blob: a3fda3f1ef61ae14fb4712deccf73d2259a363ef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstddef>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "quic/core/http/http_frames.h"
#include "quic/core/http/quic_header_list.h"
#include "quic/core/http/quic_headers_stream.h"
#include "quic/core/http/quic_receive_control_stream.h"
#include "quic/core/http/quic_send_control_stream.h"
#include "quic/core/http/quic_spdy_stream.h"
#include "quic/core/qpack/qpack_decoder.h"
#include "quic/core/qpack/qpack_decoder_stream_sender.h"
#include "quic/core/qpack/qpack_encoder.h"
#include "quic/core/qpack/qpack_encoder_stream_sender.h"
#include "quic/core/qpack/qpack_receive_stream.h"
#include "quic/core/qpack/qpack_send_stream.h"
#include "quic/core/quic_session.h"
#include "quic/core/quic_time.h"
#include "quic/core/quic_types.h"
#include "quic/core/quic_versions.h"
#include "quic/platform/api/quic_export.h"
#include "spdy/core/http2_frame_decoder_adapter.h"
namespace quic {
namespace test {
class QuicSpdySessionPeer;
} // namespace test
class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE Http3DebugVisitor {
Http3DebugVisitor(const Http3DebugVisitor&) = delete;
Http3DebugVisitor& operator=(const Http3DebugVisitor&) = delete;
virtual ~Http3DebugVisitor();
// TODO( Remove default implementation of all
// methods after Chrome's QuicHttp3Logger has overrides. This is to make sure
// QUICHE merge is not blocked on having to add those overrides, they can
// happen asynchronously.
// Creation of unidirectional streams.
// Called when locally-initiated control stream is created.
virtual void OnControlStreamCreated(QuicStreamId /*stream_id*/) {}
// Called when locally-initiated QPACK encoder stream is created.
virtual void OnQpackEncoderStreamCreated(QuicStreamId /*stream_id*/) {}
// Called when locally-initiated QPACK decoder stream is created.
virtual void OnQpackDecoderStreamCreated(QuicStreamId /*stream_id*/) {}
// Called when peer's control stream type is received.
virtual void OnPeerControlStreamCreated(QuicStreamId /*stream_id*/) = 0;
// Called when peer's QPACK encoder stream type is received.
virtual void OnPeerQpackEncoderStreamCreated(QuicStreamId /*stream_id*/) = 0;
// Called when peer's QPACK decoder stream type is received.
virtual void OnPeerQpackDecoderStreamCreated(QuicStreamId /*stream_id*/) = 0;
// Incoming HTTP/3 frames in ALPS TLS extension.
virtual void OnSettingsFrameReceivedViaAlps(const SettingsFrame& /*frame*/) {}
virtual void OnAcceptChFrameReceivedViaAlps(const AcceptChFrame& /*frame*/) {}
// Incoming HTTP/3 frames on the control stream.
virtual void OnCancelPushFrameReceived(const CancelPushFrame& /*frame*/) {}
virtual void OnSettingsFrameReceived(const SettingsFrame& /*frame*/) = 0;
virtual void OnGoAwayFrameReceived(const GoAwayFrame& /*frame*/) {}
virtual void OnMaxPushIdFrameReceived(const MaxPushIdFrame& /*frame*/) {}
virtual void OnPriorityUpdateFrameReceived(
const PriorityUpdateFrame& /*frame*/) {}
virtual void OnAcceptChFrameReceived(const AcceptChFrame& /*frame*/) {}
// Incoming HTTP/3 frames on request or push streams.
