blob: 173f6489862b9786700edd8d507d8c8c31e8d350 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// The entity that handles framing writes for a Quic client or server.
// Each QuicSession will have a connection associated with it.
// On the server side, the Dispatcher handles the raw reads, and hands off
// packets via ProcessUdpPacket for framing and processing.
// On the client side, the Connection handles the raw reads, as well as the
// processing.
// Note: this class is not thread-safe.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "quic/core/crypto/quic_decrypter.h"
#include "quic/core/crypto/quic_encrypter.h"
#include "quic/core/crypto/transport_parameters.h"
#include "quic/core/frames/quic_ack_frequency_frame.h"
#include "quic/core/frames/quic_max_streams_frame.h"
#include "quic/core/frames/quic_new_connection_id_frame.h"
#include "quic/core/proto/cached_network_parameters_proto.h"
#include "quic/core/quic_alarm.h"
#include "quic/core/quic_alarm_factory.h"
#include "quic/core/quic_blocked_writer_interface.h"
#include "quic/core/quic_connection_id.h"
#include "quic/core/quic_connection_id_manager.h"
#include "quic/core/quic_connection_stats.h"
#include "quic/core/quic_constants.h"
#include "quic/core/quic_framer.h"
#include "quic/core/quic_idle_network_detector.h"
#include "quic/core/quic_mtu_discovery.h"
#include "quic/core/quic_network_blackhole_detector.h"
#include "quic/core/quic_one_block_arena.h"
#include "quic/core/quic_packet_creator.h"
#include "quic/core/quic_packet_writer.h"
#include "quic/core/quic_packets.h"
#include "quic/core/quic_path_validator.h"
#include "quic/core/quic_sent_packet_manager.h"
#include "quic/core/quic_time.h"
#include "quic/core/quic_types.h"
#include "quic/core/uber_received_packet_manager.h"
#include "quic/platform/api/quic_containers.h"
#include "quic/platform/api/quic_export.h"
#include "quic/platform/api/quic_flags.h"
#include "quic/platform/api/quic_socket_address.h"
#include "common/quiche_circular_deque.h"
namespace quic {
class QuicClock;
class QuicConfig;
class QuicConnection;
class QuicRandom;
namespace test {
class QuicConnectionPeer;
} // namespace test
// Class that receives callbacks from the connection when frames are received
// and when other interesting events happen.
class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicConnectionVisitorInterface {
virtual ~QuicConnectionVisitorInterface() {}
// A simple visitor interface for dealing with a data frame.
virtual void OnStreamFrame(const QuicStreamFrame& frame) = 0;
// Called when a CRYPTO frame containing handshake data is received.
virtual void OnCryptoFrame(const QuicCryptoFrame& frame) = 0;
// The session should process the WINDOW_UPDATE frame, adjusting both stream
// and connection level flow control windows.
virtual void OnWindowUpdateFrame(const QuicWindowUpdateFrame& frame) = 0;
// A BLOCKED frame indicates the peer is flow control blocked
// on a specified stream.
virtual void OnBlockedFrame(const QuicBlockedFrame& frame) = 0;
// Called when the stream is reset by the peer.
virtual void OnRstStream(const QuicRstStreamFrame& frame) = 0;
// Called when the connection is going away according to the peer.
virtual void OnGoAway(const QuicGoAwayFrame& frame) = 0;
// Called when |message| has been received.
virtual void OnMessageReceived(absl::string_view message) = 0;
// Called when a HANDSHAKE_DONE frame has been received.
virtual void OnHandshakeDoneReceived() = 0;
// Called when a NEW_TOKEN frame has been received.
virtual void OnNewTokenReceived(absl::string_view token) = 0;
// Called when a MAX_STREAMS frame has been received from the peer.
virtual bool OnMaxStreamsFrame(const QuicMaxStreamsFrame& frame) = 0;
// Called when a STREAMS_BLOCKED frame has been received from the peer.
virtual bool OnStreamsBlockedFrame(const QuicStreamsBlockedFrame& frame) = 0;
// Called when the connection is closed either locally by the framer, or
// remotely by the peer.
virtual void OnConnectionClosed(const QuicConnectionCloseFrame& frame,
ConnectionCloseSource source) = 0;
// Called when the connection failed to write because the socket was blocked.
virtual void OnWriteBlocked() = 0;
// Called once a specific QUIC version is agreed by both endpoints.
virtual void OnSuccessfulVersionNegotiation(
const ParsedQuicVersion& version) = 0;
// Called when a packet has been received by the connection, after being
// validated and parsed. Only called when the client receives a valid packet
// or the server receives a connectivity probing packet.
// |is_connectivity_probe| is true if the received packet is a connectivity
// probe.
virtual void OnPacketReceived(const QuicSocketAddress& self_address,
const QuicSocketAddress& peer_address,
bool is_connectivity_probe) = 0;
// Called when a blocked socket becomes writable.
virtual void OnCanWrite() = 0;
// Called when the connection needs more data to probe for additional
// bandwidth. Returns true if data was sent, false otherwise.
virtual bool SendProbingData() = 0;
// Called when stateless reset packet is received. Returns true if the
// connection needs to be closed.
virtual bool ValidateStatelessReset(
const quic::QuicSocketAddress& self_address,
const quic::QuicSocketAddress& peer_address) = 0;
// Called when the connection experiences a change in congestion window.
virtual void OnCongestionWindowChange(QuicTime now) = 0;
// Called when the connection receives a packet from a migrated client.
virtual void OnConnectionMigration(AddressChangeType type) = 0;
// Called when the peer seems unreachable over the current path.
virtual void OnPathDegrading() = 0;
// Called when forward progress made after path degrading.
virtual void OnForwardProgressMadeAfterPathDegrading() = 0;
// Called when the connection sends ack after
// max_consecutive_num_packets_with_no_retransmittable_frames_ consecutive not
// retransmittable packets sent. To instigate an ack from peer, a
// retransmittable frame needs to be added.
virtual void OnAckNeedsRetransmittableFrame() = 0;
// Called when an AckFrequency frame need to be sent.
virtual void SendAckFrequency(const QuicAckFrequencyFrame& frame) = 0;
// Called to send a NEW_CONNECTION_ID frame.
virtual void SendNewConnectionId(const QuicNewConnectionIdFrame& frame) = 0;
// Called to send a RETIRE_CONNECTION_ID frame.
virtual void SendRetireConnectionId(uint64_t sequence_number) = 0;
// Called when server starts to use a server issued connection ID.
virtual void OnServerConnectionIdIssued(
const QuicConnectionId& server_connection_id) = 0;
// Called when server stops to use a server issued connection ID.
virtual void OnServerConnectionIdRetired(
const QuicConnectionId& server_connection_id) = 0;
// Called to ask if the visitor wants to schedule write resumption as it both
// has pending data to write, and is able to write (e.g. based on flow control
// limits).
// Writes may be pending because they were write-blocked, congestion-throttled
// or yielded to other connections.
virtual bool WillingAndAbleToWrite() const = 0;
// Called to ask if the connection should be kept alive and prevented
// from timing out, for example if there are outstanding application
// transactions expecting a response.
virtual bool ShouldKeepConnectionAlive() const = 0;
// Called to retrieve streams information for logging purpose.
virtual std::string GetStreamsInfoForLogging() const = 0;
// Called when a self address change is observed. Returns true if self address
// change is allowed.
virtual bool AllowSelfAddressChange() const = 0;
// Called to get current handshake state.
virtual HandshakeState GetHandshakeState() const = 0;
// Called when a STOP_SENDING frame has been received.
virtual void OnStopSendingFrame(const QuicStopSendingFrame& frame) = 0;
// Called when a packet of encryption |level| has been successfully decrypted.
virtual void OnPacketDecrypted(EncryptionLevel level) = 0;
// Called when a 1RTT packet has been acknowledged.
virtual void OnOneRttPacketAcknowledged() = 0;
// Called when a packet of ENCRYPTION_HANDSHAKE gets sent.
virtual void OnHandshakePacketSent() = 0;
// Called when a key update has occurred.
virtual void OnKeyUpdate(KeyUpdateReason reason) = 0;
// Called to generate a decrypter for the next key phase. Each call should
// generate the key for phase n+1.
virtual std::unique_ptr<QuicDecrypter>
AdvanceKeysAndCreateCurrentOneRttDecrypter() = 0;
// Called to generate an encrypter for the same key phase of the last
// decrypter returned by AdvanceKeysAndCreateCurrentOneRttDecrypter().
virtual std::unique_ptr<QuicEncrypter> CreateCurrentOneRttEncrypter() = 0;
// Called when connection is being closed right before a CONNECTION_CLOSE
// frame is serialized, but only on the server and only if forward secure
// encryption has already been established.
virtual void BeforeConnectionCloseSent() = 0;
// Called by the server to validate |token| in received INITIAL packets.
// Consider the client address gets validated (and therefore remove
// amplification factor) once the |token| gets successfully validated.
virtual bool ValidateToken(absl::string_view token) const = 0;
// Called by the server to send another token.
// Return false if the crypto stream fail to generate one.
virtual void MaybeSendAddressToken() = 0;
// Whether the server address is known to the connection.
virtual bool IsKnownServerAddress(const QuicSocketAddress& address) const = 0;
// Interface which gets callbacks from the QuicConnection at interesting
// points. Implementations must not mutate the state of the connection
// as a result of these callbacks.
class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicConnectionDebugVisitor
: public QuicSentPacketManager::DebugDelegate {
~QuicConnectionDebugVisitor() override {}
// Called when a packet has been sent.
virtual void OnPacketSent(QuicPacketNumber /*packet_number*/,
QuicPacketLength /*packet_length*/,
bool /*has_crypto_handshake*/,
TransmissionType /*transmission_type*/,
EncryptionLevel /*encryption_level*/,
const QuicFrames& /*retransmittable_frames*/,
const QuicFrames& /*nonretransmittable_frames*/,
QuicTime /*sent_time*/) {}
// Called when a coalesced packet has been sent.
virtual void OnCoalescedPacketSent(
const QuicCoalescedPacket& /*coalesced_packet*/,
size_t /*length*/) {}
// Called when a PING frame has been sent.
virtual void OnPingSent() {}
// Called when a packet has been received, but before it is
// validated or parsed.
virtual void OnPacketReceived(const QuicSocketAddress& /*self_address*/,
const QuicSocketAddress& /*peer_address*/,
const QuicEncryptedPacket& /*packet*/) {}
// Called when the unauthenticated portion of the header has been parsed.
virtual void OnUnauthenticatedHeader(const QuicPacketHeader& /*header*/) {}
// Called when a packet is received with a connection id that does not
// match the ID of this connection.
