blob: 529fa0032f6be6c5c67573aca4233e451bccf002 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// The base class for streams which deliver data to/from an application.
// In each direction, the data on such a stream first contains compressed
// headers then body data.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/http/http_decoder.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/http/http_encoder.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/http/quic_header_list.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/http/quic_spdy_stream_body_buffer.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_packets.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_stream.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_stream_sequencer.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_export.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_flags.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_socket_address.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/spdy/core/spdy_framer.h"
namespace quic {
namespace test {
class QuicSpdyStreamPeer;
class QuicStreamPeer;
} // namespace test
class QuicSpdySession;
// A QUIC stream that can send and receive HTTP2 (SPDY) headers.
class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicSpdyStream : public QuicStream {
// Visitor receives callbacks from the stream.
Visitor() {}
Visitor(const Visitor&) = delete;
Visitor& operator=(const Visitor&) = delete;
// Called when the stream is closed.
virtual void OnClose(QuicSpdyStream* stream) = 0;
// Allows subclasses to override and do work.
virtual void OnPromiseHeadersComplete(QuicStreamId promised_id,
size_t frame_len) {}
virtual ~Visitor() {}
QuicSpdyStream(QuicStreamId id,
QuicSpdySession* spdy_session,
StreamType type);
QuicSpdyStream(PendingStream pending,
QuicSpdySession* spdy_session,
StreamType type);
QuicSpdyStream(const QuicSpdyStream&) = delete;
QuicSpdyStream& operator=(const QuicSpdyStream&) = delete;
~QuicSpdyStream() override;
// QuicStream implementation
void OnClose() override;
// Override to maybe close the write side after writing.
void OnCanWrite() override;
// Called by the session when headers with a priority have been received
// for this stream. This method will only be called for server streams.
virtual void OnStreamHeadersPriority(spdy::SpdyPriority priority);
// Called by the session when decompressed headers have been completely
// delivered to this stream. If |fin| is true, then this stream
// should be closed; no more data will be sent by the peer.
virtual void OnStreamHeaderList(bool fin,
size_t frame_len,
const QuicHeaderList& header_list);
// Called when the received headers are too large. By default this will
// reset the stream.
virtual void OnHeadersTooLarge();
// Called by the session when decompressed push promise headers have
// been completely delivered to this stream.
virtual void OnPromiseHeaderList(QuicStreamId promised_id,
size_t frame_len,
const QuicHeaderList& header_list);
// Called by the session when a PRIORITY frame has been been received for this
// stream. This method will only be called for server streams.
void OnPriorityFrame(spdy::SpdyPriority priority);
// Override the base class to not discard response when receiving
void OnStreamReset(const QuicRstStreamFrame& frame) override;
// Called by the sequencer when new data is available. Decodes the data and
// calls OnBodyAvailable() to pass to the upper layer.
void OnDataAvailable() override;
// Called in OnDataAvailable() after it finishes the decoding job.
virtual void OnBodyAvailable() = 0;
// Writes the headers contained in |header_block| to the dedicated
// headers stream.
virtual size_t WriteHeaders(
spdy::SpdyHeaderBlock header_block,
bool fin,
QuicReferenceCountedPointer<QuicAckListenerInterface> ack_listener);
// Sends |data| to the peer, or buffers if it can't be sent immediately.
void WriteOrBufferBody(QuicStringPiece data, bool fin);
// Writes the trailers contained in |trailer_block| to the dedicated
// headers stream. Trailers will always have the FIN set.
virtual size_t WriteTrailers(
spdy::SpdyHeaderBlock trailer_block,
QuicReferenceCountedPointer<QuicAckListenerInterface> ack_listener);
// Override to report newly acked bytes via ack_listener_.
bool OnStreamFrameAcked(QuicStreamOffset offset,
QuicByteCount data_length,
bool fin_acked,
QuicTime::Delta ack_delay_time,
QuicByteCount* newly_acked_length) override;
// Override to report bytes retransmitted via ack_listener_.
void OnStreamFrameRetransmitted(QuicStreamOffset offset,
QuicByteCount data_length,
bool fin_retransmitted) override;
// Does the same thing as WriteOrBufferBody except this method takes iovec
// as the data input. Right now it only calls WritevData.
// TODO(renjietang): Write data frame header before writing body.
QuicConsumedData WritevBody(const struct iovec* iov, int count, bool fin);
// Does the same thing as WriteOrBufferBody except this method takes
// memslicespan as the data input. Right now it only calls WriteMemSlices.
// TODO(renjietang): Write data frame header before writing body.
