blob: ffa5fec21bff46c9f74874c04abac91f2fe1cc35 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "openssl/ssl.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/crypto/certificate_view.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/crypto/quic_crypto_proof.h"
#include "quiche/quic/core/quic_versions.h"
#include "quiche/quic/platform/api/quic_export.h"
#include "quiche/quic/platform/api/quic_socket_address.h"
#include "quiche/common/platform/api/quiche_reference_counted.h"
namespace quic {
namespace test {
class FakeProofSourceHandle;
} // namespace test
// CryptoBuffers is a RAII class to own a std::vector<CRYPTO_BUFFER*> and the
// buffers the elements point to.
struct QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE CryptoBuffers {
CryptoBuffers() = default;
CryptoBuffers(const CryptoBuffers&) = delete;
CryptoBuffers(CryptoBuffers&&) = default;
std::vector<CRYPTO_BUFFER*> value;
// ProofSource is an interface by which a QUIC server can obtain certificate
// chains and signatures that prove its identity.
class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE ProofSource {
// Chain is a reference-counted wrapper for a vector of stringified
// certificates.
struct QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE Chain : public quiche::QuicheReferenceCounted {
explicit Chain(const std::vector<std::string>& certs);
Chain(const Chain&) = delete;
Chain& operator=(const Chain&) = delete;
CryptoBuffers ToCryptoBuffers() const;
const std::vector<std::string> certs;
~Chain() override;
// Details is an abstract class which acts as a container for any
// implementation-specific details that a ProofSource wants to return.
virtual ~Details() {}
// Callback base class for receiving the results of an async call to GetProof.
class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE Callback {
Callback() {}
virtual ~Callback() {}
// Invoked upon completion of GetProof.
// |ok| indicates whether the operation completed successfully. If false,
// the values of the remaining three arguments are undefined.
// |chain| is a reference-counted pointer to an object representing the
// certificate chain.
// |signature| contains the signature of the server config.
// |leaf_cert_sct| holds the signed timestamp (RFC6962) of the leaf cert.
// |details| holds a pointer to an object representing the statistics, if
// any, gathered during the operation of GetProof. If no stats are
// available, this will be nullptr.
virtual void Run(bool ok,
const quiche::QuicheReferenceCountedPointer<Chain>& chain,
const QuicCryptoProof& proof,
std::unique_ptr<Details> details) = 0;
Callback(const Callback&) = delete;
Callback& operator=(const Callback&) = delete;
// Base class for signalling the completion of a call to ComputeTlsSignature.
class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE SignatureCallback {
SignatureCallback() {}
virtual ~SignatureCallback() = default;
// Invoked upon completion of ComputeTlsSignature.
// |ok| indicates whether the operation completed successfully.
// |signature| contains the signature of the data provided to
// ComputeTlsSignature. Its value is undefined if |ok| is false.
// |details| holds a pointer to an object representing the statistics, if
// any, gathered during the operation of ComputeTlsSignature. If no stats
// are available, this will be nullptr.
virtual void Run(bool ok, std::string signature,
std::unique_ptr<Details> details) = 0;
SignatureCallback(const SignatureCallback&) = delete;
SignatureCallback& operator=(const SignatureCallback&) = delete;
virtual ~ProofSource() {}
// GetProof finds a certificate chain for |hostname| (in leaf-first order),
// and calculates a signature of |server_config| using that chain.
// The signature uses SHA-256 as the hash function and PSS padding when the
// key is RSA.
// The signature uses SHA-256 as the hash function when the key is ECDSA.
// The signature may use an ECDSA key.
// The signature depends on |chlo_hash| which means that the signature can not
// be cached.
// |hostname| may be empty to signify that a default certificate should be
// used.
// This function may be called concurrently.
// Callers should expect that |callback| might be invoked synchronously.
virtual void GetProof(const QuicSocketAddress& server_address,
const QuicSocketAddress& client_address,
const std::string& hostname,
const std::string& server_config,
QuicTransportVersion transport_version,
absl::string_view chlo_hash,
std::unique_ptr<Callback> callback) = 0;
// Returns the certificate chain for |hostname| in leaf-first order.