virtual void OnIncorrectConnectionId(QuicConnectionId /*connection_id*/) {}
// Called when an undecryptable packet has been received. If |dropped| is
// true, the packet has been dropped. Otherwise, the packet will be queued and
// connection will attempt to process it later.
virtual void OnUndecryptablePacket(EncryptionLevel /*decryption_level*/,
bool /*dropped*/) {}
// Called when attempting to process a previously undecryptable packet.
virtual void OnAttemptingToProcessUndecryptablePacket(
EncryptionLevel /*decryption_level*/) {}
// Called when a duplicate packet has been received.
virtual void OnDuplicatePacket(QuicPacketNumber /*packet_number*/) {}
// Called when the protocol version on the received packet doensn't match
// current protocol version of the connection.
virtual void OnProtocolVersionMismatch(ParsedQuicVersion /*version*/) {}
// Called when the complete header of a packet has been parsed.
virtual void OnPacketHeader(const QuicPacketHeader& /*header*/,
QuicTime /*receive_time*/,
EncryptionLevel /*level*/) {}
// Called when a StreamFrame has been parsed.
virtual void OnStreamFrame(const QuicStreamFrame& /*frame*/) {}
// Called when a CRYPTO frame containing handshake data is received.
virtual void OnCryptoFrame(const QuicCryptoFrame& /*frame*/) {}
// Called when a StopWaitingFrame has been parsed.
virtual void OnStopWaitingFrame(const QuicStopWaitingFrame& /*frame*/) {}
// Called when a QuicPaddingFrame has been parsed.
virtual void OnPaddingFrame(const QuicPaddingFrame& /*frame*/) {}
// Called when a Ping has been parsed.
virtual void OnPingFrame(const QuicPingFrame& /*frame*/,
QuicTime::Delta /*ping_received_delay*/) {}
// Called when a GoAway has been parsed.
virtual void OnGoAwayFrame(const QuicGoAwayFrame& /*frame*/) {}
// Called when a RstStreamFrame has been parsed.
virtual void OnRstStreamFrame(const QuicRstStreamFrame& /*frame*/) {}
// Called when a ConnectionCloseFrame has been parsed. All forms
// of CONNECTION CLOSE are handled, Google QUIC, IETF QUIC
virtual void OnConnectionCloseFrame(
const QuicConnectionCloseFrame& /*frame*/) {}
// Called when a WindowUpdate has been parsed.
virtual void OnWindowUpdateFrame(const QuicWindowUpdateFrame& /*frame*/,
const QuicTime& /*receive_time*/) {}
// Called when a BlockedFrame has been parsed.
virtual void OnBlockedFrame(const QuicBlockedFrame& /*frame*/) {}
// Called when a NewConnectionIdFrame has been parsed.
virtual void OnNewConnectionIdFrame(
const QuicNewConnectionIdFrame& /*frame*/) {}
// Called when a RetireConnectionIdFrame has been parsed.
virtual void OnRetireConnectionIdFrame(
const QuicRetireConnectionIdFrame& /*frame*/) {}
// Called when a NewTokenFrame has been parsed.
virtual void OnNewTokenFrame(const QuicNewTokenFrame& /*frame*/) {}
// Called when a MessageFrame has been parsed.
virtual void OnMessageFrame(const QuicMessageFrame& /*frame*/) {}
// Called when a HandshakeDoneFrame has been parsed.
virtual void OnHandshakeDoneFrame(const QuicHandshakeDoneFrame& /*frame*/) {}
// Called when a public reset packet has been received.
virtual void OnPublicResetPacket(const QuicPublicResetPacket& /*packet*/) {}
// Called when a version negotiation packet has been received.
virtual void OnVersionNegotiationPacket(
const QuicVersionNegotiationPacket& /*packet*/) {}
// Called when the connection is closed.
virtual void OnConnectionClosed(const QuicConnectionCloseFrame& /*frame*/,
ConnectionCloseSource /*source*/) {}
// Called when the version negotiation is successful.
virtual void OnSuccessfulVersionNegotiation(
const ParsedQuicVersion& /*version*/) {}
// Called when a CachedNetworkParameters is sent to the client.
virtual void OnSendConnectionState(
const CachedNetworkParameters& /*cached_network_params*/) {}
// Called when a CachedNetworkParameters are received from the client.
virtual void OnReceiveConnectionState(
const CachedNetworkParameters& /*cached_network_params*/) {}
// Called when the connection parameters are set from the supplied
// |config|.
virtual void OnSetFromConfig(const QuicConfig& /*config*/) {}
// Called when RTT may have changed, including when an RTT is read from
// the config.
virtual void OnRttChanged(QuicTime::Delta /*rtt*/) const {}
// Called when a StopSendingFrame has been parsed.
virtual void OnStopSendingFrame(const QuicStopSendingFrame& /*frame*/) {}
// Called when a PathChallengeFrame has been parsed.
virtual void OnPathChallengeFrame(const QuicPathChallengeFrame& /*frame*/) {}
// Called when a PathResponseFrame has been parsed.
virtual void OnPathResponseFrame(const QuicPathResponseFrame& /*frame*/) {}
// Called when a StreamsBlockedFrame has been parsed.
virtual void OnStreamsBlockedFrame(const QuicStreamsBlockedFrame& /*frame*/) {
// Called when a MaxStreamsFrame has been parsed.
virtual void OnMaxStreamsFrame(const QuicMaxStreamsFrame& /*frame*/) {}
// Called when an AckFrequencyFrame has been parsed.
virtual void OnAckFrequencyFrame(const QuicAckFrequencyFrame& /*frame*/) {}
// Called when |count| packet numbers have been skipped.
virtual void OnNPacketNumbersSkipped(QuicPacketCount /*count*/,
QuicTime /*now*/) {}
// Called for QUIC+TLS versions when we send transport parameters.
virtual void OnTransportParametersSent(
const TransportParameters& /*transport_parameters*/) {}
// Called for QUIC+TLS versions when we receive transport parameters.
virtual void OnTransportParametersReceived(
const TransportParameters& /*transport_parameters*/) {}
// Called for QUIC+TLS versions when we resume cached transport parameters for
// 0-RTT.
virtual void OnTransportParametersResumed(
const TransportParameters& /*transport_parameters*/) {}
// Called for QUIC+TLS versions when 0-RTT is rejected.
virtual void OnZeroRttRejected(int /*reject_reason*/) {}
// Called for QUIC+TLS versions when 0-RTT packet gets acked.
virtual void OnZeroRttPacketAcked() {}
// Called on peer address change.
virtual void OnPeerAddressChange(AddressChangeType /*type*/,
QuicTime::Delta /*connection_time*/) {}
// Called after peer migration is validated.
virtual void OnPeerMigrationValidated(QuicTime::Delta /*connection_time*/) {}
class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicConnectionHelperInterface {
virtual ~QuicConnectionHelperInterface() {}
// Returns a QuicClock to be used for all time related functions.
virtual const QuicClock* GetClock() const = 0;
// Returns a QuicRandom to be used for all random number related functions.
virtual QuicRandom* GetRandomGenerator() = 0;
// Returns a QuicBufferAllocator to be used for stream send buffers.
virtual QuicBufferAllocator* GetStreamSendBufferAllocator() = 0;
class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicConnection
: public QuicFramerVisitorInterface,
public QuicBlockedWriterInterface,
public QuicPacketCreator::DelegateInterface,
public QuicSentPacketManager::NetworkChangeVisitor,
public QuicNetworkBlackholeDetector::Delegate,
public QuicIdleNetworkDetector::Delegate,
public QuicPathValidator::SendDelegate,
public QuicConnectionIdManagerVisitorInterface {
// Constructs a new QuicConnection for |connection_id| and
// |initial_peer_address| using |writer| to write packets. |owns_writer|
// specifies whether the connection takes ownership of |writer|. |helper| must
// outlive this connection.
QuicConnection(QuicConnectionId server_connection_id,
QuicSocketAddress initial_self_address,
QuicSocketAddress initial_peer_address,
QuicConnectionHelperInterface* helper,
QuicAlarmFactory* alarm_factory,
QuicPacketWriter* writer,
bool owns_writer,
Perspective perspective,
const ParsedQuicVersionVector& supported_versions);
QuicConnection(const QuicConnection&) = delete;
QuicConnection& operator=(const QuicConnection&) = delete;
~QuicConnection() override;
// Sets connection parameters from the supplied |config|.
void SetFromConfig(const QuicConfig& config);
// Apply |connection_options| for this connection. Unlike SetFromConfig, this
// can happen at anytime in the life of a connection.
// Note there is no guarantee that all options can be applied. Components will
// only apply cherrypicked options that make sense at the time of the call.
void ApplyConnectionOptions(const QuicTagVector& connection_options);
// Called by the session when sending connection state to the client.
virtual void OnSendConnectionState(
const CachedNetworkParameters& cached_network_params);
// Called by the session when receiving connection state from the client.
virtual void OnReceiveConnectionState(
const CachedNetworkParameters& cached_network_params);
// Called by the Session when the client has provided CachedNetworkParameters.
virtual void ResumeConnectionState(
const CachedNetworkParameters& cached_network_params,
bool max_bandwidth_resumption);
// Called by the Session when a max pacing rate for the connection is needed.
virtual void SetMaxPacingRate(QuicBandwidth max_pacing_rate);
// Allows the client to adjust network parameters based on external
// information.
void AdjustNetworkParameters(
const SendAlgorithmInterface::NetworkParams& params);
void AdjustNetworkParameters(QuicBandwidth bandwidth,
QuicTime::Delta rtt,
bool allow_cwnd_to_decrease);
// Install a loss detection tuner. Must be called before OnConfigNegotiated.
void SetLossDetectionTuner(
std::unique_ptr<LossDetectionTunerInterface> tuner);
// Called by the session when session->is_configured() becomes true.
void OnConfigNegotiated();
// Returns the max pacing rate for the connection.
virtual QuicBandwidth MaxPacingRate() const;
// Sends crypto handshake messages of length |write_length| to the peer in as
// few packets as possible. Returns the number of bytes consumed from the
// data.
virtual size_t SendCryptoData(EncryptionLevel level,
size_t write_length,
QuicStreamOffset offset);
// Send the data of length |write_length| to the peer in as few packets as
// possible. Returns the number of bytes consumed from data, and a boolean
// indicating if the fin bit was consumed. This does not indicate the data
// has been sent on the wire: it may have been turned into a packet and queued
// if the socket was unexpectedly blocked.
virtual QuicConsumedData SendStreamData(QuicStreamId id,
size_t write_length,
QuicStreamOffset offset,
StreamSendingState state);
// Send |frame| to the peer. Returns true if frame is consumed, false
// otherwise.
virtual bool SendControlFrame(const QuicFrame& frame);
// Called when stream |id| is reset because of |error|.
virtual void OnStreamReset(QuicStreamId id, QuicRstStreamErrorCode error);
// Closes the connection.
