| // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // The base class for streams which deliver data to/from an application. |
| // In each direction, the data on such a stream first contains compressed |
| // headers then body data. |
| |
| |
| #include <sys/types.h> |
| |
| #include <cstddef> |
| #include <list> |
| #include <memory> |
| #include <string> |
| |
| #include "absl/base/attributes.h" |
| #include "absl/strings/string_view.h" |
| #include "absl/types/span.h" |
| #include "quiche/quic/core/http/http_decoder.h" |
| #include "quiche/quic/core/http/http_encoder.h" |
| #include "quiche/quic/core/http/quic_header_list.h" |
| #include "quiche/quic/core/http/quic_spdy_stream_body_manager.h" |
| #include "quiche/quic/core/http/web_transport_stream_adapter.h" |
| #include "quiche/quic/core/qpack/qpack_decoded_headers_accumulator.h" |
| #include "quiche/quic/core/quic_error_codes.h" |
| #include "quiche/quic/core/quic_packets.h" |
| #include "quiche/quic/core/quic_stream.h" |
| #include "quiche/quic/core/quic_stream_priority.h" |
| #include "quiche/quic/core/quic_stream_sequencer.h" |
| #include "quiche/quic/core/quic_types.h" |
| #include "quiche/quic/core/web_transport_interface.h" |
| #include "quiche/quic/platform/api/quic_export.h" |
| #include "quiche/quic/platform/api/quic_flags.h" |
| #include "quiche/quic/platform/api/quic_socket_address.h" |
| #include "quiche/common/capsule.h" |
| #include "quiche/common/platform/api/quiche_mem_slice.h" |
| #include "quiche/spdy/core/http2_header_block.h" |
| #include "quiche/spdy/core/spdy_framer.h" |
| |
| namespace quic { |
| |
| namespace test { |
| class QuicSpdyStreamPeer; |
| class QuicStreamPeer; |
| } // namespace test |
| |
| class QuicSpdySession; |
| class WebTransportHttp3; |
| |
| // A QUIC stream that can send and receive HTTP2 (SPDY) headers. |
| class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicSpdyStream |
| : public QuicStream, |
| public quiche::CapsuleParser::Visitor, |
| public QpackDecodedHeadersAccumulator::Visitor { |
| public: |
| // Visitor receives callbacks from the stream. |
| class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE Visitor { |
| public: |
| Visitor() {} |
| Visitor(const Visitor&) = delete; |
| Visitor& operator=(const Visitor&) = delete; |
| |
| // Called when the stream is closed. |
| virtual void OnClose(QuicSpdyStream* stream) = 0; |
| |
| // Allows subclasses to override and do work. |
| virtual void OnPromiseHeadersComplete(QuicStreamId /*promised_id*/, |
| size_t /*frame_len*/) {} |
| |
| protected: |
| virtual ~Visitor() {} |
| }; |
| |
| QuicSpdyStream(QuicStreamId id, QuicSpdySession* spdy_session, |
| StreamType type); |
| QuicSpdyStream(PendingStream* pending, QuicSpdySession* spdy_session); |
| QuicSpdyStream(const QuicSpdyStream&) = delete; |
| QuicSpdyStream& operator=(const QuicSpdyStream&) = delete; |
| ~QuicSpdyStream() override; |
| |
| // QuicStream implementation |
| void OnClose() override; |
| |
| // Override to maybe close the write side after writing. |
| void OnCanWrite() override; |
| |
| // Called by the session when headers with a priority have been received |
| // for this stream. This method will only be called for server streams. |
| virtual void OnStreamHeadersPriority( |
| const spdy::SpdyStreamPrecedence& precedence); |
| |
| // Called by the session when decompressed headers have been completely |
| // delivered to this stream. If |fin| is true, then this stream |
| // should be closed; no more data will be sent by the peer. |
| virtual void OnStreamHeaderList(bool fin, size_t frame_len, |
| const QuicHeaderList& header_list); |
| |
| // Called by the session when decompressed push promise headers have |
| // been completely delivered to this stream. |
| virtual void OnPromiseHeaderList(QuicStreamId promised_id, size_t frame_len, |
| const QuicHeaderList& header_list); |
| |
| // Called by the session when a PRIORITY frame has been been received for this |
| // stream. This method will only be called for server streams. |
| void OnPriorityFrame(const spdy::SpdyStreamPrecedence& precedence); |
| |
| // Override the base class to not discard response when receiving |
| void OnStreamReset(const QuicRstStreamFrame& frame) override; |
| void ResetWithError(QuicResetStreamError error) override; |
| bool OnStopSending(QuicResetStreamError error) override; |
| |
| // Called by the sequencer when new data is available. Decodes the data and |
| // calls OnBodyAvailable() to pass to the upper layer. |
| void OnDataAvailable() override; |
| |
| // Called in OnDataAvailable() after it finishes the decoding job. |
| virtual void OnBodyAvailable() = 0; |
| |
| // Writes the headers contained in |header_block| on the dedicated headers |
| // stream or on this stream, depending on VersionUsesHttp3(). Returns the |
| // number of bytes sent, including data sent on the encoder stream when using |
| // QPACK. |
| virtual size_t WriteHeaders( |
| spdy::Http2HeaderBlock header_block, bool fin, |
| quiche::QuicheReferenceCountedPointer<QuicAckListenerInterface> |
| ack_listener); |
| |
| // Sends |data| to the peer, or buffers if it can't be sent immediately. |
| virtual void WriteOrBufferBody(absl::string_view data, bool fin); |
| |
| // Writes the trailers contained in |trailer_block| on the dedicated headers |
| // stream or on this stream, depending on VersionUsesHttp3(). Trailers will |
| // always have the FIN flag set. Returns the number of bytes sent, including |
| // data sent on the encoder stream when using QPACK. |
