnectionIdForReject(_, _)) |
| .Times(testing::AnyNumber()); |
| crypto_test_utils::AdvanceHandshake( |
| client_connection_, client_session_->GetMutableCryptoStream(), 0, |
| server_connection_, server_stream(), 0); |
| } |
| |
| // Initializes the server_stream_ for stateless rejects. |
| void InitializeFakeStatelessRejectServer() { |
| TestQuicSpdyServerSession* server_session = nullptr; |
| CreateServerSessionForTest( |
| server_id_, QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(100000), |
| ParsedVersionOfIndex(AllSupportedVersions(), 0), &helper_, |
| &alarm_factory_, &server_crypto_config_, |
| &server_compressed_certs_cache_, &server_connection_, &server_session); |
| CHECK(server_session); |
| server_session_.reset(server_session); |
| server_session_->OnSuccessfulVersionNegotiation(AllSupportedVersions()[0]); |
| crypto_test_utils::FakeServerOptions options; |
| crypto_test_utils::SetupCryptoServerConfigForTest( |
| server_connection_->clock(), server_connection_->random_generator(), |
| &server_crypto_config_, options); |
| SetQuicReloadableFlag(enable_quic_stateless_reject_support, true); |
| } |
| |
| MockQuicConnectionHelper helper_; |
| MockAlarmFactory alarm_factory_; |
| |
| // Client crypto stream state |
| PacketSavingConnection* client_connection_; |
| std::unique_ptr<TestQuicSpdyClientSession> client_session_; |
| QuicCryptoClientConfig client_crypto_config_; |
| |
| // Server crypto stream state |
| PacketSavingConnection* server_connection_; |
| std::unique_ptr<TestQuicSpdyServerSession> server_session_; |
| QuicCryptoServerConfig server_crypto_config_; |
| QuicCompressedCertsCache server_compressed_certs_cache_; |
| QuicServerId server_id_; |
| }; |
| |
| TEST_F(QuicCryptoClientStreamStatelessTest, StatelessReject) { |
| SetQuicReloadableFlag(enable_quic_stateless_reject_support, true); |
| |
| QuicCryptoClientConfig::CachedState* client_state = |
| client_crypto_config_.LookupOrCreate(server_id_); |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_state->has_server_designated_connection_id()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*client_session_, OnProofValid(testing::_)); |
| |
| InitializeFakeStatelessRejectServer(); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*client_connection_, |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server_connection_, |
| AdvanceHandshakeWithFakeServer(); |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(1, server_stream()->NumHandshakeMessages()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0, server_stream()->NumHandshakeMessagesWithServerNonces()); |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_session_->IsEncryptionEstablished()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_session_->IsCryptoHandshakeConfirmed()); |
| // Even though the handshake was not complete, the cached client_state is |
| // complete, and can be used for a subsequent successful handshake. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_state->IsComplete(QuicWallTime::FromUNIXSeconds(0))); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(client_state->has_server_nonce()); |
| ASSERT_FALSE(client_state->GetNextServerNonce().empty()); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(client_state->has_server_designated_connection_id()); |
| QuicConnectionId server_designated_id = |
| client_state->GetNextServerDesignatedConnectionId(); |
| QuicConnectionId expected_id = QuicUtils::CreateRandomConnectionId( |
| server_session_->connection()->random_generator()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(expected_id, server_designated_id); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_state->has_server_designated_connection_id()); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace |
| } // namespace test |
| } // namespace quic |