blob: 94a8487ddbb1b26a3970326567d4862eafa63673 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_stream_id_manager.h"
#include <string>
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_connection.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_constants.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_session.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_utils.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_flag_utils.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_flags.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_logging.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_str_cat.h"
namespace quic {
#define ENDPOINT \
(session_->perspective() == Perspective::IS_SERVER ? " Server: " \
: " Client: ")
QuicSession* session,
bool unidirectional,
QuicStreamCount max_allowed_outgoing_streams,
QuicStreamCount max_allowed_incoming_streams)
: session_(session),
// Advertised max starts at actual because it's communicated in the
// handshake.
max_streams_window_(0) {
QuicStreamIdManager::~QuicStreamIdManager() {
bool QuicStreamIdManager::OnMaxStreamsFrame(const QuicMaxStreamsFrame& frame) {
// Ensure that the frame has the correct directionality.
DCHECK_EQ(frame.unidirectional, unidirectional_);
QUIC_CODE_COUNT_N(quic_max_streams_received, 2, 2);
const QuicStreamCount current_outgoing_max_streams = outgoing_max_streams_;
// Set the limit to be exactly the stream count in the frame.
if (!ConfigureMaxOpenOutgoingStreams(frame.stream_count)) {
return false;
// If we were at the previous limit and this MAX_STREAMS frame
// increased the limit, inform the application that new streams are
// available.
if (outgoing_stream_count_ == current_outgoing_max_streams &&
current_outgoing_max_streams < outgoing_max_streams_) {
return true;
// The peer sends a streams blocked frame when it can not open any more
// streams because it has runs into the limit.
bool QuicStreamIdManager::OnStreamsBlockedFrame(
const QuicStreamsBlockedFrame& frame) {
// Ensure that the frame has the correct directionality.
DCHECK_EQ(frame.unidirectional, unidirectional_);
QUIC_CODE_COUNT_N(quic_streams_blocked_received, 2, 2);
if (frame.stream_count > incoming_advertised_max_streams_) {
// Peer thinks it can send more streams that we've told it.
// This is a protocol error.
// TODO(fkastenholz): revise when proper IETF Connection Close support is
// done.
QUIC_STREAMS_BLOCKED_ERROR, "Invalid stream count specified",
return false;
if (frame.stream_count < incoming_actual_max_streams_) {
// Peer thinks it's blocked on a stream count that is less than our current
// max. Inform the peer of the correct stream count. Sending a MAX_STREAMS
// frame in this case is not controlled by the window.
return true;
// Used when configuration has been done and we have an initial
// maximum stream count from the peer.
bool QuicStreamIdManager::ConfigureMaxOpenOutgoingStreams(
size_t max_open_streams) {
if (using_default_max_streams_) {
// This is the first MAX_STREAMS/transport negotiation we've received. Treat
// this a bit differently than later ones. The difference is that
// outgoing_max_streams_ is currently an estimate. The MAX_STREAMS frame or
// transport negotiation is authoritative and can reduce
// outgoing_max_streams_ -- so long as outgoing_max_streams_ is not set to
// be less than the number of existing outgoing streams. If that happens,
// close the connection.
if (max_open_streams < outgoing_stream_count_) {
"Stream limit less than existing stream count",
return false;
using_default_max_streams_ = false;
} else if (max_open_streams <= outgoing_max_streams_) {
// Is not the 1st MAX_STREAMS or negotiation.
// Only update the stream count if it would increase the limit.
// If it decreases the limit, or doesn't change it, then do not update.
// Note that this handles the case of receiving a count of 0 in the frame
return true;
// This implementation only supports 32 bit Stream IDs, so limit max streams
// if it would exceed the max 32 bits can express.
outgoing_max_streams_ = std::min(
QuicUtils::GetMaxStreamCount(unidirectional_, session_->perspective()));
return true;
void QuicStreamIdManager::SetMaxOpenOutgoingStreams(size_t max_open_streams) {
// TODO(fkastenholz): when static streams are removed from I-Quic, this
// should be revised to invoke ConfigureMaxOpen...
// Adjust the outgoing stream limit - max_open_streams is the limit, not
// including static streams. If the new stream limit wraps, will peg
// the limit at the implementation max.
// TODO(fkastenholz): AdjustMax is cognizant of the number of static streams and
// sets the maximum to be max_streams + number_of_statics. This should be
// removed from IETF QUIC when static streams are gone.
void QuicStreamIdManager::AdjustMaxOpenOutgoingStreams(
size_t max_open_streams) {
if ((outgoing_static_stream_count_ + max_open_streams) < max_open_streams) {
// New limit causes us to wrap, set limit to be the implementation maximum.
QuicUtils::GetMaxStreamCount(unidirectional_, perspective()));
// Does not wrap, set limit to what is requested.
