blob: 9cac22e08c6361720f7aeb86277468a7b4c70df4 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "http2/adapter/data_source.h"
#include "http2/adapter/http2_protocol.h"
#include "http2/adapter/mock_http2_visitor.h"
#include "common/platform/api/quiche_export.h"
#include "common/platform/api/quiche_test.h"
#include "spdy/core/spdy_protocol.h"
namespace http2 {
namespace adapter {
namespace test {
class QUICHE_NO_EXPORT DataSavingVisitor
: public testing::StrictMock<MockHttp2Visitor> {
ssize_t OnReadyToSend(absl::string_view data) override {
if (is_write_blocked_) {
return 0;
const size_t to_accept = std::min(send_limit_, data.size());
absl::StrAppend(&data_, data.substr(0, to_accept));
return to_accept;
const std::string& data() { return data_; }
void Clear() { data_.clear(); }
void set_send_limit(size_t limit) { send_limit_ = limit; }
bool is_write_blocked() const { return is_write_blocked_; }
void set_is_write_blocked(bool value) { is_write_blocked_ = value; }
std::string data_;
size_t send_limit_ = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
bool is_write_blocked_ = false;
// A test DataFrameSource that can be initialized with a single string payload,
// or a chunked payload.
class QUICHE_NO_EXPORT TestDataFrameSource : public DataFrameSource {
TestDataFrameSource(Http2VisitorInterface& visitor,
absl::string_view data_payload,
bool has_fin = true);
TestDataFrameSource(Http2VisitorInterface& visitor,
absl::Span<absl::string_view> payload_fragments,
bool has_fin = true);
std::pair<ssize_t, bool> SelectPayloadLength(size_t max_length) override;
bool Send(absl::string_view frame_header, size_t payload_length) override;
bool send_fin() const override { return has_fin_; }
void set_is_data_available(bool value) { is_data_available_ = value; }
Http2VisitorInterface& visitor_;
std::vector<std::string> payload_fragments_;
absl::string_view current_fragment_;
const bool has_fin_;
bool is_data_available_ = true;
// These matchers check whether a string consists entirely of HTTP/2 frames of
// the specified ordered sequence. This is useful in tests where we want to show
// that one or more particular frame types are serialized for sending to the
// peer. The match will fail if there are input bytes not consumed by the
// matcher.
// Requires that frames match both types and lengths.
testing::Matcher<absl::string_view> EqualsFrames(
std::vector<std::pair<spdy::SpdyFrameType, absl::optional<size_t>>>
// Requires that frames match the specified types.
testing::Matcher<absl::string_view> EqualsFrames(
std::vector<spdy::SpdyFrameType> types);
} // namespace test
} // namespace adapter
} // namespace http2