| // Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| |
| // Base class for testing concrete payload decoder classes. |
| |
| #include <stddef.h> |
| |
| #include <string> |
| |
| #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/http2/decoder/decode_buffer.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/http2/decoder/decode_status.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/http2/decoder/frame_decoder_state.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/http2/decoder/http2_frame_decoder_listener.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/http2/http2_constants.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/http2/http2_constants_test_util.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/http2/http2_structures.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/http2/platform/api/http2_logging.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/http2/platform/api/http2_reconstruct_object.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/http2/platform/api/http2_string_piece.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/http2/test_tools/frame_parts.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/http2/tools/http2_frame_builder.h" |
| #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/http2/tools/random_decoder_test.h" |
| |
| namespace http2 { |
| namespace test { |
| |
| // Base class for tests of payload decoders. Below this there is a templated |
| // sub-class that adds a bunch of type specific features. |
| class PayloadDecoderBaseTest : public RandomDecoderTest { |
| protected: |
| PayloadDecoderBaseTest(); |
| |
| // Virtual functions to be implemented by the test classes for the individual |
| // payload decoders... |
| |
| // Start decoding the payload. |
| virtual DecodeStatus StartDecodingPayload(DecodeBuffer* db) = 0; |
| |
| // Resume decoding the payload. |
| virtual DecodeStatus ResumeDecodingPayload(DecodeBuffer* db) = 0; |
| |
| // In support of ensuring that we're really accessing and updating the |
| // decoder, prepare the decoder by, for example, overwriting the decoder. |
| virtual void PreparePayloadDecoder() = 0; |
| |
| // Get the listener to be inserted into the FrameDecoderState, ready for |
| // listening (e.g. reset if it is a FramePartsCollector). |
| virtual Http2FrameDecoderListener* PrepareListener() = 0; |
| |
| // Record a frame header for use on each call to StartDecoding. |
| void set_frame_header(const Http2FrameHeader& header) { |
| EXPECT_EQ(0, InvalidFlagMaskForFrameType(header.type) & header.flags); |
| if (!frame_header_is_set_ || frame_header_ != header) { |
| HTTP2_VLOG(2) << "set_frame_header: " << frame_header_; |
| } |
| frame_header_ = header; |
| frame_header_is_set_ = true; |
| } |
| |
| FrameDecoderState* mutable_state() { return &frame_decoder_state_; } |
| |
| // Randomize the payload decoder, sets the payload decoder's frame_header_, |
| // then start decoding the payload. Called by RandomDecoderTest. This method |
| // is final so that we can always perform certain actions when |
| // RandomDecoderTest starts the decoding of a payload, such as randomizing the |
| // the payload decoder, injecting the frame header and counting fast decoding |
| // cases. Sub-classes must implement StartDecodingPayload to perform their |
| // initial decoding of a frame's payload. |
| DecodeStatus StartDecoding(DecodeBuffer* db) final; |
| |
| // Called by RandomDecoderTest. This method is final so that we can always |
| // perform certain actions when RandomDecoderTest calls it, such as counting |
| // slow decode cases. Sub-classes must implement ResumeDecodingPayload to |
| // continue decoding the frame's payload, which must not all be in one buffer. |
| DecodeStatus ResumeDecoding(DecodeBuffer* db) final; |
| |
| // Given the specified payload (without the common frame header), decode |
| // it with several partitionings of the payload. |