virtual void OnDataFrameReceived(QuicStreamId /*stream_id*/,
QuicByteCount /*payload_length*/) {}
virtual void OnHeadersFrameReceived(
QuicStreamId /*stream_id*/,
QuicByteCount /*compressed_headers_length*/) {}
virtual void OnHeadersDecoded(QuicStreamId /*stream_id*/,
QuicHeaderList /*headers*/) {}
virtual void OnPushPromiseFrameReceived(QuicStreamId /*stream_id*/,
QuicStreamId /*push_id*/,
/*compressed_headers_length*/) {}
virtual void OnPushPromiseDecoded(QuicStreamId /*stream_id*/,
QuicStreamId /*push_id*/,
QuicHeaderList /*headers*/) {}
// Incoming HTTP/3 frames of unknown type on any stream.
virtual void OnUnknownFrameReceived(QuicStreamId /*stream_id*/,
uint64_t /*frame_type*/,
QuicByteCount /*payload_length*/) {}
// Outgoing HTTP/3 frames on the control stream.
virtual void OnSettingsFrameSent(const SettingsFrame& /*frame*/) = 0;
virtual void OnGoAwayFrameSent(QuicStreamId /*stream_id*/) {}
virtual void OnMaxPushIdFrameSent(const MaxPushIdFrame& /*frame*/) {}
virtual void OnPriorityUpdateFrameSent(const PriorityUpdateFrame& /*frame*/) {
// Outgoing HTTP/3 frames on request or push streams.
virtual void OnDataFrameSent(QuicStreamId /*stream_id*/,
QuicByteCount /*payload_length*/) {}
virtual void OnHeadersFrameSent(
QuicStreamId /*stream_id*/,
const spdy::SpdyHeaderBlock& /*header_block*/) {}
virtual void OnPushPromiseFrameSent(
QuicStreamId /*stream_id*/,
const spdy::SpdyHeaderBlock& /*header_block*/) {}
// 0-RTT related events.
virtual void OnSettingsFrameResumed(const SettingsFrame& /*frame*/) {}
// A QUIC session for HTTP.
class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicSpdySession
: public QuicSession,
public QpackEncoder::DecoderStreamErrorDelegate,
public QpackDecoder::EncoderStreamErrorDelegate {
// Does not take ownership of |connection| or |visitor|.
QuicSpdySession(QuicConnection* connection,
QuicSession::Visitor* visitor,
const QuicConfig& config,
const ParsedQuicVersionVector& supported_versions);
QuicSpdySession(const QuicSpdySession&) = delete;
QuicSpdySession& operator=(const QuicSpdySession&) = delete;
~QuicSpdySession() override;
void Initialize() override;
// QpackEncoder::DecoderStreamErrorDelegate implementation.
void OnDecoderStreamError(QuicErrorCode error_code,
absl::string_view error_message) override;
// QpackDecoder::EncoderStreamErrorDelegate implementation.
void OnEncoderStreamError(QuicErrorCode error_code,
absl::string_view error_message) override;
// Called by |headers_stream_| when headers with a priority have been
// received for a stream. This method will only be called for server streams.
virtual void OnStreamHeadersPriority(
QuicStreamId stream_id,
const spdy::SpdyStreamPrecedence& precedence);
// Called by |headers_stream_| when headers have been completely received
// for a stream. |fin| will be true if the fin flag was set in the headers
// frame.
virtual void OnStreamHeaderList(QuicStreamId stream_id,
bool fin,
size_t frame_len,
const QuicHeaderList& header_list);
// Called by |headers_stream_| when push promise headers have been
// completely received. |fin| will be true if the fin flag was set
// in the headers.
virtual void OnPromiseHeaderList(QuicStreamId stream_id,
QuicStreamId promised_stream_id,
size_t frame_len,
const QuicHeaderList& header_list);
// Called by |headers_stream_| when a PRIORITY frame has been received for a
// stream. This method will only be called for server streams.
virtual void OnPriorityFrame(QuicStreamId stream_id,
const spdy::SpdyStreamPrecedence& precedence);
// Called when an HTTP/3 PRIORITY_UPDATE frame has been received for a request
// stream. Returns false and closes connection if |stream_id| is invalid.
bool OnPriorityUpdateForRequestStream(QuicStreamId stream_id, int urgency);
// Called when an HTTP/3 PRIORITY_UPDATE frame has been received for a push
// stream. Returns false and closes connection if |push_id| is invalid.
bool OnPriorityUpdateForPushStream(QuicStreamId push_id, int urgency);
// Called when an HTTP/3 ACCEPT_CH frame has been received.
