blob: e607172c0c432cbaf7b97f7419275c9079384a41 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstddef>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "quiche/common/platform/api/quiche_export.h"
#include "quiche/common/platform/api/quiche_lower_case_string.h"
#include "quiche/common/quiche_callbacks.h"
namespace quiche {
// An API so we can reuse functions for BalsaHeaders and Envoy's HeaderMap.
// Contains only const member functions, so it can wrap const HeaderMaps;
// non-const functions are in HeaderApi.
// Depending on the implementation, the headers may act like HTTP/1 headers
// (BalsaHeaders) or HTTP/2 headers (HeaderMap). For HTTP-version-specific
// headers or pseudoheaders like "host" or ":authority", use this API's
// implementation-independent member functions, like Authority(). Looking those
// headers up by name is deprecated and may QUICHE_DCHECK-fail.
// For the differences between HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 headers, see RFC 7540:
// Operations on header keys are case-insensitive while operations on header
// values are case-sensitive.
// Some methods have overloads which accept Envoy-style LowerCaseStrings. Often
// these keys are accessible from Envoy::Http::Headers::get().SomeHeader,
// already lowercaseified. It's faster to avoid converting them to and from
// lowercase. Additionally, some implementations of ConstHeaderApi might take
// advantage of a constant-time lookup for inlined headers.
class QUICHE_EXPORT ConstHeaderApi {
virtual ~ConstHeaderApi() {}
// Determine whether the headers are empty.
virtual bool IsEmpty() const = 0;
// Returns the header entry for the first instance with key |key|
// If header isn't present, returns absl::string_view().
virtual absl::string_view GetHeader(absl::string_view key) const = 0;
virtual absl::string_view GetHeader(const QuicheLowerCaseString& key) const {
// Default impl for BalsaHeaders, etc.
return GetHeader(key.get());
// Collects all of the header entries with key |key| and returns them in |out|
// Headers are returned in the order they are inserted.
virtual void GetAllOfHeader(absl::string_view key,
std::vector<absl::string_view>* out) const = 0;
virtual std::vector<absl::string_view> GetAllOfHeader(
absl::string_view key) const {
std::vector<absl::string_view> out;
GetAllOfHeader(key, &out);
return out;
virtual void GetAllOfHeader(const QuicheLowerCaseString& key,
std::vector<absl::string_view>* out) const {
return GetAllOfHeader(key.get(), out);
// Determine if a given header is present.
virtual bool HasHeader(absl::string_view key) const = 0;
// Determines if a given header is present with non-empty value.
virtual bool HasNonEmptyHeader(absl::string_view key) const = 0;
// Goes through all headers with key |key| and checks to see if one of the
// values is |value|. Returns true if there are headers with the desired key
// and value, false otherwise.
virtual bool HeaderHasValue(absl::string_view key,
absl::string_view value) const = 0;
// Same as above, but value is treated as case insensitive.
virtual bool HeaderHasValueIgnoreCase(absl::string_view key,
absl::string_view value) const = 0;
// Joins all values for header entries with `key` into a comma-separated
// string. Headers are returned in the order they are inserted.
virtual std::string GetAllOfHeaderAsString(absl::string_view key) const = 0;
virtual std::string GetAllOfHeaderAsString(
const QuicheLowerCaseString& key) const {
return GetAllOfHeaderAsString(key.get());
// Returns true if we have at least one header with given prefix
// [case insensitive]. Currently for test use only.
virtual bool HasHeadersWithPrefix(absl::string_view key) const = 0;
// Returns the key value pairs for all headers where the header key begins
// with the specified prefix.
// Headers are returned in the order they are inserted.
virtual void GetAllOfHeaderWithPrefix(
absl::string_view prefix,
std::vector<std::pair<absl::string_view, absl::string_view>>* out)
const = 0;
// Returns the key value pairs for all headers in this object. If 'limit' is
// >= 0, return at most 'limit' headers.
virtual void GetAllHeadersWithLimit(
std::vector<std::pair<absl::string_view, absl::string_view>>* out,
int limit) const = 0;
// Returns a textual representation of the header object. The format of the
// string may depend on the underlying implementation.
virtual std::string DebugString() const = 0;
// Applies the argument function to each header line. If the argument
// function returns false, iteration stops and ForEachHeader returns false;
// otherwise, ForEachHeader returns true.
virtual bool ForEachHeader(
quiche::UnretainedCallback<bool(const absl::string_view key,
const absl::string_view value)>
fn) const = 0;
// Returns the upper bound byte size of the headers. This can be used to size
// a Buffer when serializing headers.
virtual size_t GetSizeForWriteBuffer() const = 0;
// Returns the response code for response headers. If no status code exists,
// the return value is implementation-specific.
virtual absl::string_view response_code() const = 0;
// Returns the response code for response headers or 0 if no status code
// exists.
virtual size_t parsed_response_code() const = 0;
// Returns the response reason phrase; the stored one for HTTP/1 headers, or a
// phrase determined from the response code for HTTP/2 headers..
virtual absl::string_view response_reason_phrase() const = 0;
// Return the HTTP first line of this request, generally of the format:
// GET /path/ HTTP/1.1
// TODO(b/110421449): deprecate this method.
virtual std::string first_line_of_request() const = 0;
// Return the method for this request, such as GET or POST.
virtual absl::string_view request_method() const = 0;
// Return the request URI from the first line of this request, such as
// "/path/".
virtual absl::string_view request_uri() const = 0;
// Return the version portion of the first line of this request, such as
// "HTTP/1.1".
