| // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| |
| #include <array> |
| #include <cstddef> |
| #include <string> |
| |
| #include "absl/strings/string_view.h" |
| #include "openssl/ssl.h" |
| #include "quiche/quic/core/crypto/crypto_framer.h" |
| #include "quiche/quic/core/crypto/crypto_utils.h" |
| #include "quiche/quic/core/proto/cached_network_parameters_proto.h" |
| #include "quiche/quic/core/quic_config.h" |
| #include "quiche/quic/core/quic_packets.h" |
| #include "quiche/quic/core/quic_stream.h" |
| #include "quiche/quic/core/quic_types.h" |
| #include "quiche/quic/platform/api/quic_export.h" |
| |
| namespace quic { |
| |
| class CachedNetworkParameters; |
| class QuicSession; |
| |
| // Crypto handshake messages in QUIC take place over a reserved stream with the |
| // id 1. Each endpoint (client and server) will allocate an instance of a |
| // subclass of QuicCryptoStream to send and receive handshake messages. (In the |
| // normal 1-RTT handshake, the client will send a client hello, CHLO, message. |
| // The server will receive this message and respond with a server hello message, |
| // SHLO. At this point both sides will have established a crypto context they |
| // can use to send encrypted messages. |
| // |
| // For more details: |
| // https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g5nIXAIkN_Y-7XJW5K45IblHd_L2f5LTaDUDwvZ5L6g/edit?usp=sharing |
| class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicCryptoStream : public QuicStream { |
| public: |
| explicit QuicCryptoStream(QuicSession* session); |
| QuicCryptoStream(const QuicCryptoStream&) = delete; |
| QuicCryptoStream& operator=(const QuicCryptoStream&) = delete; |
| |
| ~QuicCryptoStream() override; |
| |
| // Returns the per-packet framing overhead associated with sending a |
| // handshake message for |version|. |
| static QuicByteCount CryptoMessageFramingOverhead( |
| QuicTransportVersion version, |
| QuicConnectionId connection_id); |
| |
| // QuicStream implementation |
| void OnStreamFrame(const QuicStreamFrame& frame) override; |
| void OnDataAvailable() override; |
| |
| // Called when a CRYPTO frame is received. |
| void OnCryptoFrame(const QuicCryptoFrame& frame); |
| |
| // Called when a CRYPTO frame is ACKed. |
| bool OnCryptoFrameAcked(const QuicCryptoFrame& frame, |
| QuicTime::Delta ack_delay_time); |
| |
| void OnStreamReset(const QuicRstStreamFrame& frame) override; |
| |
| // Performs key extraction to derive a new secret of |result_len| bytes |
| // dependent on |label|, |context|, and the stream's negotiated subkey secret. |
| // Returns false if the handshake has not been confirmed or the parameters are |
| // invalid (e.g. |label| contains null bytes); returns true on success. This |
| // method is only supported for IETF QUIC and MUST NOT be called in gQUIC as |
| // that'll trigger an assert in DEBUG build. |
| virtual bool ExportKeyingMaterial(absl::string_view label, |
| absl::string_view context, |
| size_t result_len, std::string* result) = 0; |
| |
| // Writes |data| to the QuicStream at level |level|. |
| virtual void WriteCryptoData(EncryptionLevel level, absl::string_view data); |
| |
| // Returns the ssl_early_data_reason_t describing why 0-RTT was accepted or |
| // rejected. Note that the value returned by this function may vary during the |
| // handshake. Once |one_rtt_keys_available| returns true, the value returned |
| // by this function will not change for the rest of the lifetime of the |
| // QuicCryptoStream. |
| virtual ssl_early_data_reason_t EarlyDataReason() const = 0; |
| |
| // Returns true once an encrypter has been set for the connection. |
| virtual bool encryption_established() const = 0; |
| |
| // Returns true once the crypto handshake has completed. |
| virtual bool one_rtt_keys_available() const = 0; |
| |
| // Returns the parameters negotiated in the crypto handshake. |
| virtual const QuicCryptoNegotiatedParameters& crypto_negotiated_params() |