ConfigureMaxOpenOutgoingStreams(outgoing_static_stream_count_ +
void QuicStreamIdManager::SetMaxOpenIncomingStreams(size_t max_open_streams) {
QuicStreamCount implementation_max =
QuicUtils::GetMaxStreamCount(unidirectional_, perspective());
QuicStreamCount new_max =
static_cast<QuicStreamCount>(max_open_streams +
if (new_max < max_open_streams) {
// wrapped around ...
new_max = implementation_max;
if (new_max < incoming_stream_count_) {
QUIC_MAX_STREAMS_ERROR, "Stream limit less than existing stream count",
incoming_actual_max_streams_ = new_max;
incoming_advertised_max_streams_ = new_max;
incoming_initial_max_open_streams_ =
std::min(max_open_streams, static_cast<size_t>(implementation_max));
void QuicStreamIdManager::MaybeSendMaxStreamsFrame() {
if ((incoming_advertised_max_streams_ - incoming_stream_count_) >
max_streams_window_) {
// window too large, no advertisement
void QuicStreamIdManager::SendMaxStreamsFrame() {
incoming_advertised_max_streams_ = incoming_actual_max_streams_;
session_->SendMaxStreams(incoming_advertised_max_streams_, unidirectional_);
void QuicStreamIdManager::OnStreamClosed(QuicStreamId stream_id) {
DCHECK_NE(QuicUtils::IsBidirectionalStreamId(stream_id), unidirectional_);
if (!IsIncomingStream(stream_id)) {
// Nothing to do for outgoing streams.
// If the stream is inbound, we can increase the actual stream limit and maybe
// advertise the new limit to the peer. Have to check to make sure that we do
// not exceed the maximum.
if (incoming_actual_max_streams_ ==
QuicUtils::GetMaxStreamCount(unidirectional_, perspective())) {
// Reached the maximum stream id value that the implementation
// supports. Nothing can be done here.
// One stream closed ... another can be opened.
QuicStreamId QuicStreamIdManager::GetNextOutgoingStreamId() {
// TODO(fkastenholz): Should we close the connection?
QUIC_BUG_IF(outgoing_stream_count_ >= outgoing_max_streams_)
<< "Attempt to allocate a new outgoing stream that would exceed the "
QuicStreamId id = next_outgoing_stream_id_;
next_outgoing_stream_id_ += QuicUtils::StreamIdDelta(transport_version());
return id;
bool QuicStreamIdManager::CanOpenNextOutgoingStream() {
DCHECK_EQ(QUIC_VERSION_99, transport_version());
if (outgoing_stream_count_ < outgoing_max_streams_) {
return true;
// Next stream ID would exceed the limit, need to inform the peer.
session_->SendStreamsBlocked(outgoing_max_streams_, unidirectional_);
return false;
bool QuicStreamIdManager::RegisterStaticStream(QuicStreamId stream_id) {
DCHECK_NE(QuicUtils::IsBidirectionalStreamId(stream_id), unidirectional_);
if (IsIncomingStream(stream_id)) {
// This code is predicated on static stream ids being allocated densely, in
// order, and starting with the first stream allowed. QUIC_BUG if this is
// not so.
// This is a stream id for a stream that is started by the peer, deal with
// the incoming stream ids. Increase the floor and adjust everything
// accordingly.
QUIC_BUG_IF(incoming_actual_max_streams_ >
QuicUtils::GetMaxStreamCount(unidirectional_, perspective()));
// If we have reached the limit on stream creation, do not create
// the static stream; return false.
if (incoming_stream_count_ >=
QuicUtils::GetMaxStreamCount(unidirectional_, perspective())) {
return false;
if (incoming_actual_max_streams_ <
QuicUtils::GetMaxStreamCount(unidirectional_, perspective())) {
if (incoming_advertised_max_streams_ <
QuicUtils::GetMaxStreamCount(unidirectional_, perspective())) {
return true;
<< "Attempted to allocate static stream (id " << stream_id
<< ") after receiving a MAX_STREAMS frame";
// If we have reached the limit on stream creation, do not create
// the static stream; return false.
if (outgoing_max_streams_ >=
QuicUtils::GetMaxStreamCount(unidirectional_, perspective())) {
return false;
// This is a stream id for a stream that is started by this node
if (perspective() == Perspective::IS_CLIENT &&
stream_id == QuicUtils::GetCryptoStreamId(transport_version())) {
// TODO(fkastenholz): When crypto is moved into the CRYPTO_STREAM
// and streamID 0 is no longer special, this needs to be removed.
// Stream-id-0 seems not be allocated via get-next-stream-id,
// which would increment outgoing_stream_count_, so increment
// the count here to account for it.
