| // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_dispatcher.h" |
| |
| #include <memory> |
| #include <ostream> |
| #include <string> |
| #include <utility> |
| |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/chlo_extractor.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/crypto/crypto_handshake.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/crypto/crypto_protocol.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/crypto/quic_crypto_server_config.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/crypto/quic_random.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_connection_id.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_crypto_stream.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_packet_writer_wrapper.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_time_wait_list_manager.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_types.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_utils.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_versions.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_expect_bug.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_flags.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_logging.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_test.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/test_tools/crypto_test_utils.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/test_tools/fake_proof_source.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/test_tools/mock_quic_time_wait_list_manager.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/test_tools/quic_buffered_packet_store_peer.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/test_tools/quic_crypto_server_config_peer.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/test_tools/quic_dispatcher_peer.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/test_tools/quic_test_utils.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/test_tools/quic_time_wait_list_manager_peer.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/tools/quic_simple_crypto_server_stream_helper.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/common/platform/api/quiche_arraysize.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/common/platform/api/quiche_str_cat.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/common/test_tools/quiche_test_utils.h" |
| |
| using testing::_; |
| using testing::ByMove; |
| using testing::Eq; |
| using testing::InSequence; |
| using testing::Invoke; |
| using testing::NiceMock; |
| using testing::Return; |
| using testing::WithArg; |
| using testing::WithoutArgs; |
| |
| static const size_t kDefaultMaxConnectionsInStore = 100; |
| static const size_t kMaxConnectionsWithoutCHLO = |
| kDefaultMaxConnectionsInStore / 2; |
| static const int16_t kMaxNumSessionsToCreate = 16; |
| |
| namespace quic { |
| namespace test { |
| namespace { |
| |
| class TestQuicSpdyServerSession : public QuicServerSessionBase { |
| public: |
| TestQuicSpdyServerSession(const QuicConfig& config, |
| QuicConnection* connection, |
| const QuicCryptoServerConfig* crypto_config, |
| QuicCompressedCertsCache* compressed_certs_cache) |
| : QuicServerSessionBase(config, |
| CurrentSupportedVersions(), |
| connection, |
| nullptr, |
| nullptr, |
| crypto_config, |
| compressed_certs_cache) { |
| Initialize(); |
| } |
| TestQuicSpdyServerSession(const TestQuicSpdyServerSession&) = delete; |
| TestQuicSpdyServerSession& operator=(const TestQuicSpdyServerSession&) = |
| delete; |
| |
| ~TestQuicSpdyServerSession() override { DeleteConnection(); } |
| |
| MOCK_METHOD2(OnConnectionClosed, |
| void(const QuicConnectionCloseFrame& frame, |
| ConnectionCloseSource source)); |
| MOCK_METHOD1(CreateIncomingStream, QuicSpdyStream*(QuicStreamId id)); |
| MOCK_METHOD1(CreateIncomingStream, QuicSpdyStream*(PendingStream* pending)); |
| MOCK_METHOD0(CreateOutgoingBidirectionalStream, QuicSpdyStream*()); |
| MOCK_METHOD0(CreateOutgoingUnidirectionalStream, QuicSpdyStream*()); |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<QuicCryptoServerStreamBase> CreateQuicCryptoServerStream( |
| const QuicCryptoServerConfig* crypto_config, |
| QuicCompressedCertsCache* compressed_certs_cache) override { |
| return CreateCryptoServerStream(crypto_config, compressed_certs_cache, this, |
| stream_helper()); |
| } |
| |
| QuicCryptoServerStreamBase::Helper* stream_helper() { |
| return QuicServerSessionBase::stream_helper(); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| class TestDispatcher : public QuicDispatcher { |
| public: |
| TestDispatcher(const QuicConfig* config, |
| const QuicCryptoServerConfig* crypto_config, |
| QuicVersionManager* version_manager, |
| QuicRandom* random) |
| : QuicDispatcher(config, |
| crypto_config, |
| version_manager, |
| std::make_unique<MockQuicConnectionHelper>(), |
| std::unique_ptr<QuicCryptoServerStreamBase::Helper>( |
| new QuicSimpleCryptoServerStreamHelper()), |
| std::make_unique<MockAlarmFactory>(), |
| kQuicDefaultConnectionIdLength), |
| random_(random) {} |
| |
| CreateQuicSession, |
| std::unique_ptr<QuicSession>(QuicConnectionId connection_id, |
| const QuicSocketAddress& peer_address, |
| quiche::QuicheStringPiece alpn, |
| const quic::ParsedQuicVersion& version)); |
| |
| MOCK_METHOD1(ShouldCreateOrBufferPacketForConnection, |
| bool(const ReceivedPacketInfo& packet_info)); |
| |
| struct TestQuicPerPacketContext : public QuicPerPacketContext { |
| std::string custom_packet_context; |
| }; |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<QuicPerPacketContext> GetPerPacketContext() const override { |
| auto test_context = std::make_unique<TestQuicPerPacketContext>(); |
| test_context->custom_packet_context = custom_packet_context_; |
| return std::move(test_context); |
| } |
| |
| void RestorePerPacketContext( |
| std::unique_ptr<QuicPerPacketContext> context) override { |
| TestQuicPerPacketContext* test_context = |
| static_cast<TestQuicPerPacketContext*>(context.get()); |
| custom_packet_context_ = test_context->custom_packet_context; |
| } |
| |
| std::string custom_packet_context_; |
| |
| using QuicDispatcher::SetAllowShortInitialServerConnectionIds; |
| using QuicDispatcher::writer; |
| |
| QuicRandom* random_; |
| }; |
| |
| // A Connection class which unregisters the session from the dispatcher when |
| // sending connection close. |
| // It'd be slightly more realistic to do this from the Session but it would |
| // involve a lot more mocking. |
| class MockServerConnection : public MockQuicConnection { |
| public: |
| MockServerConnection(QuicConnectionId connection_id, |
| MockQuicConnectionHelper* helper, |
| MockAlarmFactory* alarm_factory, |
| QuicDispatcher* dispatcher) |
| : MockQuicConnection(connection_id, |
| helper, |
| alarm_factory, |
| Perspective::IS_SERVER), |
| dispatcher_(dispatcher) {} |
| |
| void UnregisterOnConnectionClosed() { |
| QUIC_LOG(ERROR) << "Unregistering " << connection_id(); |
| dispatcher_->OnConnectionClosed(connection_id(), QUIC_NO_ERROR, |
| "Unregistering.", |
| ConnectionCloseSource::FROM_SELF); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| QuicDispatcher* dispatcher_; |
| }; |
| |
| class QuicDispatcherTestBase : public QuicTestWithParam<ParsedQuicVersion> { |
| public: |
| QuicDispatcherTestBase() |
| : QuicDispatcherTestBase(crypto_test_utils::ProofSourceForTesting()) {} |
| |
| explicit QuicDispatcherTestBase(std::unique_ptr<ProofSource> proof_source) |
| : version_(GetParam()), |
| version_manager_(AllSupportedVersions()), |
| crypto_config_(QuicCryptoServerConfig::TESTING, |
| QuicRandom::GetInstance(), |
| std::move(proof_source), |
| KeyExchangeSource::Default()), |
| server_address_(QuicIpAddress::Any4(), 5), |
| dispatcher_( |
| new NiceMock<TestDispatcher>(&config_, |
| &crypto_config_, |
| &version_manager_, |
| mock_helper_.GetRandomGenerator())), |
| time_wait_list_manager_(nullptr), |
| session1_(nullptr), |
| session2_(nullptr), |
| store_(nullptr), |
| connection_id_(1) {} |
| |
| void SetUp() override { |
| dispatcher_->InitializeWithWriter(new MockPacketWriter()); |
| // Set the counter to some value to start with. |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::set_new_sessions_allowed_per_event_loop( |
| dispatcher_.get(), kMaxNumSessionsToCreate); |
| ON_CALL(*dispatcher_, ShouldCreateOrBufferPacketForConnection(_)) |
| .WillByDefault(Return(true)); |
| } |
| |
| MockQuicConnection* connection1() { |
| if (session1_ == nullptr) { |
| return nullptr; |
| } |
| return reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session1_->connection()); |
| } |
| |
| MockQuicConnection* connection2() { |
| if (session2_ == nullptr) { |
| return nullptr; |
| } |
| return reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session2_->connection()); |
| } |
| |
| // Process a packet with an 8 byte connection id, |
| // 6 byte packet number, default path id, and packet number 1, |
| // using the version under test. |
| void ProcessPacket(QuicSocketAddress peer_address, |
| QuicConnectionId server_connection_id, |
| bool has_version_flag, |
| const std::string& data) { |
| ProcessPacket(peer_address, server_connection_id, has_version_flag, data, |
| } |
| |
| // Process a packet with a default path id, and packet number 1, |
| // using the version under test. |
| void ProcessPacket(QuicSocketAddress peer_address, |
| QuicConnectionId server_connection_id, |
| bool has_version_flag, |
| const std::string& data, |
| QuicConnectionIdIncluded server_connection_id_included, |
| QuicPacketNumberLength packet_number_length) { |
| ProcessPacket(peer_address, server_connection_id, has_version_flag, data, |
| server_connection_id_included, packet_number_length, 1); |
| } |
| |
| // Process a packet using the version under test. |
| void ProcessPacket(QuicSocketAddress peer_address, |
| QuicConnectionId server_connection_id, |
| bool has_version_flag, |
| const std::string& data, |
| QuicConnectionIdIncluded server_connection_id_included, |
| QuicPacketNumberLength packet_number_length, |
| uint64_t packet_number) { |
| ProcessPacket(peer_address, server_connection_id, has_version_flag, |
| version_, data, true, server_connection_id_included, |
| packet_number_length, packet_number); |
| } |
| |
| // Processes a packet. |
| void ProcessPacket(QuicSocketAddress peer_address, |
| QuicConnectionId server_connection_id, |
| bool has_version_flag, |
| ParsedQuicVersion version, |
| const std::string& data, |
| bool full_padding, |
| QuicConnectionIdIncluded server_connection_id_included, |
| QuicPacketNumberLength packet_number_length, |
| uint64_t packet_number) { |
| ProcessPacket(peer_address, server_connection_id, EmptyQuicConnectionId(), |
| has_version_flag, version, data, full_padding, |
| server_connection_id_included, CONNECTION_ID_ABSENT, |
| packet_number_length, packet_number); |
| } |
| |
| // Processes a packet. |
| void ProcessPacket(QuicSocketAddress peer_address, |
| QuicConnectionId server_connection_id, |
| QuicConnectionId client_connection_id, |
| bool has_version_flag, |
| ParsedQuicVersion version, |
| const std::string& data, |
| bool full_padding, |
| QuicConnectionIdIncluded server_connection_id_included, |
| QuicConnectionIdIncluded client_connection_id_included, |
| QuicPacketNumberLength packet_number_length, |
| uint64_t packet_number) { |
| ParsedQuicVersionVector versions(SupportedVersions(version)); |
| std::unique_ptr<QuicEncryptedPacket> packet(ConstructEncryptedPacket( |
| server_connection_id, client_connection_id, has_version_flag, false, |
| packet_number, data, full_padding, server_connection_id_included, |
| client_connection_id_included, packet_number_length, &versions)); |
| std::unique_ptr<QuicReceivedPacket> received_packet( |
| ConstructReceivedPacket(*packet, mock_helper_.GetClock()->Now())); |
| |
| if (ChloExtractor::Extract(*packet, version, {}, nullptr, |
| server_connection_id.length())) { |
| // Add CHLO packet to the beginning to be verified first, because it is |
| // also processed first by new session. |
| data_connection_map_[server_connection_id].push_front( |
| std::string(packet->data(), packet->length())); |
| } else { |
| // For non-CHLO, always append to last. |
| data_connection_map_[server_connection_id].push_back( |