| ::testing::AssertionResult DecodePayloadAndValidateSeveralWays( |
| Http2StringPiece payload, |
| Validator validator); |
| |
| // TODO(jamessynge): Add helper method for verifying these are both non-zero, |
| // and call the new method from tests that expect successful decoding. |
| void ResetDecodeSpeedCounters() { |
| fast_decode_count_ = 0; |
| slow_decode_count_ = 0; |
| } |
| |
| // Count of payloads that are full decoded by StartDecodingPayload, or that |
| // an error was detected by StartDecodingPayload. |
| size_t fast_decode_count_ = 0; |
| |
| // Count of payloads that require calling ResumeDecodingPayload in order to |
| // decode them completely (or to detect an error during decoding). |
| size_t slow_decode_count_ = 0; |
| |
| private: |
| bool frame_header_is_set_ = false; |
| Http2FrameHeader frame_header_; |
| FrameDecoderState frame_decoder_state_; |
| }; |
| |
| // Base class for payload decoders of type Decoder, with corresponding test |
| // peer of type DecoderPeer, and using class Listener as the implementation |
| // of Http2FrameDecoderListenerInterface to be used during decoding. |
| // Typically Listener is a sub-class of FramePartsCollector. |
| // SupportedFrameType is set to false only for UnknownPayloadDecoder. |
| template <class Decoder, |
| class DecoderPeer, |
| class Listener, |
| bool SupportedFrameType = true> |
| class AbstractPayloadDecoderTest : public PayloadDecoderBaseTest { |
| protected: |
| // An ApproveSize function returns true to approve decoding the specified |
| // size of payload, else false to skip that size. Typically used for negative |
| // tests; for example, decoding a SETTINGS frame at all sizes except for |
| // multiples of 6. |
| typedef std::function<bool(size_t size)> ApproveSize; |
| |
| AbstractPayloadDecoderTest() {} |
| |
| // These tests are in setup rather than the constructor for two reasons: |
| // 1) Constructors are not allowed to fail, so gUnit documents that EXPECT_* |
| // and ASSERT_* are not allowed in constructors, and should instead be in |
| // SetUp if they are needed before the body of the test is executed. |
| // 2) To allow the sub-class constructor to make any desired modifications to |
| // the DecoderPeer before these tests are executed; in particular, |
| // UnknownPayloadDecoderPeer has not got a fixed frame type, but it is |
| // instead set during the test's constructor. |
| void SetUp() override { |
| PayloadDecoderBaseTest::SetUp(); |
| |
| // Confirm that DecoderPeer et al returns sensible values. Using auto as the |
| // variable type so that no (narrowing) conversions take place that hide |
| // problems; i.e. if someone changes KnownFlagsMaskForFrameType so that it |
| // doesn't return a uint8, and has bits above the low-order 8 bits set, this |
| // bit of paranoia should detect the problem before we get too far. |
| auto frame_type = DecoderPeer::FrameType(); |
| if (SupportedFrameType) { |
| EXPECT_TRUE(IsSupportedHttp2FrameType(frame_type)) << frame_type; |
| } else { |
| EXPECT_FALSE(IsSupportedHttp2FrameType(frame_type)) << frame_type; |
| } |
| |
| auto known_flags = KnownFlagsMaskForFrameType(frame_type); |
| EXPECT_EQ(known_flags, known_flags & 0xff); |
| |
| auto flags_to_avoid = DecoderPeer::FlagsAffectingPayloadDecoding(); |
| EXPECT_EQ(flags_to_avoid, flags_to_avoid & known_flags); |
| } |
| |
| void PreparePayloadDecoder() override { |
| Http2DefaultReconstructObject(&payload_decoder_, RandomPtr()); |
| } |
| |
| Http2FrameDecoderListener* PrepareListener() override { |
| listener_.Reset(); |
| return &listener_; |
| } |
| |
| // Returns random flags, but only those valid for the frame type, yet not |
| // those that the DecoderPeer says will affect the decoding of the payload |
| // (e.g. the PRIORTY flag on a HEADERS frame or PADDED on DATA frames). |
| uint8_t RandFlags() { |
| return Random().Rand8() & |
| KnownFlagsMaskForFrameType(DecoderPeer::FrameType()) & |