// Do not need to update next_outgoing_stream_id_ because it is
// initiated to 4 (that is, it skips the crypto stream ID).
if (outgoing_stream_count_ >=
QuicUtils::GetMaxStreamCount(unidirectional_, perspective())) {
// Already at the implementation limit, return false...
return false;
// Increase the outgoing_max_streams_ limit to reflect the semantic that
// outgoing_max_streams_ was inialized to a "maximum request/response" count
// and only becomes a maximum stream count when we receive the first
return true;
// Stream_id is the id of a new incoming stream. Check if it can be
// created (doesn't violate limits, etc).
bool QuicStreamIdManager::MaybeIncreaseLargestPeerStreamId(
const QuicStreamId stream_id) {
DCHECK_NE(QuicUtils::IsBidirectionalStreamId(stream_id), unidirectional_);
if (largest_peer_created_stream_id_ !=
QuicUtils::GetInvalidStreamId(transport_version()) &&
stream_id <= largest_peer_created_stream_id_) {
return true;
QuicStreamCount stream_count_increment;
if (largest_peer_created_stream_id_ !=
QuicUtils::GetInvalidStreamId(transport_version())) {
stream_count_increment = (stream_id - largest_peer_created_stream_id_) /
} else {
// Largest_peer_created_stream_id is the invalid ID,
// which means that the peer has not created any stream IDs.
// The "+1" is because the first stream ID has not yet
// been used. For example, if the FirstIncoming ID is 1
// and stream_id is 1, then we want the increment to be 1.
stream_count_increment = ((stream_id - GetFirstIncomingStreamId()) /
QuicUtils::StreamIdDelta(transport_version())) +
// If already at, or over, the limit, close the connection/etc.
if (((incoming_stream_count_ + stream_count_increment) >
incoming_advertised_max_streams_) ||
((incoming_stream_count_ + stream_count_increment) <
incoming_stream_count_)) {
// This stream would exceed the limit. do not increase.
<< "Failed to create a new incoming stream with id:"
<< stream_id << ", reaching MAX_STREAMS limit: "
<< incoming_advertised_max_streams_ << ".";
QuicStrCat("Stream id ", stream_id, " would exceed stream count limit ",
return false;
QuicStreamId id = GetFirstIncomingStreamId();
if (largest_peer_created_stream_id_ !=
QuicUtils::GetInvalidStreamId(transport_version())) {
id = largest_peer_created_stream_id_ +
for (; id < stream_id; id += QuicUtils::StreamIdDelta(transport_version())) {
incoming_stream_count_ += stream_count_increment;
largest_peer_created_stream_id_ = stream_id;
return true;
bool QuicStreamIdManager::IsAvailableStream(QuicStreamId id) const {
DCHECK_NE(QuicUtils::IsBidirectionalStreamId(id), unidirectional_);
if (!IsIncomingStream(id)) {
// Stream IDs under next_ougoing_stream_id_ are either open or previously
// open but now closed.
return id >= next_outgoing_stream_id_;
// For peer created streams, we also need to consider available streams.
return largest_peer_created_stream_id_ ==
QuicUtils::GetInvalidStreamId(transport_version()) ||
id > largest_peer_created_stream_id_ ||
QuicContainsKey(available_streams_, id);
bool QuicStreamIdManager::IsIncomingStream(QuicStreamId id) const {
DCHECK_NE(QuicUtils::IsBidirectionalStreamId(id), unidirectional_);
// The 0x1 bit in the stream id indicates whether the stream id is
// server- or client- initiated. Next_OUTGOING_stream_id_ has that bit
// set based on whether this node is a server or client. Thus, if the stream
// id in question has the 0x1 bit set opposite of next_OUTGOING_stream_id_,
// then that stream id is incoming -- it is for streams initiated by the peer.
return (id & 0x1) != (next_outgoing_stream_id_ & 0x1);
QuicStreamId QuicStreamIdManager::GetFirstOutgoingStreamId() const {
return (unidirectional_) ? QuicUtils::GetFirstUnidirectionalStreamId(
transport_version(), perspective())
: QuicUtils::GetFirstBidirectionalStreamId(
transport_version(), perspective());
QuicStreamId QuicStreamIdManager::GetFirstIncomingStreamId() const {
return (unidirectional_) ? QuicUtils::GetFirstUnidirectionalStreamId(
transport_version(), peer_perspective())
: QuicUtils::GetFirstBidirectionalStreamId(
transport_version(), peer_perspective());
Perspective QuicStreamIdManager::perspective() const {
return session_->perspective();
Perspective QuicStreamIdManager::peer_perspective() const {
return (perspective() == Perspective::IS_SERVER) ? Perspective::IS_CLIENT
: Perspective::IS_SERVER;
QuicTransportVersion QuicStreamIdManager::transport_version() const {
return session_->connection()->transport_version();
size_t QuicStreamIdManager::available_incoming_streams() {
return incoming_advertised_max_streams_ - incoming_stream_count_;
void QuicStreamIdManager::CalculateIncomingMaxStreamsWindow() {
max_streams_window_ = incoming_actual_max_streams_ / kMaxStreamsWindowDivisor;
if (max_streams_window_ == 0) {
max_streams_window_ = 1;
} // namespace quic