| std::string(packet->data(), packet->length())); |
| } |
| dispatcher_->ProcessPacket(server_address_, peer_address, *received_packet); |
| } |
| |
| void ValidatePacket(QuicConnectionId conn_id, |
| const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) { |
| EXPECT_EQ(data_connection_map_[conn_id].front().length(), |
| packet.AsStringPiece().length()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(data_connection_map_[conn_id].front(), packet.AsStringPiece()); |
| data_connection_map_[conn_id].pop_front(); |
| } |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<QuicSession> CreateSession( |
| TestDispatcher* dispatcher, |
| const QuicConfig& config, |
| QuicConnectionId connection_id, |
| const QuicSocketAddress& /*peer_address*/, |
| MockQuicConnectionHelper* helper, |
| MockAlarmFactory* alarm_factory, |
| const QuicCryptoServerConfig* crypto_config, |
| QuicCompressedCertsCache* compressed_certs_cache, |
| TestQuicSpdyServerSession** session_ptr) { |
| MockServerConnection* connection = new MockServerConnection( |
| connection_id, helper, alarm_factory, dispatcher); |
| connection->SetQuicPacketWriter(dispatcher->writer(), |
| /*owns_writer=*/false); |
| auto session = std::make_unique<TestQuicSpdyServerSession>( |
| config, connection, crypto_config, compressed_certs_cache); |
| *session_ptr = session.get(); |
| connection->set_visitor(session.get()); |
| ON_CALL(*connection, CloseConnection(_, _, _)) |
| .WillByDefault(WithoutArgs(Invoke( |
| connection, &MockServerConnection::UnregisterOnConnectionClosed))); |
| return session; |
| } |
| |
| void CreateTimeWaitListManager() { |
| time_wait_list_manager_ = new MockTimeWaitListManager( |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::GetWriter(dispatcher_.get()), dispatcher_.get(), |
| mock_helper_.GetClock(), &mock_alarm_factory_); |
| // dispatcher_ takes the ownership of time_wait_list_manager_. |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::SetTimeWaitListManager(dispatcher_.get(), |
| time_wait_list_manager_); |
| } |
| |
| std::string SerializeCHLO() { |
| CryptoHandshakeMessage client_hello; |
| client_hello.set_tag(kCHLO); |
| client_hello.SetStringPiece(kALPN, "hq"); |
| return std::string(client_hello.GetSerialized().AsStringPiece()); |
| } |
| |
| std::string ExpectedAlpnForVersion(ParsedQuicVersion version) { |
| if (version.handshake_protocol == PROTOCOL_TLS1_3) { |
| // TODO(b/149597791) Remove this once we can parse ALPN with TLS. |
| return ""; |
| } |
| return "hq"; |
| } |
| |
| std::string ExpectedAlpn() { return ExpectedAlpnForVersion(version_); } |
| |
| void MarkSession1Deleted() { session1_ = nullptr; } |
| |
| void VerifyVersionSupported(ParsedQuicVersion version) { |
| QuicConnectionId connection_id = TestConnectionId(++connection_id_); |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| CreateQuicSession(connection_id, client_address, |
| Eq(ExpectedAlpnForVersion(version)), _)) |
| .WillOnce(Return(ByMove(CreateSession( |
| dispatcher_.get(), config_, connection_id, client_address, |
| &mock_helper_, &mock_alarm_factory_, &crypto_config_, |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::GetCache(dispatcher_.get()), &session1_)))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session1_->connection()), |
| ProcessUdpPacket(_, _, _)) |
| .WillOnce(WithArg<2>( |
| Invoke([this, connection_id](const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) { |
| ValidatePacket(connection_id, packet); |
| }))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| ShouldCreateOrBufferPacketForConnection( |
| ReceivedPacketInfoConnectionIdEquals(connection_id))); |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, connection_id, true, version, SerializeCHLO(), |
| } |
| |
| void VerifyVersionNotSupported(ParsedQuicVersion version) { |
| QuicConnectionId connection_id = TestConnectionId(++connection_id_); |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| CreateQuicSession(connection_id, client_address, _, _)) |
| .Times(0); |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, connection_id, true, version, SerializeCHLO(), |
| } |
| |
| ParsedQuicVersion version_; |
| MockQuicConnectionHelper mock_helper_; |
| MockAlarmFactory mock_alarm_factory_; |
| QuicConfig config_; |
| QuicVersionManager version_manager_; |
| QuicCryptoServerConfig crypto_config_; |
| QuicSocketAddress server_address_; |
| std::unique_ptr<NiceMock<TestDispatcher>> dispatcher_; |
| MockTimeWaitListManager* time_wait_list_manager_; |
| TestQuicSpdyServerSession* session1_; |
| TestQuicSpdyServerSession* session2_; |
| std::map<QuicConnectionId, std::list<std::string>> data_connection_map_; |
| QuicBufferedPacketStore* store_; |
| uint64_t connection_id_; |
| }; |
| |
| class QuicDispatcherTestAllVersions : public QuicDispatcherTestBase {}; |
| class QuicDispatcherTestOneVersion : public QuicDispatcherTestBase {}; |
| |
| INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(QuicDispatcherTestsAllVersions, |
| QuicDispatcherTestAllVersions, |
| ::testing::ValuesIn(CurrentSupportedVersions()), |
| ::testing::PrintToStringParamName()); |
| |
| INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(QuicDispatcherTestsOneVersion, |
| QuicDispatcherTestOneVersion, |
| ::testing::Values(CurrentSupportedVersions().front()), |
| ::testing::PrintToStringParamName()); |
| |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherTestAllVersions, TlsClientHelloCreatesSession) { |
| if (version_.handshake_protocol != PROTOCOL_TLS1_3) { |
| return; |
| } |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| CreateQuicSession(TestConnectionId(1), client_address, |
| Eq(ExpectedAlpn()), _)) |
| .WillOnce(Return(ByMove(CreateSession( |
| dispatcher_.get(), config_, TestConnectionId(1), client_address, |
| &mock_helper_, &mock_alarm_factory_, &crypto_config_, |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::GetCache(dispatcher_.get()), &session1_)))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session1_->connection()), |
| ProcessUdpPacket(_, _, _)) |
| .WillOnce(WithArg<2>(Invoke([this](const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) { |
| ValidatePacket(TestConnectionId(1), packet); |
| }))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| ShouldCreateOrBufferPacketForConnection( |
| ReceivedPacketInfoConnectionIdEquals(TestConnectionId(1)))); |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, TestConnectionId(1), true, version_, |
| SerializeCHLO(), true, CONNECTION_ID_PRESENT, |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherTestAllVersions, ProcessPackets) { |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| CreateQuicSession(TestConnectionId(1), client_address, |
| Eq(ExpectedAlpn()), _)) |
| .WillOnce(Return(ByMove(CreateSession( |
| dispatcher_.get(), config_, TestConnectionId(1), client_address, |
| &mock_helper_, &mock_alarm_factory_, &crypto_config_, |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::GetCache(dispatcher_.get()), &session1_)))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session1_->connection()), |
| ProcessUdpPacket(_, _, _)) |
| .WillOnce(WithArg<2>(Invoke([this](const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) { |
| ValidatePacket(TestConnectionId(1), packet); |
| }))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| ShouldCreateOrBufferPacketForConnection( |
| ReceivedPacketInfoConnectionIdEquals(TestConnectionId(1)))); |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, TestConnectionId(1), true, SerializeCHLO()); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| CreateQuicSession(TestConnectionId(2), client_address, |
| Eq(ExpectedAlpn()), _)) |
| .WillOnce(Return(ByMove(CreateSession( |
| dispatcher_.get(), config_, TestConnectionId(2), client_address, |
| &mock_helper_, &mock_alarm_factory_, &crypto_config_, |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::GetCache(dispatcher_.get()), &session2_)))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session2_->connection()), |
| ProcessUdpPacket(_, _, _)) |
| .WillOnce(WithArg<2>(Invoke([this](const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) { |
| ValidatePacket(TestConnectionId(2), packet); |
| }))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| ShouldCreateOrBufferPacketForConnection( |
| ReceivedPacketInfoConnectionIdEquals(TestConnectionId(2)))); |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, TestConnectionId(2), true, SerializeCHLO()); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session1_->connection()), |
| ProcessUdpPacket(_, _, _)) |
| .Times(1) |
| .WillOnce(WithArg<2>(Invoke([this](const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) { |
| ValidatePacket(TestConnectionId(1), packet); |
| }))); |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, TestConnectionId(1), false, "data"); |
| } |
| |
| // Regression test of b/93325907. |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherTestAllVersions, DispatcherDoesNotRejectPacketNumberZero) { |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| CreateQuicSession(TestConnectionId(1), client_address, |
| Eq(ExpectedAlpn()), _)) |
| .WillOnce(Return(ByMove(CreateSession( |
| dispatcher_.get(), config_, TestConnectionId(1), client_address, |
| &mock_helper_, &mock_alarm_factory_, &crypto_config_, |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::GetCache(dispatcher_.get()), &session1_)))); |
| // Verify both packets 1 and 2 are processed by connection 1. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session1_->connection()), |
| ProcessUdpPacket(_, _, _)) |
| .Times(2) |
| .WillRepeatedly( |
| WithArg<2>(Invoke([this](const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) { |
| ValidatePacket(TestConnectionId(1), packet); |
| }))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| ShouldCreateOrBufferPacketForConnection( |
| ReceivedPacketInfoConnectionIdEquals(TestConnectionId(1)))); |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, TestConnectionId(1), true, version_, |
| SerializeCHLO(), true, CONNECTION_ID_PRESENT, |
| // Packet number 256 with packet number length 1 would be considered as 0 in |
| // dispatcher. |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, TestConnectionId(1), false, version_, "", true, |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherTestOneVersion, StatelessVersionNegotiation) { |
| CreateTimeWaitListManager(); |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, CreateQuicSession(_, _, _, _)).Times(0); |
| *time_wait_list_manager_, |
| SendVersionNegotiationPacket(TestConnectionId(1), _, _, _, _, _, _, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| // Pad the CHLO message with enough data to make the packet large enough |
| // to trigger version negotiation. |
| std::string chlo = SerializeCHLO() + std::string(1200, 'a'); |
| DCHECK_LE(1200u, chlo.length()); |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, TestConnectionId(1), true, |
| QuicVersionReservedForNegotiation(), chlo, true, |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherTestOneVersion, |
| StatelessVersionNegotiationWithVeryLongConnectionId) { |
| QuicConnectionId connection_id = QuicUtils::CreateRandomConnectionId(33); |
| CreateTimeWaitListManager(); |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, CreateQuicSession(_, _, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*time_wait_list_manager_, |
| SendVersionNegotiationPacket(connection_id, _, _, _, _, _, _, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| // Pad the CHLO message with enough data to make the packet large enough |
| // to trigger version negotiation. |
| std::string chlo = SerializeCHLO() + std::string(1200, 'a'); |
| DCHECK_LE(1200u, chlo.length()); |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, connection_id, true, |
| QuicVersionReservedForNegotiation(), chlo, true, |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherTestOneVersion, |
| StatelessVersionNegotiationWithClientConnectionId) { |
| CreateTimeWaitListManager(); |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, CreateQuicSession(_, _, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*time_wait_list_manager_, |
| SendVersionNegotiationPacket( |
