blob: 19f0c2a617ed5647a4f92f7c5f27bd6639bd87c3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Responsible for creating packets on behalf of a QuicConnection.
// Packets are serialized just-in-time. Stream data and control frames will be
// requested from the Connection just-in-time. Frames are accumulated into
// "current" packet until no more frames can fit, then current packet gets
// serialized and passed to connection via OnSerializedPacket().
// Whether a packet should be serialized is determined by whether delegate is
// writable. If the Delegate is not writable, then no operations will cause
// a packet to be serialized.
#include <cstddef>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/frames/quic_stream_frame.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_circular_deque.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_coalesced_packet.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_framer.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_packets.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_types.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_export.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/common/platform/api/quiche_string_piece.h"
namespace quic {
namespace test {
class QuicPacketCreatorPeer;
class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicPacketCreator {
// A delegate interface for further processing serialized packet.
class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE DelegateInterface {
virtual ~DelegateInterface() {}
// Get a buffer of kMaxOutgoingPacketSize bytes to serialize the next
// packet. If the return value's buffer is nullptr, QuicPacketCreator will
// serialize on a stack buffer.
virtual QuicPacketBuffer GetPacketBuffer() = 0;
// Called when a packet is serialized. Delegate take the ownership of
// |serialized_packet|.
virtual void OnSerializedPacket(SerializedPacket serialized_packet) = 0;
// Called when an unrecoverable error is encountered.
virtual void OnUnrecoverableError(QuicErrorCode error,
const std::string& error_details) = 0;
// Consults delegate whether a packet should be generated.
virtual bool ShouldGeneratePacket(HasRetransmittableData retransmittable,
IsHandshake handshake) = 0;
// Called when there is data to be sent. Retrieves updated ACK frame from
// the delegate.
virtual const QuicFrames MaybeBundleAckOpportunistically() = 0;
// Returns the packet fate for serialized packets which will be handed over
// to delegate via OnSerializedPacket(). Called when a packet is about to be
// serialized.
virtual SerializedPacketFate GetSerializedPacketFate(
bool is_mtu_discovery,
EncryptionLevel encryption_level) = 0;
// Interface which gets callbacks from the QuicPacketCreator at interesting
// points. Implementations must not mutate the state of the creator
// as a result of these callbacks.
class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE DebugDelegate {
virtual ~DebugDelegate() {}
// Called when a frame has been added to the current packet.
virtual void OnFrameAddedToPacket(const QuicFrame& /*frame*/) {}
// Called when a stream frame is coalesced with an existing stream frame.
// |frame| is the new stream frame.
virtual void OnStreamFrameCoalesced(const QuicStreamFrame& /*frame*/) {}
// Set the peer address which the serialized packet will be sent to during the
// scope of this object. Upon exiting the scope, the original peer address is
// restored.
class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE ScopedPeerAddressContext {
ScopedPeerAddressContext(QuicPacketCreator* creator,
QuicSocketAddress address);
QuicPacketCreator* creator_;
QuicSocketAddress old_peer_address_;
QuicPacketCreator(QuicConnectionId server_connection_id,
QuicFramer* framer,
DelegateInterface* delegate);
QuicPacketCreator(QuicConnectionId server_connection_id,
QuicFramer* framer,
QuicRandom* random,
DelegateInterface* delegate);
QuicPacketCreator(const QuicPacketCreator&) = delete;
QuicPacketCreator& operator=(const QuicPacketCreator&) = delete;
// Makes the framer not serialize the protocol version in sent packets.
void StopSendingVersion();
// SetDiversificationNonce sets the nonce that will be sent in each public
// header of packets encrypted at the initial encryption level. Should only
// be called by servers.
void SetDiversificationNonce(const DiversificationNonce& nonce);
// Update the packet number length to use in future packets as soon as it
// can be safely changed.