| ~DecoderPeer::FlagsAffectingPayloadDecoding(); |
| } |
| |
| // Start decoding the payload. |
| DecodeStatus StartDecodingPayload(DecodeBuffer* db) override { |
| HTTP2_DVLOG(2) << "StartDecodingPayload, db->Remaining=" << db->Remaining(); |
| return payload_decoder_.StartDecodingPayload(mutable_state(), db); |
| } |
| |
| // Resume decoding the payload. |
| DecodeStatus ResumeDecodingPayload(DecodeBuffer* db) override { |
| HTTP2_DVLOG(2) << "ResumeDecodingPayload, db->Remaining=" |
| << db->Remaining(); |
| return payload_decoder_.ResumeDecodingPayload(mutable_state(), db); |
| } |
| |
| // Decode one frame's payload and confirm that the listener recorded the |
| // expected FrameParts instance, and only FrameParts instance. The payload |
| // will be decoded several times with different partitionings of the payload, |
| // and after each the validator will be called. |
| AssertionResult DecodePayloadAndValidateSeveralWays( |
| Http2StringPiece payload, |
| const FrameParts& expected) { |
| auto validator = [&expected, this]() -> AssertionResult { |
| VERIFY_FALSE(listener_.IsInProgress()); |
| VERIFY_EQ(1u, listener_.size()); |
| VERIFY_AND_RETURN_SUCCESS(expected.VerifyEquals(*listener_.frame(0))); |
| }; |
| return PayloadDecoderBaseTest::DecodePayloadAndValidateSeveralWays( |
| payload, ValidateDoneAndEmpty(validator)); |
| } |
| |
| // Decode one frame's payload, expecting that the final status will be |
| // kDecodeError, and that OnFrameSizeError will have been called on the |
| // listener. The payload will be decoded several times with different |
| // partitionings of the payload. The type WrappedValidator is either |
| // RandomDecoderTest::Validator, RandomDecoderTest::NoArgValidator or |
| // std::nullptr_t (not extra validation). |
| template <typename WrappedValidator> |
| ::testing::AssertionResult VerifyDetectsFrameSizeError( |
| Http2StringPiece payload, |
| const Http2FrameHeader& header, |
| WrappedValidator wrapped_validator) { |
| set_frame_header(header); |
| // If wrapped_validator is not a RandomDecoderTest::Validator, make it so. |
| Validator validator = ToValidator(wrapped_validator); |
| // And wrap that validator in another which will check that we've reached |
| // the expected state of kDecodeError with OnFrameSizeError having been |
| // called by the payload decoder. |
| validator = [header, validator, this]( |
| const DecodeBuffer& input, |
| DecodeStatus status) -> ::testing::AssertionResult { |
| HTTP2_DVLOG(2) << "VerifyDetectsFrameSizeError validator; status=" |
| << status << "; input.Remaining=" << input.Remaining(); |
| VERIFY_EQ(DecodeStatus::kDecodeError, status); |
| VERIFY_FALSE(listener_.IsInProgress()); |
| VERIFY_EQ(1u, listener_.size()); |
| const FrameParts* frame = listener_.frame(0); |
| VERIFY_EQ(header, frame->GetFrameHeader()); |
| VERIFY_TRUE(frame->GetHasFrameSizeError()); |
| // Verify did not get OnPaddingTooLong, as we should only ever produce |
| // one of these two errors for a single frame. |
| VERIFY_FALSE(frame->GetOptMissingLength()); |
| return validator(input, status); |
| }; |
| PayloadDecoderBaseTest::DecodePayloadAndValidateSeveralWays(payload, |
| validator)); |
| } |
| |
| // Confirm that we get OnFrameSizeError when trying to decode unpadded_payload |
| // at all sizes from zero to unpadded_payload.size(), except those sizes not |
| // approved by approve_size. |
| // If total_pad_length is greater than zero, then that amount of padding |
| // is added to the payload (including the Pad Length field). |
| // The flags will be required_flags, PADDED if total_pad_length > 0, and some |
| // randomly selected flag bits not excluded by FlagsAffectingPayloadDecoding. |
| ::testing::AssertionResult VerifyDetectsMultipleFrameSizeErrors( |
| uint8_t required_flags, |
| Http2StringPiece unpadded_payload, |
| ApproveSize approve_size, |
| int total_pad_length) { |