// This method will only be called for client sessions.
virtual void OnAcceptChFrame(const AcceptChFrame& /*frame*/) {}
// Sends contents of |iov| to h2_deframer_, returns number of bytes processed.
size_t ProcessHeaderData(const struct iovec& iov);
// Writes |headers| for the stream |id| to the dedicated headers stream.
// If |fin| is true, then no more data will be sent for the stream |id|.
// If provided, |ack_notifier_delegate| will be registered to be notified when
// we have seen ACKs for all packets resulting from this call.
virtual size_t WriteHeadersOnHeadersStream(
QuicStreamId id,
spdy::SpdyHeaderBlock headers,
bool fin,
const spdy::SpdyStreamPrecedence& precedence,
QuicReferenceCountedPointer<QuicAckListenerInterface> ack_listener);
// Writes an HTTP/2 PRIORITY frame the to peer. Returns the size in bytes of
// the resulting PRIORITY frame.
size_t WritePriority(QuicStreamId id,
QuicStreamId parent_stream_id,
int weight,
bool exclusive);
// Writes an HTTP/3 PRIORITY_UPDATE frame to the peer.
void WriteHttp3PriorityUpdate(const PriorityUpdateFrame& priority_update);
// Process received HTTP/3 GOAWAY frame. When sent from server to client,
// |id| is a stream ID. When sent from client to server, |id| is a push ID.
virtual void OnHttp3GoAway(uint64_t id);
// Send GOAWAY if the peer is blocked on the implementation max.
bool OnStreamsBlockedFrame(const QuicStreamsBlockedFrame& frame) override;
// Write GOAWAY frame with maximum stream ID on the control stream. Called to
// initite graceful connection shutdown. Do not use smaller stream ID, in
// case client does not implement retry on GOAWAY. Do not send GOAWAY if one
// has already been sent. Send connection close with |error_code| and |reason|
// before encryption gets established.
void SendHttp3GoAway(QuicErrorCode error_code, const std::string& reason);
// Write |headers| for |promised_stream_id| on |original_stream_id| in a
// PUSH_PROMISE frame to peer.
virtual void WritePushPromise(QuicStreamId original_stream_id,
QuicStreamId promised_stream_id,
spdy::SpdyHeaderBlock headers);
QpackEncoder* qpack_encoder();
QpackDecoder* qpack_decoder();
QuicHeadersStream* headers_stream() { return headers_stream_; }
const QuicHeadersStream* headers_stream() const { return headers_stream_; }
// Returns whether server push is enabled.
// For a Google QUIC client this always returns false.
// For a Google QUIC server this is set by incoming SETTINGS_ENABLE_PUSH.
// For an IETF QUIC client this returns true if SetMaxPushId() has ever been
// called.
// For an IETF QUIC server this returns true if EnableServerPush() has been
// called and the server has received at least one MAX_PUSH_ID frame from the
// client.
bool server_push_enabled() const;
// Called when the control stream receives HTTP/3 SETTINGS.
// Returns false in case of 0-RTT if received settings are incompatible with
// cached values, true otherwise.
virtual bool OnSettingsFrame(const SettingsFrame& frame);
// Called when an HTTP/3 SETTINGS frame is received via ALPS.
// Returns an error message if an error has occurred, or nullopt otherwise.
// May or may not close the connection on error.
absl::optional<std::string> OnSettingsFrameViaAlps(
const SettingsFrame& frame);
// Called when a setting is parsed from a SETTINGS frame received on the
// control stream or from cached application state.
// Returns true on success.
// Returns false if received setting is incompatible with cached value (in
// case of 0-RTT) or with previously received value (in case of ALPS).
