blob: d39328414480cf261fa0ebd8198d73e470d969ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
#include "absl/container/node_hash_map.h"
#include "quiche/quic/moqt/moqt_messages.h"
#include "quiche/common/platform/api/quiche_export.h"
#include "quiche/web_transport/web_transport.h"
namespace moqt {
// Classes to track subscriptions to local tracks: the sequence numbers
// subscribed, the streams involved, and the subscribe IDs.
class QUICHE_EXPORT SubscribeWindow {
// Creates a half-open window. |next_object| is the expected sequence number
// of the next published object on the track.
SubscribeWindow(uint64_t subscribe_id,
MoqtForwardingPreference forwarding_preference,
FullSequence next_object, uint64_t start_group,
uint64_t start_object)
: SubscribeWindow(subscribe_id, forwarding_preference, next_object,
FullSequence(start_group, start_object), std::nullopt) {
// Creates a closed window.
SubscribeWindow(uint64_t subscribe_id,
MoqtForwardingPreference forwarding_preference,
FullSequence next_object, uint64_t start_group,
uint64_t start_object, uint64_t end_group,
uint64_t end_object)
: SubscribeWindow(subscribe_id, forwarding_preference, next_object,
FullSequence(start_group, start_object),
FullSequence(end_group, end_object)) {}
SubscribeWindow(uint64_t subscribe_id,
MoqtForwardingPreference forwarding_preference,
FullSequence next_object, FullSequence start,
std::optional<FullSequence> end)
: subscribe_id_(subscribe_id),
forwarding_preference_(forwarding_preference) {
next_to_backfill_ =
(start < next_object) ? start : std::optional<FullSequence>();
uint64_t subscribe_id() const { return subscribe_id_; }
bool InWindow(const FullSequence& seq) const;
// Returns the stream to send |sequence| on, if already opened.
std::optional<webtransport::StreamId> GetStreamForSequence(
FullSequence sequence) const;
// Records what stream is being used for a track, group, or object depending
// on |forwarding_preference|. Triggers QUIC_BUG if already assigned.
void AddStream(uint64_t group_id, uint64_t object_id,
webtransport::StreamId stream_id);
void RemoveStream(uint64_t group_id, uint64_t object_id);
bool HasEnd() const { return end_.has_value(); }
MoqtForwardingPreference forwarding_preference() const {
return forwarding_preference_;
// Returns true if the object delivery completed the subscription
bool OnObjectSent(FullSequence sequence, MoqtObjectStatus status);
std::optional<FullSequence>& largest_delivered() {
return largest_delivered_;
// Returns true if the updated values are valid.
bool UpdateStartEnd(FullSequence start, std::optional<FullSequence> end);
// Converts an object sequence number into one that matches the way that
// stream IDs are being mapped. (See the comment for send_streams_ below.)
FullSequence SequenceToIndex(FullSequence sequence) const;
const uint64_t subscribe_id_;
FullSequence start_;
std::optional<FullSequence> end_;
std::optional<FullSequence> largest_delivered_;
// The next sequence number to be redelivered, because it was published prior
// to the subscription. Is nullopt if no redeliveries are needed.
std::optional<FullSequence> next_to_backfill_;
// The first unpublished sequence number when the subscribe arrived.
const FullSequence original_next_object_;
// Store open streams for this subscription. If the forwarding preference is
// kTrack, there is one entry under sequence (0, 0). If kGroup, each entry is
// under (group, 0). If kObject, it's tracked under the full sequence. If
// kDatagram, the map is empty.
absl::flat_hash_map<FullSequence, webtransport::StreamId> send_streams_;
// The forwarding preference for this track; informs how the streams are
// mapped.
const MoqtForwardingPreference forwarding_preference_;
// Class to keep track of the sequence number blocks to which a peer is
// subscribed.
class QUICHE_EXPORT MoqtSubscribeWindows {
MoqtSubscribeWindows(MoqtForwardingPreference forwarding_preference)
: forwarding_preference_(forwarding_preference) {}
// Returns a vector of subscribe IDs that apply to the object. They will be in
// reverse order of the AddWindow calls.
std::vector<SubscribeWindow*> SequenceIsSubscribed(FullSequence sequence);
// |start_group| and |start_object| must be absolute sequence numbers. An
// optimization could consolidate overlapping subscribe windows.
void AddWindow(uint64_t subscribe_id, FullSequence next_object,
uint64_t start_group, uint64_t start_object) {
SubscribeWindow(subscribe_id, forwarding_preference_,
next_object, start_group, start_object));
void AddWindow(uint64_t subscribe_id, FullSequence next_object,
uint64_t start_group, uint64_t start_object,
uint64_t end_group, uint64_t end_object) {
SubscribeWindow(subscribe_id, forwarding_preference_, next_object,
start_group, start_object, end_group, end_object));
void RemoveWindow(uint64_t subscribe_id) { windows_.erase(subscribe_id); }
bool IsEmpty() const { return windows_.empty(); }
SubscribeWindow* GetWindow(uint64_t subscribe_id) {
auto it = windows_.find(subscribe_id);
if (it == windows_.end()) {
return nullptr;
return &it->second;
// Indexed by Subscribe ID.
absl::node_hash_map<uint64_t, SubscribeWindow> windows_;
const MoqtForwardingPreference forwarding_preference_;
} // namespace moqt