// |connection_close_behavior| determines whether or not a connection close
// packet is sent to the peer.
virtual void CloseConnection(
QuicErrorCode error,
const std::string& details,
ConnectionCloseBehavior connection_close_behavior);
// Closes the connection, specifying the wire error code |ietf_error|
// explicitly.
virtual void CloseConnection(
QuicErrorCode error,
QuicIetfTransportErrorCodes ietf_error,
const std::string& details,
ConnectionCloseBehavior connection_close_behavior);
QuicConnectionStats& mutable_stats() { return stats_; }
int retransmittable_on_wire_ping_count() const {
return retransmittable_on_wire_ping_count_;
// Returns statistics tracked for this connection.
const QuicConnectionStats& GetStats();
// Processes an incoming UDP packet (consisting of a QuicEncryptedPacket) from
// the peer.
// In a client, the packet may be "stray" and have a different connection ID
// than that of this connection.
virtual void ProcessUdpPacket(const QuicSocketAddress& self_address,
const QuicSocketAddress& peer_address,
const QuicReceivedPacket& packet);
// QuicBlockedWriterInterface
// Called when the underlying connection becomes writable to allow queued
// writes to happen.
void OnBlockedWriterCanWrite() override;
bool IsWriterBlocked() const override {
return writer_ != nullptr && writer_->IsWriteBlocked();
// Called when the caller thinks it's worth a try to write.
// TODO(fayang): consider unifying this with QuicSession::OnCanWrite.
virtual void OnCanWrite();
// Called when an error occurs while attempting to write a packet to the
// network.
void OnWriteError(int error_code);
// Whether |result| represents a MSG TOO BIG write error.
bool IsMsgTooBig(const WriteResult& result);
// If the socket is not blocked, writes queued packets.
void WriteIfNotBlocked();
// Set the packet writer.
void SetQuicPacketWriter(QuicPacketWriter* writer, bool owns_writer) {
QUICHE_DCHECK(writer != nullptr);
if (writer_ != nullptr && owns_writer_) {
delete writer_;
writer_ = writer;
owns_writer_ = owns_writer;
// Set self address.
void SetSelfAddress(QuicSocketAddress address) {
default_path_.self_address = address;
// The version of the protocol this connection is using.
QuicTransportVersion transport_version() const {
return framer_.transport_version();
ParsedQuicVersion version() const { return framer_.version(); }
// The versions of the protocol that this connection supports.
const ParsedQuicVersionVector& supported_versions() const {
return framer_.supported_versions();
// Mark version negotiated for this connection. Once called, the connection
// will ignore received version negotiation packets.
void SetVersionNegotiated() {
version_negotiated_ = true;
if (perspective_ == Perspective::IS_SERVER) {
// From QuicFramerVisitorInterface
void OnError(QuicFramer* framer) override;
bool OnProtocolVersionMismatch(ParsedQuicVersion received_version) override;
void OnPacket() override;
void OnPublicResetPacket(const QuicPublicResetPacket& packet) override;
void OnVersionNegotiationPacket(
const QuicVersionNegotiationPacket& packet) override;
void OnRetryPacket(QuicConnectionId original_connection_id,
QuicConnectionId new_connection_id,
absl::string_view retry_token,
absl::string_view retry_integrity_tag,
absl::string_view retry_without_tag) override;
bool OnUnauthenticatedPublicHeader(const QuicPacketHeader& header) override;
bool OnUnauthenticatedHeader(const QuicPacketHeader& header) override;
void OnDecryptedPacket(size_t length, EncryptionLevel level) override;
bool OnPacketHeader(const QuicPacketHeader& header) override;
void OnCoalescedPacket(const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) override;
void OnUndecryptablePacket(const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet,
EncryptionLevel decryption_level,
bool has_decryption_key) override;
bool OnStreamFrame(const QuicStreamFrame& frame) override;
bool OnCryptoFrame(const QuicCryptoFrame& frame) override;
bool OnAckFrameStart(QuicPacketNumber largest_acked,
QuicTime::Delta ack_delay_time) override;
bool OnAckRange(QuicPacketNumber start, QuicPacketNumber end) override;
bool OnAckTimestamp(QuicPacketNumber packet_number,
QuicTime timestamp) override;
bool OnAckFrameEnd(QuicPacketNumber start) override;
bool OnStopWaitingFrame(const QuicStopWaitingFrame& frame) override;
bool OnPaddingFrame(const QuicPaddingFrame& frame) override;
bool OnPingFrame(const QuicPingFrame& frame) override;
bool OnRstStreamFrame(const QuicRstStreamFrame& frame) override;
bool OnConnectionCloseFrame(const QuicConnectionCloseFrame& frame) override;
bool OnStopSendingFrame(const QuicStopSendingFrame& frame) override;
bool OnPathChallengeFrame(const QuicPathChallengeFrame& frame) override;
bool OnPathResponseFrame(const QuicPathResponseFrame& frame) override;
bool OnGoAwayFrame(const QuicGoAwayFrame& frame) override;
bool OnMaxStreamsFrame(const QuicMaxStreamsFrame& frame) override;
bool OnStreamsBlockedFrame(const QuicStreamsBlockedFrame& frame) override;
bool OnWindowUpdateFrame(const QuicWindowUpdateFrame& frame) override;
bool OnBlockedFrame(const QuicBlockedFrame& frame) override;
bool OnNewConnectionIdFrame(const QuicNewConnectionIdFrame& frame) override;
bool OnRetireConnectionIdFrame(
const QuicRetireConnectionIdFrame& frame) override;
bool OnNewTokenFrame(const QuicNewTokenFrame& frame) override;
bool OnMessageFrame(const QuicMessageFrame& frame) override;
bool OnHandshakeDoneFrame(const QuicHandshakeDoneFrame& frame) override;
bool OnAckFrequencyFrame(const QuicAckFrequencyFrame& frame) override;
void OnPacketComplete() override;
bool IsValidStatelessResetToken(
const StatelessResetToken& token) const override;
void OnAuthenticatedIetfStatelessResetPacket(
const QuicIetfStatelessResetPacket& packet) override;
void OnKeyUpdate(KeyUpdateReason reason) override;
void OnDecryptedFirstPacketInKeyPhase() override;
std::unique_ptr<QuicDecrypter> AdvanceKeysAndCreateCurrentOneRttDecrypter()
std::unique_ptr<QuicEncrypter> CreateCurrentOneRttEncrypter() override;
// QuicPacketCreator::DelegateInterface
bool ShouldGeneratePacket(HasRetransmittableData retransmittable,
IsHandshake handshake) override;
const QuicFrames MaybeBundleAckOpportunistically() override;
QuicPacketBuffer GetPacketBuffer() override;
void OnSerializedPacket(SerializedPacket packet) override;
void OnUnrecoverableError(QuicErrorCode error,
const std::string& error_details) override;
SerializedPacketFate GetSerializedPacketFate(
bool is_mtu_discovery,
EncryptionLevel encryption_level) override;
// QuicSentPacketManager::NetworkChangeVisitor
void OnCongestionChange() override;
void OnPathMtuIncreased(QuicPacketLength packet_size) override;
// QuicNetworkBlackholeDetector::Delegate
void OnPathDegradingDetected() override;
void OnBlackholeDetected() override;
void OnPathMtuReductionDetected() override;
// QuicIdleNetworkDetector::Delegate
void OnHandshakeTimeout() override;
void OnIdleNetworkDetected() override;
// QuicConnectionIdManagerVisitorInterface
void OnPeerIssuedConnectionIdRetired() override;
bool SendNewConnectionId(const QuicNewConnectionIdFrame& frame) override;
void OnNewConnectionIdIssued(const QuicConnectionId& connection_id) override;
void OnSelfIssuedConnectionIdRetired(
const QuicConnectionId& connection_id) override;
// Please note, this is not a const function. For logging purpose, please use
// ack_frame().
const QuicFrame GetUpdatedAckFrame();
// Called to send a new connection ID to client if the # of connection ID has
// not exceeded the active connection ID limits.
void MaybeSendConnectionIdToClient();
// Called when the handshake completes. On the client side, handshake
// completes on receipt of SHLO. On the server side, handshake completes when
// SHLO gets ACKed (or a forward secure packet gets decrypted successfully).
// TODO(fayang): Add a guard that this only gets called once.
void OnHandshakeComplete();
// Accessors
void set_visitor(QuicConnectionVisitorInterface* visitor) {
visitor_ = visitor;
void set_debug_visitor(QuicConnectionDebugVisitor* debug_visitor) {
debug_visitor_ = debug_visitor;
// Used in Chromium, but not internally.
// Must only be called before ping_alarm_ is set.
void set_ping_timeout(QuicTime::Delta ping_timeout) {
ping_timeout_ = ping_timeout;
const QuicTime::Delta ping_timeout() const { return ping_timeout_; }
// Sets an initial timeout for the ping alarm when there is no retransmittable
// data in flight, allowing for a more aggressive ping alarm in that case.
void set_initial_retransmittable_on_wire_timeout(
QuicTime::Delta retransmittable_on_wire_timeout) {
initial_retransmittable_on_wire_timeout_ = retransmittable_on_wire_timeout;
const QuicTime::Delta initial_retransmittable_on_wire_timeout() const {
return initial_retransmittable_on_wire_timeout_;
// Used in Chromium, but not internally.
void set_creator_debug_delegate(QuicPacketCreator::DebugDelegate* visitor) {
const QuicSocketAddress& self_address() const {
return default_path_.self_address;
const QuicSocketAddress& peer_address() const { return direct_peer_address_; }
const QuicSocketAddress& effective_peer_address() const {
return default_path_.peer_address;
const QuicConnectionId& connection_id() const {
return default_path_.server_connection_id;
const QuicConnectionId& client_connection_id() const {
return default_path_.client_connection_id;
void set_client_connection_id(QuicConnectionId client_connection_id);
const QuicClock* clock() const { return clock_; }
QuicRandom* random_generator() const { return random_generator_; }
QuicByteCount max_packet_length() const;
void SetMaxPacketLength(QuicByteCount length);
size_t mtu_probe_count() const { return mtu_probe_count_; }
bool connected() const { return connected_; }
// Must only be called on client connections.
const ParsedQuicVersionVector& server_supported_versions() const {
QUICHE_DCHECK_EQ(Perspective::IS_CLIENT, perspective_);
return server_supported_versions_;
bool HasQueuedPackets() const { return !buffered_packets_.empty(); }
// Testing only. TODO(ianswett): Use a peer instead.
size_t NumQueuedPackets() const { return buffered_packets_.size(); }
// Returns true if the connection has queued packets or frames.
bool HasQueuedData() const;
// Sets the handshake and idle state connection timeouts.
void SetNetworkTimeouts(QuicTime::Delta handshake_timeout,
QuicTime::Delta idle_timeout);
// Called when the ping alarm fires. Causes a ping frame to be sent only
// if the retransmission alarm is not running.
void OnPingTimeout();
// Sets up a packet with an QuicAckFrame and sends it out.
void SendAck();
// Called when an RTO fires. Resets the retransmission alarm if there are
// remaining unacked packets.
void OnRetransmissionTimeout();
// Mark all sent 0-RTT encrypted packets for retransmission. Called when new
// 0-RTT or 1-RTT key is available in gQUIC, or when 0-RTT is rejected in IETF
// QUIC. |reject_reason| is used in TLS-QUIC to log why 0-RTT was rejected.
void MarkZeroRttPacketsForRetransmission(int reject_reason);
// Calls |sent_packet_manager_|'s NeuterUnencryptedPackets. Used when the
// connection becomes forward secure and hasn't received acks for all packets.
void NeuterUnencryptedPackets();
// Changes the encrypter used for level |level| to |encrypter|.
void SetEncrypter(EncryptionLevel level,
std::unique_ptr<QuicEncrypter> encrypter);
// Called to remove encrypter of encryption |level|.
void RemoveEncrypter(EncryptionLevel level);
// SetNonceForPublicHeader sets the nonce that will be transmitted in the
// header of each packet encrypted at the initial encryption level decrypted.