| TestConnectionId(1), TestConnectionId(2), _, _, _, _, _, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| // Pad the CHLO message with enough data to make the packet large enough |
| // to trigger version negotiation. |
| std::string chlo = SerializeCHLO() + std::string(1200, 'a'); |
| DCHECK_LE(1200u, chlo.length()); |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, TestConnectionId(1), TestConnectionId(2), true, |
| QuicVersionReservedForNegotiation(), chlo, true, |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherTestOneVersion, NoVersionNegotiationWithSmallPacket) { |
| CreateTimeWaitListManager(); |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, CreateQuicSession(_, _, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*time_wait_list_manager_, |
| SendVersionNegotiationPacket(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _)) |
| .Times(0); |
| std::string chlo = SerializeCHLO() + std::string(1200, 'a'); |
| // Truncate to 1100 bytes of payload which results in a packet just |
| // under 1200 bytes after framing, packet, and encryption overhead. |
| DCHECK_LE(1200u, chlo.length()); |
| std::string truncated_chlo = chlo.substr(0, 1100); |
| DCHECK_EQ(1100u, truncated_chlo.length()); |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, TestConnectionId(1), true, |
| QuicVersionReservedForNegotiation(), truncated_chlo, false, |
| } |
| |
| // Disabling CHLO size validation allows the dispatcher to send version |
| // negotiation packets in response to a CHLO that is otherwise too small. |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherTestOneVersion, |
| VersionNegotiationWithoutChloSizeValidation) { |
| crypto_config_.set_validate_chlo_size(false); |
| |
| CreateTimeWaitListManager(); |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, CreateQuicSession(_, _, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*time_wait_list_manager_, |
| SendVersionNegotiationPacket(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| std::string chlo = SerializeCHLO() + std::string(1200, 'a'); |
| // Truncate to 1100 bytes of payload which results in a packet just |
| // under 1200 bytes after framing, packet, and encryption overhead. |
| DCHECK_LE(1200u, chlo.length()); |
| std::string truncated_chlo = chlo.substr(0, 1100); |
| DCHECK_EQ(1100u, truncated_chlo.length()); |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, TestConnectionId(1), true, |
| QuicVersionReservedForNegotiation(), truncated_chlo, true, |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherTestAllVersions, Shutdown) { |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| CreateQuicSession(_, client_address, Eq(ExpectedAlpn()), _)) |
| .WillOnce(Return(ByMove(CreateSession( |
| dispatcher_.get(), config_, TestConnectionId(1), client_address, |
| &mock_helper_, &mock_alarm_factory_, &crypto_config_, |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::GetCache(dispatcher_.get()), &session1_)))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session1_->connection()), |
| ProcessUdpPacket(_, _, _)) |
| .WillOnce(WithArg<2>(Invoke([this](const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) { |
| ValidatePacket(TestConnectionId(1), packet); |
| }))); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| ShouldCreateOrBufferPacketForConnection( |
| ReceivedPacketInfoConnectionIdEquals(TestConnectionId(1)))); |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, TestConnectionId(1), true, SerializeCHLO()); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session1_->connection()), |
| CloseConnection(QUIC_PEER_GOING_AWAY, _, _)); |
| |
| dispatcher_->Shutdown(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherTestAllVersions, TimeWaitListManager) { |
| CreateTimeWaitListManager(); |
| |
| // Create a new session. |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1); |
| QuicConnectionId connection_id = TestConnectionId(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, CreateQuicSession(connection_id, client_address, |
| Eq(ExpectedAlpn()), _)) |
| .WillOnce(Return(ByMove(CreateSession( |
| dispatcher_.get(), config_, connection_id, client_address, |
| &mock_helper_, &mock_alarm_factory_, &crypto_config_, |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::GetCache(dispatcher_.get()), &session1_)))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session1_->connection()), |
| ProcessUdpPacket(_, _, _)) |
| .WillOnce(WithArg<2>(Invoke([this](const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) { |
| ValidatePacket(TestConnectionId(1), packet); |
| }))); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| ShouldCreateOrBufferPacketForConnection( |
| ReceivedPacketInfoConnectionIdEquals(TestConnectionId(1)))); |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, connection_id, true, SerializeCHLO()); |
| |
| // Now close the connection, which should add it to the time wait list. |
| session1_->connection()->CloseConnection( |
| "Server: Packet 2 without version flag before version negotiated.", |
| ConnectionCloseBehavior::SILENT_CLOSE); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(time_wait_list_manager_->IsConnectionIdInTimeWait(connection_id)); |
| |
| // Dispatcher forwards subsequent packets for this connection_id to the time |
| // wait list manager. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*time_wait_list_manager_, |
| ProcessPacket(_, _, connection_id, _, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*time_wait_list_manager_, |
| AddConnectionIdToTimeWait(_, _, _, _, _)) |
| .Times(0); |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, connection_id, true, "data"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherTestAllVersions, NoVersionPacketToTimeWaitListManager) { |
| CreateTimeWaitListManager(); |
| |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1); |
| QuicConnectionId connection_id = TestConnectionId(1); |
| // Dispatcher forwards all packets for this connection_id to the time wait |
| // list manager. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, CreateQuicSession(_, _, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*time_wait_list_manager_, |
| ProcessPacket(_, _, connection_id, _, _)) |
| .Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*time_wait_list_manager_, |
| AddConnectionIdToTimeWait(_, _, _, _, _)) |
| .Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*time_wait_list_manager_, SendPublicReset(_, _, _, _, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, connection_id, false, SerializeCHLO()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherTestAllVersions, |
| DonotTimeWaitPacketsWithUnknownConnectionIdAndNoVersion) { |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1); |
| CreateTimeWaitListManager(); |
| |
| char short_packet[22] = {0x70, 0xa7, 0x02, 0x6b}; |
| QuicReceivedPacket packet(short_packet, 22, QuicTime::Zero()); |
| char valid_size_packet[23] = {0x70, 0xa7, 0x02, 0x6c}; |
| QuicReceivedPacket packet2(valid_size_packet, 23, QuicTime::Zero()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, CreateQuicSession(_, _, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*time_wait_list_manager_, ProcessPacket(_, _, _, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*time_wait_list_manager_, |
| AddConnectionIdToTimeWait(_, _, _, _, _)) |
| .Times(0); |
| // Verify small packet is silently dropped. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*time_wait_list_manager_, SendPublicReset(_, _, _, _, _)) |
| .Times(0); |
| dispatcher_->ProcessPacket(server_address_, client_address, packet); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*time_wait_list_manager_, SendPublicReset(_, _, _, _, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| dispatcher_->ProcessPacket(server_address_, client_address, packet2); |
| } |
| |
| // Makes sure nine-byte connection IDs are replaced by 8-byte ones. |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherTestAllVersions, LongConnectionIdLengthReplaced) { |
| if (!version_.AllowsVariableLengthConnectionIds()) { |
| // When variable length connection IDs are not supported, the connection |
| // fails. See StrayPacketTruncatedConnectionId. |
| return; |
| } |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1); |
| |
| QuicConnectionId bad_connection_id = TestConnectionIdNineBytesLong(2); |
| QuicConnectionId fixed_connection_id = |
| QuicUtils::CreateReplacementConnectionId(bad_connection_id); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| CreateQuicSession(fixed_connection_id, client_address, |
| Eq(ExpectedAlpn()), _)) |
| .WillOnce(Return(ByMove(CreateSession( |
| dispatcher_.get(), config_, fixed_connection_id, client_address, |
| &mock_helper_, &mock_alarm_factory_, &crypto_config_, |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::GetCache(dispatcher_.get()), &session1_)))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session1_->connection()), |
| ProcessUdpPacket(_, _, _)) |
| .WillOnce(WithArg<2>( |
| Invoke([this, bad_connection_id](const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) { |
| ValidatePacket(bad_connection_id, packet); |
| }))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| ShouldCreateOrBufferPacketForConnection( |
| ReceivedPacketInfoConnectionIdEquals(bad_connection_id))); |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, bad_connection_id, true, SerializeCHLO()); |
| } |
| |
| // Makes sure zero-byte connection IDs are replaced by 8-byte ones. |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherTestAllVersions, InvalidShortConnectionIdLengthReplaced) { |
| if (!version_.AllowsVariableLengthConnectionIds()) { |
| // When variable length connection IDs are not supported, the connection |
| // fails. See StrayPacketTruncatedConnectionId. |
| return; |
| } |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1); |
| |
| QuicConnectionId bad_connection_id = EmptyQuicConnectionId(); |
| QuicConnectionId fixed_connection_id = |
| QuicUtils::CreateReplacementConnectionId(bad_connection_id); |
| |
| // Disable validation of invalid short connection IDs. |
| dispatcher_->SetAllowShortInitialServerConnectionIds(true); |
| // Note that StrayPacketTruncatedConnectionId covers the case where the |
| // validation is still enabled. |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| CreateQuicSession(fixed_connection_id, client_address, |
| Eq(ExpectedAlpn()), _)) |
| .WillOnce(Return(ByMove(CreateSession( |
| dispatcher_.get(), config_, fixed_connection_id, client_address, |
| &mock_helper_, &mock_alarm_factory_, &crypto_config_, |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::GetCache(dispatcher_.get()), &session1_)))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session1_->connection()), |
| ProcessUdpPacket(_, _, _)) |
| .WillOnce(WithArg<2>( |
| Invoke([this, bad_connection_id](const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) { |
| ValidatePacket(bad_connection_id, packet); |
| }))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| ShouldCreateOrBufferPacketForConnection( |
| ReceivedPacketInfoConnectionIdEquals(bad_connection_id))); |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, bad_connection_id, true, SerializeCHLO()); |
| } |
| |
| // Makes sure TestConnectionId(1) creates a new connection and |
| // TestConnectionIdNineBytesLong(2) gets replaced. |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherTestAllVersions, MixGoodAndBadConnectionIdLengthPackets) { |
| if (!version_.AllowsVariableLengthConnectionIds()) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1); |
| QuicConnectionId bad_connection_id = TestConnectionIdNineBytesLong(2); |
| QuicConnectionId fixed_connection_id = |
| QuicUtils::CreateReplacementConnectionId(bad_connection_id); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| CreateQuicSession(TestConnectionId(1), client_address, |
| Eq(ExpectedAlpn()), _)) |
| .WillOnce(Return(ByMove(CreateSession( |
| dispatcher_.get(), config_, TestConnectionId(1), client_address, |
| &mock_helper_, &mock_alarm_factory_, &crypto_config_, |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::GetCache(dispatcher_.get()), &session1_)))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session1_->connection()), |
| ProcessUdpPacket(_, _, _)) |
| .WillOnce(WithArg<2>(Invoke([this](const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) { |
