blob: 8d57d5f1c2f56175ef1ef784c18b4444e12e426f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_interval_deque.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <ostream>
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_interval.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_expect_bug.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_test.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/test_tools/quic_interval_deque_peer.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/test_tools/quic_test_utils.h"
namespace quic {
namespace test {
namespace {
const int32_t kSize = 100;
const std::size_t kIntervalStep = 10;
} // namespace
struct TestIntervalItem {
int32_t val;
std::size_t interval_start, interval_end;
QuicInterval<std::size_t> interval() const {
return QuicInterval<std::size_t>(interval_start, interval_end);
TestIntervalItem(int32_t val,
std::size_t interval_start,
std::size_t interval_end)
: val(val), interval_start(interval_start), interval_end(interval_end) {}
typedef QuicIntervalDeque<TestIntervalItem> QID;
class QuicIntervalDequeTest : public QuicTest {
QuicIntervalDequeTest() {
// Add items with intervals of |kIntervalStep| size.
for (int32_t i = 0; i < kSize; ++i) {
const std::size_t interval_begin = kIntervalStep * i;
const std::size_t interval_end = interval_begin + kIntervalStep;
qid_.PushBack(TestIntervalItem(i, interval_begin, interval_end));
QID qid_;
// The goal of this test is to show insertion/push_back, iteration, and and
// deletion/pop_front from the container.
TEST_F(QuicIntervalDequeTest, InsertRemoveSize) {
QID qid;
EXPECT_EQ(qid.Size(), std::size_t(0));
qid.PushBack(TestIntervalItem(0, 0, 10));
EXPECT_EQ(qid.Size(), std::size_t(1));
qid.PushBack(TestIntervalItem(1, 10, 20));
EXPECT_EQ(qid.Size(), std::size_t(2));
qid.PushBack(TestIntervalItem(2, 20, 30));
EXPECT_EQ(qid.Size(), std::size_t(3));
qid.PushBack(TestIntervalItem(3, 30, 40));
EXPECT_EQ(qid.Size(), std::size_t(4));
// Advance the index all the way...
int32_t i = 0;
for (auto it = qid.DataAt(0); it != qid.DataEnd(); ++it, ++i) {
const int32_t index = QuicIntervalDequePeer::GetCachedIndex(&qid);
EXPECT_EQ(index, i);
EXPECT_EQ(it->val, i);
const int32_t index = QuicIntervalDequePeer::GetCachedIndex(&qid);
EXPECT_EQ(index, -1);
EXPECT_EQ(qid.Size(), std::size_t(3));
EXPECT_EQ(qid.Size(), std::size_t(2));
EXPECT_EQ(qid.Size(), std::size_t(1));
EXPECT_EQ(qid.Size(), std::size_t(0));
"Trying to pop from an empty container.");
// The goal of this test is to push data into the container at specific
// intervals and show how the |DataAt| method can move the |cached_index| as the
// iterator moves through the data.
TEST_F(QuicIntervalDequeTest, InsertIterateWhole) {
// The write index should point to the beginning of the container.
const int32_t cached_index = QuicIntervalDequePeer::GetCachedIndex(&qid_);
EXPECT_EQ(cached_index, 0);
auto it = qid_.DataBegin();
auto end = qid_.DataEnd();
for (int32_t i = 0; i < kSize; ++i, ++it) {
EXPECT_EQ(it->val, i);
const std::size_t current_iteraval_begin = i * kIntervalStep;
// The |DataAt| method should find the correct interval.
auto lookup = qid_.DataAt(current_iteraval_begin);
EXPECT_EQ(i, lookup->val);
// Make sure the index hasn't changed just from using |DataAt|
const int32_t index_before = QuicIntervalDequePeer::GetCachedIndex(&qid_);
EXPECT_EQ(index_before, i);
// This increment should move the index forward.
// Check that the index has changed.
const int32_t index_after = QuicIntervalDequePeer::GetCachedIndex(&qid_);
const int32_t after_i = (i + 1) == kSize ? -1 : (i + 1);
EXPECT_EQ(index_after, after_i);
EXPECT_NE(it, end);
// The goal of this test is to push data into the container at specific
// intervals and show how the |DataAt| method can move the |cached_index| using
// the off-by-one logic.
TEST_F(QuicIntervalDequeTest, OffByOne) {
// The write index should point to the beginning of the container.
const int32_t cached_index = QuicIntervalDequePeer::GetCachedIndex(&qid_);
EXPECT_EQ(cached_index, 0);
auto it = qid_.DataBegin();
auto end = qid_.DataEnd();
for (int32_t i = 0; i < kSize - 1; ++i, ++it) {
EXPECT_EQ(it->val, i);
const int32_t off_by_one_i = i + 1;
const std::size_t current_iteraval_begin = off_by_one_i * kIntervalStep;
// Make sure the index has changed just from using |DataAt|
const int32_t index_before = QuicIntervalDequePeer::GetCachedIndex(&qid_);
EXPECT_EQ(index_before, i);
// The |DataAt| method should find the correct interval.
auto lookup = qid_.DataAt(current_iteraval_begin);
EXPECT_EQ(off_by_one_i, lookup->val);
// Check that the index has changed.
const int32_t index_after = QuicIntervalDequePeer::GetCachedIndex(&qid_);
const int32_t after_i = off_by_one_i == kSize ? -1 : off_by_one_i;
EXPECT_EQ(index_after, after_i);
EXPECT_NE(it, end);
// The goal of this test is to push data into the container at specific
// intervals and show modify the structure with a live iterator.