// TODO(fayang): Directly set packet number length instead of compute it in
// creator.
void UpdatePacketNumberLength(QuicPacketNumber least_packet_awaited_by_peer,
QuicPacketCount max_packets_in_flight);
// Skip |count| packet numbers.
void SkipNPacketNumbers(QuicPacketCount count,
QuicPacketNumber least_packet_awaited_by_peer,
QuicPacketCount max_packets_in_flight);
// The overhead the framing will add for a packet with one frame.
static size_t StreamFramePacketOverhead(
QuicTransportVersion version,
QuicConnectionIdLength destination_connection_id_length,
QuicConnectionIdLength source_connection_id_length,
bool include_version,
bool include_diversification_nonce,
QuicPacketNumberLength packet_number_length,
QuicVariableLengthIntegerLength retry_token_length_length,
QuicVariableLengthIntegerLength length_length,
QuicStreamOffset offset);
// Returns false and flushes all pending frames if current open packet is
// full.
// If current packet is not full, creates a stream frame that fits into the
// open packet and adds it to the packet.
bool ConsumeDataToFillCurrentPacket(QuicStreamId id,
size_t data_size,
QuicStreamOffset offset,
bool fin,
bool needs_full_padding,
TransmissionType transmission_type,
QuicFrame* frame);
// Creates a CRYPTO frame that fits into the current packet (which must be
// empty) and adds it to the packet.
bool ConsumeCryptoDataToFillCurrentPacket(EncryptionLevel level,
size_t write_length,
QuicStreamOffset offset,
bool needs_full_padding,
TransmissionType transmission_type,
QuicFrame* frame);
// Returns true if current open packet can accommodate more stream frames of
// stream |id| at |offset| and data length |data_size|, false otherwise.
// TODO(fayang): mark this const by moving RemoveSoftMaxPacketLength out.
bool HasRoomForStreamFrame(QuicStreamId id,
QuicStreamOffset offset,
size_t data_size);
// Returns true if current open packet can accommodate a message frame of
// |length|.
// TODO(fayang): mark this const by moving RemoveSoftMaxPacketLength out.
bool HasRoomForMessageFrame(QuicByteCount length);
// Serializes all added frames into a single packet and invokes the delegate_
// to further process the SerializedPacket.
void FlushCurrentPacket();
// Optimized method to create a QuicStreamFrame and serialize it. Adds the
// QuicStreamFrame to the returned SerializedPacket. Sets
// |num_bytes_consumed| to the number of bytes consumed to create the
// QuicStreamFrame.
void CreateAndSerializeStreamFrame(QuicStreamId id,
size_t write_length,
QuicStreamOffset iov_offset,
QuicStreamOffset stream_offset,
bool fin,
TransmissionType transmission_type,
size_t* num_bytes_consumed);
// Returns true if there are frames pending to be serialized.
bool HasPendingFrames() const;
// Returns true if there are retransmittable frames pending to be serialized.
bool HasPendingRetransmittableFrames() const;
// Returns true if there are stream frames for |id| pending to be serialized.
bool HasPendingStreamFramesOfStream(QuicStreamId id) const;
// Returns the number of bytes which are available to be used by additional
// frames in the packet. Since stream frames are slightly smaller when they
// are the last frame in a packet, this method will return a different
// value than max_packet_size - PacketSize(), in this case.
size_t BytesFree() const;
// Returns the number of bytes that the packet will expand by if a new frame
// is added to the packet. If the last frame was a stream frame, it will
// expand slightly when a new frame is added, and this method returns the
// amount of expected expansion.
size_t ExpansionOnNewFrame() const;
// Returns the number of bytes that the packet will expand by when a new frame
// is going to be added. |last_frame| is the last frame of the packet.
static size_t ExpansionOnNewFrameWithLastFrame(const QuicFrame& last_frame,
QuicTransportVersion version);
// Returns the number of bytes in the current packet, including the header,
// if serialized with the current frames. Adding a frame to the packet
// may change the serialized length of existing frames, as per the comment
// in BytesFree.
size_t PacketSize() const;
// Tries to add |frame| to the packet creator's list of frames to be
// serialized. If the frame does not fit into the current packet, flushes the
// packet and returns false.