// This should only be called on the server side.
void SetDiversificationNonce(const DiversificationNonce& nonce);
// SetDefaultEncryptionLevel sets the encryption level that will be applied
// to new packets.
void SetDefaultEncryptionLevel(EncryptionLevel level);
// SetDecrypter sets the primary decrypter, replacing any that already exists.
// If an alternative decrypter is in place then the function QUICHE_DCHECKs.
// This is intended for cases where one knows that future packets will be
// using the new decrypter and the previous decrypter is now obsolete. |level|
// indicates the encryption level of the new decrypter.
void SetDecrypter(EncryptionLevel level,
std::unique_ptr<QuicDecrypter> decrypter);
// SetAlternativeDecrypter sets a decrypter that may be used to decrypt
// future packets. |level| indicates the encryption level of the decrypter. If
// |latch_once_used| is true, then the first time that the decrypter is
// successful it will replace the primary decrypter. Otherwise both
// decrypters will remain active and the primary decrypter will be the one
// last used.
void SetAlternativeDecrypter(EncryptionLevel level,
std::unique_ptr<QuicDecrypter> decrypter,
bool latch_once_used);
void InstallDecrypter(EncryptionLevel level,
std::unique_ptr<QuicDecrypter> decrypter);
void RemoveDecrypter(EncryptionLevel level);
// Discard keys for the previous key phase.
void DiscardPreviousOneRttKeys();
// Returns true if it is currently allowed to initiate a key update.
bool IsKeyUpdateAllowed() const;
// Returns true if packets have been sent in the current 1-RTT key phase but
// none of these packets have been acked.
bool HaveSentPacketsInCurrentKeyPhaseButNoneAcked() const;
// Returns the count of packets received that appeared to attempt a key
// update but failed decryption that have been received since the last
// successfully decrypted packet.
QuicPacketCount PotentialPeerKeyUpdateAttemptCount() const;
// Increment the key phase. It is a bug to call this when IsKeyUpdateAllowed()
// is false. Returns false on error.
bool InitiateKeyUpdate(KeyUpdateReason reason);
const QuicDecrypter* decrypter() const;
const QuicDecrypter* alternative_decrypter() const;
Perspective perspective() const { return perspective_; }
// Allow easy overriding of truncated connection IDs.
void set_can_truncate_connection_ids(bool can) {
can_truncate_connection_ids_ = can;
// Returns the underlying sent packet manager.
const QuicSentPacketManager& sent_packet_manager() const {
return sent_packet_manager_;
// Returns the underlying sent packet manager.
QuicSentPacketManager& sent_packet_manager() { return sent_packet_manager_; }
UberReceivedPacketManager& received_packet_manager() {
return uber_received_packet_manager_;
bool CanWrite(HasRetransmittableData retransmittable);
// When the flusher is out of scope, only the outermost flusher will cause a
// flush of the connection and set the retransmission alarm if there is one
// pending. In addition, this flusher can be configured to ensure that an ACK
// frame is included in the first packet created, if there's new ack
// information to be sent.
class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE ScopedPacketFlusher {
explicit ScopedPacketFlusher(QuicConnection* connection);
QuicConnection* connection_;
// If true, when this flusher goes out of scope, flush connection and set
// retransmission alarm if there is one pending.
bool flush_and_set_pending_retransmission_alarm_on_delete_;
// Latched connection's handshake_packet_sent_ on creation of this flusher.
const bool handshake_packet_sent_;
class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE ScopedEncryptionLevelContext {
ScopedEncryptionLevelContext(QuicConnection* connection,
EncryptionLevel level);
QuicConnection* connection_;
// Latched current write encryption level on creation of this context.
EncryptionLevel latched_encryption_level_;
QuicPacketWriter* writer() { return writer_; }
const QuicPacketWriter* writer() const { return writer_; }
// Sends an MTU discovery packet of size |target_mtu|. If the packet is
// acknowledged by the peer, the maximum packet size will be increased to
// |target_mtu|.
void SendMtuDiscoveryPacket(QuicByteCount target_mtu);
// Sends a connectivity probing packet to |peer_address| with
// |probing_writer|. If |probing_writer| is nullptr, will use default
// packet writer to write the packet. Returns true if subsequent packets can
// be written to the probing writer. If connection is V99, a padded IETF QUIC
// PATH_CHALLENGE packet is transmitted; if not V99, a Google QUIC padded PING
// packet is transmitted.
virtual bool SendConnectivityProbingPacket(
QuicPacketWriter* probing_writer,
const QuicSocketAddress& peer_address);
// Sends response to a connectivity probe. Sends either a Padded Ping
// or an IETF PATH_RESPONSE based on the version of the connection.
// Is the counterpart to SendConnectivityProbingPacket().
// TODO(danzh): remove this method after deprecating
// --gfe2_reloadable_flag_quic_send_path_response.
virtual void SendConnectivityProbingResponsePacket(
const QuicSocketAddress& peer_address);
// Disable MTU discovery on this connection.
void DisableMtuDiscovery();
// Sends an MTU discovery packet and updates the MTU discovery alarm.
void DiscoverMtu();
// Sets the session notifier on the SentPacketManager.
void SetSessionNotifier(SessionNotifierInterface* session_notifier);
// Set data producer in framer.
void SetDataProducer(QuicStreamFrameDataProducer* data_producer);
// Set transmission type of next sending packets.
void SetTransmissionType(TransmissionType type);
// Tries to send |message| and returns the message status.
// If |flush| is false, this will return a MESSAGE_STATUS_BLOCKED
// when the connection is deemed unwritable.
virtual MessageStatus SendMessage(QuicMessageId message_id,
absl::Span<QuicMemSlice> message,
bool flush);
// Returns the largest payload that will fit into a single MESSAGE frame.
// Because overhead can vary during a connection, this method should be
// checked for every message.
QuicPacketLength GetCurrentLargestMessagePayload() const;
// Returns the largest payload that will fit into a single MESSAGE frame at
// any point during the connection. This assumes the version and
// connection ID lengths do not change.
QuicPacketLength GetGuaranteedLargestMessagePayload() const;
void SetUnackedMapInitialCapacity();
virtual int GetUnackedMapInitialCapacity() const {
return kDefaultUnackedPacketsInitialCapacity;
// Returns the id of the cipher last used for decrypting packets.
uint32_t cipher_id() const;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<QuicEncryptedPacket>>* termination_packets() {
return termination_packets_.get();
bool ack_frame_updated() const;
QuicConnectionHelperInterface* helper() { return helper_; }
const QuicConnectionHelperInterface* helper() const { return helper_; }
QuicAlarmFactory* alarm_factory() { return alarm_factory_; }
absl::string_view GetCurrentPacket();
const QuicFramer& framer() const { return framer_; }
const QuicPacketCreator& packet_creator() const { return packet_creator_; }
EncryptionLevel encryption_level() const { return encryption_level_; }
EncryptionLevel last_decrypted_level() const {
return last_decrypted_packet_level_;
const QuicSocketAddress& last_packet_source_address() const {
return last_received_packet_info_.source_address;
bool fill_up_link_during_probing() const {
return fill_up_link_during_probing_;
void set_fill_up_link_during_probing(bool new_value) {
fill_up_link_during_probing_ = new_value;
// This setting may be changed during the crypto handshake in order to
// enable/disable padding of different packets in the crypto handshake.
// This setting should never be set to false in public facing endpoints. It
// can only be set to false if there is some other mechanism of preventing
// amplification attacks, such as ICE (plus its a non-standard quic).
void set_fully_pad_crypto_handshake_packets(bool new_value) {
bool fully_pad_during_crypto_handshake() const {
return packet_creator_.fully_pad_crypto_handshake_packets();
size_t min_received_before_ack_decimation() const;
void set_min_received_before_ack_decimation(size_t new_value);
// If |defer| is true, configures the connection to defer sending packets in
// response to an ACK to the SendAlarm. If |defer| is false, packets may be
// sent immediately after receiving an ACK.
void set_defer_send_in_response_to_packets(bool defer) {
defer_send_in_response_to_packets_ = defer;
// Sets the current per-packet options for the connection. The QuicConnection
// does not take ownership of |options|; |options| must live for as long as
// the QuicConnection is in use.
void set_per_packet_options(PerPacketOptions* options) {
per_packet_options_ = options;
bool IsPathDegrading() const { return is_path_degrading_; }
// Attempts to process any queued undecryptable packets.
void MaybeProcessUndecryptablePackets();
// Queue a coalesced packet.
void QueueCoalescedPacket(const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet);
// Process previously queued coalesced packets. Returns true if any coalesced
// packets have been successfully processed.
bool MaybeProcessCoalescedPackets();
enum PacketContent : uint8_t {
// TODO(fkastenholz): Change name when we get rid of padded ping/
// pre-version-99.
NOT_PADDED_PING, // Set if the packet is not {PING, PADDING}.
// Whether the handshake completes from this connection's perspective.
bool IsHandshakeComplete() const;
// Whether peer completes handshake. Only used with TLS handshake.
bool IsHandshakeConfirmed() const;
// Returns the largest received packet number sent by peer.
QuicPacketNumber GetLargestReceivedPacket() const;
// Sets the original destination connection ID on the connection.
// This is called by QuicDispatcher when it has replaced the connection ID.
void SetOriginalDestinationConnectionId(
const QuicConnectionId& original_destination_connection_id);
// Returns the original destination connection ID used for this connection.
