gfe-relnote: Enable certificate verification on TLS resumption in QUIC, protected by reloadable flag quic_supports_tls_handshake

PiperOrigin-RevId: 279800956
Change-Id: I58c3f1c32e20a7e7a9eb1c2b4f68538120baf112
diff --git a/quic/core/crypto/ b/quic/core/crypto/
index 98aa6e7..7d11224 100644
--- a/quic/core/crypto/
+++ b/quic/core/crypto/
@@ -14,11 +14,9 @@
 bssl::UniquePtr<SSL_CTX> TlsClientConnection::CreateSslCtx() {
   bssl::UniquePtr<SSL_CTX> ssl_ctx = TlsConnection::CreateSslCtx();
   // Configure certificate verification.
-  // TODO(nharper): This only verifies certs on initial connection, not on
-  // resumption. Chromium has this callback be a no-op and verifies the
-  // certificate after the connection is complete. We need to re-verify on
-  // resumption in case of expiration or revocation/distrust.
   SSL_CTX_set_custom_verify(ssl_ctx.get(), SSL_VERIFY_PEER, &VerifyCallback);
+  int reverify_on_resume_enabled = 1;
+  SSL_CTX_set_reverify_on_resume(ssl_ctx.get(), reverify_on_resume_enabled);
   // Configure session caching.
diff --git a/quic/core/ b/quic/core/
index 675dc20..4fd338f 100644
--- a/quic/core/
+++ b/quic/core/
@@ -72,11 +72,13 @@
   void CompleteCryptoHandshake() {
+    int proof_verify_details_calls = 1;
     if (stream()->handshake_protocol() != PROTOCOL_TLS1_3) {
       EXPECT_CALL(*session_, OnProofValid(testing::_));
+      proof_verify_details_calls = 0;
     EXPECT_CALL(*session_, OnProofVerifyDetailsAvailable(testing::_))
-        .Times(testing::AnyNumber());
+        .Times(testing::AtLeast(proof_verify_details_calls));
     QuicConfig config;