blob: 1fa4de8f07521213608a7d7654512551c14d81ee [file] [log] [blame]
#include "http2/adapter/http2_adapter.h"
#include "http2/adapter/http2_protocol.h"
#include "http2/adapter/nghttp2_session.h"
#include "http2/adapter/nghttp2_util.h"
namespace http2 {
namespace adapter {
class NgHttp2Adapter : public Http2Adapter {
~NgHttp2Adapter() override;
// Creates an adapter that functions as a client.
static std::unique_ptr<NgHttp2Adapter> CreateClientAdapter(
Http2VisitorInterface& visitor);
// Creates an adapter that functions as a server.
static std::unique_ptr<NgHttp2Adapter> CreateServerAdapter(
Http2VisitorInterface& visitor);
// Processes the incoming |bytes| as HTTP/2 and invokes callbacks on the
// |visitor_| as appropriate.
ssize_t ProcessBytes(absl::string_view bytes) override;
// Submits the |settings| to be written to the peer, e.g., as part of the
// HTTP/2 connection preface.
void SubmitSettings(absl::Span<const Http2Setting> settings) override;
// Submits a PRIORITY frame for the given stream.
void SubmitPriorityForStream(Http2StreamId stream_id,
Http2StreamId parent_stream_id,
int weight,
bool exclusive) override;
// Submits a PING on the connection. Note that nghttp2 automatically submits
// PING acks upon receiving non-ack PINGs from the peer, so callers only use
// this method to originate PINGs. See nghttp2_option_set_no_auto_ping_ack().
void SubmitPing(Http2PingId ping_id) override;
// Submits a GOAWAY on the connection. Note that |last_accepted_stream_id|
// refers to stream IDs initiated by the peer. For client-side, this last
// stream ID must be even (or 0); for server-side, this last stream ID must be
// odd (or 0).
// TODO(birenroy): Add a graceful shutdown behavior to the API.
void SubmitGoAway(Http2StreamId last_accepted_stream_id,
Http2ErrorCode error_code,
absl::string_view opaque_data) override;
// Submits a WINDOW_UPDATE for the given stream (a |stream_id| of 0 indicates
// a connection-level WINDOW_UPDATE).
void SubmitWindowUpdate(Http2StreamId stream_id,
int window_increment) override;
// Submits a RST_STREAM for the given |stream_id| and |error_code|.
void SubmitRst(Http2StreamId stream_id, Http2ErrorCode error_code) override;
// Submits a METADATA frame for the given stream (a |stream_id| of 0 indicates
// connection-level METADATA). If |end_metadata|, the frame will also have the
// END_METADATA flag set.
void SubmitMetadata(Http2StreamId stream_id, bool end_metadata) override;
// Invokes the visitor's OnReadyToSend() method for serialized frame data.
void Send() override;
// Returns the connection-level flow control window for the peer.
int GetPeerConnectionWindow() const override;
// Marks the given amount of data as consumed for the given stream, which
// enables the nghttp2 layer to trigger WINDOW_UPDATEs as appropriate.
void MarkDataConsumedForStream(Http2StreamId stream_id,
size_t num_bytes) override;
// TODO(b/181586191): Temporary accessor until equivalent functionality is
// available in this adapter class.
NgHttp2Session& session() { return *session_; }
NgHttp2Adapter(Http2VisitorInterface& visitor, Perspective perspective);
// Performs any necessary initialization of the underlying HTTP/2 session,
// such as preparing initial SETTINGS.
void Initialize();
std::unique_ptr<NgHttp2Session> session_;
Http2VisitorInterface& visitor_;
Perspective perspective_;
} // namespace adapter
} // namespace http2