QuicConnectionId GetOriginalDestinationConnectionId();
// Called when ACK alarm goes off. Sends ACKs of those packet number spaces
// which have expired ACK timeout. Only used when this connection supports
// multiple packet number spaces.
void SendAllPendingAcks();
// Returns true if this connection supports multiple packet number spaces.
bool SupportsMultiplePacketNumberSpaces() const;
// For logging purpose.
const QuicAckFrame& ack_frame() const;
// Install encrypter and decrypter for ENCRYPTION_INITIAL using
// |connection_id| as the first client-sent destination connection ID,
// or the one sent after an IETF Retry.
void InstallInitialCrypters(QuicConnectionId connection_id);
// Called when version is considered negotiated.
void OnSuccessfulVersionNegotiation();
// Called when self migration succeeds after probing.
void OnSuccessfulMigration(bool is_port_change);
// Called for QUIC+TLS versions when we send transport parameters.
void OnTransportParametersSent(
const TransportParameters& transport_parameters) const;
// Called for QUIC+TLS versions when we receive transport parameters.
void OnTransportParametersReceived(
const TransportParameters& transport_parameters) const;
// Called for QUIC+TLS versions when we resume cached transport parameters for
// 0-RTT.
void OnTransportParametersResumed(
const TransportParameters& transport_parameters) const;
// Returns true if ack_alarm_ is set.
bool HasPendingAcks() const;
void OnUserAgentIdKnown() { sent_packet_manager_.OnUserAgentIdKnown(); }
// Enables Legacy Version Encapsulation using |server_name| as SNI.
// Can only be set if this is a client connection.
void EnableLegacyVersionEncapsulation(const std::string& server_name);
bool send_path_response() const { return send_path_response_; }
bool use_path_validator() const { return use_path_validator_; }
// If now is close to idle timeout, returns true and sends a connectivity
// probing packet to test the connection for liveness. Otherwise, returns
// false.
bool MaybeTestLiveness();
// QuicPathValidator::SendDelegate
// Send PATH_CHALLENGE using the given path information. If |writer| is the
// default writer, PATH_CHALLENGE can be bundled with other frames, and the
// containing packet can be buffered if the writer is blocked. Otherwise,
// PATH_CHALLENGE will be written in an individual packet and it will be
// dropped if write fails. |data_buffer| will be populated with the payload
// for future validation.
// Return false if the connection is closed thus the caller will not continue
// the validation, otherwise return true.
bool SendPathChallenge(const QuicPathFrameBuffer& data_buffer,
const QuicSocketAddress& self_address,
const QuicSocketAddress& peer_address,
const QuicSocketAddress& effective_peer_address,
QuicPacketWriter* writer) override;
// If |writer| is the default writer and |peer_address| is the same as
// peer_address(), return the PTO of this connection. Otherwise, return 3 *
// kInitialRtt.
QuicTime GetRetryTimeout(const QuicSocketAddress& peer_address_to_use,
QuicPacketWriter* writer_to_use) const override;
// Start vaildating the path defined by |context| asynchronously and call the
// |result_delegate| after validation finishes. If the connection is
// validating another path, cancel and fail that validation before starting
// this one.
void ValidatePath(
std::unique_ptr<QuicPathValidationContext> context,
std::unique_ptr<QuicPathValidator::ResultDelegate> result_delegate);
bool can_receive_ack_frequency_frame() const {
return can_receive_ack_frequency_frame_;
void set_can_receive_ack_frequency_frame() {
can_receive_ack_frequency_frame_ = true;
bool is_processing_packet() const { return framer_.is_processing_packet(); }
bool use_encryption_level_context() const {
return use_encryption_level_context_;
bool HasPendingPathValidation() const;
QuicPathValidationContext* GetPathValidationContext() const;
void CancelPathValidation();
// Returns true if the migration succeeds, otherwise returns false (e.g., no
// available CIDs, connection disconnected, etc).
bool MigratePath(const QuicSocketAddress& self_address,
const QuicSocketAddress& peer_address,
QuicPacketWriter* writer,
bool owns_writer);
// Called to clear the alternative_path_ when path validation failed on the
// client side.
void OnPathValidationFailureAtClient();
void SetSourceAddressTokenToSend(absl::string_view token);
void SendPing() {
? framer().GetEncryptionLevelToSendApplicationData()
: encryption_level_);
virtual std::vector<QuicConnectionId> GetActiveServerConnectionIds() const;
bool validate_client_address() const { return validate_client_addresses_; }
bool support_multiple_connection_ids() const {
return support_multiple_connection_ids_;
bool connection_migration_use_new_cid() const {
return connection_migration_use_new_cid_;
bool count_bytes_on_alternative_path_separately() const {
return count_bytes_on_alternative_path_separately_;
// Instantiates connection ID manager.
void CreateConnectionIdManager();
bool donot_write_mid_packet_processing() const {
return donot_write_mid_packet_processing_;
// Calls cancel() on all the alarms owned by this connection.
void CancelAllAlarms();
// Send a packet to the peer, and takes ownership of the packet if the packet
// cannot be written immediately.
virtual void SendOrQueuePacket(SerializedPacket packet);
// Called after a packet is received from a new effective peer address and is
// decrypted. Starts validation of effective peer's address change. Calls
// OnConnectionMigration as soon as the address changed.
void StartEffectivePeerMigration(AddressChangeType type);
// Called when a effective peer address migration is validated.
virtual void OnEffectivePeerMigrationValidated();
// Get the effective peer address from the packet being processed. For proxied
// connections, effective peer address is the address of the endpoint behind
// the proxy. For non-proxied connections, effective peer address is the same
// as peer address.
// Notes for implementations in subclasses:
// - If the connection is not proxied, the overridden method should use the
// base implementation:
// return QuicConnection::GetEffectivePeerAddressFromCurrentPacket();
// - If the connection is proxied, the overridden method may return either of
// the following:
// a) The address of the endpoint behind the proxy. The address is used to
// drive effective peer migration.
// b) An uninitialized address, meaning the effective peer address does not
// change.
virtual QuicSocketAddress GetEffectivePeerAddressFromCurrentPacket() const;
// Selects and updates the version of the protocol being used by selecting a
// version from |available_versions| which is also supported. Returns true if
// such a version exists, false otherwise.
bool SelectMutualVersion(const ParsedQuicVersionVector& available_versions);
// Returns the current per-packet options for the connection.
PerPacketOptions* per_packet_options() { return per_packet_options_; }
AddressChangeType active_effective_peer_migration_type() const {
return active_effective_peer_migration_type_;
// Sends a connection close packet to the peer and includes an ACK if the ACK
// is not empty, the |error| is not PACKET_WRITE_ERROR, and it fits.
// |ietf_error| may optionally be be used to directly specify the wire
// error code. Otherwise if |ietf_error| is NO_IETF_QUIC_ERROR, the
// QuicErrorCodeToTransportErrorCode mapping of |error| will be used.
virtual void SendConnectionClosePacket(QuicErrorCode error,
QuicIetfTransportErrorCodes ietf_error,
const std::string& details);
// Returns true if the packet should be discarded and not sent.
virtual bool ShouldDiscardPacket(EncryptionLevel encryption_level);
// Retransmits packets continuously until blocked by the congestion control.
// If there are no packets to retransmit, does not do anything.
void SendProbingRetransmissions();
// Decides whether to send probing retransmissions, and does so if required.
void MaybeSendProbingRetransmissions();
// Notify various components(Session etc.) that this connection has been
// migrated.
virtual void OnConnectionMigration();
// Return whether the packet being processed is a connectivity probing.
// A packet is a connectivity probing if it is a padded ping packet with self
// and/or peer address changes.
bool IsCurrentPacketConnectivityProbing() const;
// Return true iff the writer is blocked, if blocked, call
// visitor_->OnWriteBlocked() to add the connection into the write blocked
// list.
bool HandleWriteBlocked();
// Whether connection enforces anti-amplification limit.
bool EnforceAntiAmplificationLimit() const;
void AddBytesReceivedBeforeAddressValidation(size_t length) {
default_path_.bytes_received_before_address_validation += length;
friend class test::QuicConnectionPeer;
struct QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE PendingPathChallenge {
QuicPathFrameBuffer received_path_challenge;
QuicSocketAddress peer_address;
struct QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE PathState {
PathState() = default;
PathState(const QuicSocketAddress& alternative_self_address,
const QuicSocketAddress& alternative_peer_address,
const QuicConnectionId& client_connection_id,
const QuicConnectionId& server_connection_id,
bool stateless_reset_token_received,
StatelessResetToken stateless_reset_token)
: self_address(alternative_self_address),
stateless_reset_token_received(stateless_reset_token_received) {}
PathState(PathState&& other);
PathState& operator=(PathState&& other);
// Reset all the members.
void Clear();
QuicSocketAddress self_address;
// The actual peer address behind the proxy if there is any.
QuicSocketAddress peer_address;
QuicConnectionId client_connection_id;
QuicConnectionId server_connection_id;
StatelessResetToken stateless_reset_token;
bool stateless_reset_token_received = false;
// True if the peer address has been validated. Address is considered
// validated when 1) an address token of the peer address is received and
// validated, or 2) a HANDSHAKE packet has been successfully processed on
// this path, or 3) a path validation on this path has succeeded.
bool validated = false;
// Used by the sever to apply anti-amplification limit after this path
// becomes the default path if |peer_address| hasn't been validated.
