blob: d0b08246204c26a4b7157a98726600ce1b7687ab [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/frames/quic_frame.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_types.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_versions.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_logging.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_str_cat.h"
namespace quic {
namespace test {
class QuicSessionPeer;
class QuicStreamIdManagerPeer;
} // namespace test
class QuicSession;
// Amount to increment a stream ID value to get the next stream ID in
// the stream ID space.
const QuicStreamId kV99StreamIdIncrement = 4;
// This constant controls the size of the window when deciding whether
// to generate a MAX_STREAMS frame or not. See the discussion of the
// window, below, for more details.
const int kMaxStreamsWindowDivisor = 2;
// This class manages the stream ids for Version 99/IETF QUIC.
class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicStreamIdManager {
QuicStreamIdManager(QuicSession* session,
bool unidirectional,
QuicStreamCount max_allowed_outgoing_streams,
QuicStreamCount max_allowed_incoming_streams);
// Generate a string suitable for sending to the log/etc to show current state
// of the stream ID manager.
std::string DebugString() const {
return QuicStrCat(
" { unidirectional_: ", unidirectional_,
", perspective: ", perspective(),
", outgoing_max_streams_: ", outgoing_max_streams_,
", next_outgoing_stream_id_: ", next_outgoing_stream_id_,
", outgoing_stream_count_: ", outgoing_stream_count_,
", outgoing_static_stream_count_: ", outgoing_static_stream_count_,
", using_default_max_streams_: ", using_default_max_streams_,
", incoming_actual_max_streams_: ", incoming_actual_max_streams_,
", incoming_advertised_max_streams_: ",
", incoming_static_stream_count_: ", incoming_static_stream_count_,
", incoming_stream_count_: ", incoming_stream_count_,
", available_streams_.size(): ", available_streams_.size(),
", largest_peer_created_stream_id_: ", largest_peer_created_stream_id_,
", max_streams_window_: ", max_streams_window_, " }");
// Processes the MAX_STREAMS frame, invoked from
// QuicSession::OnMaxStreamsFrame. It has the same semantics as the
// QuicFramerVisitorInterface, returning true if the framer should continue
// processing the packet, false if not.
bool OnMaxStreamsFrame(const QuicMaxStreamsFrame& frame);
// Processes the STREAMS_BLOCKED frame, invoked from
// QuicSession::OnStreamsBlockedFrame. It has the same semantics as the
// QuicFramerVisitorInterface, returning true if the framer should continue
// processing the packet, false if not.
bool OnStreamsBlockedFrame(const QuicStreamsBlockedFrame& frame);
// Indicates whether the next outgoing stream ID can be allocated or not.
bool CanOpenNextOutgoingStream();
// Generate and send a MAX_STREAMS frame.
void SendMaxStreamsFrame();
// Invoked to deal with releasing a stream. Does nothing if the stream is
// outgoing. If the stream is incoming, the number of streams that the peer
// can open will be updated and a MAX_STREAMS frame, informing the peer of
// the additional streams, may be sent.
void OnStreamClosed(QuicStreamId stream_id);
// Returns the next outgoing stream id. Applications must call
// CanOpenNextOutgoingStream() first. A QUIC_BUG is logged if this method
// allocates a stream ID past the peer specified limit.
QuicStreamId GetNextOutgoingStreamId();
// Set the outgoing stream limits to be |max_open_streams| plus the number
// of static streams that have been opened. For outgoing and incoming,
// respectively.
// SetMaxOpenOutgoingStreams will QUIC_BUG if it is called after
// a MAX_STREAMS frame has been received.
// TODO(fkastenholz): When static streams disappear, these should be removed.
void SetMaxOpenOutgoingStreams(size_t max_open_streams);
void SetMaxOpenIncomingStreams(size_t max_open_streams);
// Adjust the outgoing stream limit - max_open_streams is the limit, not
// including static streams. Does not QUIC_BUG if it is called _after_
// receiving a MAX_STREAMS.
void AdjustMaxOpenOutgoingStreams(size_t max_open_streams);
// Sets the maximum number of outgoing streams to max_open_streams.
// Used when configuration has been done and we have an initial
// maximum stream count from the peer. Note that if the stream count is such
// that it would result in stream ID values that are greater than the
// implementation limit, it pegs the count at the implementation limit.
bool ConfigureMaxOpenOutgoingStreams(size_t max_open_streams);
// Register a new stream as a static stream. This is used so that the
// advertised MAX STREAMS can be calculated based on the start of the
// dynamic stream space. This method will take any stream ID, one that either
// this node or the peer will initiate.
// If |stream_already_counted| is true, the stream is already counted as an
// open stream else where, so no need to count it again.
// Returns false if this fails because the new static stream would cause the
// stream limit to be exceeded.
bool RegisterStaticStream(QuicStreamId stream_id,
bool stream_already_counted);
// Checks if the incoming stream ID exceeds the MAX_STREAMS limit. If the
// limit is exceeded, closes the connection and returns false. Uses the
// actual maximium, not the most recently advertised value, in order to
// enforce the Google-QUIC number of open streams behavior.