// TODO(b/110421449): deprecate this method.
virtual absl::string_view request_version() const = 0;
virtual absl::string_view response_version() const = 0;
// Returns the authority portion of a request, or an empty string if missing.
// This is the value of the host header for HTTP/1 headers and the value of
// the :authority pseudo-header for HTTP/2 headers.
virtual absl::string_view Authority() const = 0;
// Call the provided function on the cookie, avoiding
// copies if possible. The cookie is the value of the Cookie header; for
// HTTP/2 headers, if there are multiple Cookie headers, they will be joined
// by "; ", per go/rfc/7540#section- If there is no Cookie header,
// will be nullptr. The lifetime of the cookie isn't guaranteed
// to extend beyond this call.
virtual void ApplyToCookie(
quiche::UnretainedCallback<void(absl::string_view cookie)> f) const = 0;
virtual size_t content_length() const = 0;
virtual bool content_length_valid() const = 0;
// TODO(b/118501626): Add functions for working with other headers and
// pseudo-headers whose presence or value depends on HTTP version, including:
// :method, :scheme, :path, connection, and cookie.
// An API so we can reuse functions for BalsaHeaders and Envoy's HeaderMap.
// Inherits const functions from ConstHeaderApi and adds non-const functions,
// for use with non-const HeaderMaps.
// For HTTP-version-specific headers and pseudo-headers, the same caveats apply
// as with ConstHeaderApi.
// Operations on header keys are case-insensitive while operations on header
// values are case-sensitive.
class QUICHE_EXPORT HeaderApi : public virtual ConstHeaderApi {
// Replaces header entries with key |key| if they exist, or appends
// a new header if none exist.
virtual void ReplaceOrAppendHeader(absl::string_view key,
absl::string_view value) = 0;
// Removes all headers in given set of |keys| at once
virtual void RemoveAllOfHeaderInList(
const std::vector<absl::string_view>& keys) = 0;
// Removes all headers with key |key|.
virtual void RemoveAllOfHeader(absl::string_view key) = 0;
// Append a new header entry to the header object with key |key| and value
// |value|.
virtual void AppendHeader(absl::string_view key, absl::string_view value) = 0;
// Removes all headers starting with 'key' [case insensitive]
virtual void RemoveAllHeadersWithPrefix(absl::string_view key) = 0;
// Appends ',value' to an existing header named 'key'. If no header with the
// correct key exists, it will call AppendHeader(key, value). Calling this
// function on a key which exists several times in the headers will produce
// unpredictable results.
virtual void AppendToHeader(absl::string_view key,
absl::string_view value) = 0;
// Appends ', value' to an existing header named 'key'. If no header with the
// correct key exists, it will call AppendHeader(key, value). Calling this
// function on a key which exists several times in the headers will produce
// unpredictable results.
virtual void AppendToHeaderWithCommaAndSpace(absl::string_view key,
absl::string_view value) = 0;
// Set the header or pseudo-header corresponding to the authority portion of a
// request: host for HTTP/1 headers, or :authority for HTTP/2 headers.
virtual void ReplaceOrAppendAuthority(absl::string_view value) = 0;
virtual void RemoveAuthority() = 0;
// These set portions of the first line for HTTP/1 headers, or the
// corresponding pseudo-headers for HTTP/2 headers.
virtual void SetRequestMethod(absl::string_view method) = 0;
virtual void SetResponseCode(absl::string_view code) = 0;
// As SetResponseCode, but slightly faster for BalsaHeaders if the caller
// represents the response code as an integer and not a string.
virtual void SetParsedResponseCodeAndUpdateFirstline(
size_t parsed_response_code) = 0;
// Sets the request URI.
// For HTTP/1 headers, sets the request URI portion of the first line (the
// second token). Doesn't parse the URI; leaves the Host header unchanged.
// For HTTP/2 headers, sets the :path pseudo-header, and also :scheme and
// :authority if they're present in the URI; otherwise, leaves :scheme and
// :authority unchanged.
// The caller is responsible for verifying that the URI is in a valid format.
virtual void SetRequestUri(absl::string_view uri) = 0;
// These are only meaningful for HTTP/1 headers; for HTTP/2 headers, they do
// nothing.
virtual void SetRequestVersion(absl::string_view version) = 0;
virtual void SetResponseVersion(absl::string_view version) = 0;
virtual void SetResponseReasonPhrase(absl::string_view reason_phrase) = 0;
// SetContentLength, SetTransferEncodingToChunkedAndClearContentLength, and
// SetNoTransferEncoding modifies the header object to use
// content-length and transfer-encoding headers in a consistent
// manner. They set all internal flags and status, if applicable, so client
// can get a consistent view from various accessors.
virtual void SetContentLength(size_t length) = 0;
// Sets transfer-encoding to chunked and updates internal state.
virtual void SetTransferEncodingToChunkedAndClearContentLength() = 0;
// Removes transfer-encoding headers and updates internal state.
virtual void SetNoTransferEncoding() = 0;
// If true, QUICHE_BUG if a header that starts with an invalid prefix is
// explicitly set. Not implemented for Envoy headers; can only be set false.
virtual void set_enforce_header_policy(bool enforce) = 0;
} // namespace quiche