bool AddFrame(const QuicFrame& frame, TransmissionType transmission_type);
// Identical to AddSavedFrame, but allows the frame to be padded.
bool AddPaddedSavedFrame(const QuicFrame& frame,
TransmissionType transmission_type);
// Creates a version negotiation packet which supports |supported_versions|.
std::unique_ptr<QuicEncryptedPacket> SerializeVersionNegotiationPacket(
bool ietf_quic,
bool use_length_prefix,
const ParsedQuicVersionVector& supported_versions);
// Creates a connectivity probing packet for versions prior to version 99.
std::unique_ptr<SerializedPacket> SerializeConnectivityProbingPacket();
// Create connectivity probing request and response packets using PATH
// CHALLENGE and PATH RESPONSE frames, respectively, for version 99/IETF QUIC.
// SerializePathChallengeConnectivityProbingPacket will pad the packet to be
// MTU bytes long.
SerializePathChallengeConnectivityProbingPacket(QuicPathFrameBuffer* payload);
// If |is_padded| is true then SerializePathResponseConnectivityProbingPacket
// will pad the packet to be MTU bytes long, else it will not pad the packet.
// |payloads| is cleared.
const QuicCircularDeque<QuicPathFrameBuffer>& payloads,
const bool is_padded);
// Returns a dummy packet that is valid but contains no useful information.
static SerializedPacket NoPacket();
// Returns the destination connection ID to send over the wire.
QuicConnectionId GetDestinationConnectionId() const;
// Returns the source connection ID to send over the wire.
QuicConnectionId GetSourceConnectionId() const;
// Returns length of destination connection ID to send over the wire.
QuicConnectionIdLength GetDestinationConnectionIdLength() const;
// Returns length of source connection ID to send over the wire.
QuicConnectionIdLength GetSourceConnectionIdLength() const;
// Sets whether the server connection ID should be sent over the wire.
void SetServerConnectionIdIncluded(
QuicConnectionIdIncluded server_connection_id_included);
// Update the server connection ID used in outgoing packets.
void SetServerConnectionId(QuicConnectionId server_connection_id);
// Update the client connection ID used in outgoing packets.
void SetClientConnectionId(QuicConnectionId client_connection_id);
// Sets the encryption level that will be applied to new packets.
void set_encryption_level(EncryptionLevel level);
EncryptionLevel encryption_level() { return packet_.encryption_level; }
// packet number of the last created packet, or 0 if no packets have been
// created.
QuicPacketNumber packet_number() const { return packet_.packet_number; }
QuicByteCount max_packet_length() const { return max_packet_length_; }
bool has_ack() const { return packet_.has_ack; }
bool has_stop_waiting() const { return packet_.has_stop_waiting; }
// Sets the encrypter to use for the encryption level and updates the max
// plaintext size.
void SetEncrypter(EncryptionLevel level,
std::unique_ptr<QuicEncrypter> encrypter);
// Indicates whether the packet creator is in a state where it can change
// current maximum packet length.
bool CanSetMaxPacketLength() const;
// Sets the maximum packet length.
void SetMaxPacketLength(QuicByteCount length);
// Sets the maximum DATAGRAM/MESSAGE frame size we can send.
void SetMaxDatagramFrameSize(QuicByteCount max_datagram_frame_size);
// Set a soft maximum packet length in the creator. If a packet cannot be
// successfully created, creator will remove the soft limit and use the actual
// max packet length.
void SetSoftMaxPacketLength(QuicByteCount length);
// Increases pending_padding_bytes by |size|. Pending padding will be sent by
// MaybeAddPadding().
void AddPendingPadding(QuicByteCount size);
// Sets the retry token to be sent over the wire in IETF Initial packets.
void SetRetryToken(quiche::QuicheStringPiece retry_token);
// Consumes retransmittable control |frame|. Returns true if the frame is
// successfully consumed. Returns false otherwise.
bool ConsumeRetransmittableControlFrame(const QuicFrame& frame);
// Given some data, may consume part or all of it and pass it to the
// packet creator to be serialized into packets. If not in batch
// mode, these packets will also be sent during this call.