QuicByteCount bytes_received_before_address_validation = 0;
QuicByteCount bytes_sent_before_address_validation = 0;
// Points to the send algorithm on the old default path while connection is
// validating migrated peer address. Nullptr otherwise.
std::unique_ptr<SendAlgorithmInterface> send_algorithm;
absl::optional<RttStats> rtt_stats;
using QueuedPacketList = std::list<SerializedPacket>;
// BufferedPacket stores necessary information (encrypted buffer and self/peer
// addresses) of those packets which are serialized but failed to send because
// socket is blocked. From unacked packet map and send algorithm's
// perspective, buffered packets are treated as sent.
struct QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE BufferedPacket {
BufferedPacket(const SerializedPacket& packet,
const QuicSocketAddress& self_address,
const QuicSocketAddress& peer_address);
BufferedPacket(char* encrypted_buffer,
QuicPacketLength encrypted_length,
const QuicSocketAddress& self_address,
const QuicSocketAddress& peer_address);
BufferedPacket(const BufferedPacket& other) = delete;
BufferedPacket(const BufferedPacket&& other) = delete;
// encrypted_buffer is owned by buffered packet.
absl::string_view encrypted_buffer;
// Self and peer addresses when the packet is serialized.
const QuicSocketAddress self_address;
const QuicSocketAddress peer_address;
// ReceivedPacketInfo comprises the received packet information, which can be
// retrieved before the packet gets successfully decrypted.
struct QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE ReceivedPacketInfo {
explicit ReceivedPacketInfo(QuicTime receipt_time)
: received_bytes_counted(false), receipt_time(receipt_time) {}
ReceivedPacketInfo(const QuicSocketAddress& destination_address,
const QuicSocketAddress& source_address,
QuicTime receipt_time)
: received_bytes_counted(false),
receipt_time(receipt_time) {}
bool received_bytes_counted;
QuicSocketAddress destination_address;
QuicSocketAddress source_address;
QuicTime receipt_time;
// UndecrytablePacket comprises a undecryptable packet and related
// information.
struct QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE UndecryptablePacket {
UndecryptablePacket(const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet,
EncryptionLevel encryption_level,
const ReceivedPacketInfo& packet_info)
: packet(packet.Clone()),
packet_info(packet_info) {}
std::unique_ptr<QuicEncryptedPacket> packet;
EncryptionLevel encryption_level;
ReceivedPacketInfo packet_info;
// Handles the reverse path validation result depending on connection state:
// whether the connection is validating a migrated peer address or is
// validating an alternative path.
class ReversePathValidationResultDelegate
: public QuicPathValidator::ResultDelegate {
QuicConnection* connection,
const QuicSocketAddress& direct_peer_address);
void OnPathValidationSuccess(
std::unique_ptr<QuicPathValidationContext> context) override;
void OnPathValidationFailure(
std::unique_ptr<QuicPathValidationContext> context) override;
QuicConnection* connection_;
QuicSocketAddress original_direct_peer_address_;
// A class which sets and clears in_on_retransmission_time_out_ when entering
// and exiting OnRetransmissionTimeout, respectively.
class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE ScopedRetransmissionTimeoutIndicator {
// |connection| must outlive this indicator.
explicit ScopedRetransmissionTimeoutIndicator(QuicConnection* connection);
QuicConnection* connection_; // Not owned.
// If peer uses non-empty connection ID, discards any buffered packets on path
// change in IETF QUIC.
void MaybeClearQueuedPacketsOnPathChange();
// Notifies the visitor of the close and marks the connection as disconnected.
// Does not send a connection close frame to the peer. It should only be
// called by CloseConnection or OnConnectionCloseFrame, OnPublicResetPacket,
// and OnAuthenticatedIetfStatelessResetPacket.
// |ietf_error| may optionally be be used to directly specify the wire
// error code. Otherwise if |ietf_error| is NO_IETF_QUIC_ERROR, the
// QuicErrorCodeToTransportErrorCode mapping of |error| will be used.
void TearDownLocalConnectionState(QuicErrorCode error,
QuicIetfTransportErrorCodes ietf_error,
const std::string& details,
ConnectionCloseSource source);
void TearDownLocalConnectionState(const QuicConnectionCloseFrame& frame,
ConnectionCloseSource source);
// Replace server connection ID on the client side from retry packet or
// initial packets with a different source connection ID.
void ReplaceInitialServerConnectionId(
const QuicConnectionId& new_server_connection_id);
// Given the server_connection_id find if there is already a corresponding
// client connection ID used on default/alternative path. If not, find if
// there is an unused connection ID.
void FindMatchingOrNewClientConnectionIdOrToken(
const PathState& default_path,
const PathState& alternative_path,
const QuicConnectionId& server_connection_id,
QuicConnectionId* client_connection_id,
bool* stateless_reset_token_received,
StatelessResetToken* stateless_reset_token);
// Returns true and sets connection IDs if (self_address, peer_address)
// corresponds to either the default path or alternative path. Returns false
// otherwise.
bool FindOnPathConnectionIds(const QuicSocketAddress& self_address,
const QuicSocketAddress& peer_address,
QuicConnectionId* client_connection_id,
QuicConnectionId* server_connection_id) const;
// Set default_path_ to the new_path_state and update the connection IDs in
// packet creator accordingly.
void SetDefaultPathState(PathState new_path_state);
// Returns true if header contains valid server connection ID.
bool ValidateServerConnectionId(const QuicPacketHeader& header) const;
// Update the connection IDs when client migrates with/without validation.
// Returns false if required connection ID is not available.
bool UpdateConnectionIdsOnClientMigration(
const QuicSocketAddress& self_address,
const QuicSocketAddress& peer_address);
// Retire active peer issued connection IDs after they are no longer used on
// any path.
void RetirePeerIssuedConnectionIdsNoLongerOnPath();
// Writes the given packet to socket, encrypted with packet's
// encryption_level. Returns true on successful write, and false if the writer
// was blocked and the write needs to be tried again. Notifies the
// SentPacketManager when the write is successful and sets
// retransmittable frames to nullptr.
// Saves the connection close packet for later transmission, even if the
// writer is write blocked.
bool WritePacket(SerializedPacket* packet);
// Enforce AEAD Confidentiality limits by iniating key update or closing
// connection if too many packets have been encrypted with the current key.
// Returns true if the connection was closed. Should not be called for
// termination packets.
bool MaybeHandleAeadConfidentialityLimits(const SerializedPacket& packet);
// Flush packets buffered in the writer, if any.
void FlushPackets();
// Make sure a stop waiting we got from our peer is sane.
// Returns nullptr if the frame is valid or an error string if it was invalid.
const char* ValidateStopWaitingFrame(
const QuicStopWaitingFrame& stop_waiting);
// Sends a version negotiation packet to the peer.
void SendVersionNegotiationPacket(bool ietf_quic, bool has_length_prefix);
// Clears any accumulated frames from the last received packet.
void ClearLastFrames();
// Deletes and clears any queued packets.
void ClearQueuedPackets();
// Closes the connection if the sent packet manager is tracking too many
// outstanding packets.
void CloseIfTooManyOutstandingSentPackets();
// Writes as many queued packets as possible. The connection must not be
// blocked when this is called.
void WriteQueuedPackets();
// Queues |packet| in the hopes that it can be decrypted in the
// future, when a new key is installed.
void QueueUndecryptablePacket(const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet,
EncryptionLevel decryption_level);
// Sends any packets which are a response to the last packet, including both
// acks and pending writes if an ack opened the congestion window.
void MaybeSendInResponseToPacket();
// Gets the least unacked packet number, which is the next packet number to be
// sent if there are no outstanding packets.
QuicPacketNumber GetLeastUnacked() const;
// Sets the ping alarm to the appropriate value, if any.
void SetPingAlarm();
// Sets the retransmission alarm based on SentPacketManager.
void SetRetransmissionAlarm();
// Sets the MTU discovery alarm if necessary.
// |sent_packet_number| is the recently sent packet number.
void MaybeSetMtuAlarm(QuicPacketNumber sent_packet_number);
HasRetransmittableData IsRetransmittable(const SerializedPacket& packet);
bool IsTerminationPacket(const SerializedPacket& packet,
QuicErrorCode* error_code);
// Set the size of the packet we are targeting while doing path MTU discovery.
void SetMtuDiscoveryTarget(QuicByteCount target);
// Returns |suggested_max_packet_size| clamped to any limits set by the
// underlying writer, connection, or protocol.
QuicByteCount GetLimitedMaxPacketSize(
QuicByteCount suggested_max_packet_size);
// Do any work which logically would be done in OnPacket but can not be
// safely done until the packet is validated. Returns true if packet can be
// handled, false otherwise.
bool ProcessValidatedPacket(const QuicPacketHeader& header);
// Returns true if received |packet_number| can be processed. Please note,
// this is called after packet got decrypted successfully.
bool ValidateReceivedPacketNumber(QuicPacketNumber packet_number);
// Consider receiving crypto frame on non crypto stream as memory corruption.
bool MaybeConsiderAsMemoryCorruption(const QuicStreamFrame& frame);
// Check if the connection has no outstanding data to send and notify
// congestion controller if it is the case.
void CheckIfApplicationLimited();
// Sets |current_packet_content_| to |type| if applicable. And
// starts effective peer migration if current packet is confirmed not a
// connectivity probe and |current_effective_peer_migration_type_| indicates
// effective peer address change.
// Returns true if connection is still alive.
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool UpdatePacketContent(QuicFrameType type);
// Called when last received ack frame has been processed.
// |send_stop_waiting| indicates whether a stop waiting needs to be sent.
// |acked_new_packet| is true if a previously-unacked packet was acked.
void PostProcessAfterAckFrame(bool send_stop_waiting, bool acked_new_packet);
// Updates the release time into the future.
void UpdateReleaseTimeIntoFuture();
// Sends generic path probe packet to the peer. If we are not IETF QUIC, will
// always send a padded ping, regardless of whether this is a request or not.
// TODO(danzh): remove |is_response| after deprecating
// --gfe2_reloadable_flag_quic_send_path_response.
bool SendGenericPathProbePacket(QuicPacketWriter* probing_writer,
const QuicSocketAddress& peer_address,
bool is_response);
// Called when an ACK is about to send. Resets ACK related internal states,
// e.g., cancels ack_alarm_, resets
// num_retransmittable_packets_received_since_last_ack_sent_ etc.
void ResetAckStates();
// Returns true if the ACK frame should be bundled with ACK-eliciting frame.
bool ShouldBundleRetransmittableFrameWithAck() const;
void PopulateStopWaitingFrame(QuicStopWaitingFrame* stop_waiting);
// Enables multiple packet number spaces support based on handshake protocol
// and flags.
void MaybeEnableMultiplePacketNumberSpacesSupport();
// Called to update ACK timeout when an retransmittable frame has been parsed.
void MaybeUpdateAckTimeout();
// Tries to fill coalesced packet with data of higher packet space.
void MaybeCoalescePacketOfHigherSpace();
// Serialize and send coalesced_packet. Returns false if serialization fails
// or the write causes errors, otherwise, returns true.
bool FlushCoalescedPacket();
// Returns the encryption level the connection close packet should be sent at,
// which is the highest encryption level that peer can guarantee to process.
EncryptionLevel GetConnectionCloseEncryptionLevel() const;
// Called after an ACK frame is successfully processed to update largest
// received packet number which contains an ACK frame.
void SetLargestReceivedPacketWithAck(QuicPacketNumber new_value);
// Called when new packets have been acknowledged or old keys have been
// discarded.
void OnForwardProgressMade();
// Returns largest received packet number which contains an ACK frame.
QuicPacketNumber GetLargestReceivedPacketWithAck() const;
// Returns the largest packet number that has been sent.
QuicPacketNumber GetLargestSentPacket() const;
// Returns the largest sent packet number that has been ACKed by peer.
QuicPacketNumber GetLargestAckedPacket() const;
// Whether connection is limited by amplification factor.
bool LimitedByAmplificationFactor() const;
// Called before sending a packet to get packet send time and to set the
// release time delay in |per_packet_options_|. Return the time when the
// packet is scheduled to be released(a.k.a send time), which is NOW + delay.