| ValidatePacket(TestConnectionId(1), packet); |
| }))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| ShouldCreateOrBufferPacketForConnection( |
| ReceivedPacketInfoConnectionIdEquals(TestConnectionId(1)))); |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, TestConnectionId(1), true, SerializeCHLO()); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| CreateQuicSession(fixed_connection_id, client_address, |
| Eq(ExpectedAlpn()), _)) |
| .WillOnce(Return(ByMove(CreateSession( |
| dispatcher_.get(), config_, fixed_connection_id, client_address, |
| &mock_helper_, &mock_alarm_factory_, &crypto_config_, |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::GetCache(dispatcher_.get()), &session2_)))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session2_->connection()), |
| ProcessUdpPacket(_, _, _)) |
| .WillOnce(WithArg<2>( |
| Invoke([this, bad_connection_id](const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) { |
| ValidatePacket(bad_connection_id, packet); |
| }))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| ShouldCreateOrBufferPacketForConnection( |
| ReceivedPacketInfoConnectionIdEquals(bad_connection_id))); |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, bad_connection_id, true, SerializeCHLO()); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session1_->connection()), |
| ProcessUdpPacket(_, _, _)) |
| .Times(1) |
| .WillOnce(WithArg<2>(Invoke([this](const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) { |
| ValidatePacket(TestConnectionId(1), packet); |
| }))); |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, TestConnectionId(1), false, "data"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherTestAllVersions, ProcessPacketWithZeroPort) { |
| CreateTimeWaitListManager(); |
| |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 0); |
| |
| // dispatcher_ should drop this packet. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| CreateQuicSession(TestConnectionId(1), client_address, _, _)) |
| .Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*time_wait_list_manager_, ProcessPacket(_, _, _, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*time_wait_list_manager_, |
| AddConnectionIdToTimeWait(_, _, _, _, _)) |
| .Times(0); |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, TestConnectionId(1), true, SerializeCHLO()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherTestAllVersions, |
| ProcessPacketWithInvalidShortInitialConnectionId) { |
| if (!version_.AllowsVariableLengthConnectionIds()) { |
| return; |
| } |
| CreateTimeWaitListManager(); |
| |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1); |
| |
| // dispatcher_ should drop this packet. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, CreateQuicSession(_, client_address, _, _)) |
| .Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*time_wait_list_manager_, ProcessPacket(_, _, _, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*time_wait_list_manager_, |
| AddConnectionIdToTimeWait(_, _, _, _, _)) |
| .Times(0); |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, EmptyQuicConnectionId(), true, SerializeCHLO()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherTestAllVersions, OKSeqNoPacketProcessed) { |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1); |
| QuicConnectionId connection_id = TestConnectionId(1); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| CreateQuicSession(TestConnectionId(1), client_address, |
| Eq(ExpectedAlpn()), _)) |
| .WillOnce(Return(ByMove(CreateSession( |
| dispatcher_.get(), config_, TestConnectionId(1), client_address, |
| &mock_helper_, &mock_alarm_factory_, &crypto_config_, |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::GetCache(dispatcher_.get()), &session1_)))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session1_->connection()), |
| ProcessUdpPacket(_, _, _)) |
| .WillOnce(WithArg<2>(Invoke([this](const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) { |
| ValidatePacket(TestConnectionId(1), packet); |
| }))); |
| |
| // A packet whose packet number is the largest that is allowed to start a |
| // connection. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| ShouldCreateOrBufferPacketForConnection( |
| ReceivedPacketInfoConnectionIdEquals(connection_id))); |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, connection_id, true, SerializeCHLO(), |
| QuicDispatcher::kMaxReasonableInitialPacketNumber); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherTestOneVersion, VersionsChangeInFlight) { |
| VerifyVersionNotSupported(QuicVersionReservedForNegotiation()); |
| for (ParsedQuicVersion version : CurrentSupportedVersions()) { |
| VerifyVersionSupported(version); |
| } |
| |
| // Turn off version Q050. |
| SetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_disable_version_q050, true); |
| VerifyVersionNotSupported( |
| |
| // Turn on version Q050. |
| SetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_disable_version_q050, false); |
| VerifyVersionSupported( |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherTestOneVersion, |
| RejectDeprecatedVersionsWithVersionNegotiation) { |
| static_assert(quic::SupportedVersions().size() == 8u, |
| "Please add deprecated versions to this test"); |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1); |
| CreateTimeWaitListManager(); |
| |
| { |
| char packet47[kMinPacketSizeForVersionNegotiation] = { |
| 0xC0, 'Q', '0', '4', '7', /*connection ID length byte*/ 0x50}; |
| QuicReceivedPacket received_packet47( |
| packet47, kMinPacketSizeForVersionNegotiation, QuicTime::Zero()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, CreateQuicSession(_, _, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*time_wait_list_manager_, |
| SendVersionNegotiationPacket(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| dispatcher_->ProcessPacket(server_address_, client_address, |
| received_packet47); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| char packet45[kMinPacketSizeForVersionNegotiation] = { |
| 0xC0, 'Q', '0', '4', '5', /*connection ID length byte*/ 0x50}; |
| QuicReceivedPacket received_packet45( |
| packet45, kMinPacketSizeForVersionNegotiation, QuicTime::Zero()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, CreateQuicSession(_, _, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*time_wait_list_manager_, |
| SendVersionNegotiationPacket(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| dispatcher_->ProcessPacket(server_address_, client_address, |
| received_packet45); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| char packet44[kMinPacketSizeForVersionNegotiation] = { |
| 0xFF, 'Q', '0', '4', '4', /*connection ID length byte*/ 0x50}; |
| QuicReceivedPacket received_packet44( |
| packet44, kMinPacketSizeForVersionNegotiation, QuicTime::Zero()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, CreateQuicSession(_, _, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*time_wait_list_manager_, |
| SendVersionNegotiationPacket(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| dispatcher_->ProcessPacket(server_address_, client_address, |
| received_packet44); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherTestOneVersion, VersionNegotiationProbeOld) { |
| SetQuicFlag(FLAGS_quic_prober_uses_length_prefixed_connection_ids, false); |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1); |
| CreateTimeWaitListManager(); |
| char packet[1200]; |
| char destination_connection_id_bytes[] = {0x56, 0x4e, 0x20, 0x70, |
| 0x6c, 0x7a, 0x20, 0x21}; |
| EXPECT_TRUE(QuicFramer::WriteClientVersionNegotiationProbePacket( |
| packet, sizeof(packet), destination_connection_id_bytes, |
| sizeof(destination_connection_id_bytes))); |
| QuicEncryptedPacket encrypted(packet, sizeof(packet), false); |
| std::unique_ptr<QuicReceivedPacket> received_packet( |
| ConstructReceivedPacket(encrypted, mock_helper_.GetClock()->Now())); |
| QuicConnectionId client_connection_id = EmptyQuicConnectionId(); |
| QuicConnectionId server_connection_id( |
| destination_connection_id_bytes, sizeof(destination_connection_id_bytes)); |
| bool ietf_quic = true; |
| bool use_length_prefix = |
| GetQuicFlag(FLAGS_quic_prober_uses_length_prefixed_connection_ids); |
| *time_wait_list_manager_, |
| SendVersionNegotiationPacket(server_connection_id, client_connection_id, |
| ietf_quic, use_length_prefix, _, _, _, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, CreateQuicSession(_, _, _, _)).Times(0); |
| |
| dispatcher_->ProcessPacket(server_address_, client_address, *received_packet); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherTestOneVersion, VersionNegotiationProbe) { |
| SetQuicFlag(FLAGS_quic_prober_uses_length_prefixed_connection_ids, true); |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1); |
| CreateTimeWaitListManager(); |
| char packet[1200]; |
| char destination_connection_id_bytes[] = {0x56, 0x4e, 0x20, 0x70, |
| 0x6c, 0x7a, 0x20, 0x21}; |
| EXPECT_TRUE(QuicFramer::WriteClientVersionNegotiationProbePacket( |
| packet, sizeof(packet), destination_connection_id_bytes, |
| sizeof(destination_connection_id_bytes))); |
| QuicEncryptedPacket encrypted(packet, sizeof(packet), false); |
| std::unique_ptr<QuicReceivedPacket> received_packet( |
| ConstructReceivedPacket(encrypted, mock_helper_.GetClock()->Now())); |
| QuicConnectionId client_connection_id = EmptyQuicConnectionId(); |
| QuicConnectionId server_connection_id( |
| destination_connection_id_bytes, sizeof(destination_connection_id_bytes)); |
| bool ietf_quic = true; |
| bool use_length_prefix = |
| GetQuicFlag(FLAGS_quic_prober_uses_length_prefixed_connection_ids); |
| *time_wait_list_manager_, |
| SendVersionNegotiationPacket(server_connection_id, client_connection_id, |
| ietf_quic, use_length_prefix, _, _, _, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, CreateQuicSession(_, _, _, _)).Times(0); |
| |
| dispatcher_->ProcessPacket(server_address_, client_address, *received_packet); |
| } |
| |
| // Testing packet writer that saves all packets instead of sending them. |
| // Useful for tests that need access to sent packets. |
| class SavingWriter : public QuicPacketWriterWrapper { |
| public: |
| bool IsWriteBlocked() const override { return false; } |
| |
| WriteResult WritePacket(const char* buffer, |
| size_t buf_len, |
| const QuicIpAddress& /*self_client_address*/, |
| const QuicSocketAddress& /*peer_client_address*/, |
| PerPacketOptions* /*options*/) override { |
| packets_.push_back( |
| QuicEncryptedPacket(buffer, buf_len, /*owns_buffer=*/false).Clone()); |
| return WriteResult(WRITE_STATUS_OK, buf_len); |
| } |
| |
| std::vector<std::unique_ptr<QuicEncryptedPacket>>* packets() { |
| return &packets_; |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| std::vector<std::unique_ptr<QuicEncryptedPacket>> packets_; |
| }; |
| |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherTestOneVersion, VersionNegotiationProbeEndToEndOld) { |
| SetQuicFlag(FLAGS_quic_prober_uses_length_prefixed_connection_ids, false); |
| |
| SavingWriter* saving_writer = new SavingWriter(); |
| // dispatcher_ takes ownership of saving_writer. |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::UseWriter(dispatcher_.get(), saving_writer); |
| |
| QuicTimeWaitListManager* time_wait_list_manager = new QuicTimeWaitListManager( |
| saving_writer, dispatcher_.get(), mock_helper_.GetClock(), |
| &mock_alarm_factory_); |
| // dispatcher_ takes ownership of time_wait_list_manager. |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::SetTimeWaitListManager(dispatcher_.get(), |
| time_wait_list_manager); |
| char packet[1200] = {}; |
| char destination_connection_id_bytes[] = {0x56, 0x4e, 0x20, 0x70, |
| 0x6c, 0x7a, 0x20, 0x21}; |
| EXPECT_TRUE(QuicFramer::WriteClientVersionNegotiationProbePacket( |
| packet, sizeof(packet), destination_connection_id_bytes, |
| sizeof(destination_connection_id_bytes))); |
| QuicEncryptedPacket encrypted(packet, sizeof(packet), false); |
| std::unique_ptr<QuicReceivedPacket> received_packet( |
| ConstructReceivedPacket(encrypted, mock_helper_.GetClock()->Now())); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, CreateQuicSession(_, _, _, _)).Times(0); |
| |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1); |