// When |state| is FIN_AND_PADDING, random padding of size [1, 256] will be
// added after stream frames. If current constructed packet cannot
// accommodate, the padding will overflow to the next packet(s).
QuicConsumedData ConsumeData(QuicStreamId id,
size_t write_length,
QuicStreamOffset offset,
StreamSendingState state);
// Sends as many data only packets as allowed by the send algorithm and the
// available iov.
// This path does not support padding, or bundling pending frames.
// In case we access this method from ConsumeData, total_bytes_consumed
// keeps track of how many bytes have already been consumed.
QuicConsumedData ConsumeDataFastPath(QuicStreamId id,
size_t write_length,
QuicStreamOffset offset,
bool fin,
size_t total_bytes_consumed);
// Consumes data for CRYPTO frames sent at |level| starting at |offset| for a
// total of |write_length| bytes, and returns the number of bytes consumed.
// The data is passed into the packet creator and serialized into one or more
// packets.
size_t ConsumeCryptoData(EncryptionLevel level,
size_t write_length,
QuicStreamOffset offset);
// Generates an MTU discovery packet of specified size.
void GenerateMtuDiscoveryPacket(QuicByteCount target_mtu);
// Called when there is data to be sent, Retrieves updated ACK frame from
// delegate_ and flushes it.
void MaybeBundleAckOpportunistically();
// Called to flush ACK and STOP_WAITING frames, returns false if the flush
// fails.
bool FlushAckFrame(const QuicFrames& frames);
// Adds a random amount of padding (between 1 to 256 bytes).
void AddRandomPadding();
// Attaches packet flusher.
void AttachPacketFlusher();
// Flushes everything, including current open packet and pending padding.
void Flush();
// Sends remaining pending padding.
// Pending paddings should only be sent when there is nothing else to send.
void SendRemainingPendingPadding();
// Set the minimum number of bytes for the server connection id length;
void SetServerConnectionIdLength(uint32_t length);
// Set transmission type of next constructed packets.
void SetTransmissionType(TransmissionType type);
// Tries to add a message frame containing |message| and returns the status.
MessageStatus AddMessageFrame(QuicMessageId message_id,
QuicMemSliceSpan message);
// Returns the largest payload that will fit into a single MESSAGE frame.
QuicPacketLength GetCurrentLargestMessagePayload() const;
// Returns the largest payload that will fit into a single MESSAGE frame at
// any point during the connection. This assumes the version and
// connection ID lengths do not change.
QuicPacketLength GetGuaranteedLargestMessagePayload() const;
// Packet number of next created packet.
QuicPacketNumber NextSendingPacketNumber() const;
void set_debug_delegate(DebugDelegate* debug_delegate) {
debug_delegate_ = debug_delegate;
QuicByteCount pending_padding_bytes() const { return pending_padding_bytes_; }
ParsedQuicVersion version() const { return framer_->version(); }
QuicTransportVersion transport_version() const {
return framer_->transport_version();
// Returns the minimum size that the plaintext of a packet must be.
static size_t MinPlaintextPacketSize(const ParsedQuicVersion& version);
// Indicates whether packet flusher is currently attached.
bool PacketFlusherAttached() const;
void set_fully_pad_crypto_handshake_packets(bool new_value) {
fully_pad_crypto_handshake_packets_ = new_value;
bool fully_pad_crypto_handshake_packets() const {
return fully_pad_crypto_handshake_packets_;
// Serialize a probing packet that uses IETF QUIC's PATH CHALLENGE frame. Also
// fills the packet with padding.
size_t BuildPaddedPathChallengePacket(const QuicPacketHeader& header,
char* buffer,
size_t packet_length,
QuicPathFrameBuffer* payload,
QuicRandom* randomizer,
EncryptionLevel level);
// Serialize a probing response packet that uses IETF QUIC's PATH RESPONSE
// frame. Also fills the packet with padding if |is_padded| is
// true. |payloads| is always emptied, even if the packet can not be
// successfully built.
