QuicDispatcher asks the ConnectionIdGenerator how long short-header connection IDs should be.

Tested against all 4 permutations of quic_connection_uses_abstract_connection_id_generator, and quic_ask_for_short_header_connection_id_length.

(The test passes by expecting connection failure when these flags are not in alignment -- the point of the last flag is to fix the bug.)

Protected by FLAGS_quic_reloadable_flag_quic_ask_for_short_header_connection_id_length.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 481258788
diff --git a/quiche/quic/core/quic_buffered_packet_store.cc b/quiche/quic/core/quic_buffered_packet_store.cc
index a84a293..4c729b6 100644
--- a/quiche/quic/core/quic_buffered_packet_store.cc
+++ b/quiche/quic/core/quic_buffered_packet_store.cc
@@ -194,12 +194,19 @@
       absl::optional<absl::string_view> unused_retry_token;
       std::string unused_detailed_error;
+      // We don't need to pass |generator| because we already got the correct
+      // connection ID length when we buffered the packet and indexed by
+      // connection ID.
       QuicErrorCode error_code = QuicFramer::ParsePublicHeaderDispatcher(
-          *packet.packet, kQuicDefaultConnectionIdLength, &unused_format,
-          &long_packet_type, &unused_version_flag, &unused_use_length_prefix,
-          &unused_version_label, &unused_parsed_version,
-          &unused_destination_connection_id, &unused_source_connection_id,
-          &unused_retry_token, &unused_detailed_error);
+          *packet.packet,
+          GetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_ask_for_short_header_connection_id_length)
+              ? connection_id.length()
+              : kQuicDefaultConnectionIdLength,
+          &unused_format, &long_packet_type, &unused_version_flag,
+          &unused_use_length_prefix, &unused_version_label,
+          &unused_parsed_version, &unused_destination_connection_id,
+          &unused_source_connection_id, &unused_retry_token,
+          &unused_detailed_error);
       if (error_code == QUIC_NO_ERROR && long_packet_type == INITIAL) {
@@ -208,8 +215,8 @@
-      initial_packets.splice(initial_packets.end(), other_packets);
-      packets_to_deliver.buffered_packets = std::move(initial_packets);
+    initial_packets.splice(initial_packets.end(), other_packets);
+    packets_to_deliver.buffered_packets = std::move(initial_packets);
   return packets_to_deliver;
diff --git a/quiche/quic/core/quic_dispatcher.cc b/quiche/quic/core/quic_dispatcher.cc
index da0af71..0ae3a64 100644
--- a/quiche/quic/core/quic_dispatcher.cc
+++ b/quiche/quic/core/quic_dispatcher.cc
@@ -41,6 +41,13 @@
 // Minimal INITIAL packet length sent by clients is 1200.
 const QuicPacketLength kMinClientInitialPacketLength = 1200;
+bool VariableShortHeaderConnectionIdLengths() {
+  return GetQuicReloadableFlag(
+             quic_ask_for_short_header_connection_id_length) &&
+         GetQuicReloadableFlag(
+             quic_connection_uses_abstract_connection_id_generator);
 // An alarm that informs the QuicDispatcher to delete old sessions.
 class DeleteSessionsAlarm : public QuicAlarm::DelegateWithoutContext {
@@ -305,13 +312,24 @@
                        absl::string_view(packet.data(), packet.length()));
   ReceivedPacketInfo packet_info(self_address, peer_address, packet);
   std::string detailed_error;
-  const QuicErrorCode error = QuicFramer::ParsePublicHeaderDispatcher(
-      packet, expected_server_connection_id_length_, &packet_info.form,
-      &packet_info.long_packet_type, &packet_info.version_flag,
-      &packet_info.use_length_prefix, &packet_info.version_label,
-      &packet_info.version, &packet_info.destination_connection_id,
-      &packet_info.source_connection_id, &packet_info.retry_token,
-      &detailed_error);
+  QuicErrorCode error;
+  if (GetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_ask_for_short_header_connection_id_length)) {
+    error = QuicFramer::ParsePublicHeaderDispatcherShortHeaderLengthUnknown(
+        packet, &packet_info.form, &packet_info.long_packet_type,
+        &packet_info.version_flag, &packet_info.use_length_prefix,
+        &packet_info.version_label, &packet_info.version,
+        &packet_info.destination_connection_id,
+        &packet_info.source_connection_id, &packet_info.retry_token,
+        &detailed_error, connection_id_generator_);
+  } else {
+    error = QuicFramer::ParsePublicHeaderDispatcher(
+        packet, expected_server_connection_id_length_, &packet_info.form,
+        &packet_info.long_packet_type, &packet_info.version_flag,
+        &packet_info.use_length_prefix, &packet_info.version_label,
+        &packet_info.version, &packet_info.destination_connection_id,
+        &packet_info.source_connection_id, &packet_info.retry_token,
+        &detailed_error);
+  }
   if (error != QUIC_NO_ERROR) {
     // Packet has framing error.