| dispatcher_->ProcessPacket(server_address_, client_address, *received_packet); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, saving_writer->packets()->size()); |
| |
| char source_connection_id_bytes[255] = {}; |
| uint8_t source_connection_id_length = 0; |
| std::string detailed_error = "foobar"; |
| EXPECT_TRUE(QuicFramer::ParseServerVersionNegotiationProbeResponse( |
| (*(saving_writer->packets()))[0]->data(), |
| (*(saving_writer->packets()))[0]->length(), source_connection_id_bytes, |
| &source_connection_id_length, &detailed_error)); |
| EXPECT_EQ("", detailed_error); |
| |
| // The source connection ID of the probe response should match the |
| // destination connection ID of the probe request. |
| quiche::test::CompareCharArraysWithHexError( |
| "parsed probe", source_connection_id_bytes, source_connection_id_length, |
| destination_connection_id_bytes, sizeof(destination_connection_id_bytes)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherTestOneVersion, VersionNegotiationProbeEndToEnd) { |
| SetQuicFlag(FLAGS_quic_prober_uses_length_prefixed_connection_ids, true); |
| |
| SavingWriter* saving_writer = new SavingWriter(); |
| // dispatcher_ takes ownership of saving_writer. |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::UseWriter(dispatcher_.get(), saving_writer); |
| |
| QuicTimeWaitListManager* time_wait_list_manager = new QuicTimeWaitListManager( |
| saving_writer, dispatcher_.get(), mock_helper_.GetClock(), |
| &mock_alarm_factory_); |
| // dispatcher_ takes ownership of time_wait_list_manager. |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::SetTimeWaitListManager(dispatcher_.get(), |
| time_wait_list_manager); |
| char packet[1200] = {}; |
| char destination_connection_id_bytes[] = {0x56, 0x4e, 0x20, 0x70, |
| 0x6c, 0x7a, 0x20, 0x21}; |
| EXPECT_TRUE(QuicFramer::WriteClientVersionNegotiationProbePacket( |
| packet, sizeof(packet), destination_connection_id_bytes, |
| sizeof(destination_connection_id_bytes))); |
| QuicEncryptedPacket encrypted(packet, sizeof(packet), false); |
| std::unique_ptr<QuicReceivedPacket> received_packet( |
| ConstructReceivedPacket(encrypted, mock_helper_.GetClock()->Now())); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, CreateQuicSession(_, _, _, _)).Times(0); |
| |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1); |
| dispatcher_->ProcessPacket(server_address_, client_address, *received_packet); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, saving_writer->packets()->size()); |
| |
| char source_connection_id_bytes[255] = {}; |
| uint8_t source_connection_id_length = 0; |
| std::string detailed_error = "foobar"; |
| EXPECT_TRUE(QuicFramer::ParseServerVersionNegotiationProbeResponse( |
| (*(saving_writer->packets()))[0]->data(), |
| (*(saving_writer->packets()))[0]->length(), source_connection_id_bytes, |
| &source_connection_id_length, &detailed_error)); |
| EXPECT_EQ("", detailed_error); |
| |
| // The source connection ID of the probe response should match the |
| // destination connection ID of the probe request. |
| quiche::test::CompareCharArraysWithHexError( |
| "parsed probe", source_connection_id_bytes, source_connection_id_length, |
| destination_connection_id_bytes, sizeof(destination_connection_id_bytes)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherTestOneVersion, AndroidConformanceTestOld) { |
| // TODO(b/139691956) Remove this test once the workaround is removed. |
| SavingWriter* saving_writer = new SavingWriter(); |
| // dispatcher_ takes ownership of saving_writer. |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::UseWriter(dispatcher_.get(), saving_writer); |
| |
| QuicTimeWaitListManager* time_wait_list_manager = new QuicTimeWaitListManager( |
| saving_writer, dispatcher_.get(), mock_helper_.GetClock(), |
| &mock_alarm_factory_); |
| // dispatcher_ takes ownership of time_wait_list_manager. |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::SetTimeWaitListManager(dispatcher_.get(), |
| time_wait_list_manager); |
| // clang-format off |
| static const unsigned char packet[] = { |
| // Android UDP network conformance test packet as it was before this change: |
| // https://android-review.googlesource.com/c/platform/cts/+/1104285 |
| 0x0c, // public flags: 8-byte connection ID, 1-byte packet number |
| 0x71, 0x72, 0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77, 0x78, // 8-byte connection ID |
| 0x01, // 1-byte packet number |
| 0x00, // private flags |
| 0x07, // PING frame |
| }; |
| // clang-format on |
| |
| QuicEncryptedPacket encrypted(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(packet), |
| sizeof(packet), false); |
| std::unique_ptr<QuicReceivedPacket> received_packet( |
| ConstructReceivedPacket(encrypted, mock_helper_.GetClock()->Now())); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, CreateQuicSession(_, _, _, _)).Times(0); |
| |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1); |
| dispatcher_->ProcessPacket(server_address_, client_address, *received_packet); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, saving_writer->packets()->size()); |
| |
| // The Android UDP network conformance test directly checks that bytes 1-9 |
| // of the response match the connection ID that was sent. |
| static const char connection_id_bytes[] = {0x71, 0x72, 0x73, 0x74, |
| 0x75, 0x76, 0x77, 0x78}; |
| ASSERT_GE((*(saving_writer->packets()))[0]->length(), |
| 1u + sizeof(connection_id_bytes)); |
| quiche::test::CompareCharArraysWithHexError( |
| "response connection ID", &(*(saving_writer->packets()))[0]->data()[1], |
| sizeof(connection_id_bytes), connection_id_bytes, |
| sizeof(connection_id_bytes)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherTestOneVersion, AndroidConformanceTest) { |
| // WARNING: do not remove or modify this test without making sure that we |
| // still have adequate coverage for the Android conformance test. |
| SavingWriter* saving_writer = new SavingWriter(); |
| // dispatcher_ takes ownership of saving_writer. |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::UseWriter(dispatcher_.get(), saving_writer); |
| |
| QuicTimeWaitListManager* time_wait_list_manager = new QuicTimeWaitListManager( |
| saving_writer, dispatcher_.get(), mock_helper_.GetClock(), |
| &mock_alarm_factory_); |
| // dispatcher_ takes ownership of time_wait_list_manager. |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::SetTimeWaitListManager(dispatcher_.get(), |
| time_wait_list_manager); |
| // clang-format off |
| static const unsigned char packet[1200] = { |
| // Android UDP network conformance test packet as it was after this change: |
| // https://android-review.googlesource.com/c/platform/cts/+/1104285 |
| 0x0d, // public flags: version, 8-byte connection ID, 1-byte packet number |
| 0x71, 0x72, 0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77, 0x78, // 8-byte connection ID |
| 0xaa, 0xda, 0xca, 0xaa, // reserved-space version number |
| 0x01, // 1-byte packet number |
| 0x00, // private flags |
| 0x07, // PING frame |
| }; |
| // clang-format on |
| |
| QuicEncryptedPacket encrypted(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(packet), |
| sizeof(packet), false); |
| std::unique_ptr<QuicReceivedPacket> received_packet( |
| ConstructReceivedPacket(encrypted, mock_helper_.GetClock()->Now())); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, CreateQuicSession(_, _, _, _)).Times(0); |
| |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1); |
| dispatcher_->ProcessPacket(server_address_, client_address, *received_packet); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, saving_writer->packets()->size()); |
| |
| // The Android UDP network conformance test directly checks that bytes 1-9 |
| // of the response match the connection ID that was sent. |
| static const char connection_id_bytes[] = {0x71, 0x72, 0x73, 0x74, |
| 0x75, 0x76, 0x77, 0x78}; |
| ASSERT_GE((*(saving_writer->packets()))[0]->length(), |
| 1u + sizeof(connection_id_bytes)); |
| quiche::test::CompareCharArraysWithHexError( |
| "response connection ID", &(*(saving_writer->packets()))[0]->data()[1], |
| sizeof(connection_id_bytes), connection_id_bytes, |
| sizeof(connection_id_bytes)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherTestAllVersions, DoNotProcessSmallPacket) { |
| if (!version_.HasIetfInvariantHeader()) { |
| // We only drop small packets when using IETF_QUIC_LONG_HEADER_PACKET. |
| return; |
| } |
| CreateTimeWaitListManager(); |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, CreateQuicSession(_, _, _, _)).Times(0); |
| if (GetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_drop_small_initial_packets)) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*time_wait_list_manager_, SendPacket(_, _, _)).Times(0); |
| } else { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*time_wait_list_manager_, SendPacket(_, _, _)).Times(1); |
| } |
| EXPECT_CALL(*time_wait_list_manager_, |
| AddConnectionIdToTimeWait(_, _, _, _, _)) |
| .Times(0); |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, TestConnectionId(1), /*has_version_flag=*/true, |
| version_, SerializeCHLO(), /*full_padding=*/false, |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherTestAllVersions, ProcessSmallCoalescedPacket) { |
| SetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_enable_version_t099, true); |
| CreateTimeWaitListManager(); |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*time_wait_list_manager_, SendPacket(_, _, _)).Times(0); |
| |
| // clang-format off |
| char coalesced_packet[1200] = { |
| // first coalesced packet |
| // public flags (long header with packet type INITIAL and |
| // 4-byte packet number) |
| 0xC3, |
| // version |
| 'Q', '0', '9', '9', |
| // destination connection ID length |
| 0x08, |
| // destination connection ID |
| 0xFE, 0xDC, 0xBA, 0x98, 0x76, 0x54, 0x32, 0x10, |
| // source connection ID length |
| 0x00, |
| // long header packet length |
| 0x05, |
| // packet number |
| 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, |
| // Padding |
| 0x00, |
| // second coalesced packet |
| // public flags (long header with packet type ZERO_RTT_PROTECTED and |
| // 4-byte packet number) |
| 0xC3, |
| // version |
| 'Q', '0', '9', '9', |
| // destination connection ID length |
| 0x08, |
| // destination connection ID |
| 0xFE, 0xDC, 0xBA, 0x98, 0x76, 0x54, 0x32, 0x10, |
| // source connection ID length |
| 0x00, |
| // long header packet length |
| 0x1E, |
| // packet number |
| 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x79, |
| }; |
| // clang-format on |
| QuicReceivedPacket packet(coalesced_packet, 1200, QuicTime::Zero()); |
| dispatcher_->ProcessPacket(server_address_, client_address, packet); |
| } |
| |
| // Verify the stopgap test: Packets with truncated connection IDs should be |
| // dropped. |
| class QuicDispatcherTestStrayPacketConnectionId |
| : public QuicDispatcherTestBase {}; |
| |
| INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(QuicDispatcherTestsStrayPacketConnectionId, |
| QuicDispatcherTestStrayPacketConnectionId, |
| ::testing::ValuesIn(CurrentSupportedVersions()), |
| ::testing::PrintToStringParamName()); |
| |
| // Packets with truncated connection IDs should be dropped. |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherTestStrayPacketConnectionId, |
| StrayPacketTruncatedConnectionId) { |
| CreateTimeWaitListManager(); |
| |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1); |
| QuicConnectionId connection_id = TestConnectionId(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, CreateQuicSession(_, _, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*time_wait_list_manager_, ProcessPacket(_, _, _, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*time_wait_list_manager_, |
| AddConnectionIdToTimeWait(_, _, _, _, _)) |
| .Times(0); |
| |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, connection_id, true, "data", |
| } |
| |
| class BlockingWriter : public QuicPacketWriterWrapper { |
| public: |
| BlockingWriter() : write_blocked_(false) {} |
| |
| bool IsWriteBlocked() const override { return write_blocked_; } |
| void SetWritable() override { write_blocked_ = false; } |
| |
| WriteResult WritePacket(const char* /*buffer*/, |
| size_t /*buf_len*/, |