size_t BuildPathResponsePacket(
const QuicPacketHeader& header,
char* buffer,
size_t packet_length,
const QuicCircularDeque<QuicPathFrameBuffer>& payloads,
const bool is_padded,
EncryptionLevel level);
// Serializes a probing packet, which is a padded PING packet. Returns the
// length of the packet. Returns 0 if it fails to serialize.
size_t BuildConnectivityProbingPacket(const QuicPacketHeader& header,
char* buffer,
size_t packet_length,
EncryptionLevel level);
// Serializes |coalesced| to provided |buffer|, returns coalesced packet
// length if serialization succeeds. Otherwise, returns 0.
size_t SerializeCoalescedPacket(const QuicCoalescedPacket& coalesced,
char* buffer,
size_t buffer_len);
// Returns true if max_packet_length_ is currently a soft value.
bool HasSoftMaxPacketLength() const;
bool coalesced_packet_of_higher_space() const {
return coalesced_packet_of_higher_space_;
// Use this address to sent to the peer from now on. If this address is
// different from the current one, flush all the queue frames first.
void SetDefaultPeerAddress(QuicSocketAddress address);
friend class test::QuicPacketCreatorPeer;
// Creates a stream frame which fits into the current open packet. If
// |data_size| is 0 and fin is true, the expected behavior is to consume
// the fin.
void CreateStreamFrame(QuicStreamId id,
size_t data_size,
QuicStreamOffset offset,
bool fin,
QuicFrame* frame);
// Creates a CRYPTO frame which fits into the current open packet. Returns
// false if there isn't enough room in the current open packet for a CRYPTO
// frame, and true if there is.
bool CreateCryptoFrame(EncryptionLevel level,
size_t write_length,
QuicStreamOffset offset,
QuicFrame* frame);
void FillPacketHeader(QuicPacketHeader* header);
// Adds a padding frame to the current packet (if there is space) when (1)
// current packet needs full padding or (2) there are pending paddings.
void MaybeAddPadding();
// Serializes all frames which have been added and adds any which should be
// retransmitted to packet_.retransmittable_frames. All frames must fit into
// a single packet.
// Fails if |encrypted_buffer_len| isn't long enough for the encrypted packet.
void SerializePacket(QuicOwnedPacketBuffer encrypted_buffer,
size_t encrypted_buffer_len);
// Called after a new SerialiedPacket is created to call the delegate's
// OnSerializedPacket and reset state.
void OnSerializedPacket();
// Clears all fields of packet_ that should be cleared between serializations.
void ClearPacket();
// Re-serialzes frames of ENCRYPTION_INITIAL packet in coalesced packet with
// the original packet's packet number and packet number length.
// |padding_size| indicates the size of necessary padding. Returns 0 if
// serialization fails.
size_t ReserializeInitialPacketInCoalescedPacket(
const SerializedPacket& packet,
size_t padding_size,
char* buffer,
size_t buffer_len);
// Tries to coalesce |frame| with the back of |queued_frames_|.
// Returns true on success.
bool MaybeCoalesceStreamFrame(const QuicStreamFrame& frame);
// Called to remove the soft max_packet_length and restores
// latched_hard_max_packet_length_ if the packet cannot accommodate a single
// frame. Returns true if the soft limit is successfully removed. Returns
// false if either there is no current soft limit or there are queued frames
// (such that the packet length cannot be changed).
bool RemoveSoftMaxPacketLength();
// Returns true if a diversification nonce should be included in the current
// packet's header.
bool IncludeNonceInPublicHeader() const;
// Returns true if version should be included in current packet's header.
bool IncludeVersionInHeader() const;
// Returns length of packet number to send over the wire.
// packet_.packet_number_length should never be read directly, use this
// function instead.
QuicPacketNumberLength GetPacketNumberLength() const;
// Returns the size in bytes of the packet header.
size_t PacketHeaderSize() const;
// Returns whether the destination connection ID is sent over the wire.