// Sets *cert_matched_sni to true if the certificate matched the given
// hostname, false if a default cert not matching the hostname was used.
virtual quiche::QuicheReferenceCountedPointer<Chain> GetCertChain(
const QuicSocketAddress& server_address,
const QuicSocketAddress& client_address, const std::string& hostname,
bool* cert_matched_sni) = 0;
// Computes a signature using the private key of the certificate for
// |hostname|. The value in |in| is signed using the algorithm specified by
// |signature_algorithm|, which is an |SSL_SIGN_*| value (as defined in TLS
// 1.3). Implementations can only assume that |in| is valid during the call to
// ComputeTlsSignature - an implementation computing signatures asynchronously
// must copy it if the value to be signed is used outside of this function.
// Callers should expect that |callback| might be invoked synchronously.
virtual void ComputeTlsSignature(
const QuicSocketAddress& server_address,
const QuicSocketAddress& client_address, const std::string& hostname,
uint16_t signature_algorithm, absl::string_view in,
std::unique_ptr<SignatureCallback> callback) = 0;
// Return the list of TLS signature algorithms that is acceptable by the
// ComputeTlsSignature method. If the entire BoringSSL's default list of
// supported signature algorithms are acceptable, return an empty list.
// If returns a non-empty list, ComputeTlsSignature will only be called with a
// algorithm in the list.
virtual absl::InlinedVector<uint16_t, 8> SupportedTlsSignatureAlgorithms()
const = 0;
class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE DecryptCallback {
DecryptCallback() = default;
virtual ~DecryptCallback() = default;
virtual void Run(std::vector<uint8_t> plaintext) = 0;
DecryptCallback(const Callback&) = delete;
DecryptCallback& operator=(const Callback&) = delete;
// TicketCrypter is an interface for managing encryption and decryption of TLS
// session tickets. A TicketCrypter gets used as an
// SSL_CTX_set_ticket_aead_method in BoringSSL, which has a synchronous
// Encrypt/Seal operation and a potentially asynchronous Decrypt/Open
// operation. This interface allows for ticket decryptions to be performed on
// a remote service.
class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE TicketCrypter {
TicketCrypter() = default;
virtual ~TicketCrypter() = default;
// MaxOverhead returns the maximum number of bytes of overhead that may get
// added when encrypting the ticket.
virtual size_t MaxOverhead() = 0;
// Encrypt takes a serialized TLS session ticket in |in|, encrypts it, and
// returns the encrypted ticket. The resulting value must not be larger than
// MaxOverhead bytes larger than |in|. If encryption fails, this method
// returns an empty vector.
// If |encryption_key| is nonempty, this method should use it for minting
// TLS resumption tickets. If it is empty, this method may use an
// internally cached encryption key, if available.
virtual std::vector<uint8_t> Encrypt(absl::string_view in,
absl::string_view encryption_key) = 0;
// Decrypt takes an encrypted ticket |in|, decrypts it, and calls
// |callback->Run| with the decrypted ticket, which must not be larger than
// |in|. If decryption fails, the callback is invoked with an empty
// vector.
virtual void Decrypt(absl::string_view in,
std::unique_ptr<DecryptCallback> callback) = 0;
// Returns the TicketCrypter used for encrypting and decrypting TLS
// session tickets, or nullptr if that functionality is not supported. The
// TicketCrypter returned (if not nullptr) must be valid for the lifetime of
// the ProofSource, and the caller does not take ownership of said
// TicketCrypter.
virtual TicketCrypter* GetTicketCrypter() = 0;
// ProofSourceHandleCallback is an interface that contains the callbacks when
// the operations in ProofSourceHandle completes.
// TODO(wub): Consider deprecating ProofSource by moving all functionalities of
// ProofSource into ProofSourceHandle.
class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE ProofSourceHandleCallback {
virtual ~ProofSourceHandleCallback() = default;
// Called when a ProofSourceHandle::SelectCertificate operation completes.
// |ok| indicates whether the operation was successful.