QuicConsumedData WriteBodySlices(QuicMemSliceSpan slices, bool fin);
// Marks the trailers as consumed. This applies to the case where this object
// receives headers and trailers as QuicHeaderLists via calls to
// OnStreamHeaderList().
void MarkTrailersConsumed();
// Clears |header_list_|.
void ConsumeHeaderList();
// This block of functions wraps the sequencer's functions of the same
// name. These methods return uncompressed data until that has
// been fully processed. Then they simply delegate to the sequencer.
virtual size_t Readv(const struct iovec* iov, size_t iov_len);
virtual int GetReadableRegions(iovec* iov, size_t iov_len) const;
void MarkConsumed(size_t num_bytes);
// Returns true if header contains a valid 3-digit status and parse the status
// code to |status_code|.
bool ParseHeaderStatusCode(const spdy::SpdyHeaderBlock& header,
int* status_code) const;
// Returns true when all data has been read from the peer, including the fin.
bool IsDoneReading() const;
bool HasBytesToRead() const;
void set_visitor(Visitor* visitor) { visitor_ = visitor; }
bool headers_decompressed() const { return headers_decompressed_; }
// Returns total amount of body bytes that have been read.
uint64_t total_body_bytes_read() const;
const QuicHeaderList& header_list() const { return header_list_; }
bool trailers_decompressed() const { return trailers_decompressed_; }
// Returns whatever trailers have been received for this stream.
const spdy::SpdyHeaderBlock& received_trailers() const {
return received_trailers_;
// Returns true if headers have been fully read and consumed.
bool FinishedReadingHeaders() const;
// Returns true if trailers have been fully read and consumed, or FIN has
// been received and there are no trailers.
bool FinishedReadingTrailers() const;
// Called when owning session is getting deleted to avoid subsequent
// use of the spdy_session_ member.
void ClearSession();
// Returns true if the sequencer has delivered the FIN, and no more body bytes
// will be available.
bool IsClosed() { return sequencer()->IsClosed(); }
void OnDataFrameStart(Http3FrameLengths frame_lengths);
void OnDataFramePayload(QuicStringPiece payload);
void OnDataFrameEnd();
using QuicStream::CloseWriteSide;
virtual void OnInitialHeadersComplete(bool fin,
size_t frame_len,
const QuicHeaderList& header_list);
virtual void OnTrailingHeadersComplete(bool fin,
size_t frame_len,
const QuicHeaderList& header_list);
virtual size_t WriteHeadersImpl(
spdy::SpdyHeaderBlock header_block,
bool fin,
QuicReferenceCountedPointer<QuicAckListenerInterface> ack_listener);
QuicSpdySession* spdy_session() const { return spdy_session_; }
Visitor* visitor() { return visitor_; }
void set_headers_decompressed(bool val) { headers_decompressed_ = val; }
void set_ack_listener(
QuicReferenceCountedPointer<QuicAckListenerInterface> ack_listener) {
ack_listener_ = std::move(ack_listener);
const QuicIntervalSet<QuicStreamOffset>& unacked_frame_headers_offsets() {
return unacked_frame_headers_offsets_;
friend class test::QuicSpdyStreamPeer;
friend class test::QuicStreamPeer;
friend class QuicStreamUtils;
class HttpDecoderVisitor;
// Given the interval marked by [|offset|, |offset| + |data_length|), return
// the number of frame header bytes contained in it.
QuicByteCount GetNumFrameHeadersInInterval(QuicStreamOffset offset,
QuicByteCount data_length) const;
QuicSpdySession* spdy_session_;
Visitor* visitor_;
// True if the headers have been completely decompressed.
bool headers_decompressed_;
// Contains a copy of the decompressed header (name, value) pairs until they
// are consumed via Readv.
QuicHeaderList header_list_;
// True if the trailers have been completely decompressed.
bool trailers_decompressed_;
// True if the trailers have been consumed.
bool trailers_consumed_;
// The parsed trailers received from the peer.
spdy::SpdyHeaderBlock received_trailers_;
// Http encoder for writing streams.
HttpEncoder encoder_;
// Http decoder for processing raw incoming stream frames.
HttpDecoder decoder_;
// Visitor of the HttpDecoder.
std::unique_ptr<HttpDecoderVisitor> http_decoder_visitor_;
// Buffer that contains decoded data of the stream.
QuicSpdyStreamBodyBuffer body_buffer_;
// Ack listener of this stream, and it is notified when any of written bytes
// are acked or retransmitted.
QuicReferenceCountedPointer<QuicAckListenerInterface> ack_listener_;
// Offset of unacked frame headers.
QuicIntervalSet<QuicStreamOffset> unacked_frame_headers_offsets_;
} // namespace quic