// Also closes the connection on error.
bool OnSetting(uint64_t id, uint64_t value);
// Return true if this session wants to release headers stream's buffer
// aggressively.
virtual bool ShouldReleaseHeadersStreamSequencerBuffer();
void CloseConnectionWithDetails(QuicErrorCode error,
const std::string& details);
// Must not be called after Initialize().
// TODO(bnc): Move to constructor argument.
void set_qpack_maximum_dynamic_table_capacity(
uint64_t qpack_maximum_dynamic_table_capacity) {
qpack_maximum_dynamic_table_capacity_ =
// Must not be called after Initialize().
// TODO(bnc): Move to constructor argument.
void set_qpack_maximum_blocked_streams(
uint64_t qpack_maximum_blocked_streams) {
qpack_maximum_blocked_streams_ = qpack_maximum_blocked_streams;
// Must not be called after Initialize().
// TODO(bnc): Move to constructor argument.
void set_max_inbound_header_list_size(size_t max_inbound_header_list_size) {
max_inbound_header_list_size_ = max_inbound_header_list_size;
size_t max_outbound_header_list_size() const {
return max_outbound_header_list_size_;
size_t max_inbound_header_list_size() const {
return max_inbound_header_list_size_;
// Returns true if the session has active request streams.
bool HasActiveRequestStreams() const;
// Called when the size of the compressed frame payload is available.
void OnCompressedFrameSize(size_t frame_len);
// Called when a PUSH_PROMISE frame has been received.
void OnPushPromise(spdy::SpdyStreamId stream_id,
spdy::SpdyStreamId promised_stream_id);
// Called when the complete list of headers is available.
void OnHeaderList(const QuicHeaderList& header_list);
QuicStreamId promised_stream_id() const { return promised_stream_id_; }
// Initialze HTTP/3 unidirectional streams if |unidirectional| is true and
// those streams are not initialized yet.
void OnCanCreateNewOutgoingStream(bool unidirectional) override;
// Sets |max_push_id_| and sends a MAX_PUSH_ID frame.
// This method must only be called if protocol is IETF QUIC and perspective is
// client. |max_push_id| must be greater than or equal to current
// |max_push_id_|.
void SetMaxPushId(PushId max_push_id);
// Sets |max_push_id_|.
// This method must only be called if protocol is IETF QUIC and perspective is
// server. It must only be called if a MAX_PUSH_ID frame is received.
// Returns whether |max_push_id| is greater than or equal to current
// |max_push_id_|.
bool OnMaxPushIdFrame(PushId max_push_id);
// Enables server push.
// Must only be called when using IETF QUIC, for which server push is disabled
// by default. Server push defaults to enabled and cannot be disabled for
// Google QUIC.
// Must only be called for a server. A client can effectively disable push by
// never calling SetMaxPushId().
void EnableServerPush();
// Returns true if push is enabled and a push with |push_id| can be created.
// For a server this means that EnableServerPush() has been called, at least
// one MAX_PUSH_ID frame has been received, and the largest received
// MAX_PUSH_ID value is greater than or equal to |push_id|.
// For a client this means that SetMaxPushId() has been called with
// |max_push_id| greater than or equal to |push_id|.
// Must only be called when using IETF QUIC.
bool CanCreatePushStreamWithId(PushId push_id);
int32_t destruction_indicator() const { return destruction_indicator_; }
void set_debug_visitor(Http3DebugVisitor* debug_visitor) {
debug_visitor_ = debug_visitor;
Http3DebugVisitor* debug_visitor() { return debug_visitor_; }
// When using Google QUIC, return whether a transport layer GOAWAY frame has
// been received or sent.
// When using IETF QUIC, return whether an HTTP/3 GOAWAY frame has been
// received or sent.
bool goaway_received() const;
bool goaway_sent() const;
// Log header compression ratio histogram.
// |using_qpack| is true for QPACK, false for HPACK.