| const = 0; |
| |
| // Provides the message parser to use when data is received on this stream. |
| virtual CryptoMessageParser* crypto_message_parser() = 0; |
| |
| // Called when a packet of encryption |level| has been successfully decrypted. |
| virtual void OnPacketDecrypted(EncryptionLevel level) = 0; |
| |
| // Called when a 1RTT packet has been acknowledged. |
| virtual void OnOneRttPacketAcknowledged() = 0; |
| |
| // Called when a packet of ENCRYPTION_HANDSHAKE gets sent. |
| virtual void OnHandshakePacketSent() = 0; |
| |
| // Called when a handshake done frame has been received. |
| virtual void OnHandshakeDoneReceived() = 0; |
| |
| // Called when a new token frame has been received. |
| virtual void OnNewTokenReceived(absl::string_view token) = 0; |
| |
| // Called to get an address token. |
| virtual std::string GetAddressToken( |
| const CachedNetworkParameters* cached_network_params) const = 0; |
| |
| // Called to validate |token|. |
| virtual bool ValidateAddressToken(absl::string_view token) const = 0; |
| |
| // Get the last CachedNetworkParameters received from a valid address token. |
| virtual const CachedNetworkParameters* PreviousCachedNetworkParams() |
| const = 0; |
| |
| // Set the CachedNetworkParameters that will be returned by |
| // PreviousCachedNetworkParams. |
| // TODO(wub): This function is test only, move it to a test only library. |
| virtual void SetPreviousCachedNetworkParams( |
| CachedNetworkParameters cached_network_params) = 0; |
| |
| // Returns current handshake state. |
| virtual HandshakeState GetHandshakeState() const = 0; |
| |
| // Called to provide the server-side application state that must be checked |
| // when performing a 0-RTT TLS resumption. |
| // |
| // On a client, this may be called at any time; 0-RTT tickets will not be |
| // cached until this function is called. When a 0-RTT resumption is attempted, |
| // QuicSession::SetApplicationState will be called with the state provided by |
| // a call to this function on a previous connection. |
| // |
| // On a server, this function must be called before commencing the handshake, |
| // otherwise 0-RTT tickets will not be issued. On subsequent connections, |
| // 0-RTT will be rejected if the data passed into this function does not match |
| // the data passed in on the connection where the 0-RTT ticket was issued. |
| virtual void SetServerApplicationStateForResumption( |
| std::unique_ptr<ApplicationState> state) = 0; |
| |
| // Returns the maximum number of bytes that can be buffered at a particular |
| // encryption level |level|. |
| virtual size_t BufferSizeLimitForLevel(EncryptionLevel level) const; |
| |
| // Called to generate a decrypter for the next key phase. Each call should |
| // generate the key for phase n+1. |
| virtual std::unique_ptr<QuicDecrypter> |
| AdvanceKeysAndCreateCurrentOneRttDecrypter() = 0; |
| |
| // Called to generate an encrypter for the same key phase of the last |
| // decrypter returned by AdvanceKeysAndCreateCurrentOneRttDecrypter(). |
| virtual std::unique_ptr<QuicEncrypter> CreateCurrentOneRttEncrypter() = 0; |
| |
| // Return the SSL struct object created by BoringSSL if the stream is using |
| // TLS1.3. Otherwise, return nullptr. |
| // This method is used in Envoy. |
| virtual SSL* GetSsl() const = 0; |
| |
| // Called to cancel retransmission of unencrypted crypto stream data. |
| void NeuterUnencryptedStreamData(); |
| |
| // Called to cancel retransmission of data of encryption |level|. |
| void NeuterStreamDataOfEncryptionLevel(EncryptionLevel level); |
| |
| // Override to record the encryption level of consumed data. |
| void OnStreamDataConsumed(QuicByteCount bytes_consumed) override; |
| |
| // Returns whether there are any bytes pending retransmission in CRYPTO |
| // frames. |
| virtual bool HasPendingCryptoRetransmission() const; |
| |
| // Writes any pending CRYPTO frame retransmissions. |
| void WritePendingCryptoRetransmission(); |