@@ -347,7 +365,16 @@
-  if (should_update_expected_server_connection_id_length_) {
+  // Before introducing the flag, it was impossible for a short header to
+  // update |expected_server_connection_id_length_|.
+      quic_bug_480483284_01,
+      !GetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_ask_for_short_header_connection_id_length) &&
+          !packet_info.version_flag &&
+          packet_info.destination_connection_id.length() !=
+              expected_server_connection_id_length_);
+  if (should_update_expected_server_connection_id_length_ &&
+      packet_info.version_flag) {
     expected_server_connection_id_length_ =
@@ -356,6 +383,38 @@
     // Packet has been dropped or successfully dispatched, stop processing.
+  // The framer might have extracted the incorrect Connection ID length from a
+  // short header. |packet| could be gQUIC; if Q043, the connection ID has been
+  // parsed correctly thanks to the fixed bit. If a Q046 or Q050 short header,
+  // the dispatcher might have assumed it was a long connection ID when (because
+  // it was gQUIC) it actually issued or kept an 8-byte ID. The other case is
+  // where NEW_CONNECTION_IDs are not using the generator, and the dispatcher
+  // is, due to flag misconfiguration.
+  if (!packet_info.version_flag &&
+      GetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_ask_for_short_header_connection_id_length) &&
+      (IsSupportedVersion(ParsedQuicVersion::Q046()) ||
+       IsSupportedVersion(ParsedQuicVersion::Q050()) ||
+       !GetQuicReloadableFlag(
+           quic_connection_uses_abstract_connection_id_generator))) {
+    ReceivedPacketInfo gquic_packet_info(self_address, peer_address, packet);
+    // Try again without asking |connection_id_generator_| for the length.
+    const QuicErrorCode gquic_error = QuicFramer::ParsePublicHeaderDispatcher(
+        packet, expected_server_connection_id_length_, &gquic_packet_info.form,
+        &gquic_packet_info.long_packet_type, &gquic_packet_info.version_flag,
+        &gquic_packet_info.use_length_prefix, &gquic_packet_info.version_label,
+        &gquic_packet_info.version,
+        &gquic_packet_info.destination_connection_id,
+        &gquic_packet_info.source_connection_id, &gquic_packet_info.retry_token,
+        &detailed_error);
+    if (gquic_error == QUIC_NO_ERROR) {
+      if (MaybeDispatchPacket(gquic_packet_info)) {
+        return;
+      }
+    } else {
+      QUICHE_VLOG(1) << "Tried to parse short header as gQUIC packet: "
+                     << detailed_error;
+    }
+  }
@@ -416,15 +475,20 @@
   // than 64 bits and smaller than what we expect. Unless the version is
   // unknown, in which case we allow short connection IDs for version
   // negotiation because that version could allow those.
+  uint8_t expected_connection_id_length =
+      VariableShortHeaderConnectionIdLengths()
+          ? connection_id_generator_.ConnectionIdLength(
+                static_cast<uint8_t>(*server_connection_id.data()))
+          : expected_server_connection_id_length_;
   if (packet_info.version_flag && packet_info.version.IsKnown() &&
       server_connection_id.length() < kQuicMinimumInitialConnectionIdLength &&
-      server_connection_id.length() < expected_server_connection_id_length_ &&
+      server_connection_id.length() < expected_connection_id_length &&
       !allow_short_initial_server_connection_ids_) {
     QUIC_DLOG(INFO) << "Packet with short destination connection ID "
                     << server_connection_id << " expected "
-                    << static_cast<int>(expected_server_connection_id_length_);
+                    << static_cast<int>(expected_connection_id_length);
     // Drop the packet silently.
     return true;
@@ -1294,8 +1358,13 @@
   } else {
+    uint8_t min_connection_id_length =
+        VariableShortHeaderConnectionIdLengths()
+            ? connection_id_generator_.ConnectionIdLength(static_cast<uint8_t>(
+                  *packet_info.destination_connection_id.data()))
+            : expected_server_connection_id_length_;
     const size_t MinValidPacketLength =
-        kPacketHeaderTypeSize + expected_server_connection_id_length_ +
+        kPacketHeaderTypeSize + min_connection_id_length +
         PACKET_1BYTE_PACKET_NUMBER + /*payload size=*/1 + /*tag size=*/12;
     if (packet_info.packet.length() < MinValidPacketLength) {
       // The packet size is too small.
