blob: 1c7e6bdccfd9252e8fb96ef06fe6ae8fc99beebe [file] [log] [blame]
#include "quiche/http2/test_tools/random_decoder_test_base.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <functional>
#include <ios>
#include <set>
#include <type_traits>
#include "quiche/http2/decoder/decode_buffer.h"
#include "quiche/http2/decoder/decode_status.h"
#include "quiche/http2/test_tools/http2_random.h"
#include "quiche/common/platform/api/quiche_logging.h"
#include "quiche/common/platform/api/quiche_test.h"
#include "quiche/common/quiche_callbacks.h"
namespace http2 {
namespace test {
namespace {
const char kData[]{0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07};
const bool kReturnNonZeroOnFirst = true;
const bool kMayReturnZeroOnFirst = false;
// Confirm the behavior of various parts of RandomDecoderTest.
class RandomDecoderTestTest : public RandomDecoderTest {
RandomDecoderTestTest() : data_db_(kData) {
QUICHE_CHECK_EQ(sizeof kData, 8u);
typedef quiche::MultiUseCallback<DecodeStatus(DecodeBuffer* db)> DecodingFn;
DecodeStatus StartDecoding(DecodeBuffer* db) override {
if (start_decoding_fn_) {
return start_decoding_fn_(db);
return DecodeStatus::kDecodeError;
DecodeStatus ResumeDecoding(DecodeBuffer* db) override {
if (resume_decoding_fn_) {
return resume_decoding_fn_(db);
return DecodeStatus::kDecodeError;
bool StopDecodeOnDone() override {
if (override_stop_decode_on_done_) {
return sub_stop_decode_on_done_;
return RandomDecoderTest::StopDecodeOnDone();
size_t start_decoding_calls_ = 0;
size_t resume_decoding_calls_ = 0;
size_t stop_decode_on_done_calls_ = 0;
DecodingFn start_decoding_fn_;
DecodingFn resume_decoding_fn_;
DecodeBuffer data_db_;
bool sub_stop_decode_on_done_ = true;
bool override_stop_decode_on_done_ = true;
// Decode a single byte on the StartDecoding call, then stop.
TEST_F(RandomDecoderTestTest, StopOnStartPartiallyDone) {
start_decoding_fn_ = [this](DecodeBuffer* db) {
EXPECT_EQ(1u, start_decoding_calls_);
// Make sure the correct buffer is being used.
EXPECT_EQ(kData, db->cursor());
EXPECT_EQ(sizeof kData, db->Remaining());
return DecodeStatus::kDecodeDone;
DecodeSegments(&data_db_, SelectRemaining()));
EXPECT_EQ(1u, data_db_.Offset());
// StartDecoding should only be called once from each call to DecodeSegments.
EXPECT_EQ(1u, start_decoding_calls_);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, resume_decoding_calls_);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, stop_decode_on_done_calls_);
// Stop decoding upon return from the first ResumeDecoding call.
TEST_F(RandomDecoderTestTest, StopOnResumePartiallyDone) {
start_decoding_fn_ = [this](DecodeBuffer* db) {
EXPECT_EQ(1u, start_decoding_calls_);
return DecodeStatus::kDecodeInProgress;
resume_decoding_fn_ = [this](DecodeBuffer* db) {
EXPECT_EQ(1u, resume_decoding_calls_);
// Make sure the correct buffer is being used.
EXPECT_EQ(data_db_.cursor(), db->cursor());
return DecodeStatus::kDecodeDone;
// Check that the base class honors it's member variable stop_decode_on_done_.
override_stop_decode_on_done_ = false;
stop_decode_on_done_ = true;
DecodeSegments(&data_db_, SelectRemaining()));
EXPECT_EQ(3u, data_db_.Offset());
EXPECT_EQ(1u, start_decoding_calls_);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, resume_decoding_calls_);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, stop_decode_on_done_calls_);
// Decode a random sized chunks, always reporting back kDecodeInProgress.
TEST_F(RandomDecoderTestTest, InProgressWhenEmpty) {
start_decoding_fn_ = [this](DecodeBuffer* db) {
EXPECT_EQ(1u, start_decoding_calls_);
// Consume up to 2 bytes.
if (db->HasData()) {
if (db->HasData()) {
return DecodeStatus::kDecodeInProgress;
resume_decoding_fn_ = [](DecodeBuffer* db) {
// Consume all available bytes.
if (db->HasData()) {
return DecodeStatus::kDecodeInProgress;
DecodeSegments(&data_db_, SelectRandom(kMayReturnZeroOnFirst)));
EXPECT_EQ(1u, start_decoding_calls_);
EXPECT_LE(1u, resume_decoding_calls_);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, stop_decode_on_done_calls_);
TEST_F(RandomDecoderTestTest, DoneExactlyAtEnd) {
start_decoding_fn_ = [this](DecodeBuffer* db) {
EXPECT_EQ(1u, start_decoding_calls_);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, db->Remaining());
EXPECT_EQ(1u, db->FullSize());
return DecodeStatus::kDecodeInProgress;
resume_decoding_fn_ = [this](DecodeBuffer* db) {
EXPECT_EQ(1u, db->Remaining());
EXPECT_EQ(1u, db->FullSize());
if (data_db_.Remaining() == 1) {
return DecodeStatus::kDecodeDone;
return DecodeStatus::kDecodeInProgress;
override_stop_decode_on_done_ = true;
sub_stop_decode_on_done_ = true;
EXPECT_EQ(DecodeStatus::kDecodeDone, DecodeSegments(&data_db_, SelectOne()));
EXPECT_EQ(0u, data_db_.Remaining());
EXPECT_EQ(1u, start_decoding_calls_);
EXPECT_EQ((sizeof kData) - 1, resume_decoding_calls_);
// Didn't need to call StopDecodeOnDone because we didn't finish early.