// |is_sent| is true for sent headers, false for received ones.
// Ratio is recorded as percentage. Smaller value means more efficient
// compression. Compressed size might be larger than uncompressed size, but
// recorded ratio is trunckated at 200%.
// Uncompressed size can be zero for an empty header list, and compressed size
// can be zero for an empty header list when using HPACK. (QPACK always emits
// a header block prefix of at least two bytes.) This method records nothing
// if either |compressed| or |uncompressed| is not positive.
// In order for measurements for different protocol to be comparable, the
// caller must ensure that uncompressed size is the total length of header
// names and values without any overhead.
static void LogHeaderCompressionRatioHistogram(bool using_qpack,
bool is_sent,
QuicByteCount compressed,
QuicByteCount uncompressed);
// True if any dynamic table entries have been referenced from either a sent
// or received header block. Used for stats.
bool dynamic_table_entry_referenced() const {
return (qpack_encoder_ &&
qpack_encoder_->dynamic_table_entry_referenced()) ||
(qpack_decoder_ && qpack_decoder_->dynamic_table_entry_referenced());
void OnStreamCreated(QuicSpdyStream* stream);
// Decode SETTINGS from |cached_state| and apply it to the session.
bool ResumeApplicationState(ApplicationState* cached_state) override;
absl::optional<std::string> OnAlpsData(const uint8_t* alps_data,
size_t alps_length) override;
// Called when ACCEPT_CH frame is parsed out of data received in TLS ALPS
// extension.
virtual void OnAcceptChFrameReceivedViaAlps(const AcceptChFrame& /*frame*/);
// Generates a new HTTP/3 datagram flow ID.
QuicDatagramFlowId GetNextDatagramFlowId();
// Whether HTTP/3 datagrams are supported on this session, based on received
bool h3_datagram_supported() const { return h3_datagram_supported_; }
// Sends an HTTP/3 datagram. The flow ID is not part of |payload|.
MessageStatus SendHttp3Datagram(QuicDatagramFlowId flow_id,
absl::string_view payload);
class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE Http3DatagramVisitor {
virtual ~Http3DatagramVisitor() {}
// Called when an HTTP/3 datagram is received. |payload| does not contain
// the flow ID.
virtual void OnHttp3Datagram(QuicDatagramFlowId flow_id,
absl::string_view payload) = 0;
// Registers |visitor| to receive HTTP/3 datagrams for flow ID |flow_id|. This
// must not be called on a previously register flow ID without first calling
// UnregisterHttp3FlowId. |visitor| must be valid until a corresponding call
// to UnregisterHttp3FlowId. The flow ID must be unregistered before the
// QuicSpdySession is destroyed.
void RegisterHttp3FlowId(QuicDatagramFlowId flow_id,
Http3DatagramVisitor* visitor);
// Unregister a given HTTP/3 datagram flow ID.
void UnregisterHttp3FlowId(QuicDatagramFlowId flow_id);
// Override from QuicSession to support HTTP/3 datagrams.
void OnMessageReceived(absl::string_view message) override;
// Indicates whether the HTTP/3 session supports WebTransport.
bool SupportsWebTransport();
// Returns a WebTransport session by its session ID. Returns nullptr if no
// session is associated with the given ID.
WebTransportHttp3* GetWebTransportSession(WebTransportSessionId id);
// Override CreateIncomingStream(), CreateOutgoingBidirectionalStream() and
// CreateOutgoingUnidirectionalStream() with QuicSpdyStream return type to
// make sure that all data streams are QuicSpdyStreams.