diff --git a/quiche/quic/core/quic_dispatcher_test.cc b/quiche/quic/core/quic_dispatcher_test.cc
index ffa0b22..ce5e23f 100644
--- a/quiche/quic/core/quic_dispatcher_test.cc
+++ b/quiche/quic/core/quic_dispatcher_test.cc
@@ -584,6 +584,58 @@
   ProcessFirstFlight(client_address, TestConnectionId(1));
+TEST_P(QuicDispatcherTestAllVersions, VariableServerConnectionIdLength) {
+  QuicConnectionId old_id = TestConnectionId(1);
+  // Return a connection ID that is not expected_server_connection_id_length_
+  // bytes long.
+  generated_connection_id_ = QuicConnectionId(
+      {0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b});
+  expect_generator_is_called_ = version_.HasIetfQuicFrames();
+  QuicConnectionId new_id =
+      expect_generator_is_called_ ? *generated_connection_id_ : old_id;
+  // This will not return the correct value for long headers that might use a
+  // first byte other than 0x00, but long header replies don't matter.
+  if (GetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_ask_for_short_header_connection_id_length)) {
+    EXPECT_CALL(connection_id_generator_, ConnectionIdLength(0x00))
+        .WillRepeatedly(Return(generated_connection_id_->length()));
+  } else {
+    EXPECT_CALL(connection_id_generator_, ConnectionIdLength(_)).Times(0);
+  }
+  QuicSocketAddress client_address(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4(), 1);
+  EXPECT_CALL(*dispatcher_,
+              CreateQuicSession(new_id, _, client_address, Eq(ExpectedAlpn()),
+                                _, Eq(ParsedClientHelloForTest())))
+      .WillOnce(Return(ByMove(CreateSession(
+          dispatcher_.get(), config_, new_id, client_address, &mock_helper_,
+          &mock_alarm_factory_, &crypto_config_,
+          QuicDispatcherPeer::GetCache(dispatcher_.get()), &session1_))));
+  EXPECT_CALL(*reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session1_->connection()),
+              ProcessUdpPacket(_, _, _))
+      .WillOnce(WithArg<2>(Invoke([this](const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) {
+        ValidatePacket(TestConnectionId(1), packet);
+      })));
+  ProcessFirstFlight(client_address, old_id);
+  // Send short header packets with the new length and verify they are parsed
+  // correctly. If flag is set, all versions should succeed. If not, it should
+  // fail (this is the bugfix!). gQUIC never gets a new connection ID, so it's
+  // not affected by asking.
+  if (version_.HasIetfQuicFrames() &&
+      !GetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_ask_for_short_header_connection_id_length)) {
+    // Dispatcher issued a longer connection ID if IETF QUIC, but won't ask for
+    // that length when processing a short header. Thus dispatch will fail.
+    EXPECT_CALL(*reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session1_->connection()),
+                ProcessUdpPacket(_, _, _))
+        .Times(0);
+  } else {
+    // Dispatch succeeds, because it's gQUIC or all the flags are aligned.
+    EXPECT_CALL(*reinterpret_cast<MockQuicConnection*>(session1_->connection()),
+                ProcessUdpPacket(_, _, _))
+        .Times(1);
+  }
+  ProcessPacket(client_address, new_id, false, "foo");
 void QuicDispatcherTestBase::TestTlsMultiPacketClientHello(
     bool add_reordering, bool long_connection_id) {
   if (!version_.UsesTls()) {
diff --git a/quiche/quic/core/quic_flags_list.h b/quiche/quic/core/quic_flags_list.h
index 6078d31..d54304f 100644
--- a/quiche/quic/core/quic_flags_list.h
+++ b/quiche/quic/core/quic_flags_list.h
@@ -83,6 +83,8 @@
 QUIC_FLAG(quic_reloadable_flag_quic_connection_migration_use_new_cid_v2, true)
 // If true, uses conservative cwnd gain and pacing gain when cwnd gets bootstrapped.
 QUIC_FLAG(quic_reloadable_flag_quic_conservative_cwnd_and_pacing_gains, false)
+// Instead of assuming an incoming connection ID length for short headers, ask each time, if both quic_abstract_connection_id_generator and quic_connection_uses_abstract_connection_id_generator are true.