| // required_flags should come from those that are defined for the frame |
| // type AND are those that affect the decoding of the payload (otherwise, |
| // the flag shouldn't be required). |
| Http2FrameType frame_type = DecoderPeer::FrameType(); |
| VERIFY_EQ(required_flags, |
| required_flags & KnownFlagsMaskForFrameType(frame_type)); |
| VERIFY_EQ(required_flags, |
| required_flags & DecoderPeer::FlagsAffectingPayloadDecoding()); |
| |
| if (0 != |
| (Http2FrameFlag::PADDED & KnownFlagsMaskForFrameType(frame_type))) { |
| // Frame type supports padding. |
| if (total_pad_length == 0) { |
| required_flags &= ~Http2FrameFlag::PADDED; |
| } else { |
| required_flags |= Http2FrameFlag::PADDED; |
| } |
| } else { |
| VERIFY_EQ(0, total_pad_length); |
| } |
| |
| bool validated = false; |
| for (size_t real_payload_size = 0; |
| real_payload_size <= unpadded_payload.size(); ++real_payload_size) { |
| if (approve_size != nullptr && !approve_size(real_payload_size)) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| HTTP2_VLOG(1) << "real_payload_size=" << real_payload_size; |
| uint8_t flags = required_flags | RandFlags(); |
| Http2FrameBuilder fb; |
| if (total_pad_length > 0) { |
| // total_pad_length_ includes the size of the Pad Length field, and thus |
| // ranges from 0 (no PADDED flag) to 256 (Pad Length == 255). |
| fb.AppendUInt8(total_pad_length - 1); |
| } |
| // Append a subset of the unpadded_payload, which the decoder should |
| // determine is not a valid amount. |
| fb.Append(unpadded_payload.substr(0, real_payload_size)); |
| if (total_pad_length > 0) { |
| fb.AppendZeroes(total_pad_length - 1); |
| } |
| // We choose a random stream id because the payload decoders aren't |
| // checking stream ids. |
| uint32_t stream_id = RandStreamId(); |
| Http2FrameHeader header(fb.size(), frame_type, flags, stream_id); |
| VERIFY_SUCCESS(VerifyDetectsFrameSizeError(fb.buffer(), header, nullptr)); |
| validated = true; |
| } |
| VERIFY_TRUE(validated); |
| return ::testing::AssertionSuccess(); |
| } |
| |
| // As above, but for frames without padding. |
| ::testing::AssertionResult VerifyDetectsFrameSizeError( |
| uint8_t required_flags, |
| Http2StringPiece unpadded_payload, |
| const ApproveSize& approve_size) { |
| Http2FrameType frame_type = DecoderPeer::FrameType(); |
| uint8_t known_flags = KnownFlagsMaskForFrameType(frame_type); |
| VERIFY_EQ(0, known_flags & Http2FrameFlag::PADDED); |
| VERIFY_EQ(0, required_flags & Http2FrameFlag::PADDED); |
| VERIFY_AND_RETURN_SUCCESS(VerifyDetectsMultipleFrameSizeErrors( |
| required_flags, unpadded_payload, approve_size, 0)); |
| } |
| |
| Listener listener_; |
| union { |
| // Confirm at compile time that Decoder can be in an anonymous union, |
| // i.e. complain loudly if Decoder has members that prevent this, as it |
| // becomes annoying and possibly difficult to deal with non-anonymous |
| // unions and such union members. |
| Decoder payload_decoder_; |
| }; |
| }; |
| |
| // A base class for tests parameterized by the total number of bytes of |
| // padding, including the Pad Length field (i.e. a total_pad_length of 0 |
| // means unpadded as there is then no room for the Pad Length field). |
| // The frame type must support padding. |
| template <class Decoder, class DecoderPeer, class Listener> |
| class AbstractPaddablePayloadDecoderTest |
| : public AbstractPayloadDecoderTest<Decoder, DecoderPeer, Listener>, |
| public ::testing::WithParamInterface<int> { |
| typedef AbstractPayloadDecoderTest<Decoder, DecoderPeer, Listener> Base; |
| |
| protected: |
| using Base::listener_; |
| using Base::Random; |
| using Base::RandStreamId; |
| using Base::set_frame_header; |
| typedef typename Base::Validator Validator; |
| |
| AbstractPaddablePayloadDecoderTest() : total_pad_length_(GetParam()) { |
| HTTP2_LOG(INFO) << "total_pad_length_ = " << total_pad_length_; |
| } |
| |
| // Note that total_pad_length_ includes the size of the Pad Length field, |