| const QuicIpAddress& /*self_client_address*/, |
| const QuicSocketAddress& /*peer_client_address*/, |
| PerPacketOptions* /*options*/) override { |
| // It would be quite possible to actually implement this method here with |
| // the fake blocked status, but it would be significantly more work in |
| // Chromium, and since it's not called anyway, don't bother. |
| QUIC_LOG(DFATAL) << "Not supported"; |
| return WriteResult(); |
| } |
| |
| bool write_blocked_; |
| }; |
| |
| class QuicDispatcherWriteBlockedListTest : public QuicDispatcherTestBase { |
| public: |
| void SetUp() override { |
| QuicDispatcherTestBase::SetUp(); |
| writer_ = new BlockingWriter; |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::UseWriter(dispatcher_.get(), writer_); |
| |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| CreateQuicSession(_, client_address, |
| quiche::QuicheStringPiece("hq"), _)) |
| .WillOnce(Return(ByMove(CreateSession( |
| dispatcher_.get(), config_, TestConnectionId(1), client_address, |
| &helper_, &alarm_factory_, &crypto_config_, |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::GetCache(dispatcher_.get()), &session1_)))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session1_->connection()), |
| ProcessUdpPacket(_, _, _)) |
| .WillOnce(WithArg<2>(Invoke([this](const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) { |
| ValidatePacket(TestConnectionId(1), packet); |
| }))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| ShouldCreateOrBufferPacketForConnection( |
| ReceivedPacketInfoConnectionIdEquals(TestConnectionId(1)))); |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, TestConnectionId(1), true, SerializeCHLO()); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| CreateQuicSession(_, client_address, |
| quiche::QuicheStringPiece("hq"), _)) |
| .WillOnce(Return(ByMove(CreateSession( |
| dispatcher_.get(), config_, TestConnectionId(2), client_address, |
| &helper_, &alarm_factory_, &crypto_config_, |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::GetCache(dispatcher_.get()), &session2_)))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session2_->connection()), |
| ProcessUdpPacket(_, _, _)) |
| .WillOnce(WithArg<2>(Invoke([this](const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) { |
| ValidatePacket(TestConnectionId(2), packet); |
| }))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| ShouldCreateOrBufferPacketForConnection( |
| ReceivedPacketInfoConnectionIdEquals(TestConnectionId(2)))); |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, TestConnectionId(2), true, SerializeCHLO()); |
| |
| blocked_list_ = QuicDispatcherPeer::GetWriteBlockedList(dispatcher_.get()); |
| } |
| |
| void TearDown() override { |
| if (connection1() != nullptr) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*connection1(), CloseConnection(QUIC_PEER_GOING_AWAY, _, _)); |
| } |
| |
| if (connection2() != nullptr) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*connection2(), CloseConnection(QUIC_PEER_GOING_AWAY, _, _)); |
| } |
| dispatcher_->Shutdown(); |
| } |
| |
| // Set the dispatcher's writer to be blocked. By default, all connections use |
| // the same writer as the dispatcher in this test. |
| void SetBlocked() { |
| QUIC_LOG(INFO) << "set writer " << writer_ << " to blocked"; |
| writer_->write_blocked_ = true; |
| } |
| |
| // Simulate what happens when connection1 gets blocked when writing. |
| void BlockConnection1() { |
| Connection1Writer()->write_blocked_ = true; |
| dispatcher_->OnWriteBlocked(connection1()); |
| } |
| |
| BlockingWriter* Connection1Writer() { |
| return static_cast<BlockingWriter*>(connection1()->writer()); |
| } |
| |
| // Simulate what happens when connection2 gets blocked when writing. |
| void BlockConnection2() { |
| Connection2Writer()->write_blocked_ = true; |
| dispatcher_->OnWriteBlocked(connection2()); |
| } |
| |
| BlockingWriter* Connection2Writer() { |
| return static_cast<BlockingWriter*>(connection2()->writer()); |
| } |
| |
| protected: |
| MockQuicConnectionHelper helper_; |
| MockAlarmFactory alarm_factory_; |
| BlockingWriter* writer_; |
| QuicDispatcher::WriteBlockedList* blocked_list_; |
| }; |
| |
| INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(QuicDispatcherWriteBlockedListTests, |
| QuicDispatcherWriteBlockedListTest, |
| ::testing::Values(CurrentSupportedVersions().front()), |
| ::testing::PrintToStringParamName()); |
| |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherWriteBlockedListTest, BasicOnCanWrite) { |
| // No OnCanWrite calls because no connections are blocked. |
| dispatcher_->OnCanWrite(); |
| |
| // Register connection 1 for events, and make sure it's notified. |
| SetBlocked(); |
| dispatcher_->OnWriteBlocked(connection1()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*connection1(), OnCanWrite()); |
| dispatcher_->OnCanWrite(); |
| |
| // It should get only one notification. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*connection1(), OnCanWrite()).Times(0); |
| dispatcher_->OnCanWrite(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(dispatcher_->HasPendingWrites()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherWriteBlockedListTest, OnCanWriteOrder) { |
| // Make sure we handle events in order. |
| InSequence s; |
| SetBlocked(); |
| dispatcher_->OnWriteBlocked(connection1()); |
| dispatcher_->OnWriteBlocked(connection2()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*connection1(), OnCanWrite()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*connection2(), OnCanWrite()); |
| dispatcher_->OnCanWrite(); |
| |
| // Check the other ordering. |
| SetBlocked(); |
| dispatcher_->OnWriteBlocked(connection2()); |
| dispatcher_->OnWriteBlocked(connection1()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*connection2(), OnCanWrite()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*connection1(), OnCanWrite()); |
| dispatcher_->OnCanWrite(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherWriteBlockedListTest, OnCanWriteRemove) { |
| // Add and remove one connction. |
| SetBlocked(); |
| dispatcher_->OnWriteBlocked(connection1()); |
| blocked_list_->erase(connection1()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*connection1(), OnCanWrite()).Times(0); |
| dispatcher_->OnCanWrite(); |
| |
| // Add and remove one connction and make sure it doesn't affect others. |
| SetBlocked(); |
| dispatcher_->OnWriteBlocked(connection1()); |
| dispatcher_->OnWriteBlocked(connection2()); |
| blocked_list_->erase(connection1()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*connection2(), OnCanWrite()); |
| dispatcher_->OnCanWrite(); |
| |
| // Add it, remove it, and add it back and make sure things are OK. |
| SetBlocked(); |
| dispatcher_->OnWriteBlocked(connection1()); |
| blocked_list_->erase(connection1()); |
| dispatcher_->OnWriteBlocked(connection1()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*connection1(), OnCanWrite()).Times(1); |
| dispatcher_->OnCanWrite(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherWriteBlockedListTest, DoubleAdd) { |
| // Make sure a double add does not necessitate a double remove. |
| SetBlocked(); |
| dispatcher_->OnWriteBlocked(connection1()); |
| dispatcher_->OnWriteBlocked(connection1()); |
| blocked_list_->erase(connection1()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*connection1(), OnCanWrite()).Times(0); |
| dispatcher_->OnCanWrite(); |
| |
| // Make sure a double add does not result in two OnCanWrite calls. |
| SetBlocked(); |
| dispatcher_->OnWriteBlocked(connection1()); |
| dispatcher_->OnWriteBlocked(connection1()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*connection1(), OnCanWrite()).Times(1); |
| dispatcher_->OnCanWrite(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherWriteBlockedListTest, OnCanWriteHandleBlockConnection1) { |
| // If the 1st blocked writer gets blocked in OnCanWrite, it will be added back |
| // into the write blocked list. |
| InSequence s; |
| SetBlocked(); |
| dispatcher_->OnWriteBlocked(connection1()); |
| dispatcher_->OnWriteBlocked(connection2()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*connection1(), OnCanWrite()) |
| .WillOnce( |
| Invoke(this, &QuicDispatcherWriteBlockedListTest::BlockConnection1)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*connection2(), OnCanWrite()); |
| dispatcher_->OnCanWrite(); |
| |
| // connection1 should be still in the write blocked list. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(dispatcher_->HasPendingWrites()); |
| |
| // Now call OnCanWrite again, connection1 should get its second chance. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*connection1(), OnCanWrite()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*connection2(), OnCanWrite()).Times(0); |
| dispatcher_->OnCanWrite(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(dispatcher_->HasPendingWrites()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherWriteBlockedListTest, OnCanWriteHandleBlockConnection2) { |
| // If the 2nd blocked writer gets blocked in OnCanWrite, it will be added back |
| // into the write blocked list. |
| InSequence s; |
| SetBlocked(); |
| dispatcher_->OnWriteBlocked(connection1()); |
| dispatcher_->OnWriteBlocked(connection2()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*connection1(), OnCanWrite()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*connection2(), OnCanWrite()) |
| .WillOnce( |
| Invoke(this, &QuicDispatcherWriteBlockedListTest::BlockConnection2)); |
| dispatcher_->OnCanWrite(); |
| |
| // connection2 should be still in the write blocked list. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(dispatcher_->HasPendingWrites()); |
| |
| // Now call OnCanWrite again, connection2 should get its second chance. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*connection1(), OnCanWrite()).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*connection2(), OnCanWrite()); |
| dispatcher_->OnCanWrite(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(dispatcher_->HasPendingWrites()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherWriteBlockedListTest, |
| OnCanWriteHandleBlockBothConnections) { |
| // Both connections get blocked in OnCanWrite, and added back into the write |
| // blocked list. |
| InSequence s; |
| SetBlocked(); |
| dispatcher_->OnWriteBlocked(connection1()); |
| dispatcher_->OnWriteBlocked(connection2()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*connection1(), OnCanWrite()) |
| .WillOnce( |
| Invoke(this, &QuicDispatcherWriteBlockedListTest::BlockConnection1)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*connection2(), OnCanWrite()) |
| .WillOnce( |
| Invoke(this, &QuicDispatcherWriteBlockedListTest::BlockConnection2)); |
| dispatcher_->OnCanWrite(); |
| |
| // Both connections should be still in the write blocked list. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(dispatcher_->HasPendingWrites()); |
| |
| // Now call OnCanWrite again, both connections should get its second chance. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*connection1(), OnCanWrite()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*connection2(), OnCanWrite()); |
| dispatcher_->OnCanWrite(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(dispatcher_->HasPendingWrites()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherWriteBlockedListTest, PerConnectionWriterBlocked) { |
| // By default, all connections share the same packet writer with the |
| // dispatcher. |
| EXPECT_EQ(dispatcher_->writer(), connection1()->writer()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(dispatcher_->writer(), connection2()->writer()); |
| |
| // Test the case where connection1 shares the same packet writer as the |
| // dispatcher, whereas connection2 owns it's packet writer. |
| // Change connection2's writer. |
| connection2()->SetQuicPacketWriter(new BlockingWriter, /*owns_writer=*/true); |
| EXPECT_NE(dispatcher_->writer(), connection2()->writer()); |
| |
| BlockConnection2(); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(dispatcher_->HasPendingWrites()); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*connection2(), OnCanWrite()); |
| dispatcher_->OnCanWrite(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(dispatcher_->HasPendingWrites()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(QuicDispatcherWriteBlockedListTest, |