+QUIC_FLAG(quic_reloadable_flag_quic_ask_for_short_header_connection_id_length, false)
 // QuicConnection uses a library to generate connection IDs
 QUIC_FLAG(quic_reloadable_flag_quic_connection_uses_abstract_connection_id_generator, true)
 // When true, defaults to BBR congestion control instead of Cubic.
diff --git a/quiche/quic/core/quic_framer.cc b/quiche/quic/core/quic_framer.cc
index 2c7860f..29a0789 100644
--- a/quiche/quic/core/quic_framer.cc
+++ b/quiche/quic/core/quic_framer.cc
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
 #include "quiche/quic/core/quic_framer.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
 #include <cstddef>
 #include <cstdint>
 #include <limits>
@@ -6863,6 +6865,35 @@
 // static
+QuicErrorCode QuicFramer::ParsePublicHeaderDispatcherShortHeaderLengthUnknown(
+    const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet, PacketHeaderFormat* format,
+    QuicLongHeaderType* long_packet_type, bool* version_present,
+    bool* has_length_prefix, QuicVersionLabel* version_label,
+    ParsedQuicVersion* parsed_version,
+    QuicConnectionId* destination_connection_id,
+    QuicConnectionId* source_connection_id,
+    absl::optional<absl::string_view>* retry_token, std::string* detailed_error,
+    ConnectionIdGeneratorInterface& generator) {
+  QuicDataReader reader(packet.data(), packet.length());
+  // Get the first two bytes.
+  if (reader.BytesRemaining() < 2) {
+    *detailed_error = "Unable to read first two bytes.";
+  }
+  uint8_t two_bytes[2];
+  reader.ReadBytes(two_bytes, 2);
+  uint8_t expected_destination_connection_id_length =
+      (two_bytes[0] & FLAGS_LONG_HEADER)
+          ? 0
+          : generator.ConnectionIdLength(two_bytes[1]);
+  return ParsePublicHeaderDispatcher(
+      packet, expected_destination_connection_id_length, format,
+      long_packet_type, version_present, has_length_prefix, version_label,
+      parsed_version, destination_connection_id, source_connection_id,
+      retry_token, detailed_error);
+// static
 QuicErrorCode QuicFramer::ParsePublicHeaderGoogleQuic(
     QuicDataReader* reader, uint8_t* first_byte, PacketHeaderFormat* format,
     bool* version_present, QuicVersionLabel* version_label,
@@ -7021,8 +7052,6 @@
   *format = GetIetfPacketHeaderFormat(*first_byte);
   if (*format == IETF_QUIC_SHORT_HEADER_PACKET) {
-    // Read destination connection ID using
-    // expected_destination_connection_id_length to determine its length.
     if (!reader->ReadConnectionId(destination_connection_id,
                                   expected_destination_connection_id_length)) {
       *detailed_error = "Unable to read destination connection ID.";
diff --git a/quiche/quic/core/quic_framer.h b/quiche/quic/core/quic_framer.h
index 4552693..484d7c1 100644
--- a/quiche/quic/core/quic_framer.h
+++ b/quiche/quic/core/quic_framer.h
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 #include <string>
 #include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
+#include "quiche/quic/core/connection_id_generator.h"
 #include "quiche/quic/core/crypto/quic_decrypter.h"
 #include "quiche/quic/core/crypto/quic_encrypter.h"
 #include "quiche/quic/core/crypto/quic_random.h"
@@ -432,6 +433,10 @@
   // Parses the unencrypted fields in a QUIC header using |reader| as input,
   // stores the result in the other parameters.
   // |expected_destination_connection_id_length| is only used for short headers.
+  // When server connection IDs are generated by a
+  // ConnectionIdGeneartor interface, and callers need an accurate
+  // Destination Connection ID for short header packets, call
+  // ParsePublicHeaderDispatcherShortHeaderLengthUnknown() instead.
   static QuicErrorCode ParsePublicHeader(
       QuicDataReader* reader, uint8_t expected_destination_connection_id_length,
       bool ietf_format, uint8_t* first_byte, PacketHeaderFormat* format,
@@ -445,7 +450,10 @@
   // Parses the unencrypted fields in |packet| and stores them in the other
   // parameters. This can only be called on the server.
-  // |expected_destination_connection_id_length| is only used for short headers.