// This method should be called exactly once for each incoming stream
// creation.
bool MaybeIncreaseLargestPeerStreamId(const QuicStreamId stream_id);
// Returns true if |id| is still available.
bool IsAvailableStream(QuicStreamId id) const;
// Return true if given stream is peer initiated.
bool IsIncomingStream(QuicStreamId id) const;
size_t outgoing_static_stream_count() const {
return outgoing_static_stream_count_;
size_t incoming_initial_max_open_streams() const {
return incoming_initial_max_open_streams_;
QuicStreamCount max_streams_window() const { return max_streams_window_; }
QuicStreamId next_outgoing_stream_id() const {
return next_outgoing_stream_id_;
// Number of streams that the peer believes that it can still create.
size_t available_incoming_streams();
void set_largest_peer_created_stream_id(
QuicStreamId largest_peer_created_stream_id) {
largest_peer_created_stream_id_ = largest_peer_created_stream_id;
// These are the limits for outgoing and incoming streams,
// respectively. For incoming there are two limits, what has
// been advertised to the peer and what is actually available.
// The advertised incoming amount should never be more than the actual
// incoming one.
QuicStreamCount outgoing_max_streams() const { return outgoing_max_streams_; }
QuicStreamCount incoming_actual_max_streams() const {
return incoming_actual_max_streams_;
QuicStreamCount incoming_advertised_max_streams() const {
return incoming_advertised_max_streams_;
// Number of streams that have been opened (including those that have been
// opened and then closed. Must never exceed outgoing_max_streams
QuicStreamCount outgoing_stream_count() { return outgoing_stream_count_; }
// Perspective (CLIENT/SERVER) of this node and the peer, respectively.
Perspective perspective() const;
Perspective peer_perspective() const;
QuicTransportVersion transport_version() const;
friend class test::QuicSessionPeer;
friend class test::QuicStreamIdManagerPeer;
// Check whether the MAX_STREAMS window has opened up enough and, if so,
// generate and send a MAX_STREAMS frame.
void MaybeSendMaxStreamsFrame();
// Get what should be the first incoming/outgoing stream ID that
// this stream id manager will manage, taking into account directionality and
// client/server perspective.
QuicStreamId GetFirstOutgoingStreamId() const;
QuicStreamId GetFirstIncomingStreamId() const;
void CalculateIncomingMaxStreamsWindow();
// Back reference to the session containing this Stream ID Manager.
// needed to access various session methods, such as perspective()
QuicSession* session_;
// Whether this stream id manager is for unidrectional (true) or bidirectional
// (false) streams.
bool unidirectional_;
// This is the number of streams that this node can initiate.
// This limit applies to both static and dynamic streams - the total
// of the two can not exceed this count.
// This limit is:
// - Initiated to a value specified in the constructor
// - May be updated when the config is received.
// - Is updated whenever a MAX STREAMS frame is received.
QuicStreamCount outgoing_max_streams_;
// The ID to use for the next outgoing stream.
QuicStreamId next_outgoing_stream_id_;
// The number of outgoing streams that have ever been opened, including those
// that have been closed. This number must never be larger than
// outgoing_max_streams_.
QuicStreamCount outgoing_stream_count_;
// Number of outgoing static streams created.
// TODO(fkastenholz): Remove when static streams no longer supported for IETF
// QUIC.
QuicStreamCount outgoing_static_stream_count_;
// Set to true while the default (from the constructor) outgoing stream limit
// is in use. It is set to false when either a MAX STREAMS frame is received
// or the transport negotiation completes and sets the stream limit (this is
// equivalent to a MAX_STREAMS frame).
// Necessary because outgoing_max_streams_ is a "best guess"
// until we receive an authoritative value from the peer.
// outgoing_max_streams_ is initialized in the constructor
// to some hard-coded value, which may or may not be consistent
// with what the peer wants. Furthermore, as we create outgoing
// static streams, the cap raises as static streams get inserted
// "beneath" the dynamic streams because, prior to receiving
// a MAX_STREAMS, the values setting the limit are interpreted
// as "number of request/responses" that can be created. Once
// a MAX_STREAMS is received, it becomes a hard limit.
bool using_default_max_streams_;
// The maximum number of streams that can be opened by the peer.
QuicStreamCount incoming_actual_max_streams_;
QuicStreamCount incoming_advertised_max_streams_;
// Initial maximum on the number of open streams allowed.
QuicStreamCount incoming_initial_max_open_streams_;
// Number of outgoing static streams created.
// TODO(fkastenholz): Remove when static streams no longer supported for IETF
// QUIC.
QuicStreamCount incoming_static_stream_count_;
// This is the number of streams that have been created -- some are still
// open, the others have been closed. It is the number that is compared
// against MAX_STREAMS when deciding whether to accept a new stream or not.
QuicStreamCount incoming_stream_count_;
// Set of stream ids that are less than the largest stream id that has been
// received, but are nonetheless available to be created.
QuicUnorderedSet<QuicStreamId> available_streams_;
QuicStreamId largest_peer_created_stream_id_;
// When incoming streams close the local node sends MAX_STREAMS frames. It
// does so only when the peer can open fewer than |max_stream_id_window_|
// streams. That is, when |incoming_actual_max_streams_| -
// |incoming_advertised_max_streams_| is less than the window.
// max_streams_window_ is set to 1/2 of the initial number of incoming streams
// that are allowed (as set in the constructor).
QuicStreamId max_streams_window_;
} // namespace quic