QuicConnectionIdIncluded GetDestinationConnectionIdIncluded() const;
// Returns whether the source connection ID is sent over the wire.
QuicConnectionIdIncluded GetSourceConnectionIdIncluded() const;
// Returns length of the retry token variable length integer to send over the
// wire. Is non-zero for v99 IETF Initial packets.
QuicVariableLengthIntegerLength GetRetryTokenLengthLength() const;
// Returns the retry token to send over the wire, only sent in
// v99 IETF Initial packets.
quiche::QuicheStringPiece GetRetryToken() const;
// Returns length of the length variable length integer to send over the
// wire. Is non-zero for v99 IETF Initial, 0-RTT or Handshake packets.
QuicVariableLengthIntegerLength GetLengthLength() const;
// Returns true if |frame| is a ClientHello.
bool StreamFrameIsClientHello(const QuicStreamFrame& frame) const;
// Returns true if packet under construction has IETF long header.
bool HasIetfLongHeader() const;
// Get serialized frame length. Returns 0 if the frame does not fit into
// current packet.
size_t GetSerializedFrameLength(const QuicFrame& frame);
// Add extra padding to pending_padding_bytes_ to meet minimum plaintext
// packet size required for header protection.
void MaybeAddExtraPaddingForHeaderProtection();
// Returns true and close connection if it attempts to send unencrypted data.
bool AttemptingToSendUnencryptedStreamData();
// Does not own these delegates or the framer.
DelegateInterface* delegate_;
DebugDelegate* debug_delegate_;
QuicFramer* framer_;
QuicRandom* random_;
// Controls whether version should be included while serializing the packet.
// send_version_in_packet_ should never be read directly, use
// IncludeVersionInHeader() instead.
bool send_version_in_packet_;
// If true, then |diversification_nonce_| will be included in the header of
// all packets created at the initial encryption level.
bool have_diversification_nonce_;
DiversificationNonce diversification_nonce_;
// Maximum length including headers and encryption (UDP payload length.)
QuicByteCount max_packet_length_;
size_t max_plaintext_size_;
// Whether the server_connection_id is sent over the wire.
QuicConnectionIdIncluded server_connection_id_included_;
// Frames to be added to the next SerializedPacket
QuicFrames queued_frames_;
// Serialization size of header + frames. If there is no queued frames,
// packet_size_ is 0.
// TODO(ianswett): Move packet_size_ into SerializedPacket once
// QuicEncryptedPacket has been flattened into SerializedPacket.
size_t packet_size_;
QuicConnectionId server_connection_id_;
QuicConnectionId client_connection_id_;
// Packet used to invoke OnSerializedPacket.
SerializedPacket packet_;
// Retry token to send over the wire in v99 IETF Initial packets.
std::string retry_token_;
// Pending padding bytes to send. Pending padding bytes will be sent in next
// packet(s) (after all other frames) if current constructed packet does not
// have room to send all of them.
QuicByteCount pending_padding_bytes_;
// Indicates whether current constructed packet needs full padding to max
// packet size. Please note, full padding does not consume pending padding
// bytes.
bool needs_full_padding_;
// Transmission type of the next serialized packet.
TransmissionType next_transmission_type_;
// True if packet flusher is currently attached.
bool flusher_attached_;
// Whether crypto handshake packets should be fully padded.
bool fully_pad_crypto_handshake_packets_;
// Packet number of the first packet of a write operation. This gets set
// when the out-most flusher attaches and gets cleared when the out-most
// flusher detaches.
QuicPacketNumber write_start_packet_number_;
// If not 0, this latches the actual max_packet_length when
// SetSoftMaxPacketLength is called and max_packet_length_ gets
// set to a soft value.
QuicByteCount latched_hard_max_packet_length_;
// The maximum length of a MESSAGE/DATAGRAM frame that our peer is willing to
// accept. There is no limit for QUIC_CRYPTO connections, but QUIC+TLS
// negotiates this during the handshake.
QuicByteCount max_datagram_frame_size_;
const bool coalesced_packet_of_higher_space_ =
} // namespace quic