blob: 7176411b928a9a5fab3cc7891fc573232a433a77 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "quic/core/quic_types.h"
#include "quic/core/web_transport_interface.h"
#include "spdy/core/spdy_header_block.h"
namespace quic {
class QuicSpdySession;
class QuicSpdyStream;
// A session of WebTransport over HTTP/3. The session is owned by
// QuicSpdyStream object for the CONNECT stream that established it.
// WebTransport over HTTP/3 specification:
// <>
class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE WebTransportHttp3 : public WebTransportSession {
WebTransportHttp3(QuicSpdySession* session,
QuicSpdyStream* connect_stream,
WebTransportSessionId id);
void HeadersReceived(const spdy::SpdyHeaderBlock& headers);
void SetVisitor(std::unique_ptr<WebTransportVisitor> visitor) {
visitor_ = std::move(visitor);
WebTransportSessionId id() { return id_; }
// Return the earliest incoming stream that has been received by the session
// but has not been accepted. Returns nullptr if there are no incoming
// streams.
WebTransportStream* AcceptIncomingBidirectionalStream() override;
WebTransportStream* AcceptIncomingUnidirectionalStream() override;
bool CanOpenNextOutgoingBidirectionalStream() override;
bool CanOpenNextOutgoingUnidirectionalStream() override;
WebTransportStream* OpenOutgoingBidirectionalStream() override;
WebTransportStream* OpenOutgoingUnidirectionalStream() override;
MessageStatus SendOrQueueDatagram(QuicMemSlice datagram) override;
void SetDatagramMaxTimeInQueue(QuicTime::Delta max_time_in_queue) override;
const QuicSpdySession* session_; // Unowned.
const QuicSpdyStream* connect_stream_; // Unowned.
const WebTransportSessionId id_;
// |ready_| is set to true when the peer has seen both sets of headers.
bool ready_ = false;
std::unique_ptr<WebTransportVisitor> visitor_;
} // namespace quic