TEST_F(QuicIntervalDequeTest, IteratorInvalidation) {
// The write index should point to the beginning of the container.
const int32_t cached_index = QuicIntervalDequePeer::GetCachedIndex(&qid_);
EXPECT_EQ(cached_index, 0);
const std::size_t iteraval_begin = (kSize - 1) * kIntervalStep;
auto lookup = qid_.DataAt(iteraval_begin);
EXPECT_EQ((*lookup).val, (kSize - 1));
EXPECT_QUIC_BUG(lookup++, "Iterator out of bounds.");
auto lookup_end = qid_.DataAt(iteraval_begin + kIntervalStep);
EXPECT_EQ(lookup_end, qid_.DataEnd());
// The goal of this test is the same as |InsertIterateWhole| but to
// skip certain intervals and show the |cached_index| is updated properly.
TEST_F(QuicIntervalDequeTest, InsertIterateSkip) {
// The write index should point to the beginning of the container.
const int32_t cached_index = QuicIntervalDequePeer::GetCachedIndex(&qid_);
EXPECT_EQ(cached_index, 0);
const std::size_t step = 4;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < kSize; i += 4) {
if (i != 0) {
const int32_t before_i = (i - (step - 1));
EXPECT_EQ(QuicIntervalDequePeer::GetCachedIndex(&qid_), before_i);
const std::size_t current_iteraval_begin = i * kIntervalStep;
// The |DataAt| method should find the correct interval.
auto lookup = qid_.DataAt(current_iteraval_begin);
EXPECT_EQ(i, lookup->val);
// Make sure the index _has_ changed just from using |DataAt| since we're
// skipping data.
const int32_t index_before = QuicIntervalDequePeer::GetCachedIndex(&qid_);
EXPECT_EQ(index_before, i);
// This increment should move the index forward.
// Check that the index has changed.
const int32_t index_after = QuicIntervalDequePeer::GetCachedIndex(&qid_);
const int32_t after_i = (i + 1) == kSize ? -1 : (i + 1);
EXPECT_EQ(index_after, after_i);
// The goal of this test is the same as |InsertIterateWhole| but it has
// |PopFront| calls interleaved to show the |cached_index| updates correctly.
TEST_F(QuicIntervalDequeTest, InsertDeleteIterate) {
// The write index should point to the beginning of the container.
const int32_t index = QuicIntervalDequePeer::GetCachedIndex(&qid_);
EXPECT_EQ(index, 0);
std::size_t limit = 0;
for (int32_t i = 0; limit < qid_.Size(); ++i, ++limit) {
// Always point to the beginning of the container.
auto it = qid_.DataBegin();
EXPECT_EQ(it->val, i);
// Get an iterator.
const std::size_t current_iteraval_begin = i * kIntervalStep;
auto lookup = qid_.DataAt(current_iteraval_begin);
const int32_t index_before = QuicIntervalDequePeer::GetCachedIndex(&qid_);
// The index should always point to 0.
EXPECT_EQ(index_before, 0);
// This iterator increment should effect the index.
const int32_t index_after = QuicIntervalDequePeer::GetCachedIndex(&qid_);
EXPECT_EQ(index_after, 1);
// Decrement the |temp_size| and pop from the front.
// Show the index has been updated to point to 0 again (from 1).
const int32_t index_after_pop =
EXPECT_EQ(index_after_pop, 0);
// The goal of this test is to move the index to the end and then add more data
// to show it can be reset to a valid index.
TEST_F(QuicIntervalDequeTest, InsertIterateInsert) {
// The write index should point to the beginning of the container.
const int32_t index = QuicIntervalDequePeer::GetCachedIndex(&qid_);
EXPECT_EQ(index, 0);
int32_t iterated_elements = 0;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < kSize; ++i, ++iterated_elements) {
// Get an iterator.
const std::size_t current_iteraval_begin = i * kIntervalStep;
auto lookup = qid_.DataAt(current_iteraval_begin);
const int32_t index_before = QuicIntervalDequePeer::GetCachedIndex(&qid_);
// The index should always point to i.
EXPECT_EQ(index_before, i);
// This iterator increment should effect the index.