| |
| // Override to retransmit lost crypto data with the appropriate encryption |
| // level. |
| void WritePendingRetransmission() override; |
| |
| // Override to send unacked crypto data with the appropriate encryption level. |
| bool RetransmitStreamData(QuicStreamOffset offset, |
| QuicByteCount data_length, |
| bool fin, |
| TransmissionType type) override; |
| |
| // Sends stream retransmission data at |encryption_level|. |
| QuicConsumedData RetransmitStreamDataAtLevel( |
| QuicStreamOffset retransmission_offset, |
| QuicByteCount retransmission_length, |
| EncryptionLevel encryption_level, |
| TransmissionType type); |
| |
| // Returns the number of bytes of handshake data that have been received from |
| // the peer in either CRYPTO or STREAM frames. |
| uint64_t crypto_bytes_read() const; |
| |
| // Returns the number of bytes of handshake data that have been received from |
| // the peer in CRYPTO frames at a particular encryption level. |
| QuicByteCount BytesReadOnLevel(EncryptionLevel level) const; |
| |
| // Writes |data_length| of data of a crypto frame to |writer|. The data |
| // written is from the send buffer for encryption level |level| and starts at |
| // |offset|. |
| bool WriteCryptoFrame(EncryptionLevel level, |
| QuicStreamOffset offset, |
| QuicByteCount data_length, |
| QuicDataWriter* writer); |
| |
| // Called when data from a CRYPTO frame is considered lost. The lost data is |
| // identified by the encryption level, offset, and length in |crypto_frame|. |
| void OnCryptoFrameLost(QuicCryptoFrame* crypto_frame); |
| |
| // Called to retransmit any outstanding data in the range indicated by the |
| // encryption level, offset, and length in |crypto_frame|. Returns true if all |
| // data gets retransmitted. |
| bool RetransmitData(QuicCryptoFrame* crypto_frame, TransmissionType type); |
| |
| // Called to write buffered crypto frames. |
| void WriteBufferedCryptoFrames(); |
| |
| // Returns true if there is buffered crypto frames. |
| bool HasBufferedCryptoFrames() const; |
| |
| // Returns true if any portion of the data at encryption level |level| |
| // starting at |offset| for |length| bytes is outstanding. |
| bool IsFrameOutstanding(EncryptionLevel level, |
| size_t offset, |
| size_t length) const; |
| |
| // Returns true if the crypto handshake is still waiting for acks of sent |
| // data, and false if all data has been acked. |
| bool IsWaitingForAcks() const; |
| |
| // Helper method for OnDataAvailable. Calls CryptoMessageParser::ProcessInput |
| // with the data available in |sequencer| and |level|, and marks the data |
| // passed to ProcessInput as consumed. |
| virtual void OnDataAvailableInSequencer(QuicStreamSequencer* sequencer, |
| EncryptionLevel level); |
| |
| QuicStreamSequencer* GetStreamSequencerForLevel(EncryptionLevel level) { |
| return &substreams_[level].sequencer; |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| // Data sent and received in CRYPTO frames is sent at multiple encryption |
| // levels. Some of the state for the single logical crypto stream is split |
| // across encryption levels, and a CryptoSubstream is used to manage that |
| // state for a particular encryption level. |
| struct QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE CryptoSubstream { |
| CryptoSubstream(QuicCryptoStream* crypto_stream, EncryptionLevel); |
| |
| QuicStreamSequencer sequencer; |
| QuicStreamSendBuffer send_buffer; |
| }; |
| |
| // Consumed data according to encryption levels. |
| // TODO(fayang): This is not needed once switching from QUIC crypto to |
| // TLS 1.3, which never encrypts crypto data. |
| QuicIntervalSet<QuicStreamOffset> bytes_consumed_[NUM_ENCRYPTION_LEVELS]; |
| |
| // Keeps state for data sent/received in CRYPTO frames at each encryption |
| // level. |
| std::array<CryptoSubstream, NUM_ENCRYPTION_LEVELS> substreams_; |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace quic |
| |