// Returns Now() and does not update release time delay if
// |supports_release_time_| is false.
QuicTime CalculatePacketSentTime();
// If we have a previously validate MTU value, e.g. due to a write error,
// revert to it and disable MTU discovery.
// Return true iff we reverted to a previously validate MTU.
bool MaybeRevertToPreviousMtu();
QuicTime GetPathMtuReductionDeadline() const;
// Returns path degrading deadline. QuicTime::Zero() means no path degrading
// detection is needed.
QuicTime GetPathDegradingDeadline() const;
// Returns true if path degrading should be detected.
bool ShouldDetectPathDegrading() const;
// Returns network blackhole deadline. QuicTime::Zero() means no blackhole
// detection is needed.
QuicTime GetNetworkBlackholeDeadline() const;
// Returns true if network blackhole should be detected.
bool ShouldDetectBlackhole() const;
// Returns retransmission deadline.
QuicTime GetRetransmissionDeadline() const;
// Validate connection IDs used during the handshake. Closes the connection
// on validation failure.
bool ValidateConfigConnectionIds(const QuicConfig& config);
// Called when ACK alarm goes off. Try to bundle crypto data with ACKs.
void MaybeBundleCryptoDataWithAcks();
// Returns true if an undecryptable packet of |decryption_level| should be
// buffered (such that connection can try to decrypt it later).
bool ShouldEnqueueUnDecryptablePacket(EncryptionLevel decryption_level,
bool has_decryption_key) const;
// Returns string which contains undecryptable packets information.
std::string UndecryptablePacketsInfo() const;
// Sets the max packet length on the packet creator if needed.
void MaybeUpdatePacketCreatorMaxPacketLengthAndPadding();
// Sets internal state to enable or disable Legacy Version Encapsulation.
void MaybeActivateLegacyVersionEncapsulation();
void MaybeDisactivateLegacyVersionEncapsulation();
// For Google Quic, if the current packet is connectivity probing packet, call
// session OnPacketReceived() which eventually sends connectivity probing
// response on server side. And no-op on client side. And for both Google Quic
// and IETF Quic, start migration if the current packet is a non-probing
// packet.
// TODO(danzh) rename to MaybeRespondToPeerMigration() when Google Quic is
// deprecated.
void MaybeRespondToConnectivityProbingOrMigration();
// Called in IETF QUIC. Start peer migration if a non-probing frame is
// received and the current packet number is largest received so far.
void MaybeStartIetfPeerMigration();
// Send PATH_RESPONSE to the given peer address.
bool SendPathResponse(const QuicPathFrameBuffer& data_buffer,
const QuicSocketAddress& peer_address_to_send,
const QuicSocketAddress& effective_peer_address);
// Update both connection's and packet creator's peer address.
void UpdatePeerAddress(QuicSocketAddress peer_address);
// Send PING at encryption level.
void SendPingAtLevel(EncryptionLevel level);
// Write the given packet with |self_address| and |peer_address| using
// |writer|.
bool WritePacketUsingWriter(std::unique_ptr<SerializedPacket> packet,
QuicPacketWriter* writer,
const QuicSocketAddress& self_address,
const QuicSocketAddress& peer_address,
bool measure_rtt);
// Increment bytes sent/received on the alternative path if the current packet
// is sent/received on that path.
void MaybeUpdateBytesSentToAlternativeAddress(
const QuicSocketAddress& peer_address,
QuicByteCount sent_packet_size);
void MaybeUpdateBytesReceivedFromAlternativeAddress(
QuicByteCount received_packet_size);
// TODO(danzh) pass in PathState of the incoming packet or the packet sent
// once PathState is used in packet creator. Return true if the given self
// address and peer address is the same as the self address and peer address
// of the default path.
bool IsDefaultPath(const QuicSocketAddress& self_address,
const QuicSocketAddress& peer_address) const;
// Return true if the |self_address| and |peer_address| is the same as the
// self address and peer address of the alternative path.
bool IsAlternativePath(const QuicSocketAddress& self_address,
const QuicSocketAddress& peer_address) const;
// Restore connection default path and congestion control state to the last
// validated path and its state. Called after fail to validate peer address
// upon detecting a peer migration.
void RestoreToLastValidatedPath(
QuicSocketAddress original_direct_peer_address);
// Return true if the current incoming packet is from a peer address that is
// validated.
bool IsReceivedPeerAddressValidated() const;
// Called after receiving PATH_CHALLENGE. Update packet content and
// alternative path state if the current packet is from a non-default path.
// Return true if framer should continue processing the packet.
bool OnPathChallengeFrameInternal(const QuicPathChallengeFrame& frame);
virtual std::unique_ptr<QuicSelfIssuedConnectionIdManager>
// Called on peer IP change or restoring to previous address to reset
// congestion window, RTT stats, retransmission timer, etc. Only used in IETF
// QUIC.
std::unique_ptr<SendAlgorithmInterface> OnPeerIpAddressChanged();
// Process NewConnectionIdFrame either sent from peer or synsthesized from
// preferred_address transport parameter.
bool OnNewConnectionIdFrameInner(const QuicNewConnectionIdFrame& frame);
// Called to patch missing client connection ID on default/alternative paths
// when a new client connection ID is received.
void OnClientConnectionIdAvailable();
// Returns true if connection needs to set retransmission alarm after a packet
// gets sent.
bool ShouldSetRetransmissionAlarmOnPacketSent(bool in_flight,
EncryptionLevel level) const;
QuicFramer framer_;
// Contents received in the current packet, especially used to identify
// whether the current packet is a padded PING packet.
PacketContent current_packet_content_;
// Set to true as soon as the packet currently being processed has been
// detected as a connectivity probing.
// Always false outside the context of ProcessUdpPacket().
bool is_current_packet_connectivity_probing_;
bool has_path_challenge_in_current_packet_;
// Caches the current effective peer migration type if a effective peer
// migration might be initiated. As soon as the current packet is confirmed
// not a connectivity probe, effective peer migration will start.
AddressChangeType current_effective_peer_migration_type_;
QuicConnectionHelperInterface* helper_; // Not owned.
QuicAlarmFactory* alarm_factory_; // Not owned.
PerPacketOptions* per_packet_options_; // Not owned.
QuicPacketWriter* writer_; // Owned or not depending on |owns_writer_|.
bool owns_writer_;
// Encryption level for new packets. Should only be changed via
// SetDefaultEncryptionLevel().
EncryptionLevel encryption_level_;
const QuicClock* clock_;
QuicRandom* random_generator_;
// On the server, the connection ID is set when receiving the first packet.
// This variable ensures we only set it this way once.
bool client_connection_id_is_set_;
// Whether we've already replaced our server connection ID due to receiving an
// INITIAL packet with a different source connection ID. Only used on client.
bool server_connection_id_replaced_by_initial_ = false;
// Address on the last successfully processed packet received from the
// direct peer.
// Other than initialization, do not modify it directly, use
// UpdatePeerAddress() instead.
QuicSocketAddress direct_peer_address_;
// The default path on which the endpoint sends non-probing packets.
// The send algorithm and RTT stats of this path are stored in
// |sent_packet_manager_| instead of in this object.
PathState default_path_;
// Records change type when the effective peer initiates migration to a new
// address. Reset to NO_CHANGE after effective peer migration is validated.
AddressChangeType active_effective_peer_migration_type_;
// Records highest sent packet number when effective peer migration is
// started.
QuicPacketNumber highest_packet_sent_before_effective_peer_migration_;
// True if Key Update is supported on this connection.
bool support_key_update_for_connection_;
// Tracks the lowest packet sent in the current key phase. Will be
// uninitialized before the first one-RTT packet has been sent or after a
// key update but before the first packet has been sent.
QuicPacketNumber lowest_packet_sent_in_current_key_phase_;
// True if the last packet has gotten far enough in the framer to be
// decrypted.
bool last_packet_decrypted_;
QuicByteCount last_size_; // Size of the last received packet.
// TODO(rch): remove this when b/27221014 is fixed.
const char* current_packet_data_; // UDP payload of packet currently being
// parsed or nullptr.
EncryptionLevel last_decrypted_packet_level_;
QuicPacketHeader last_header_;
bool should_last_packet_instigate_acks_;
// Track some peer state so we can do less bookkeeping
// Largest sequence sent by the peer which had an ack frame (latest ack info).
// Do not read or write directly, use GetLargestReceivedPacketWithAck() and
// SetLargestReceivedPacketWithAck() instead.
QuicPacketNumber largest_seen_packet_with_ack_;
// Largest packet number sent by the peer which had an ACK frame per packet
// number space. Only used when this connection supports multiple packet
// number spaces.
QuicPacketNumber largest_seen_packets_with_ack_[NUM_PACKET_NUMBER_SPACES];
// Largest packet number sent by the peer which had a stop waiting frame.
QuicPacketNumber largest_seen_packet_with_stop_waiting_;
// Collection of packets which were received before encryption was
// established, but which could not be decrypted. We buffer these on
// the assumption that they could not be processed because they were
// sent with the INITIAL encryption and the CHLO message was lost.
std::deque<UndecryptablePacket> undecryptable_packets_;
// Collection of coalesced packets which were received while processing
// the current packet.
// Maximum number of undecryptable packets the connection will store.
size_t max_undecryptable_packets_;
// Maximum number of tracked packets.
QuicPacketCount max_tracked_packets_;
// Contains the connection close packets if the connection has been closed.
// Determines whether or not a connection close packet is sent to the peer
// after idle timeout due to lack of network activity. During the handshake,
// a connection close packet is sent, but not after.
ConnectionCloseBehavior idle_timeout_connection_close_behavior_;
// When > 0, close the QUIC connection after this number of RTOs.
size_t num_rtos_for_blackhole_detection_;
// Statistics for this session.
QuicConnectionStats stats_;
UberReceivedPacketManager uber_received_packet_manager_;
// Indicates how many consecutive times an ack has arrived which indicates
// the peer needs to stop waiting for some packets.
// TODO(fayang): remove this when deprecating Q043.
int stop_waiting_count_;
// Indicates the retransmission alarm needs to be set.
bool pending_retransmission_alarm_;
// If true, defer sending data in response to received packets to the
// SendAlarm.
bool defer_send_in_response_to_packets_;
// The timeout for PING.
QuicTime::Delta ping_timeout_;
// Initial timeout for how long the wire can have no retransmittable packets.
QuicTime::Delta initial_retransmittable_on_wire_timeout_;
// Indicates how many retransmittable-on-wire pings have been emitted without
// receiving any new data in between.
int consecutive_retransmittable_on_wire_ping_count_;
// Indicates how many retransmittable-on-wire pings have been emitted.
int retransmittable_on_wire_ping_count_;
// Arena to store class implementations within the QuicConnection.