+  // |expected_destination_connection_id_length| is only used
+  // for short headers. When callers need an accurate Destination Connection ID
+  // specifically for short header packets, call
+  // ParsePublicHeaderDispatcherShortHeaderLengthUnknown() instead.
   static QuicErrorCode ParsePublicHeaderDispatcher(
       const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet,
       uint8_t expected_destination_connection_id_length,
@@ -457,6 +465,24 @@
       absl::optional<absl::string_view>* retry_token,
       std::string* detailed_error);
+  // Parses the unencrypted fields in |packet| and stores them in the other
+  // parameters. The only callers that should use this method are ones where
+  // (1) the short-header connection ID length is only known by looking at the
+  // connection ID itself (and |generator| can provide the answer), and (2)
+  // the caller is interested in the parsed contents even if the packet has a
+  // short header. Some callers are only interested in parsing long header
+  // packets to peer into the handshake, and should use
+  // ParsePublicHeaderDispatcher instead.
+  static QuicErrorCode ParsePublicHeaderDispatcherShortHeaderLengthUnknown(
+      const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet, PacketHeaderFormat* format,
+      QuicLongHeaderType* long_packet_type, bool* version_present,
+      bool* has_length_prefix, QuicVersionLabel* version_label,
+      ParsedQuicVersion* parsed_version,
+      QuicConnectionId* destination_connection_id,
+      QuicConnectionId* source_connection_id,
+      absl::optional<absl::string_view>* retry_token,
+      std::string* detailed_error, ConnectionIdGeneratorInterface& generator);
   // Serializes a packet containing |frames| into |buffer|.
   // Returns the length of the packet, which must not be longer than
   // |packet_length|.  Returns 0 if it fails to serialize.
diff --git a/quiche/quic/core/quic_framer_test.cc b/quiche/quic/core/quic_framer_test.cc
index 16f44a5..1293834 100644
--- a/quiche/quic/core/quic_framer_test.cc
+++ b/quiche/quic/core/quic_framer_test.cc
@@ -16416,6 +16416,65 @@
+TEST_P(QuicFramerTest, ShortHeaderWithNonDefaultConnectionIdLength) {
+  // clang-format off
+  unsigned char packet[kMaxIncomingPacketSize + 1] = {
+     // type (short header, 4 byte packet number)
+    0x43,
+    // connection_id
+    0x28, 0xDC, 0xBA, 0x98, 0x76, 0x54, 0x32, 0x10, 0x48,
+    // packet number
+    0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78,
+    // frame type (padding frame)
+    0x00,
+    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+  };
+  unsigned char* p = packet;
+  size_t p_size = ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(packet);
+  const size_t header_size = GetPacketHeaderSize(
+      framer_.transport_version(), kPacket8ByteConnectionId + 1,
+      kPacket0ByteConnectionId, !kIncludeVersion,
+      !kIncludeDiversificationNonce, PACKET_4BYTE_PACKET_NUMBER,
+  // Add one because it's a 9 byte connection ID.
+  memset(p + header_size, 0, kMaxIncomingPacketSize - header_size);
+  QuicEncryptedPacket encrypted(AsChars(p), p_size, false);
+  MockConnectionIdGenerator generator;
+  PacketHeaderFormat format;
+  QuicLongHeaderType long_packet_type = INVALID_PACKET_TYPE;
+  bool version_flag;
+  QuicConnectionId destination_connection_id, source_connection_id;
+  QuicVersionLabel version_label;
+  std::string detailed_error;
+  bool use_length_prefix;
+  absl::optional<absl::string_view> retry_token;
+  ParsedQuicVersion parsed_version = UnsupportedQuicVersion();
+  EXPECT_CALL(generator, ConnectionIdLength(0x28))
+      .WillOnce(Return(9));
+      QuicFramer::ParsePublicHeaderDispatcherShortHeaderLengthUnknown(
+          encrypted, &format, &long_packet_type, &version_flag,
+          &use_length_prefix, &version_label, &parsed_version,
+          &destination_connection_id, &source_connection_id, &retry_token,
+          &detailed_error, generator));
+  EXPECT_EQ(long_packet_type, INVALID_PACKET_TYPE);
+  EXPECT_FALSE(version_flag);
+  EXPECT_FALSE(use_length_prefix);
+  EXPECT_EQ(version_label, 0);
+  EXPECT_EQ(parsed_version, UnsupportedQuicVersion());
+  EXPECT_EQ(destination_connection_id.length(), 9);
+  EXPECT_EQ(source_connection_id.length(), 0);
+  EXPECT_FALSE(retry_token.has_value());
+  EXPECT_EQ(detailed_error, "");
 }  // namespace
 }  // namespace test
 }  // namespace quic