Add a configuration option for a custom WINDOW_UPDATE strategy in OgHttp2Session.

This CL adds an entry to Http2Options for a custom
WindowManager::ShouldWindowUpdateFn, as a WINDOW_UPDATE sending strategy, that
the OgHttp2Session WindowManager (for connection and streams) would use in
place of the default strategy.

This CL introduces DeltaAtLeastHalfLimit in the spirit of the nghttp2 analogue:

Http2CodecImplFlowControlTest.TestFlowControlInPendingSendData passes with
these changes using oghttp2:

PiperOrigin-RevId: 432298189
diff --git a/http2/adapter/ b/http2/adapter/
index 0419952..fd21173 100644
--- a/http2/adapter/
+++ b/http2/adapter/
@@ -122,5 +122,9 @@
   return "UnknownInvalidFrameError";
+bool DeltaAtLeastHalfLimit(int64_t limit, int64_t /*size*/, int64_t delta) {
+  return delta > 0 && delta >= limit / 2;
 }  // namespace adapter
 }  // namespace http2
diff --git a/http2/adapter/http2_util.h b/http2/adapter/http2_util.h
index 3e25b8c..feea543 100644
--- a/http2/adapter/http2_util.h
+++ b/http2/adapter/http2_util.h
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
+#include <cstdint>
 #include "http2/adapter/http2_protocol.h"
 #include "http2/adapter/http2_visitor_interface.h"
 #include "common/platform/api/quiche_export.h"
@@ -20,6 +22,12 @@
 QUICHE_EXPORT_PRIVATE absl::string_view InvalidFrameErrorToString(
     Http2VisitorInterface::InvalidFrameError error);
+// A WINDOW_UPDATE sending strategy that returns true if the `delta` to be sent
+// is positive and at least half of the window `limit`.
+QUICHE_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool DeltaAtLeastHalfLimit(int64_t limit,
+                                                 int64_t /*size*/,
+                                                 int64_t delta);
 }  // namespace adapter
 }  // namespace http2
diff --git a/http2/adapter/ b/http2/adapter/
index 91768f6..e797e48 100644
--- a/http2/adapter/
+++ b/http2/adapter/
@@ -4742,11 +4742,11 @@
 // without recursion guards in OgHttp2Session.
 TEST(OgHttp2AdapterInteractionTest, ClientServerInteractionTest) {
   MockHttp2Visitor client_visitor;
-  auto client_adapter =
-      OgHttp2Adapter::Create(client_visitor, {Perspective::kClient});
+  auto client_adapter = OgHttp2Adapter::Create(
+      client_visitor, {.perspective = Perspective::kClient});
   MockHttp2Visitor server_visitor;
-  auto server_adapter =
-      OgHttp2Adapter::Create(server_visitor, {Perspective::kServer});
+  auto server_adapter = OgHttp2Adapter::Create(
+      server_visitor, {.perspective = Perspective::kServer});
   // Feeds bytes sent from the client into the server's ProcessBytes.
   EXPECT_CALL(client_visitor, OnReadyToSend(_))
@@ -6018,6 +6018,68 @@
+TEST(OgHttp2AdapterTest, ServerUsesCustomWindowUpdateStrategy) {
+  // Test the use of a custom WINDOW_UPDATE strategy.
+  DataSavingVisitor visitor;
+  OgHttp2Adapter::Options options{
+      .should_window_update_fn = [](int64_t /*limit*/, int64_t /*size*/,
+                                    int64_t /*delta*/) { return true; },
+      .perspective = Perspective::kServer};
+  auto adapter = OgHttp2Adapter::Create(visitor, options);
+  const std::string frames = TestFrameSequence()
+                                 .ClientPreface()
+                                 .Headers(1,
+                                          {{":method", "POST"},
+                                           {":scheme", "https"},
+                                           {":authority", ""},
+                                           {":path", "/this/is/request/one"}},
+                                          /*fin=*/false)
+                                 .Data(1, "This is the request body.",
+                                       /*fin=*/true)
+                                 .Serialize();
+  testing::InSequence s;
+  // Client preface (empty SETTINGS)
+  EXPECT_CALL(visitor, OnFrameHeader(0, 0, SETTINGS, 0));
+  EXPECT_CALL(visitor, OnSettingsStart());
+  EXPECT_CALL(visitor, OnSettingsEnd());
+  EXPECT_CALL(visitor, OnFrameHeader(1, _, HEADERS, 4));
