blob: ba2af00e4634f4ecf87fade19ce07b78179a5ed8 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package privacy.ppn;
import "quiche/blind_sign_auth/proto/public_metadata.proto";
import "quiche/blind_sign_auth/anonymous_tokens/proto/anonymous_tokens.proto";
option cc_api_version = 2;
message SpendTokenData {
// Public metadata associated with the token being spent.
// See go/ppn-token-spend and go/ppn-phosphor-at-service for details.
PublicMetadataInfo public_metadata = 1;
// The unblinded token to be spent which was blind-signed by Phosphor.
bytes unblinded_token = 2;
// The signature for the token to be spent, obtained from Phosphor and
// unblinded.
bytes unblinded_token_signature = 3;
// The version number of the signing key that was used during blind-signing.
int64 signing_key_version = 4;
// A use case identifying the caller. Should be a fixed, hardcoded value to
// prevent cross-spending tokens.
private_membership.anonymous_tokens.AnonymousTokensUseCase use_case = 5;
// Nonce used to mask plaintext message before cryptographic verification.
bytes message_mask = 6;