blob: 9f76fa607968466ff13525426de761ff47a94aa8 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/qbone/bonnet/tun_device_interface.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/qbone/platform/kernel_interface.h"
namespace quic {
class TunDevice : public TunDeviceInterface {
// This represents a tun device created in the OS kernel, which is a virtual
// network interface that any packets sent to it can be read by a user space
// program that owns it. The routing rule that routes packets to this
// interface should be defined somewhere else.
// Standard read/write system calls can be used to receive/send packets
// from/to this interface. The file descriptor is owned by this class.
// If persist is set to true, the device won't be deleted even after
// destructing. The device will be picked up when initializing this class with
// the same interface_name on the next time.
// Persisting the device is useful if one wants to keep the routing rules
// since once a tun device is destroyed by the kernel, all the associated
// routing rules go away.
// The caller should own kernel and make sure it outlives this.
TunDevice(const std::string& interface_name,
int mtu,
bool persist,
bool setup_tun,
KernelInterface* kernel);
~TunDevice() override;
// Actually creates/reopens and configures the device.
bool Init() override;
// Marks the interface up to start receiving packets.
bool Up() override;
// Marks the interface down to stop receiving packets.
bool Down() override;
// Gets the file descriptor that can be used to send/receive packets.
// This returns -1 when the TUN device is in an invalid state.
int GetFileDescriptor() const override;
// Creates or reopens the tun device.
bool OpenDevice();
// Configure the interface.
bool ConfigureInterface();
// Checks if the required kernel features exists.
bool CheckFeatures(int tun_device_fd);
// Closes the opened file descriptor and makes sure the file descriptor
// is no longer available from GetFileDescriptor;
void CleanUpFileDescriptor();
// Opens a socket and makes netdevice ioctl call
bool NetdeviceIoctl(int request, void* argp);
const std::string interface_name_;
const int mtu_;
const bool persist_;
const bool setup_tun_;
int file_descriptor_;
KernelInterface& kernel_;
bool is_interface_up_ = false;
} // namespace quic