// |is_sync| indicates whether the operation completed synchronously, i.e.
// whether it is completed before ProofSourceHandle::SelectCertificate
// returned.
// |chain| the certificate chain in leaf-first order.
// |handshake_hints| (optional) handshake hints that can be used by
// SSL_set_handshake_hints.
// |ticket_encryption_key| (optional) encryption key to be used for minting
// TLS resumption tickets.
// |cert_matched_sni| is true if the certificate matched the SNI hostname,
// false if a non-matching default cert was used.
// |delayed_ssl_config| contains SSL configs to be applied on the SSL object.
// When called asynchronously(is_sync=false), this method will be responsible
// to continue the handshake from where it left off.
virtual void OnSelectCertificateDone(
bool ok, bool is_sync, const ProofSource::Chain* chain,
absl::string_view handshake_hints,
absl::string_view ticket_encryption_key, bool cert_matched_sni,
QuicDelayedSSLConfig delayed_ssl_config) = 0;
// Called when a ProofSourceHandle::ComputeSignature operation completes.
virtual void OnComputeSignatureDone(
bool ok, bool is_sync, std::string signature,
std::unique_ptr<ProofSource::Details> details) = 0;
// Return true iff ProofSourceHandle::ComputeSignature won't be called later.
// The handle can use this function to release resources promptly.
virtual bool WillNotCallComputeSignature() const = 0;
// ProofSourceHandle is an interface by which a TlsServerHandshaker can obtain
// certificate chains and signatures that prove its identity.
// The operations this interface supports are similar to those in ProofSource,
// the main difference is that ProofSourceHandle is per-handshaker, so
// an implementation can have states that are shared by multiple calls on the
// same handle.
// A handle object is owned by a TlsServerHandshaker. Since there might be an
// async operation pending when the handle destructs, an implementation must
// ensure when such operations finish, their corresponding callback method won't
// be invoked.
// A handle will have at most one async operation pending at a time.
class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE ProofSourceHandle {
virtual ~ProofSourceHandle() = default;
// Close the handle. Cancel the pending operation, if any.
// Once called, any completion method on |callback()| won't be invoked, and
// future SelectCertificate and ComputeSignature calls should return failure.
virtual void CloseHandle() = 0;
// Starts a select certificate operation. If the operation is not cancelled
// when it completes, callback()->OnSelectCertificateDone will be invoked.
// server_address and client_address should be normalized by the caller before
// sending down to this function.
// If the operation is handled synchronously:
// - QUIC_SUCCESS or QUIC_FAILURE will be returned.
// - callback()->OnSelectCertificateDone should be invoked before the function
// returns.
// If the operation is handled asynchronously:
// - QUIC_PENDING will be returned.
// - When the operation is done, callback()->OnSelectCertificateDone should be
// invoked.
virtual QuicAsyncStatus SelectCertificate(
const QuicSocketAddress& server_address,
const QuicSocketAddress& client_address,
absl::string_view ssl_capabilities, const std::string& hostname,
absl::string_view client_hello, const std::string& alpn,
absl::optional<std::string> alps,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& quic_transport_params,
const absl::optional<std::vector<uint8_t>>& early_data_context,
const QuicSSLConfig& ssl_config) = 0;
// Starts a compute signature operation. If the operation is not cancelled
// when it completes, callback()->OnComputeSignatureDone will be invoked.
// See the comments of SelectCertificate for sync vs. async operations.
virtual QuicAsyncStatus ComputeSignature(
const QuicSocketAddress& server_address,
const QuicSocketAddress& client_address, const std::string& hostname,
uint16_t signature_algorithm, absl::string_view in,
size_t max_signature_size) = 0;
// Returns the object that will be notified when an operation completes.
virtual ProofSourceHandleCallback* callback() = 0;
friend class test::FakeProofSourceHandle;
// Returns true if |chain| contains a parsable DER-encoded X.509 leaf cert and
// it matches with |key|.
QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool ValidateCertAndKey(
const quiche::QuicheReferenceCountedPointer<ProofSource::Chain>& chain,
const CertificatePrivateKey& key);
} // namespace quic