blob: c742f6548e9fb8c696b9191ec11e395f0dbfd955 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// The API in this header provides ability for objects to create weak pointers
// to themselves. Unlike a regular pointer, a weak pointer is aware as to
// whether the object it points to is still alive or has been deleted. Unlike
// std::weak_ptr, QuicheWeakPtr does not require the referred object to be owned
// by an std::shared_ptr, and is not thread-safe. Conceptually, this is similar
// to base::WeakPtrFactory in Chromium, though the API and the implementation
// are dramatically simplified.
// Example usage:
// class MyClass {
// public:
// void PerformAsyncOperation() {
// ScheduleOperation([weak_this = weak_factory_.Create()] {
// MyClass* self = weak_this.GetIfAvaliable();
// if (self == nullptr) {
// return;
// }
// self->OnOperationComplete();
// });
// }
// private:
// quiche::QuicheWeakPtrFactory<MyClass> weak_factory_; // Must be last
// };
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include "absl/base/nullability.h"
#include "quiche/common/platform/api/quiche_export.h"
#include "quiche/common/platform/api/quiche_logging.h"
namespace quiche {
template <typename T>
class QuicheWeakPtrFactory;
// QuicheWeakPtr contains a pointer to an object that may or may not be alive,
// or nullptr.
template <typename T>
class QUICHE_NO_EXPORT QuicheWeakPtr final {
// Initializes a null weak pointer.
QuicheWeakPtr() = default;
// Returns the pointer to the underlying object if it is alive, or nullptr
// otherwise.
absl::Nullable<T*> GetIfAvailable() const {
return control_block_ != nullptr ? control_block_->Get() : nullptr;
// Returns true if the underlying object is alive.
bool IsValid() const {
return control_block_ != nullptr ? control_block_->IsValid() : false;
friend class QuicheWeakPtrFactory<T>;
// An object shared by all of the weak pointers pointing to a given object.
// Initially it points to the object itself; when the object is destryoed, the
// contained pointer is set to nullptr.
class ControlBlock {
explicit ControlBlock(absl::Nonnull<T*> object) : object_(object) {}
absl::Nullable<T*> Get() const { return object_; }
void Clear() { object_ = nullptr; }
bool IsValid() const { return object_ != nullptr; }
absl::Nullable<T*> object_;
explicit QuicheWeakPtr(std::shared_ptr<ControlBlock> block)
: control_block_(std::move(block)) {}
absl::Nullable<std::shared_ptr<ControlBlock>> control_block_ = nullptr;
// QuicheWeakPtrFactory generates weak pointers to the parent object, and cleans
// up the state when the parent object is destroyed. In order to do that
// correctly, it MUST be the last field in the object holding it.
template <typename T>
class QUICHE_NO_EXPORT QuicheWeakPtrFactory final {
explicit QuicheWeakPtrFactory(absl::Nonnull<T*> object)
: control_block_(std::make_shared<ControlBlock>(object)) {}
~QuicheWeakPtrFactory() { control_block_->Clear(); }
QuicheWeakPtrFactory(const QuicheWeakPtrFactory&) = delete;
QuicheWeakPtrFactory& operator=(const QuicheWeakPtrFactory&) = delete;
// QuicheWeakPtrFactory is attached to the parent object; moving either the
// parent object or the factory would almost certainly be a mistake, since all
// of the existing WeakPtrs would point to the old object.
QuicheWeakPtrFactory(QuicheWeakPtrFactory&&) = delete;
QuicheWeakPtrFactory& operator=(QuicheWeakPtrFactory&&) = delete;
// Creates a weak pointer to the parent object.
QuicheWeakPtr<T> Create() const { return QuicheWeakPtr<T>(control_block_); }
using ControlBlock = typename QuicheWeakPtr<T>::ControlBlock;
absl::Nonnull<std::shared_ptr<ControlBlock>> control_block_;
} // namespace quiche