blob: 64d396da7ce85dfc7e578839d66a5789f75140f6 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package privacy.ppn;
import "quiche/blind_sign_auth/proto/attestation.proto";
import "quiche/blind_sign_auth/proto/key_services.proto";
import "quiche/blind_sign_auth/proto/public_metadata.proto";
import "storage/datapol/annotations/proto/semantic_annotations.proto";
option cc_api_version = 2;
option (datapol.file_vetting_status) = "latest";
// Client is requesting to auth using the provided auth token.
// Next ID: 9
message AuthAndSignRequest {
reserved 3;
// A 'bearer' oauth token to be validated.
string oauth_token = 1 ;
// A string uniquely identifying the strategy this client should be
// authenticated with.
string service_type = 2 ;
// A set of blinded tokens to be signed by zinc. b64 encoded.
repeated string blinded_token = 4
// A sha256 of the public key PEM used in generated `blinded_token`. This
// Ensures the signer signs with the matching key. Only required if key_type
string public_key_hash = 5 ;
oneof attestation_data {
AndroidAttestationData android_attestation_data = 6 [deprecated = true];
IosAttestationData ios_attestation_data = 7 [deprecated = true];
privacy.ppn.AttestationData attestation = 8;
privacy.ppn.KeyType key_type = 10 ;
privacy.ppn.PublicMetadataInfo public_metadata_info = 11
// Indicates which key to use for signing. Only set if key type is
int64 key_version = 12 ;
message AuthAndSignResponse {
reserved 1, 2, 3;
// A set of signatures corresponding by index to `blinded_token` in the
// request. b64 encoded.
repeated string blinded_token_signature = 4 [
json_name = "blinded_token_signature"
// The marconi server hostname bridge-proxy used to set up tunnel.
string copper_controller_hostname = 5 [
json_name = "copper_controller_hostname"
// The base64 encoding of override_region token and signature for white listed
// users in the format of "${Region}.${timestamp}.${signature}".
string region_token_and_signature = 6 [
json_name = "region_token_and_signature"
// The APN type bridge-proxy use to deside which APN to use for connecting.
string apn_type = 7
[ json_name = "apn_type"];