QuicConnectionArena arena_;
// An alarm that fires when an ACK should be sent to the peer.
QuicArenaScopedPtr<QuicAlarm> ack_alarm_;
// An alarm that fires when a packet needs to be retransmitted.
QuicArenaScopedPtr<QuicAlarm> retransmission_alarm_;
// An alarm that is scheduled when the SentPacketManager requires a delay
// before sending packets and fires when the packet may be sent.
QuicArenaScopedPtr<QuicAlarm> send_alarm_;
// An alarm that fires when a ping should be sent.
QuicArenaScopedPtr<QuicAlarm> ping_alarm_;
// An alarm that fires when an MTU probe should be sent.
QuicArenaScopedPtr<QuicAlarm> mtu_discovery_alarm_;
// An alarm that fires to process undecryptable packets when new decyrption
// keys are available.
QuicArenaScopedPtr<QuicAlarm> process_undecryptable_packets_alarm_;
// An alarm that fires to discard keys for the previous key phase some time
// after a key update has completed.
QuicArenaScopedPtr<QuicAlarm> discard_previous_one_rtt_keys_alarm_;
// An alarm that fires to discard 0-RTT decryption keys some time after the
// first 1-RTT packet has been decrypted. Only used on server connections with
// TLS handshaker.
QuicArenaScopedPtr<QuicAlarm> discard_zero_rtt_decryption_keys_alarm_;
// Neither visitor is owned by this class.
QuicConnectionVisitorInterface* visitor_;
QuicConnectionDebugVisitor* debug_visitor_;
QuicPacketCreator packet_creator_;
// Information about the last received QUIC packet, which may not have been
// successfully decrypted and processed.
ReceivedPacketInfo last_received_packet_info_;
// Sent packet manager which tracks the status of packets sent by this
// connection and contains the send and receive algorithms to determine when
// to send packets.
QuicSentPacketManager sent_packet_manager_;
// Indicates whether connection version has been negotiated.
// Always true for server connections.
bool version_negotiated_;
// Tracks if the connection was created by the server or the client.
Perspective perspective_;
// True by default. False if we've received or sent an explicit connection
// close.
bool connected_;
// Destination connection ID of the last received packet. If this ID is the
// original server connection ID chosen by client and server replaces it with
// a different ID, last_packet_destination_connection_id_ is set to the
// replacement connection ID on the server side.
QuicConnectionId last_packet_destination_connection_id_;
// Set to false if the connection should not send truncated connection IDs to
// the peer, even if the peer supports it.
bool can_truncate_connection_ids_;
// If non-empty this contains the set of versions received in a
// version negotiation packet.
ParsedQuicVersionVector server_supported_versions_;
// The number of MTU probes already sent.
size_t mtu_probe_count_;
// The value of |long_term_mtu_| prior to the last successful MTU increase.
// 0 means either
// - MTU discovery has never been enabled, or
// - MTU discovery has been enabled, but the connection got a packet write
// error with a new (successfully probed) MTU, so it reverted
// |long_term_mtu_| to the value before the last increase.
QuicPacketLength previous_validated_mtu_;
// The value of the MTU regularly used by the connection. This is different
// from the value returned by max_packet_size(), as max_packet_size() returns
// the value of the MTU as currently used by the serializer, so if
// serialization of an MTU probe is in progress, those two values will be
// different.
QuicByteCount long_term_mtu_;
// The maximum UDP payload size that our peer has advertised support for.
// Defaults to kDefaultMaxPacketSizeTransportParam until received from peer.
QuicByteCount peer_max_packet_size_;
// The size of the largest packet received from peer.
QuicByteCount largest_received_packet_size_;
// Indicates whether a write error is encountered currently. This is used to
// avoid infinite write errors.
bool write_error_occurred_;
// Indicates not to send or process stop waiting frames.
bool no_stop_waiting_frames_;
// Consecutive number of sent packets which have no retransmittable frames.
size_t consecutive_num_packets_with_no_retransmittable_frames_;
// After this many packets sent without retransmittable frames, an artificial
// retransmittable frame(a WINDOW_UPDATE) will be created to solicit an ack
// from the peer. Default to kMaxConsecutiveNonRetransmittablePackets.
size_t max_consecutive_num_packets_with_no_retransmittable_frames_;
// If true, bundle an ack-eliciting frame with an ACK if the PTO or RTO alarm
// have previously fired.
bool bundle_retransmittable_with_pto_ack_;
// If true, the connection will fill up the pipe with extra data whenever the
// congestion controller needs it in order to make a bandwidth estimate. This
// is useful if the application pesistently underutilizes the link, but still
// relies on having a reasonable bandwidth estimate from the connection, e.g.
// for real time applications.
bool fill_up_link_during_probing_;
// If true, the probing retransmission will not be started again. This is
// used to safeguard against an accidental tail recursion in probing
// retransmission code.
bool probing_retransmission_pending_;
// Id of latest sent control frame. 0 if no control frame has been sent.
QuicControlFrameId last_control_frame_id_;
// True if the peer is unreachable on the current path.
bool is_path_degrading_;
// True if an ack frame is being processed.
bool processing_ack_frame_;
// True if the writer supports release timestamp.
bool supports_release_time_;
std::unique_ptr<QuicPeerIssuedConnectionIdManager> peer_issued_cid_manager_;
std::unique_ptr<QuicSelfIssuedConnectionIdManager> self_issued_cid_manager_;
// Time this connection can release packets into the future.
QuicTime::Delta release_time_into_future_;
// Payload of most recently transmitted IETF QUIC connectivity
// probe packet (the PATH_CHALLENGE payload). This implementation transmits
// only one PATH_CHALLENGE per connectivity probe, so only one
// QuicPathFrameBuffer is needed.
std::unique_ptr<QuicPathFrameBuffer> transmitted_connectivity_probe_payload_;
// Payloads that were received in the most recent probe. This needs to be a
// Deque because the peer might no be using this implementation, and others
// might send a packet with more than one PATH_CHALLENGE, so all need to be
// saved and responded to.
// TODO(danzh) deprecate this field when deprecating
// --quic_send_path_response.
// Buffer outstanding PATH_CHALLENGEs if socket write is blocked, future
// OnCanWrite will attempt to respond with PATH_RESPONSEs using the retained
// payload and peer addresses.
// TODO(fayang): remove this when deprecating quic_drop_unsent_path_response.
// When we receive a RETRY packet or some INITIAL packets, we replace
// |server_connection_id_| with the value from that packet and save off the
// original value of |server_connection_id_| into
// |original_destination_connection_id_| for validation.
absl::optional<QuicConnectionId> original_destination_connection_id_;
// The connection ID that replaces original_destination_connection_id_.
QuicConnectionId original_destination_connection_id_replacement_;
// After we receive a RETRY packet, |retry_source_connection_id_| contains
// the source connection ID from that packet.
absl::optional<QuicConnectionId> retry_source_connection_id_;
// Used to store content of packets which cannot be sent because of write
// blocked. Packets' encrypted buffers are copied and owned by
// buffered_packets_. From unacked_packet_map (and congestion control)'s
// perspective, those packets are considered sent.
std::list<BufferedPacket> buffered_packets_;
// Used to coalesce packets of different encryption level into the same UDP
// datagram. Connection stops trying to coalesce packets if a forward secure
// packet gets acknowledged.
QuicCoalescedPacket coalesced_packet_;
QuicConnectionMtuDiscoverer mtu_discoverer_;
QuicNetworkBlackholeDetector blackhole_detector_;
QuicIdleNetworkDetector idle_network_detector_;
bool blackhole_detection_disabled_ = false;
const bool default_enable_5rto_blackhole_detection_ =
// Whether the Legacy Version Encapsulation feature is enabled.
bool legacy_version_encapsulation_enabled_ = false;
// Whether we are in the middle of sending a packet using Legacy Version
// Encapsulation.
bool legacy_version_encapsulation_in_progress_ = false;
// SNI to send when using Legacy Version Encapsulation.
std::string legacy_version_encapsulation_sni_;
// True if next packet is intended to consume remaining space in the
// coalescer.
bool fill_coalesced_packet_ = false;
size_t anti_amplification_factor_ =
// latch --gfe2_reloadable_flag_quic_send_path_response.
bool send_path_response_ = GetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_send_path_response2);
bool use_path_validator_ =
send_path_response_ &&
// True if AckFrequencyFrame is supported.
bool can_receive_ack_frequency_frame_ = false;
// Indicate whether coalescing is done.
bool coalescing_done_ = false;
// Indicate whether any ENCRYPTION_HANDSHAKE packet has been sent.
bool handshake_packet_sent_ = false;
// Indicate whether to send an AckFrequencyFrame upon handshake completion.
// The AckFrequencyFrame sent will updates client's max_ack_delay, which if
// chosen properly can reduce the CPU and bandwidth usage for ACK frames.
bool send_ack_frequency_on_handshake_completion_ = false;
// Indicate whether AckFrequency frame has been sent.
bool ack_frequency_sent_ = false;
// True if a 0-RTT decrypter was or is installed at some point in the
// connection's lifetime.
bool had_zero_rtt_decrypter_ = false;
// True after the first 1-RTT packet has successfully decrypted.
bool have_decrypted_first_one_rtt_packet_ = false;
// True if we are currently processing OnRetransmissionTimeout.
bool in_on_retransmission_time_out_ = false;
const bool use_encryption_level_context_;
QuicPathValidator path_validator_;
// Stores information of a path which maybe used as default path in the
// future. On the client side, it gets created when the client starts
// validating a new path and gets cleared once it becomes the default path or
// the path validation fails or replaced by a newer path of interest. On the
// server side, alternative_path gets created when server: 1) receives
// PATH_CHALLENGE on non-default path, or 2) switches to a not yet validated
// default path such that it needs to store the previous validated default
// path.
// Note that if alternative_path_ stores a validated path information (case
// 2), do not override it on receiving PATH_CHALLENGE (case 1).
PathState alternative_path_;
// This field is used to debug b/177312785.
QuicFrameType most_recent_frame_type_;
bool count_bytes_on_alternative_path_separately_ =
// If true, upon seeing a new client address, validate the client address.
bool validate_client_addresses_ = false;
bool support_multiple_connection_ids_ = false;
const bool donot_write_mid_packet_processing_ =
// Indicates whether we should proactively validate peer address on a
// PATH_CHALLENGE received.
bool should_proactively_validate_peer_address_on_path_challenge_ = false;
// Enable this via reloadable flag once this feature is complete.
bool connection_migration_use_new_cid_ = false;
const bool group_path_response_and_challenge_sending_closer_ =
const bool reset_per_packet_state_for_undecryptable_packets_ =
const bool add_missing_update_ack_timeout_ =
const bool ack_cid_frames_ = GetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_ack_cid_frames);
} // namespace quic