+  EXPECT_CALL(visitor, OnBeginHeadersForStream(1));
+  EXPECT_CALL(visitor, OnHeaderForStream(1, _, _)).Times(4);
+  EXPECT_CALL(visitor, OnEndHeadersForStream(1));
+  EXPECT_CALL(visitor, OnFrameHeader(1, _, DATA, 0x1));
+  EXPECT_CALL(visitor, OnBeginDataForStream(1, _));
+  EXPECT_CALL(visitor, OnDataForStream(1, "This is the request body."));
+  EXPECT_CALL(visitor, OnEndStream(1));
+  const int64_t result = adapter->ProcessBytes(frames);
+  EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int64_t>(frames.size()), result);
+  // Mark a small number of bytes for the stream as consumed. Because of the
+  // custom WINDOW_UPDATE strategy, the session should send WINDOW_UPDATEs.
+  adapter->MarkDataConsumedForStream(1, 5);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(adapter->want_write());
+  EXPECT_CALL(visitor, OnBeforeFrameSent(SETTINGS, 0, _, 0x0));
+  EXPECT_CALL(visitor, OnFrameSent(SETTINGS, 0, _, 0x0, 0));
+  EXPECT_CALL(visitor, OnBeforeFrameSent(SETTINGS, 0, 0, 0x1));
+  EXPECT_CALL(visitor, OnFrameSent(SETTINGS, 0, 0, 0x1, 0));
+  EXPECT_CALL(visitor, OnBeforeFrameSent(WINDOW_UPDATE, 1, 4, 0x0));
+  EXPECT_CALL(visitor, OnFrameSent(WINDOW_UPDATE, 1, 4, 0x0, 0));
+  EXPECT_CALL(visitor, OnBeforeFrameSent(WINDOW_UPDATE, 0, 4, 0x0));
+  EXPECT_CALL(visitor, OnFrameSent(WINDOW_UPDATE, 0, 4, 0x0, 0));
+  int send_result = adapter->Send();
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, send_result);
+              EqualsFrames({SpdyFrameType::SETTINGS, SpdyFrameType::SETTINGS,
+                            SpdyFrameType::WINDOW_UPDATE,
+                            SpdyFrameType::WINDOW_UPDATE}));
 }  // namespace
 }  // namespace test
 }  // namespace adapter
diff --git a/http2/adapter/ b/http2/adapter/
index 89d6d6f..35f498c 100644
--- a/http2/adapter/
+++ b/http2/adapter/
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@
           [this](size_t window_update_delta) {
             SendWindowUpdate(kConnectionStreamId, window_update_delta);
-          /*should_window_update_fn=*/{},
+          options.should_window_update_fn,
       options_(options) {
@@ -1650,8 +1650,9 @@
         SendWindowUpdate(stream_id, window_update_delta);
   auto [iter, inserted] = stream_map_.try_emplace(
-      stream_id, StreamState(initial_stream_receive_window_,
-                             initial_stream_send_window_, std::move(listener)));
+      stream_id,
+      StreamState(initial_stream_receive_window_, initial_stream_send_window_,
+                  std::move(listener), options_.should_window_update_fn));
   if (inserted) {
     // Add the stream to the write scheduler.
     const WriteScheduler::StreamPrecedenceType precedence(3);
diff --git a/http2/adapter/oghttp2_session.h b/http2/adapter/oghttp2_session.h
index c9eed29..045eac4 100644
--- a/http2/adapter/oghttp2_session.h
+++ b/http2/adapter/oghttp2_session.h
@@ -38,6 +38,11 @@
       public spdy::ExtensionVisitorInterface {
   struct QUICHE_EXPORT_PRIVATE Options {
+    // Returns whether to send a WINDOW_UPDATE based on the window limit, window
+    // size, and delta that would be sent in the WINDOW_UPDATE.
+    WindowManager::ShouldWindowUpdateFn should_window_update_fn =
+        DeltaAtLeastHalfLimit;
+    // The perspective of this session.
     Perspective perspective = Perspective::kClient;
     // The maximum HPACK table size to use.
     absl::optional<size_t> max_hpack_encoding_table_capacity = absl::nullopt;
@@ -213,9 +218,10 @@
   struct QUICHE_EXPORT_PRIVATE StreamState {
     StreamState(int32_t stream_receive_window, int32_t stream_send_window,
-                WindowManager::WindowUpdateListener listener)
+                WindowManager::WindowUpdateListener listener,
+                WindowManager::ShouldWindowUpdateFn should_window_update_fn)
         : window_manager(stream_receive_window, std::move(listener),
-                         /*should_window_update_fn=*/{},
+                         std::move(should_window_update_fn),
           send_window(stream_send_window) {}