blob: 6a841b64ad3884cb5feb9caf7493f451f5b49cd0 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "quiche/quic/core/congestion_control/general_loss_algorithm.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "quiche/quic/core/congestion_control/rtt_stats.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/quic_packets.h"
#include "quiche/quic/platform/api/quic_bug_tracker.h"
#include "quiche/quic/platform/api/quic_flag_utils.h"
#include "quiche/quic/platform/api/quic_flags.h"
namespace quic {
namespace {
float DetectionResponseTime(QuicTime::Delta rtt, QuicTime send_time,
QuicTime detection_time) {
if (detection_time <= send_time || rtt.IsZero()) {
// Time skewed, assume a very fast detection where |detection_time| is
// |send_time| + |rtt|.
return 1.0;
float send_to_detection_us = (detection_time - send_time).ToMicroseconds();
return send_to_detection_us / rtt.ToMicroseconds();
QuicTime::Delta GetMaxRtt(const RttStats& rtt_stats) {
return std::max(kAlarmGranularity,
std::max(rtt_stats.previous_srtt(), rtt_stats.latest_rtt()));
} // namespace
// Uses nack counts to decide when packets are lost.
LossDetectionInterface::DetectionStats GeneralLossAlgorithm::DetectLosses(
const QuicUnackedPacketMap& unacked_packets, QuicTime time,
const RttStats& rtt_stats, QuicPacketNumber largest_newly_acked,
const AckedPacketVector& packets_acked, LostPacketVector* packets_lost) {
DetectionStats detection_stats;
loss_detection_timeout_ = QuicTime::Zero();
if (!packets_acked.empty() && least_in_flight_.IsInitialized() &&
packets_acked.front().packet_number == least_in_flight_) {
if (packets_acked.back().packet_number == largest_newly_acked &&
least_in_flight_ + packets_acked.size() - 1 == largest_newly_acked) {
// Optimization for the case when no packet is missing. Please note,
// packets_acked can include packets of different packet number space, so
// do not use this optimization if largest_newly_acked is not the largest
// packet in packets_acked.
least_in_flight_ = largest_newly_acked + 1;
return detection_stats;
// There is hole in acked_packets, increment least_in_flight_ if possible.
for (const auto& acked : packets_acked) {
if (acked.packet_number != least_in_flight_) {
const QuicTime::Delta max_rtt = GetMaxRtt(rtt_stats);
QuicPacketNumber packet_number = unacked_packets.GetLeastUnacked();
auto it = unacked_packets.begin();
if (least_in_flight_.IsInitialized() && least_in_flight_ >= packet_number) {
if (least_in_flight_ > unacked_packets.largest_sent_packet() + 1) {
QUIC_BUG(quic_bug_10430_1) << "least_in_flight: " << least_in_flight_
<< " is greater than largest_sent_packet + 1: "
<< unacked_packets.largest_sent_packet() + 1;
} else {
it += (least_in_flight_ - packet_number);
packet_number = least_in_flight_;
// Clear least_in_flight_.
for (; it != unacked_packets.end() && packet_number <= largest_newly_acked;
++it, ++packet_number) {
if (unacked_packets.GetPacketNumberSpace(it->encryption_level) !=
packet_number_space_) {
// Skip packets of different packet number space.
if (!it->in_flight) {
if (parent_ != nullptr && largest_newly_acked != packet_number) {
if (largest_newly_acked - packet_number >
detection_stats.sent_packets_max_sequence_reordering) {
detection_stats.sent_packets_max_sequence_reordering =
largest_newly_acked - packet_number;
// Packet threshold loss detection.
// Skip packet threshold loss detection if largest_newly_acked is a runt.
const bool skip_packet_threshold_detection =
!use_packet_threshold_for_runt_packets_ &&
it->bytes_sent >
if (!skip_packet_threshold_detection &&
largest_newly_acked - packet_number >= reordering_threshold_) {
packets_lost->push_back(LostPacket(packet_number, it->bytes_sent));
detection_stats.total_loss_detection_response_time +=
DetectionResponseTime(max_rtt, it->sent_time, time);
// Time threshold loss detection.
const QuicTime::Delta loss_delay = max_rtt + (max_rtt >> reordering_shift_);
QuicTime when_lost = it->sent_time + loss_delay;
if (time < when_lost) {
if (time >=
it->sent_time + max_rtt + (max_rtt >> (reordering_shift_ + 1))) {
loss_detection_timeout_ = when_lost;
if (!least_in_flight_.IsInitialized()) {
// At this point, packet_number is in flight and not detected as lost.
least_in_flight_ = packet_number;
packets_lost->push_back(LostPacket(packet_number, it->bytes_sent));
detection_stats.total_loss_detection_response_time +=
DetectionResponseTime(max_rtt, it->sent_time, time);
if (!least_in_flight_.IsInitialized()) {
// There is no in flight packet.
least_in_flight_ = largest_newly_acked + 1;
return detection_stats;
QuicTime GeneralLossAlgorithm::GetLossTimeout() const {
return loss_detection_timeout_;
void GeneralLossAlgorithm::SpuriousLossDetected(
const QuicUnackedPacketMap& unacked_packets, const RttStats& rtt_stats,
QuicTime ack_receive_time, QuicPacketNumber packet_number,
QuicPacketNumber previous_largest_acked) {
if (use_adaptive_time_threshold_ && reordering_shift_ > 0) {
// Increase reordering fraction such that the packet would not have been
// declared lost.
QuicTime::Delta time_needed =
ack_receive_time -
QuicTime::Delta max_rtt =
std::max(rtt_stats.previous_srtt(), rtt_stats.latest_rtt());
while (max_rtt + (max_rtt >> reordering_shift_) < time_needed &&
reordering_shift_ > 0) {
if (use_adaptive_reordering_threshold_) {
QUICHE_DCHECK_LT(packet_number, previous_largest_acked);
// Increase reordering_threshold_ such that packet_number would not have
// been declared lost.
reordering_threshold_ = std::max(
reordering_threshold_, previous_largest_acked - packet_number + 1);
void GeneralLossAlgorithm::Initialize(PacketNumberSpace packet_number_space,
LossDetectionInterface* parent) {
parent_ = parent;
if (packet_number_space_ < NUM_PACKET_NUMBER_SPACES) {
QUIC_BUG(quic_bug_10430_2) << "Cannot switch packet_number_space";
packet_number_space_ = packet_number_space;
void GeneralLossAlgorithm::Reset() {
loss_detection_timeout_ = QuicTime::Zero();
} // namespace quic