QuicSpdyStream* CreateIncomingStream(QuicStreamId id) override = 0;
QuicSpdyStream* CreateIncomingStream(PendingStream* pending) override = 0;
virtual QuicSpdyStream* CreateOutgoingBidirectionalStream() = 0;
virtual QuicSpdyStream* CreateOutgoingUnidirectionalStream() = 0;
QuicSpdyStream* GetOrCreateSpdyDataStream(const QuicStreamId stream_id);
// If an incoming stream can be created, return true.
virtual bool ShouldCreateIncomingStream(QuicStreamId id) = 0;
// If an outgoing bidirectional/unidirectional stream can be created, return
// true.
virtual bool ShouldCreateOutgoingBidirectionalStream() = 0;
virtual bool ShouldCreateOutgoingUnidirectionalStream() = 0;
// Indicates whether the underlying backend can accept and process
// WebTransport sessions over HTTP/3.
virtual bool ShouldNegotiateWebTransport();
bool WillNegotiateWebTransport();
// Returns true if there are open HTTP requests.
bool ShouldKeepConnectionAlive() const override;
// Overridden to buffer incoming unidirectional streams for version 99.
bool UsesPendingStreams() const override;
// Processes incoming unidirectional streams; parses the stream type, and
// creates a new stream of the corresponding type. Returns the pointer to the
// newly created stream, or nullptr if the stream type is not yet available.
QuicStream* ProcessPendingStream(PendingStream* pending) override;
size_t WriteHeadersOnHeadersStreamImpl(
QuicStreamId id,
spdy::SpdyHeaderBlock headers,
bool fin,
QuicStreamId parent_stream_id,
int weight,
bool exclusive,
QuicReferenceCountedPointer<QuicAckListenerInterface> ack_listener);
void OnNewEncryptionKeyAvailable(
EncryptionLevel level,
std::unique_ptr<QuicEncrypter> encrypter) override;
// Sets the maximum size of the header compression table spdy_framer_ is
// willing to use to encode header blocks.
void UpdateHeaderEncoderTableSize(uint32_t value);
// Called when SETTINGS_ENABLE_PUSH is received, only supported on
// server side.
void UpdateEnableServerPush(bool value);
bool IsConnected() { return connection()->connected(); }
const QuicReceiveControlStream* receive_control_stream() const {
return receive_control_stream_;
const SettingsFrame& settings() const { return settings_; }
// Initializes HTTP/3 unidirectional streams if not yet initialzed.
virtual void MaybeInitializeHttp3UnidirectionalStreams();
// QuicConnectionVisitorInterface method.
void BeforeConnectionCloseSent() override;
friend class test::QuicSpdySessionPeer;
class SpdyFramerVisitor;
// The following methods are called by the SimpleVisitor.
// Called when a HEADERS frame has been received.
void OnHeaders(spdy::SpdyStreamId stream_id,
bool has_priority,
const spdy::SpdyStreamPrecedence& precedence,
bool fin);
// Called when a PRIORITY frame has been received.
void OnPriority(spdy::SpdyStreamId stream_id,
const spdy::SpdyStreamPrecedence& precedence);
void CloseConnectionOnDuplicateHttp3UnidirectionalStreams(
absl::string_view type);
// Sends any data which should be sent at the start of a connection, including
// the initial SETTINGS frame, and (when IETF QUIC is used) also a MAX_PUSH_ID
// frame if SetMaxPushId() had been called before encryption was established.
// When using 0-RTT, this method is called twice: once when encryption is
// established, and again when 1-RTT keys are available.
void SendInitialData();
// Send a MAX_PUSH_ID frame. Used in IETF QUIC only.
void SendMaxPushId();
void FillSettingsFrame();
std::unique_ptr<QpackEncoder> qpack_encoder_;
std::unique_ptr<QpackDecoder> qpack_decoder_;
// Pointer to the header stream in stream_map_.
QuicHeadersStream* headers_stream_;
// HTTP/3 control streams. They are owned by QuicSession inside
// stream map, and can be accessed by those unowned pointers below.
QuicSendControlStream* send_control_stream_;
QuicReceiveControlStream* receive_control_stream_;
// Pointers to HTTP/3 QPACK streams in stream map.