// Show the index has been updated to point to i + 1 or -1 if at the end.
const int32_t index_after = QuicIntervalDequePeer::GetCachedIndex(&qid_);
const int32_t after_i = (i + 1) == kSize ? -1 : (i + 1);
EXPECT_EQ(index_after, after_i);
const int32_t invalid_index = QuicIntervalDequePeer::GetCachedIndex(&qid_);
EXPECT_EQ(invalid_index, -1);
// Add more data to the container, making the index valid.
const std::size_t offset = qid_.Size();
for (int32_t i = 0; i < kSize; ++i) {
const std::size_t interval_begin = offset + (kIntervalStep * i);
const std::size_t interval_end = offset + interval_begin + kIntervalStep;
qid_.PushBack(TestIntervalItem(i + offset, interval_begin, interval_end));
const int32_t index_current = QuicIntervalDequePeer::GetCachedIndex(&qid_);
// Index should now be valid and equal to the size of the container before
// adding more items to it.
EXPECT_EQ(index_current, iterated_elements);
// Show the index is still valid and hasn't changed since the first iteration
// of the loop.
const int32_t index_after_add = QuicIntervalDequePeer::GetCachedIndex(&qid_);
EXPECT_EQ(index_after_add, iterated_elements);
// Iterate over all the data in the container and eventually reset the index
// as we did before.
for (int32_t i = 0; i < kSize; ++i, ++iterated_elements) {
const std::size_t interval_begin = offset + (kIntervalStep * i);
const int32_t index_current = QuicIntervalDequePeer::GetCachedIndex(&qid_);
EXPECT_EQ(index_current, iterated_elements);
auto lookup = qid_.DataAt(interval_begin);
const int32_t expected_value = i + offset;
EXPECT_EQ(lookup->val, expected_value);
const int32_t after_inc =
(iterated_elements + 1) == (kSize * 2) ? -1 : (iterated_elements + 1);
const int32_t after_index = QuicIntervalDequePeer::GetCachedIndex(&qid_);
EXPECT_EQ(after_index, after_inc);
// Show the index is now invalid.
const int32_t invalid_index_again =
EXPECT_EQ(invalid_index_again, -1);
// The goal of this test is to push data into the container at specific
// intervals and show how the |DataAt| can iterate over already scanned data.
TEST_F(QuicIntervalDequeTest, RescanData) {
// The write index should point to the beginning of the container.
const int32_t index = QuicIntervalDequePeer::GetCachedIndex(&qid_);
EXPECT_EQ(index, 0);
auto it = qid_.DataBegin();
auto end = qid_.DataEnd();
for (int32_t i = 0; i < kSize - 1; ++i, ++it) {
EXPECT_EQ(it->val, i);
const std::size_t current_iteraval_begin = i * kIntervalStep;
// The |DataAt| method should find the correct interval.
auto lookup = qid_.DataAt(current_iteraval_begin);
EXPECT_EQ(i, lookup->val);
// Make sure the index has changed just from using |DataAt|
const int32_t cached_index_before =
EXPECT_EQ(cached_index_before, i);
// Ensure the real index has changed just from using |DataAt| and the
// off-by-one logic
const int32_t index_before = QuicIntervalDequePeer::GetCachedIndex(&qid_);
const int32_t before_i = i;
EXPECT_EQ(index_before, before_i);
// This increment should move the cached index forward.
// Check that the cached index has moved foward.
const int32_t cached_index_after =
const int32_t after_i = (i + 1);
EXPECT_EQ(cached_index_after, after_i);
EXPECT_NE(it, end);
// Iterate over items which have been consumed before.
int32_t expected_index = static_cast<int32_t>(kSize - 1);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < kSize - 1; ++i) {
const std::size_t current_iteraval_begin = i * kIntervalStep;
// The |DataAt| method should find the correct interval.
auto lookup = qid_.DataAt(current_iteraval_begin);
EXPECT_EQ(i, lookup->val);
// This increment shouldn't move the index forward as the index is currently
// ahead.
// Check that the index hasn't moved foward.
const int32_t index_after = QuicIntervalDequePeer::GetCachedIndex(&qid_);
EXPECT_EQ(index_after, expected_index);
EXPECT_NE(it, end);
// The goal of this test is to show that popping from an empty container is a
// bug.
TEST_F(QuicIntervalDequeTest, PopEmpty) {
QID qid;
EXPECT_QUIC_BUG(qid.PopFront(), "Trying to pop from an empty container.");
// The goal of this test is to show that adding a zero-sized interval is a bug.
TEST_F(QuicIntervalDequeTest, ZeroSizedInterval) {
QID qid;
EXPECT_QUIC_BUG(qid.PushBack(TestIntervalItem(0, 0, 0)),
"Trying to save empty interval to .");
// The goal of this test is to show that an iterator to an empty container
// returns |DataEnd|.
TEST_F(QuicIntervalDequeTest, IteratorEmpty) {
QID qid;
auto it = qid.DataAt(0);
EXPECT_EQ(it, qid.DataEnd());
} // namespace test
} // namespace quic