blob: eac892a6923ff6bdc9f92826df00f20bdee92f55 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "quiche/quic/core/quic_stream_sequencer_buffer.h"
namespace quic {
namespace test {
class QuicStreamSequencerBufferPeer {
explicit QuicStreamSequencerBufferPeer(QuicStreamSequencerBuffer* buffer);
QuicStreamSequencerBufferPeer(const QuicStreamSequencerBufferPeer&) = delete;
QuicStreamSequencerBufferPeer& operator=(
const QuicStreamSequencerBufferPeer&) = delete;
// Read from this buffer_ into the given destination buffer_ up to the
// size of the destination. Returns the number of bytes read. Reading from
// an empty buffer_->returns 0.
size_t Read(char* dest_buffer, size_t size);
// If buffer is empty, the blocks_ array must be empty, which means all
// blocks are deallocated.
bool CheckEmptyInvariants();
bool IsBlockArrayEmpty();
bool CheckInitialState();
bool CheckBufferInvariants();
size_t GetInBlockOffset(QuicStreamOffset offset);
QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::BufferBlock* GetBlock(size_t index);
int IntervalSize();
size_t max_buffer_capacity();
size_t ReadableBytes();
void set_total_bytes_read(QuicStreamOffset total_bytes_read);
void AddBytesReceived(QuicStreamOffset offset, QuicByteCount length);
bool IsBufferAllocated();
size_t max_blocks_count();
size_t current_blocks_count();
const QuicIntervalSet<QuicStreamOffset>& bytes_received();
QuicStreamSequencerBuffer* buffer_;
} // namespace test
} // namespace quic