blob: ae291b7826f91bf3c3a011d4a7e1ef9a445f25f6 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "quic/core/crypto/transport_parameters.h"
#include "quic/core/quic_types.h"
namespace quic {
class QuicDecrypter;
class QuicEncrypter;
// Pure virtual class to get notified when particular handshake events occurred.
class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE HandshakerDelegateInterface {
virtual ~HandshakerDelegateInterface() {}
// Called when new decryption key of |level| is available. Returns true if
// decrypter is set successfully, otherwise, returns false.
virtual bool OnNewDecryptionKeyAvailable(
EncryptionLevel level,
std::unique_ptr<QuicDecrypter> decrypter,
bool set_alternative_decrypter,
bool latch_once_used) = 0;
// Called when new encryption key of |level| is available.
virtual void OnNewEncryptionKeyAvailable(
EncryptionLevel level,
std::unique_ptr<QuicEncrypter> encrypter) = 0;
// Called to set default encryption level to |level|. Only used in QUIC
// crypto.
virtual void SetDefaultEncryptionLevel(EncryptionLevel level) = 0;
// Called when both 1-RTT read and write keys are available. Only used in TLS
// handshake.
virtual void OnTlsHandshakeComplete() = 0;
// Called to discard old decryption keys to stop processing packets of
// encryption |level|.
virtual void DiscardOldDecryptionKey(EncryptionLevel level) = 0;
// Called to discard old encryption keys (and neuter obsolete data).
// TODO(fayang): consider to combine this with DiscardOldDecryptionKey.
virtual void DiscardOldEncryptionKey(EncryptionLevel level) = 0;
// Called to neuter ENCRYPTION_INITIAL data (without discarding initial keys).
virtual void NeuterUnencryptedData() = 0;
// Called to neuter data of HANDSHAKE_DATA packet number space. Only used in
// QUIC crypto. This is called 1) when a client switches to forward secure
// encryption level and 2) a server successfully processes a forward secure
// packet.
virtual void NeuterHandshakeData() = 0;
// Called when 0-RTT data is rejected by the server. This is only called in
// TLS handshakes and only called on clients.
virtual void OnZeroRttRejected(int reason) = 0;
// Fills in |params| with values from the delegate's QuicConfig.
// Returns whether the operation succeeded.
virtual bool FillTransportParameters(TransportParameters* params) = 0;
// Read |params| and apply the values to the delegate's QuicConfig.
// On failure, returns a QuicErrorCode and saves a detailed error in
// |error_details|.
virtual QuicErrorCode ProcessTransportParameters(
const TransportParameters& params,
bool is_resumption,
std::string* error_details) = 0;
// Called at the end of an handshake operation callback.
virtual void OnHandshakeCallbackDone() = 0;
} // namespace quic