blob: 7524411433e45d66a89da069ed4a493f5b9e178d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/qpack/qpack_decoder_stream_sender.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/qpack/qpack_encoder_stream_receiver.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/qpack/qpack_instruction_decoder.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_types.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_export.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_string.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_string_piece.h"
namespace quic {
class QpackHeaderTable;
// Class to decode a single header block.
class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE QpackProgressiveDecoder
: public QpackInstructionDecoder::Delegate {
// Interface for receiving decoded header block from the decoder.
class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE HeadersHandlerInterface {
virtual ~HeadersHandlerInterface() {}
// Called when a new header name-value pair is decoded. Multiple values for
// a given name will be emitted as multiple calls to OnHeader.
virtual void OnHeaderDecoded(QuicStringPiece name,
QuicStringPiece value) = 0;
// Called when the header block is completely decoded.
// Indicates the total number of bytes in this block.
// The decoder will not access the handler after this call.
// Note that this method might not be called synchronously when the header
// block is received on the wire, in case decoding is blocked on receiving
// entries on the encoder stream. TODO(bnc): Implement blocked decoding.
virtual void OnDecodingCompleted() = 0;
// Called when a decoding error has occurred. No other methods will be
// called afterwards.
virtual void OnDecodingErrorDetected(QuicStringPiece error_message) = 0;
QpackProgressiveDecoder() = delete;
QpackProgressiveDecoder(QuicStreamId stream_id,
QpackHeaderTable* header_table,
QpackDecoderStreamSender* decoder_stream_sender,
HeadersHandlerInterface* handler);
QpackProgressiveDecoder(const QpackProgressiveDecoder&) = delete;
QpackProgressiveDecoder& operator=(const QpackProgressiveDecoder&) = delete;
~QpackProgressiveDecoder() override = default;
// Calculate actual Largest Reference from largest reference value sent on
// wire, MaxEntries, and total number of dynamic table insertions according to
// Returns true on success, false on invalid input or overflow/underflow.
static bool DecodeLargestReference(uint64_t wire_largest_reference,
uint64_t max_entries,
uint64_t total_number_of_inserts,
uint64_t* largest_reference);
// Provide a data fragment to decode.
void Decode(QuicStringPiece data);
// Signal that the entire header block has been received and passed in
// through Decode(). No methods must be called afterwards.
void EndHeaderBlock();
// QpackInstructionDecoder::Delegate implementation.
bool OnInstructionDecoded(const QpackInstruction* instruction) override;
void OnError(QuicStringPiece error_message) override;
bool DoIndexedHeaderFieldInstruction();
bool DoIndexedHeaderFieldPostBaseInstruction();
bool DoLiteralHeaderFieldNameReferenceInstruction();
bool DoLiteralHeaderFieldPostBaseInstruction();
bool DoLiteralHeaderFieldInstruction();
bool DoPrefixInstruction();
// Calculates Base Index from |largest_reference_|, which must be set before
// calling this method, and sign bit and Delta Base Index in the Header Data
// Prefix, which are passed in as arguments. Returns true on success, false
// on failure due to overflow/underflow.
bool DeltaBaseIndexToBaseIndex(bool sign,
uint64_t delta_base_index,
uint64_t* base_index);
// The request stream can use relative index (but different from the kind of
// relative index used on the encoder stream), and post-base index.
// These methods convert relative index and post-base index to absolute index
// (one based). They return true on success, or false if conversion fails due
// to overflow/underflow.
bool RequestStreamRelativeIndexToAbsoluteIndex(
uint64_t relative_index,
uint64_t* absolute_index) const;
bool PostBaseIndexToAbsoluteIndex(uint64_t post_base_index,
uint64_t* absolute_index) const;
const QuicStreamId stream_id_;
// |prefix_decoder_| only decodes a handful of bytes then it can be
// destroyed to conserve memory. |instruction_decoder_|, on the other hand,
// is used until the entire header block is decoded.
std::unique_ptr<QpackInstructionDecoder> prefix_decoder_;
QpackInstructionDecoder instruction_decoder_;
const QpackHeaderTable* const header_table_;
QpackDecoderStreamSender* const decoder_stream_sender_;
HeadersHandlerInterface* const handler_;
// Largest Reference and Base Index are parsed from the Header Data Prefix.
// They are both absolute indices, that is, one based.
uint64_t largest_reference_;
uint64_t base_index_;
// Keep track of largest reference seen in this header block.
// After decoding is completed, this can be compared to |largest_reference_|.
uint64_t largest_reference_seen_;
// False until prefix is fully read and decoded.
bool prefix_decoded_;
// True until EndHeaderBlock() is called.
bool decoding_;
// True if a decoding error has been detected.
bool error_detected_;
} // namespace quic