| // Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| |
| #include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h" |
| #include "absl/strings/string_view.h" |
| #include "quic/core/http/quic_spdy_session.h" |
| #include "quic/core/quic_connection_id.h" |
| #include "quic/core/quic_types.h" |
| #include "quic/platform/api/quic_containers.h" |
| #include "quic/platform/api/quic_export.h" |
| #include "quic/platform/api/quic_socket_address.h" |
| |
| namespace quic { |
| |
| // MASQUE compression engine used by client and servers. |
| // This class allows converting QUIC packets into a compressed form suitable |
| // for sending over QUIC DATAGRAM frames. It leverages a flow identifier at the |
| // start of each datagram to indicate which compression context was used to |
| // compress this packet, or to create new compression contexts. |
| // Compression contexts contain client and server connection IDs and the |
| // server's IP and port. This allows compressing that information in most |
| // packets without requiring access to the cryptographic keys of the end-to-end |
| // encapsulated session. When the flow identifier is 0, the DATAGRAM contains |
| // all the contents of the compression context. When the flow identifier is |
| // non-zero, those fields are removed so the encapsulated QUIC packet is |
| // transmitted without connection IDs and reassembled by the peer on |
| // decompression. This only needs to contain the HTTP server's IP address since |
| // the client's IP address is not visible to the HTTP server. |
| |
| class QUIC_NO_EXPORT MasqueCompressionEngine { |
| public: |
| // Caller must ensure that |masque_session| has a lifetime longer than the |
| // newly constructed MasqueCompressionEngine. |
| explicit MasqueCompressionEngine(QuicSpdySession* masque_session); |
| |
| // Disallow copy and assign. |
| MasqueCompressionEngine(const MasqueCompressionEngine&) = delete; |
| MasqueCompressionEngine& operator=(const MasqueCompressionEngine&) = delete; |
| |
| // Compresses packet and sends it in a DATAGRAM frame over a MASQUE session. |
| // When used from MASQUE client to MASQUE server, the MASQUE server will then |
| // send the packet to the provided |server_address|. |
| // When used from MASQUE server to MASQUE client, the MASQUE client will then |
| // hand off the uncompressed packet to an encapsulated session that will treat |
| // it as having come from the provided |server_address|. |
| // The connection IDs are the one used by the encapsulated |packet|. |
| void CompressAndSendPacket(absl::string_view packet, |
| QuicConnectionId client_connection_id, |
| QuicConnectionId server_connection_id, |
| const QuicSocketAddress& server_address); |
| |
| // Decompresses received DATAGRAM frame contents from |datagram| and places |
| // them in |packet|. Reverses the transformation from CompressAndSendPacket. |
| // The connection IDs are the one used by the encapsulated |packet|. |
| // |server_address| will be filled with the |server_address| passed to |
| // CompressAndSendPacket. |version_present| will contain whether the |
| // encapsulated |packet| contains a Version field. |
| bool DecompressDatagram(absl::string_view datagram, |
| QuicConnectionId* client_connection_id, |
| QuicConnectionId* server_connection_id, |
| QuicSocketAddress* server_address, |
| std::vector<char>* packet, bool* version_present); |
| |
| // Clears all entries referencing |client_connection_id| from the |
| // compression table. |
| void UnregisterClientConnectionId(QuicConnectionId client_connection_id); |
| |
| private: |
| struct QUIC_NO_EXPORT MasqueCompressionContext { |
| QuicConnectionId client_connection_id; |
| QuicConnectionId server_connection_id; |
| QuicSocketAddress server_address; |
| bool validated = false; |
| }; |
| |
| // Finds or creates a new compression context to use during compression. |
| // |client_connection_id_present| and |server_connection_id_present| indicate |
| // whether the corresponding connection ID is present in the current packet. |
| // |validated| will contain whether the compression context that matches |
| // these arguments is currently validated or not. |
| QuicDatagramStreamId FindOrCreateCompressionContext( |
| QuicConnectionId client_connection_id, |
| QuicConnectionId server_connection_id, |
| const QuicSocketAddress& server_address, |
| bool client_connection_id_present, bool server_connection_id_present, |
| bool* validated); |
| |
| // Writes compressed packet to |slice| during compression. |
| bool WriteCompressedPacketToSlice(QuicConnectionId client_connection_id, |
| QuicConnectionId server_connection_id, |
| const QuicSocketAddress& server_address, |
| QuicConnectionId destination_connection_id, |
| QuicConnectionId source_connection_id, |
| QuicDatagramStreamId flow_id, |
| bool validated, uint8_t first_byte, |
| bool long_header, QuicDataReader* reader, |
| QuicDataWriter* writer); |
| |
| // Parses compression context from flow ID 0 during decompression. |
| bool ParseCompressionContext(QuicDataReader* reader, |
| MasqueCompressionContext* context); |
| |
| // Writes decompressed packet to |packet| during decompression. |
| bool WriteDecompressedPacket(QuicDataReader* reader, |
| const MasqueCompressionContext& context, |
| std::vector<char>* packet, |
| bool* version_present); |
| |
| QuicSpdySession* masque_session_; // Unowned. |
| absl::flat_hash_map<QuicDatagramStreamId, MasqueCompressionContext> contexts_; |
| QuicDatagramStreamId next_available_flow_id_; |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace quic |
| |