blob: a84548d76062c4ba65fc0e2f49d1e5a7d1383331 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/qpack/qpack_required_insert_count.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_arraysize.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_test.h"
namespace quic {
namespace test {
namespace {
TEST(QpackRequiredInsertCountTest, QpackEncodeRequiredInsertCount) {
EXPECT_EQ(0u, QpackEncodeRequiredInsertCount(0, 0));
EXPECT_EQ(0u, QpackEncodeRequiredInsertCount(0, 8));
EXPECT_EQ(0u, QpackEncodeRequiredInsertCount(0, 1024));
EXPECT_EQ(2u, QpackEncodeRequiredInsertCount(1, 8));
EXPECT_EQ(5u, QpackEncodeRequiredInsertCount(20, 8));
EXPECT_EQ(7u, QpackEncodeRequiredInsertCount(106, 10));
// For testing valid decodings, the Encoded Required Insert Count is calculated
// from Required Insert Count, so that there is an expected value to compare
// the decoded value against, and so that intricate inequalities can be
// documented.
struct {
uint64_t required_insert_count;
uint64_t max_entries;
uint64_t total_number_of_inserts;
} kTestData[] = {
// Maximum dynamic table capacity is zero.
{0, 0, 0},
// No dynamic entries in header.
{0, 100, 0},
{0, 100, 500},
// Required Insert Count has not wrapped around yet, no entries evicted.
{15, 100, 25},
{20, 100, 10},
// Required Insert Count has not wrapped around yet, some entries evicted.
{90, 100, 110},
// Required Insert Count has wrapped around.
{234, 100, 180},
// Required Insert Count has wrapped around many times.
{5678, 100, 5701},
// Lowest and highest possible Required Insert Count values
// for given MaxEntries and total number of insertions.
{401, 100, 500},
{600, 100, 500}};
TEST(QpackRequiredInsertCountTest, QpackDecodeRequiredInsertCount) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < QUIC_ARRAYSIZE(kTestData); ++i) {
const uint64_t required_insert_count = kTestData[i].required_insert_count;
const uint64_t max_entries = kTestData[i].max_entries;
const uint64_t total_number_of_inserts =
if (required_insert_count != 0) {
// Dynamic entries cannot be referenced if dynamic table capacity is zero.
ASSERT_LT(0u, max_entries) << i;
// Entry |total_number_of_inserts - 1 - max_entries| and earlier entries
// are evicted. Entry |required_insert_count - 1| is referenced. No
// evicted entry can be referenced.
ASSERT_LT(total_number_of_inserts, required_insert_count + max_entries)
<< i;
// Entry |required_insert_count - 1 - max_entries| and earlier entries are
// evicted, entry |total_number_of_inserts - 1| is the last acknowledged
// entry. Every evicted entry must be acknowledged.
ASSERT_LE(required_insert_count, total_number_of_inserts + max_entries)
<< i;
uint64_t encoded_required_insert_count =
QpackEncodeRequiredInsertCount(required_insert_count, max_entries);
// Initialize to a value different from the expected output to confirm that
// QpackDecodeRequiredInsertCount() modifies the value of
// |decoded_required_insert_count|.
uint64_t decoded_required_insert_count = required_insert_count + 1;
encoded_required_insert_count, max_entries, total_number_of_inserts,
<< i;
EXPECT_EQ(decoded_required_insert_count, required_insert_count) << i;
// Failures are tested with hardcoded values for encoded required insert count,
// to provide test coverage for values that would never be produced by a well
// behaved encoding function.
struct {
uint64_t encoded_required_insert_count;
uint64_t max_entries;
uint64_t total_number_of_inserts;
} kInvalidTestData[] = {
// Maximum dynamic table capacity is zero, yet header block
// claims to have a reference to a dynamic table entry.
{1, 0, 0},
{9, 0, 0},
// Examples from
{1, 10, 2},
{18, 10, 2},
// Encoded Required Insert Count value too small or too large
// for given MaxEntries and total number of insertions.
{400, 100, 500},
{601, 100, 500}};
TEST(QpackRequiredInsertCountTest, DecodeRequiredInsertCountError) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < QUIC_ARRAYSIZE(kInvalidTestData); ++i) {
uint64_t decoded_required_insert_count = 0;
<< i;
} // namespace
} // namespace test
} // namespace quic