| RemoveConnectionFromWriteBlockedListWhenDeletingSessions) { |
| dispatcher_->OnConnectionClosed(connection1()->connection_id(), |
| QUIC_PACKET_WRITE_ERROR, "Closed by test.", |
| ConnectionCloseSource::FROM_SELF); |
| |
| SetBlocked(); |
| |
| ASSERT_FALSE(dispatcher_->HasPendingWrites()); |
| SetBlocked(); |
| dispatcher_->OnWriteBlocked(connection1()); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(dispatcher_->HasPendingWrites()); |
| |
| EXPECT_QUIC_BUG(dispatcher_->DeleteSessions(), |
| "QuicConnection was in WriteBlockedList before destruction"); |
| MarkSession1Deleted(); |
| } |
| |
| class BufferedPacketStoreTest : public QuicDispatcherTestBase { |
| public: |
| BufferedPacketStoreTest() |
| : QuicDispatcherTestBase(), |
| server_addr_(QuicSocketAddress(QuicIpAddress::Any4(), 5)), |
| client_addr_(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1234), |
| signed_config_(new QuicSignedServerConfig) {} |
| |
| void SetUp() override { |
| QuicDispatcherTestBase::SetUp(); |
| clock_ = QuicDispatcherPeer::GetHelper(dispatcher_.get())->GetClock(); |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(PROTOCOL_QUIC_CRYPTO, version_.handshake_protocol); |
| ASSERT_NE(QUIC_VERSION_UNSUPPORTED, version_.transport_version); |
| |
| CryptoHandshakeMessage chlo = |
| crypto_test_utils::GenerateDefaultInchoateCHLO( |
| clock_, version_.transport_version, &crypto_config_); |
| // Pass an inchoate CHLO. |
| crypto_test_utils::GenerateFullCHLO( |
| chlo, &crypto_config_, server_addr_, client_addr_, |
| version_.transport_version, clock_, signed_config_, |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::GetCache(dispatcher_.get()), &full_chlo_); |
| } |
| |
| std::string SerializeFullCHLO() { |
| return std::string(full_chlo_.GetSerialized().AsStringPiece()); |
| } |
| |
| protected: |
| QuicSocketAddress server_addr_; |
| QuicSocketAddress client_addr_; |
| QuicReferenceCountedPointer<QuicSignedServerConfig> signed_config_; |
| const QuicClock* clock_; |
| CryptoHandshakeMessage full_chlo_; |
| }; |
| |
| ParsedQuicVersionVector BufferedPacketStoreTestParams() { |
| ParsedQuicVersionVector versions; |
| for (const ParsedQuicVersion& version : CurrentSupportedVersions()) { |
| if (version.handshake_protocol != PROTOCOL_QUIC_CRYPTO) { |
| // TODO(b/149597791) Remove this once we can parse ALPN with TLS. |
| break; |
| } |
| versions.push_back(version); |
| } |
| return versions; |
| } |
| |
| INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(BufferedPacketStoreTests, |
| BufferedPacketStoreTest, |
| ::testing::ValuesIn(BufferedPacketStoreTestParams()), |
| ::testing::PrintToStringParamName()); |
| |
| TEST_P(BufferedPacketStoreTest, ProcessNonChloPacketsUptoLimitAndProcessChlo) { |
| InSequence s; |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1); |
| QuicConnectionId conn_id = TestConnectionId(1); |
| // A bunch of non-CHLO should be buffered upon arrival, and the first one |
| // should trigger ShouldCreateOrBufferPacketForConnection(). |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, ShouldCreateOrBufferPacketForConnection( |
| ReceivedPacketInfoConnectionIdEquals(conn_id))); |
| for (size_t i = 1; i <= kDefaultMaxUndecryptablePackets + 1; ++i) { |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, conn_id, true, |
| quiche::QuicheStrCat("data packet ", i + 1), |
| /*packet_number=*/i + 1); |
| } |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, dispatcher_->session_map().size()) |
| << "No session should be created before CHLO arrives."; |
| |
| // Pop out the last packet as it is also be dropped by the store. |
| data_connection_map_[conn_id].pop_back(); |
| // When CHLO arrives, a new session should be created, and all packets |
| // buffered should be delivered to the session. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, CreateQuicSession(conn_id, client_address, |
| quiche::QuicheStringPiece(), _)) |
| .WillOnce(Return(ByMove(CreateSession( |
| dispatcher_.get(), config_, conn_id, client_address, &mock_helper_, |
| &mock_alarm_factory_, &crypto_config_, |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::GetCache(dispatcher_.get()), &session1_)))); |
| |
| // Only |kDefaultMaxUndecryptablePackets| packets were buffered, and they |
| // should be delivered in arrival order. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session1_->connection()), |
| ProcessUdpPacket(_, _, _)) |
| .Times(kDefaultMaxUndecryptablePackets + 1) // + 1 for CHLO. |
| .WillRepeatedly( |
| WithArg<2>(Invoke([this, conn_id](const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) { |
| ValidatePacket(conn_id, packet); |
| }))); |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, conn_id, true, SerializeFullCHLO()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(BufferedPacketStoreTest, |
| ProcessNonChloPacketsForDifferentConnectionsUptoLimit) { |
| InSequence s; |
| // A bunch of non-CHLO should be buffered upon arrival. |
| size_t kNumConnections = kMaxConnectionsWithoutCHLO + 1; |
| for (size_t i = 1; i <= kNumConnections; ++i) { |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), i); |
| QuicConnectionId conn_id = TestConnectionId(i); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| ShouldCreateOrBufferPacketForConnection( |
| ReceivedPacketInfoConnectionIdEquals(conn_id))); |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, conn_id, true, |
| quiche::QuicheStrCat("data packet on connection ", i), |
| /*packet_number=*/2); |
| } |
| |
| // Pop out the packet on last connection as it shouldn't be enqueued in store |
| // as well. |
| data_connection_map_[TestConnectionId(kNumConnections)].pop_front(); |
| |
| // Reset session creation counter to ensure processing CHLO can always |
| // create session. |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::set_new_sessions_allowed_per_event_loop(dispatcher_.get(), |
| kNumConnections); |
| // Process CHLOs to create session for these connections. |
| for (size_t i = 1; i <= kNumConnections; ++i) { |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), i); |
| QuicConnectionId conn_id = TestConnectionId(i); |
| if (i == kNumConnections) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| ShouldCreateOrBufferPacketForConnection( |
| ReceivedPacketInfoConnectionIdEquals(conn_id))); |
| } |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, CreateQuicSession(conn_id, client_address, |
| quiche::QuicheStringPiece(), _)) |
| .WillOnce(Return(ByMove(CreateSession( |
| dispatcher_.get(), config_, conn_id, client_address, &mock_helper_, |
| &mock_alarm_factory_, &crypto_config_, |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::GetCache(dispatcher_.get()), &session1_)))); |
| // First |kNumConnections| - 1 connections should have buffered |
| // a packet in store. The rest should have been dropped. |
| size_t num_packet_to_process = i <= kMaxConnectionsWithoutCHLO ? 2u : 1u; |
| EXPECT_CALL(*reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session1_->connection()), |
| ProcessUdpPacket(_, client_address, _)) |
| .Times(num_packet_to_process) |
| .WillRepeatedly(WithArg<2>( |
| Invoke([this, conn_id](const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) { |
| ValidatePacket(conn_id, packet); |
| }))); |
| |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, conn_id, true, SerializeFullCHLO()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Tests that store delivers empty packet list if CHLO arrives firstly. |
| TEST_P(BufferedPacketStoreTest, DeliverEmptyPackets) { |
| QuicConnectionId conn_id = TestConnectionId(1); |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, ShouldCreateOrBufferPacketForConnection( |
| ReceivedPacketInfoConnectionIdEquals(conn_id))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, CreateQuicSession(conn_id, client_address, |
| quiche::QuicheStringPiece(), _)) |
| .WillOnce(Return(ByMove(CreateSession( |
| dispatcher_.get(), config_, conn_id, client_address, &mock_helper_, |
| &mock_alarm_factory_, &crypto_config_, |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::GetCache(dispatcher_.get()), &session1_)))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session1_->connection()), |
| ProcessUdpPacket(_, client_address, _)); |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, conn_id, true, SerializeFullCHLO()); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests that a retransmitted CHLO arrives after a connection for the |
| // CHLO has been created. |
| TEST_P(BufferedPacketStoreTest, ReceiveRetransmittedCHLO) { |
| InSequence s; |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1); |
| QuicConnectionId conn_id = TestConnectionId(1); |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, conn_id, true, |
| quiche::QuicheStrCat("data packet ", 2), CONNECTION_ID_PRESENT, |
| /*packet_number=*/2); |
| |
| // When CHLO arrives, a new session should be created, and all packets |
| // buffered should be delivered to the session. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, CreateQuicSession(conn_id, client_address, |
| quiche::QuicheStringPiece(), _)) |
| .Times(1) // Only triggered by 1st CHLO. |
| .WillOnce(Return(ByMove(CreateSession( |
| dispatcher_.get(), config_, conn_id, client_address, &mock_helper_, |
| &mock_alarm_factory_, &crypto_config_, |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::GetCache(dispatcher_.get()), &session1_)))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session1_->connection()), |
| ProcessUdpPacket(_, _, _)) |
| .Times(3) // Triggered by 1 data packet and 2 CHLOs. |
| .WillRepeatedly( |
| WithArg<2>(Invoke([this, conn_id](const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) { |
| ValidatePacket(conn_id, packet); |
| }))); |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, conn_id, true, SerializeFullCHLO()); |
| |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, conn_id, true, SerializeFullCHLO()); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests that expiration of a connection add connection id to time wait list. |
| TEST_P(BufferedPacketStoreTest, ReceiveCHLOAfterExpiration) { |
| InSequence s; |
| CreateTimeWaitListManager(); |
| QuicBufferedPacketStore* store = |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::GetBufferedPackets(dispatcher_.get()); |
| QuicBufferedPacketStorePeer::set_clock(store, mock_helper_.GetClock()); |
| |
| QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1); |
| QuicConnectionId conn_id = TestConnectionId(1); |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, conn_id, true, |
| quiche::QuicheStrCat("data packet ", 2), CONNECTION_ID_PRESENT, |
| /*packet_number=*/2); |
| |
| mock_helper_.AdvanceTime( |
| QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(kInitialIdleTimeoutSecs)); |
| QuicAlarm* alarm = QuicBufferedPacketStorePeer::expiration_alarm(store); |
| // Cancel alarm as if it had been fired. |
| alarm->Cancel(); |
| store->OnExpirationTimeout(); |
| // New arrived CHLO will be dropped because this connection is in time wait |
| // list. |
| ASSERT_TRUE(time_wait_list_manager_->IsConnectionIdInTimeWait(conn_id)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*time_wait_list_manager_, ProcessPacket(_, _, conn_id, _, _)); |
| ProcessPacket(client_address, conn_id, true, SerializeFullCHLO()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(BufferedPacketStoreTest, ProcessCHLOsUptoLimitAndBufferTheRest) { |
| // Process more than (|kMaxNumSessionsToCreate| + |
| // |kDefaultMaxConnectionsInStore|) CHLOs, |
| // the first |kMaxNumSessionsToCreate| should create connections immediately, |
| // the next |kDefaultMaxConnectionsInStore| should be buffered, |
| // the rest should be dropped. |
| QuicBufferedPacketStore* store = |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::GetBufferedPackets(dispatcher_.get()); |
| const size_t kNumCHLOs = |
| kMaxNumSessionsToCreate + kDefaultMaxConnectionsInStore + 1; |
| for (uint64_t conn_id = 1; conn_id <= kNumCHLOs; ++conn_id) { |
| *dispatcher_, |
| ShouldCreateOrBufferPacketForConnection( |
| ReceivedPacketInfoConnectionIdEquals(TestConnectionId(conn_id)))); |
| if (conn_id <= kMaxNumSessionsToCreate) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| CreateQuicSession(TestConnectionId(conn_id), client_addr_, |
