blob: f05a4776fb5489a6b8ba3b85a29aa35516e7cdb9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Utility methods to convert between absolute indexing (used in the dynamic
// table), relative indexing used on the encoder stream, and relative indexing
// and post-base indexing used on request streams (in header blocks). See:
#include <cstdint>
namespace quic {
// Conversion functions used in the encoder do not check for overflow/underflow.
// Since the maximum index is limited by maximum dynamic table capacity
// (represented on uint64_t) divided by minimum header field size (defined to be
// 32 bytes), overflow is not possible. The caller is responsible for providing
// input that does not underflow.
uint64_t QpackAbsoluteIndexToEncoderStreamRelativeIndex(
uint64_t absolute_index,
uint64_t inserted_entry_count);
uint64_t QpackAbsoluteIndexToRequestStreamRelativeIndex(uint64_t absolute_index,
uint64_t base);
// Conversion functions used in the decoder operate on input received from the
// network. These functions return false on overflow or underflow.
// TODO The encoder stream uses relative index (but different from the kind of
// relative index used on a request stream). This method converts relative
// index to absolute index (zero based). It returns true on success, or false
// if conversion fails due to overflow/underflow.
bool QpackEncoderStreamRelativeIndexToAbsoluteIndex(
uint64_t relative_index,
uint64_t inserted_entry_count,
uint64_t* absolute_index);
// TODO The request stream can use relative index (but different from the kind
// of relative index used on the encoder stream), and post-base index. These
// methods convert relative index and post-base index to absolute index (one
// based). They return true on success, or false if conversion fails due to
// overflow/underflow.
// On success, |*absolute_index| is guaranteed to be strictly less than
// std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max().
bool QpackRequestStreamRelativeIndexToAbsoluteIndex(uint64_t relative_index,
uint64_t base,
uint64_t* absolute_index);
// On success, |*absolute_index| is guaranteed to be strictly less than
// std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max().
bool QpackPostBaseIndexToAbsoluteIndex(uint64_t post_base_index,
uint64_t base,
uint64_t* absolute_index);
} // namespace quic