EXPECT_EQ(0u, stop_decode_on_done_calls_);
TEST_F(RandomDecoderTestTest, DecodeSeveralWaysToEnd) {
// Each call to StartDecoding or ResumeDecoding will consume all that is
// available. When all the data has been consumed, returns kDecodeDone.
size_t decoded_since_start = 0;
auto shared_fn = [&decoded_since_start, this](DecodeBuffer* db) {
decoded_since_start += db->Remaining();
EXPECT_EQ(0u, db->Remaining());
if (decoded_since_start == data_db_.FullSize()) {
return DecodeStatus::kDecodeDone;
return DecodeStatus::kDecodeInProgress;
start_decoding_fn_ = [&decoded_since_start, shared_fn](DecodeBuffer* db) {
decoded_since_start = 0;
return shared_fn(db);
resume_decoding_fn_ = shared_fn;
Validator validator = ValidateDoneAndEmpty();
EXPECT_TRUE(DecodeAndValidateSeveralWays(&data_db_, kMayReturnZeroOnFirst,
// We should have reached the end.
EXPECT_EQ(0u, data_db_.Remaining());
// We currently have 4 ways of decoding; update this if that changes.
EXPECT_EQ(4u, start_decoding_calls_);
// Didn't need to call StopDecodeOnDone because we didn't finish early.
EXPECT_EQ(0u, stop_decode_on_done_calls_);
TEST_F(RandomDecoderTestTest, DecodeTwoWaysAndStopEarly) {
// On the second decode, return kDecodeDone before finishing.
size_t decoded_since_start = 0;
auto shared_fn = [&decoded_since_start, this](DecodeBuffer* db) {
uint32_t amount = db->Remaining();
if (start_decoding_calls_ == 2 && amount > 1) {
amount = 1;
decoded_since_start += amount;
if (decoded_since_start == data_db_.FullSize()) {
return DecodeStatus::kDecodeDone;
if (decoded_since_start > 1 && start_decoding_calls_ == 2) {
return DecodeStatus::kDecodeDone;
return DecodeStatus::kDecodeInProgress;
start_decoding_fn_ = [&decoded_since_start, shared_fn](DecodeBuffer* db) {
decoded_since_start = 0;
return shared_fn(db);
resume_decoding_fn_ = shared_fn;
// We expect the first and second to succeed, but the second to end at a
// different offset, which DecodeAndValidateSeveralWays should complain about.
Validator validator = [this](const DecodeBuffer& /*input*/,
DecodeStatus status) -> AssertionResult {
if (start_decoding_calls_ <= 2 && status != DecodeStatus::kDecodeDone) {
return ::testing::AssertionFailure()
<< "Expected DecodeStatus::kDecodeDone, not " << status;
if (start_decoding_calls_ > 2) {
return ::testing::AssertionFailure()
<< "How did we get to pass " << start_decoding_calls_;
return ::testing::AssertionSuccess();
EXPECT_FALSE(DecodeAndValidateSeveralWays(&data_db_, kMayReturnZeroOnFirst,
EXPECT_EQ(2u, start_decoding_calls_);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, stop_decode_on_done_calls_);
TEST_F(RandomDecoderTestTest, DecodeThreeWaysAndError) {
// Return kDecodeError from ResumeDecoding on the third decoding pass.
size_t decoded_since_start = 0;
auto shared_fn = [&decoded_since_start, this](DecodeBuffer* db) {
if (start_decoding_calls_ == 3 && decoded_since_start > 0) {
return DecodeStatus::kDecodeError;
uint32_t amount = db->Remaining();
if (start_decoding_calls_ == 3 && amount > 1) {
amount = 1;
decoded_since_start += amount;
if (decoded_since_start == data_db_.FullSize()) {
return DecodeStatus::kDecodeDone;
return DecodeStatus::kDecodeInProgress;
start_decoding_fn_ = [&decoded_since_start, shared_fn](DecodeBuffer* db) {
decoded_since_start = 0;
return shared_fn(db);
resume_decoding_fn_ = shared_fn;
Validator validator = ValidateDoneAndEmpty();
EXPECT_FALSE(DecodeAndValidateSeveralWays(&data_db_, kReturnNonZeroOnFirst,
EXPECT_EQ(3u, start_decoding_calls_);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, stop_decode_on_done_calls_);
// CorruptEnum should produce lots of different values. On the assumption that
// the enum gets at least a byte of storage, we should be able to produce
// 256 distinct values.
TEST(CorruptEnumTest, ManyValues) {
std::set<uint64_t> values;
DecodeStatus status;
QUICHE_LOG(INFO) << "sizeof status = " << sizeof status;
Http2Random rng;
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < 256; ++ndx) {
CorruptEnum(&status, &rng);
// In practice the underlying type is an int, and currently that is 4 bytes.
typedef typename std::underlying_type<DecodeStatus>::type DecodeStatusUT;
struct CorruptEnumTestStruct {
DecodeStatusUT filler1;
DecodeStatus status;
DecodeStatusUT filler2;
// CorruptEnum should only overwrite the enum, not any adjacent storage.
TEST(CorruptEnumTest, CorruptsOnlyEnum) {
Http2Random rng;
for (const DecodeStatusUT filler : {DecodeStatusUT(), ~DecodeStatusUT()}) {
QUICHE_LOG(INFO) << "filler=0x" << std::hex << filler;
CorruptEnumTestStruct s;
s.filler1 = filler;
s.filler2 = filler;
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < 256; ++ndx) {
CorruptEnum(&s.status, &rng);
EXPECT_EQ(s.filler1, filler);
EXPECT_EQ(s.filler2, filler);
} // namespace
} // namespace test
} // namespace http2