QpackReceiveStream* qpack_encoder_receive_stream_;
QpackReceiveStream* qpack_decoder_receive_stream_;
QpackSendStream* qpack_encoder_send_stream_;
QpackSendStream* qpack_decoder_send_stream_;
SettingsFrame settings_;
// Maximum dynamic table capacity as defined at
// for the decoding context. Value will be sent via
// |qpack_maximum_dynamic_table_capacity_| also serves as an upper bound for
// the dynamic table capacity of the encoding context, to limit memory usage
// if a larger SETTINGS_QPACK_MAX_TABLE_CAPACITY value is received.
uint64_t qpack_maximum_dynamic_table_capacity_;
// Maximum number of blocked streams as defined at
// for the decoding context. Value will be sent via
uint64_t qpack_maximum_blocked_streams_;
// The maximum size of a header block that will be accepted from the peer,
// defined per spec as key + value + overhead per field (uncompressed).
// Value will be sent via SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE.
size_t max_inbound_header_list_size_;
// The maximum size of a header block that can be sent to the peer. This field
// is informed and set by the peer via SETTINGS frame.
// TODO(b/148616439): Honor this field when sending headers.
size_t max_outbound_header_list_size_;
// Data about the stream whose headers are being processed.
QuicStreamId stream_id_;
QuicStreamId promised_stream_id_;
size_t frame_len_;
bool fin_;
spdy::SpdyFramer spdy_framer_;
http2::Http2DecoderAdapter h2_deframer_;
std::unique_ptr<SpdyFramerVisitor> spdy_framer_visitor_;
// Used in IETF QUIC only.
// For a server:
// the push ID in the most recently received MAX_PUSH_ID frame,
// or unset if no MAX_PUSH_ID frame has been received.
// For a client:
// unset until SetMaxPushId() is called;
// before encryption is established, the push ID to be sent in the initial
// MAX_PUSH_ID frame;
// after encryption is established, the push ID in the most recently sent
// MAX_PUSH_ID frame.
// Once set, never goes back to unset.
absl::optional<PushId> max_push_id_;
// Not owned by the session.
Http3DebugVisitor* debug_visitor_;
// Priority values received in PRIORITY_UPDATE frames for streams that are not
// open yet.
absl::flat_hash_map<QuicStreamId, int> buffered_stream_priorities_;
// An integer used for live check. The indicator is assigned a value in
// constructor. As long as it is not the assigned value, that would indicate
// an use-after-free.
int32_t destruction_indicator_;
// Used in Google QUIC only. Set every time SETTINGS_ENABLE_PUSH is received.
// Defaults to true.
bool server_push_enabled_;
// Used in IETF QUIC only. Defaults to false.
// Server push is enabled for a server by calling EnableServerPush().
// Server push is enabled for a client by calling SetMaxPushId().
bool ietf_server_push_enabled_;
// The identifier in the most recently received GOAWAY frame. Unset if no
// GOAWAY frame has been received yet.
absl::optional<uint64_t> last_received_http3_goaway_id_;
// The identifier in the most recently sent GOAWAY frame. Unset if no GOAWAY
// frame has been sent yet.
absl::optional<uint64_t> last_sent_http3_goaway_id_;
// Only used by a client, only with IETF QUIC. True if a MAX_PUSH_ID frame
// has been sent, in which case |max_push_id_| has the value sent in the most
// recent MAX_PUSH_ID frame. Once true, never goes back to false.
bool http3_max_push_id_sent_;
// Value of the smallest unused HTTP/3 datagram flow ID that this endpoint's
// datagram flow ID allocation service will use next.
QuicDatagramFlowId next_available_datagram_flow_id_;
// Whether both this endpoint and our peer support HTTP/3 datagrams.
bool h3_datagram_supported_ = false;
// Whether the peer has indicated WebTransport support.
bool peer_supports_webtransport_ = false;
absl::flat_hash_map<QuicDatagramFlowId, Http3DatagramVisitor*>
} // namespace quic