| // and thus ranges from 0 (no PADDED flag) to 256 (Pad Length == 255). |
| bool IsPadded() const { return total_pad_length_ > 0; } |
| |
| // Value of the Pad Length field. Only call if IsPadded. |
| size_t pad_length() const { |
| EXPECT_TRUE(IsPadded()); |
| return total_pad_length_ - 1; |
| } |
| |
| // Clear the frame builder and add the Pad Length field if appropriate. |
| void Reset() { |
| frame_builder_ = Http2FrameBuilder(); |
| if (IsPadded()) { |
| frame_builder_.AppendUInt8(pad_length()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void MaybeAppendTrailingPadding() { |
| if (IsPadded()) { |
| frame_builder_.AppendZeroes(pad_length()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| uint8_t RandFlags() { |
| uint8_t flags = Base::RandFlags(); |
| if (IsPadded()) { |
| flags |= Http2FrameFlag::PADDED; |
| } else { |
| flags &= ~Http2FrameFlag::PADDED; |
| } |
| return flags; |
| } |
| |
| // Verify that we get OnPaddingTooLong when decoding payload, and that the |
| // amount of missing padding is as specified. header.IsPadded must be true, |
| // and the payload must be empty or the PadLength field must be too large. |
| ::testing::AssertionResult VerifyDetectsPaddingTooLong( |
| Http2StringPiece payload, |
| const Http2FrameHeader& header, |
| size_t expected_missing_length) { |
| set_frame_header(header); |
| auto& listener = listener_; |
| Validator validator = |
| [header, expected_missing_length, &listener]( |
| const DecodeBuffer& input, |
| DecodeStatus status) -> ::testing::AssertionResult { |
| VERIFY_EQ(DecodeStatus::kDecodeError, status); |
| VERIFY_FALSE(listener.IsInProgress()); |
| VERIFY_EQ(1u, listener.size()); |
| const FrameParts* frame = listener.frame(0); |
| VERIFY_EQ(header, frame->GetFrameHeader()); |
| VERIFY_TRUE(frame->GetOptMissingLength()); |
| VERIFY_EQ(expected_missing_length, frame->GetOptMissingLength().value()); |
| // Verify did not get OnFrameSizeError. |
| VERIFY_FALSE(frame->GetHasFrameSizeError()); |
| return ::testing::AssertionSuccess(); |
| }; |
| PayloadDecoderBaseTest::DecodePayloadAndValidateSeveralWays(payload, |
| validator)); |
| } |
| |
| // Verifies that we get OnPaddingTooLong for a padded frame payload whose |
| // (randomly selected) payload length is less than total_pad_length_. |
| // Flags will be selected at random, except PADDED will be set and |
| // flags_to_avoid will not be set. The stream id is selected at random. |
| ::testing::AssertionResult VerifyDetectsPaddingTooLong() { |
| uint8_t flags = RandFlags() | Http2FrameFlag::PADDED; |
| |
| // Create an all padding payload for total_pad_length_. |
| int payload_length = 0; |
| Http2FrameBuilder fb; |
| if (IsPadded()) { |
| fb.AppendUInt8(pad_length()); |
| fb.AppendZeroes(pad_length()); |
| HTTP2_VLOG(1) << "fb.size=" << fb.size(); |
| // Pick a random length for the payload that is shorter than neccesary. |
| payload_length = Random().Uniform(fb.size()); |
| } |
| |
| HTTP2_VLOG(1) << "payload_length=" << payload_length; |
| std::string payload = fb.buffer().substr(0, payload_length); |
| |
| // The missing length is the amount we cut off the end, unless |
| // payload_length is zero, in which case the decoder knows only that 1 |
| // byte, the Pad Length field, is missing. |
| size_t missing_length = |
| payload_length == 0 ? 1 : fb.size() - payload_length; |
| HTTP2_VLOG(1) << "missing_length=" << missing_length; |
| |
| const Http2FrameHeader header(payload_length, DecoderPeer::FrameType(), |
| flags, RandStreamId()); |
| VerifyDetectsPaddingTooLong(payload, header, missing_length)); |
| } |
| |
| // total_pad_length_ includes the size of the Pad Length field, and thus |
| // ranges from 0 (no PADDED flag) to 256 (Pad Length == 255). |
| const size_t total_pad_length_; |
| Http2FrameBuilder frame_builder_; |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace test |
| } // namespace http2 |
| |