| quiche::QuicheStringPiece(), _)) |
| .WillOnce(Return(ByMove(CreateSession( |
| dispatcher_.get(), config_, TestConnectionId(conn_id), |
| client_addr_, &mock_helper_, &mock_alarm_factory_, |
| &crypto_config_, QuicDispatcherPeer::GetCache(dispatcher_.get()), |
| &session1_)))); |
| *reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session1_->connection()), |
| ProcessUdpPacket(_, _, _)) |
| .WillOnce(WithArg<2>( |
| Invoke([this, conn_id](const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) { |
| ValidatePacket(TestConnectionId(conn_id), packet); |
| }))); |
| } |
| ProcessPacket(client_addr_, TestConnectionId(conn_id), true, |
| SerializeFullCHLO()); |
| if (conn_id <= kMaxNumSessionsToCreate + kDefaultMaxConnectionsInStore && |
| conn_id > kMaxNumSessionsToCreate) { |
| EXPECT_TRUE(store->HasChloForConnection(TestConnectionId(conn_id))); |
| } else { |
| // First |kMaxNumSessionsToCreate| CHLOs should be passed to new |
| // connections immediately, and the last CHLO should be dropped as the |
| // store is full. |
| EXPECT_FALSE(store->HasChloForConnection(TestConnectionId(conn_id))); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Graduately consume buffered CHLOs. The buffered connections should be |
| // created but the dropped one shouldn't. |
| for (uint64_t conn_id = kMaxNumSessionsToCreate + 1; |
| conn_id <= kMaxNumSessionsToCreate + kDefaultMaxConnectionsInStore; |
| ++conn_id) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| CreateQuicSession(TestConnectionId(conn_id), client_addr_, |
| quiche::QuicheStringPiece(), _)) |
| .WillOnce(Return(ByMove(CreateSession( |
| dispatcher_.get(), config_, TestConnectionId(conn_id), client_addr_, |
| &mock_helper_, &mock_alarm_factory_, &crypto_config_, |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::GetCache(dispatcher_.get()), &session1_)))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session1_->connection()), |
| ProcessUdpPacket(_, _, _)) |
| .WillOnce(WithArg<2>( |
| Invoke([this, conn_id](const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) { |
| ValidatePacket(TestConnectionId(conn_id), packet); |
| }))); |
| } |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| CreateQuicSession(TestConnectionId(kNumCHLOs), client_addr_, |
| quiche::QuicheStringPiece(), _)) |
| .Times(0); |
| |
| while (store->HasChlosBuffered()) { |
| dispatcher_->ProcessBufferedChlos(kMaxNumSessionsToCreate); |
| } |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(TestConnectionId(static_cast<size_t>(kMaxNumSessionsToCreate) + |
| kDefaultMaxConnectionsInStore), |
| session1_->connection_id()); |
| } |
| |
| // Duplicated CHLO shouldn't be buffered. |
| TEST_P(BufferedPacketStoreTest, BufferDuplicatedCHLO) { |
| for (uint64_t conn_id = 1; conn_id <= kMaxNumSessionsToCreate + 1; |
| ++conn_id) { |
| // Last CHLO will be buffered. Others will create connection right away. |
| if (conn_id <= kMaxNumSessionsToCreate) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| CreateQuicSession(TestConnectionId(conn_id), client_addr_, |
| quiche::QuicheStringPiece(), _)) |
| .WillOnce(Return(ByMove(CreateSession( |
| dispatcher_.get(), config_, TestConnectionId(conn_id), |
| client_addr_, &mock_helper_, &mock_alarm_factory_, |
| &crypto_config_, QuicDispatcherPeer::GetCache(dispatcher_.get()), |
| &session1_)))); |
| *reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session1_->connection()), |
| ProcessUdpPacket(_, _, _)) |
| .WillOnce(WithArg<2>( |
| Invoke([this, conn_id](const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) { |
| ValidatePacket(TestConnectionId(conn_id), packet); |
| }))); |
| } |
| ProcessPacket(client_addr_, TestConnectionId(conn_id), true, |
| SerializeFullCHLO()); |
| } |
| // Retransmit CHLO on last connection should be dropped. |
| QuicConnectionId last_connection = |
| TestConnectionId(kMaxNumSessionsToCreate + 1); |
| ProcessPacket(client_addr_, last_connection, true, SerializeFullCHLO()); |
| |
| size_t packets_buffered = 2; |
| |
| // Reset counter and process buffered CHLO. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, CreateQuicSession(last_connection, client_addr_, |
| quiche::QuicheStringPiece(), _)) |
| .WillOnce(Return(ByMove(CreateSession( |
| dispatcher_.get(), config_, last_connection, client_addr_, |
| &mock_helper_, &mock_alarm_factory_, &crypto_config_, |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::GetCache(dispatcher_.get()), &session1_)))); |
| // Only one packet(CHLO) should be process. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session1_->connection()), |
| ProcessUdpPacket(_, _, _)) |
| .Times(packets_buffered) |
| .WillRepeatedly(WithArg<2>( |
| Invoke([this, last_connection](const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) { |
| ValidatePacket(last_connection, packet); |
| }))); |
| dispatcher_->ProcessBufferedChlos(kMaxNumSessionsToCreate); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(BufferedPacketStoreTest, BufferNonChloPacketsUptoLimitWithChloBuffered) { |
| uint64_t last_conn_id = kMaxNumSessionsToCreate + 1; |
| QuicConnectionId last_connection_id = TestConnectionId(last_conn_id); |
| for (uint64_t conn_id = 1; conn_id <= last_conn_id; ++conn_id) { |
| // Last CHLO will be buffered. Others will create connection right away. |
| if (conn_id <= kMaxNumSessionsToCreate) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| CreateQuicSession(TestConnectionId(conn_id), client_addr_, |
| quiche::QuicheStringPiece(), _)) |
| .WillOnce(Return(ByMove(CreateSession( |
| dispatcher_.get(), config_, TestConnectionId(conn_id), |
| client_addr_, &mock_helper_, &mock_alarm_factory_, |
| &crypto_config_, QuicDispatcherPeer::GetCache(dispatcher_.get()), |
| &session1_)))); |
| *reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session1_->connection()), |
| ProcessUdpPacket(_, _, _)) |
| .WillRepeatedly(WithArg<2>( |
| Invoke([this, conn_id](const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) { |
| ValidatePacket(TestConnectionId(conn_id), packet); |
| }))); |
| } |
| ProcessPacket(client_addr_, TestConnectionId(conn_id), true, |
| SerializeFullCHLO()); |
| } |
| |
| // Process another |kDefaultMaxUndecryptablePackets| + 1 data packets. The |
| // last one should be dropped. |
| for (uint64_t packet_number = 2; |
| packet_number <= kDefaultMaxUndecryptablePackets + 2; ++packet_number) { |
| ProcessPacket(client_addr_, last_connection_id, true, "data packet"); |
| } |
| |
| // Reset counter and process buffered CHLO. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, CreateQuicSession(last_connection_id, client_addr_, |
| quiche::QuicheStringPiece(), _)) |
| .WillOnce(Return(ByMove(CreateSession( |
| dispatcher_.get(), config_, last_connection_id, client_addr_, |
| &mock_helper_, &mock_alarm_factory_, &crypto_config_, |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::GetCache(dispatcher_.get()), &session1_)))); |
| // Only CHLO and following |kDefaultMaxUndecryptablePackets| data packets |
| // should be process. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session1_->connection()), |
| ProcessUdpPacket(_, _, _)) |
| .Times(kDefaultMaxUndecryptablePackets + 1) |
| .WillRepeatedly(WithArg<2>( |
| Invoke([this, last_connection_id](const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) { |
| ValidatePacket(last_connection_id, packet); |
| }))); |
| dispatcher_->ProcessBufferedChlos(kMaxNumSessionsToCreate); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests that when dispatcher's packet buffer is full, a CHLO on connection |
| // which doesn't have buffered CHLO should be buffered. |
| TEST_P(BufferedPacketStoreTest, ReceiveCHLOForBufferedConnection) { |
| QuicBufferedPacketStore* store = |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::GetBufferedPackets(dispatcher_.get()); |
| |
| uint64_t conn_id = 1; |
| ProcessPacket(client_addr_, TestConnectionId(conn_id), true, "data packet", |
| /*packet_number=*/1); |
| // Fill packet buffer to full with CHLOs on other connections. Need to feed |
| // extra CHLOs because the first |kMaxNumSessionsToCreate| are going to create |
| // session directly. |
| for (conn_id = 2; |
| conn_id <= kDefaultMaxConnectionsInStore + kMaxNumSessionsToCreate; |
| ++conn_id) { |
| if (conn_id <= kMaxNumSessionsToCreate + 1) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| CreateQuicSession(TestConnectionId(conn_id), client_addr_, |
| quiche::QuicheStringPiece(), _)) |
| .WillOnce(Return(ByMove(CreateSession( |
| dispatcher_.get(), config_, TestConnectionId(conn_id), |
| client_addr_, &mock_helper_, &mock_alarm_factory_, |
| &crypto_config_, QuicDispatcherPeer::GetCache(dispatcher_.get()), |
| &session1_)))); |
| *reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session1_->connection()), |
| ProcessUdpPacket(_, _, _)) |
| .WillOnce(WithArg<2>( |
| Invoke([this, conn_id](const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) { |
| ValidatePacket(TestConnectionId(conn_id), packet); |
| }))); |
| } |
| ProcessPacket(client_addr_, TestConnectionId(conn_id), true, |
| SerializeFullCHLO()); |
| } |
| EXPECT_FALSE(store->HasChloForConnection( |
| /*connection_id=*/TestConnectionId(1))); |
| |
| // CHLO on connection 1 should still be buffered. |
| ProcessPacket(client_addr_, /*server_connection_id=*/TestConnectionId(1), |
| true, SerializeFullCHLO()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(store->HasChloForConnection( |
| /*connection_id=*/TestConnectionId(1))); |
| } |
| |
| // Regression test for b/117874922. |
| TEST_P(BufferedPacketStoreTest, ProcessBufferedChloWithDifferentVersion) { |
| // Turn off version T099, so the preferred version is not supported by the |
| // server. |
| SetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_enable_version_t099, false); |
| uint64_t last_connection_id = kMaxNumSessionsToCreate + 5; |
| ParsedQuicVersionVector supported_versions = CurrentSupportedVersions(); |
| for (uint64_t conn_id = 1; conn_id <= last_connection_id; ++conn_id) { |
| // Last 5 CHLOs will be buffered. Others will create connection right away. |
| ParsedQuicVersion version = |
| supported_versions[(conn_id - 1) % supported_versions.size()]; |
| if (conn_id <= kMaxNumSessionsToCreate) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| CreateQuicSession(TestConnectionId(conn_id), client_addr_, |
| quiche::QuicheStringPiece(), version)) |
| .WillOnce(Return(ByMove(CreateSession( |
| dispatcher_.get(), config_, TestConnectionId(conn_id), |
| client_addr_, &mock_helper_, &mock_alarm_factory_, |
| &crypto_config_, QuicDispatcherPeer::GetCache(dispatcher_.get()), |
| &session1_)))); |
| *reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session1_->connection()), |
| ProcessUdpPacket(_, _, _)) |
| .WillRepeatedly(WithArg<2>( |
| Invoke([this, conn_id](const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) { |
| ValidatePacket(TestConnectionId(conn_id), packet); |
| }))); |
| } |
| ProcessPacket(client_addr_, TestConnectionId(conn_id), true, version, |
| SerializeFullCHLO(), true, CONNECTION_ID_PRESENT, |
| } |
| |
| // Process buffered CHLOs. Verify the version is correct. |
| for (uint64_t conn_id = kMaxNumSessionsToCreate + 1; |
| conn_id <= last_connection_id; ++conn_id) { |
| ParsedQuicVersion version = |
| supported_versions[(conn_id - 1) % supported_versions.size()]; |
| EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_, |
| CreateQuicSession(TestConnectionId(conn_id), client_addr_, |
| quiche::QuicheStringPiece(), version)) |
| .WillOnce(Return(ByMove(CreateSession( |
| dispatcher_.get(), config_, TestConnectionId(conn_id), client_addr_, |
| &mock_helper_, &mock_alarm_factory_, &crypto_config_, |
| QuicDispatcherPeer::GetCache(dispatcher_.get()), &session1_)))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session1_->connection()), |
| ProcessUdpPacket(_, _, _)) |
| .WillRepeatedly(WithArg<2>( |
| Invoke([this, conn_id](const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) { |
| ValidatePacket(TestConnectionId(conn_id), packet); |
| }))); |
| } |
| dispatcher_->ProcessBufferedChlos(kMaxNumSessionsToCreate); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace |
| } // namespace test |
| } // namespace quic |