| virtual size_t WriteTrailers( |
| spdy::Http2HeaderBlock trailer_block, |
| quiche::QuicheReferenceCountedPointer<QuicAckListenerInterface> |
| ack_listener); |
| |
| // Override to report newly acked bytes via ack_listener_. |
| bool OnStreamFrameAcked(QuicStreamOffset offset, QuicByteCount data_length, |
| bool fin_acked, QuicTime::Delta ack_delay_time, |
| QuicTime receive_timestamp, |
| QuicByteCount* newly_acked_length) override; |
| |
| // Override to report bytes retransmitted via ack_listener_. |
| void OnStreamFrameRetransmitted(QuicStreamOffset offset, |
| QuicByteCount data_length, |
| bool fin_retransmitted) override; |
| |
| // Does the same thing as WriteOrBufferBody except this method takes iovec |
| // as the data input. Right now it only calls WritevData. |
| QuicConsumedData WritevBody(const struct iovec* iov, int count, bool fin); |
| |
| // Does the same thing as WriteOrBufferBody except this method takes |
| // memslicespan as the data input. Right now it only calls WriteMemSlices. |
| QuicConsumedData WriteBodySlices(absl::Span<quiche::QuicheMemSlice> slices, |
| bool fin); |
| |
| // Marks the trailers as consumed. This applies to the case where this object |
| // receives headers and trailers as QuicHeaderLists via calls to |
| // OnStreamHeaderList(). Trailer data will be consumed from the sequencer only |
| // once all body data has been consumed. |
| void MarkTrailersConsumed(); |
| |
| // Clears |header_list_|. |
| void ConsumeHeaderList(); |
| |
| // This block of functions wraps the sequencer's functions of the same |
| // name. These methods return uncompressed data until that has |
| // been fully processed. Then they simply delegate to the sequencer. |
| virtual size_t Readv(const struct iovec* iov, size_t iov_len); |
| virtual int GetReadableRegions(iovec* iov, size_t iov_len) const; |
| void MarkConsumed(size_t num_bytes); |
| |
| // Returns true if header contains a valid 3-digit status and parse the status |
| // code to |status_code|. |
| static bool ParseHeaderStatusCode(const spdy::Http2HeaderBlock& header, |
| int* status_code); |
| // Returns true if status_value (associated with :status) contains a valid |
| // 3-digit status and parse the status code to |status_code|. |
| static bool ParseHeaderStatusCode(absl::string_view status_value, |
| int* status_code); |
| |
| // Returns true when all data from the peer has been read and consumed, |
| // including the fin. |
| bool IsDoneReading() const; |
| bool HasBytesToRead() const; |
| |
| void set_visitor(Visitor* visitor) { visitor_ = visitor; } |
| |
| bool headers_decompressed() const { return headers_decompressed_; } |
| |
| // Returns total amount of body bytes that have been read. |
| uint64_t total_body_bytes_read() const; |
| |
| const QuicHeaderList& header_list() const { return header_list_; } |
| |
| bool trailers_decompressed() const { return trailers_decompressed_; } |
| |
| // Returns whatever trailers have been received for this stream. |
| const spdy::Http2HeaderBlock& received_trailers() const { |
| return received_trailers_; |
| } |
| |
| // Returns true if headers have been fully read and consumed. |
| bool FinishedReadingHeaders() const; |
| |
| // Returns true if FIN has been received and either trailers have been fully |
| // read and consumed or there are no trailers. |
| bool FinishedReadingTrailers() const; |
| |
| // Returns true if the sequencer has delivered the FIN, and no more body bytes |
| // will be available. |
| bool IsSequencerClosed() { return sequencer()->IsClosed(); } |
| |
| // QpackDecodedHeadersAccumulator::Visitor implementation. |
| void OnHeadersDecoded(QuicHeaderList headers, |
| bool header_list_size_limit_exceeded) override; |
| void OnHeaderDecodingError(QuicErrorCode error_code, |
| absl::string_view error_message) override; |
| |
| QuicSpdySession* spdy_session() const { return spdy_session_; } |
| |
| // Send PRIORITY_UPDATE frame and update |last_sent_priority_| if |
| // |last_sent_priority_| is different from current priority. |
| void MaybeSendPriorityUpdateFrame() override; |
| |
| // Returns the WebTransport session owned by this stream, if one exists. |
| WebTransportHttp3* web_transport() { return web_transport_.get(); } |
| |
| // Returns the WebTransport data stream associated with this QUIC stream, or |
| // null if this is not a WebTransport data stream. |
| WebTransportStream* web_transport_stream() { |
| if (web_transport_data_ == nullptr) { |
| return nullptr; |
| } |
| return &web_transport_data_->adapter; |
| } |
| |
| // Sends a WEBTRANSPORT_STREAM frame and sets up the appropriate metadata. |
| void ConvertToWebTransportDataStream(WebTransportSessionId session_id); |
| |
| void OnCanWriteNewData() override; |
| |
| // If this stream is a WebTransport data stream, closes the connection with an |
| // error, and returns false. |
| bool AssertNotWebTransportDataStream(absl::string_view operation); |
| |
| // Indicates whether a call to WriteBodySlices will be successful and not |
| // rejected due to buffer being full. |write_size| must be non-zero. |
| bool CanWriteNewBodyData(QuicByteCount write_size) const; |
| |
| // From CapsuleParser::Visitor. |
| bool OnCapsule(const quiche::Capsule& capsule) override; |
| void OnCapsuleParseFailure(absl::string_view error_message) override; |
| |
| // Sends an HTTP/3 datagram. The stream ID is not part of |payload|. Virtual |
| // to allow mocking in tests. |
| virtual MessageStatus SendHttp3Datagram(absl::string_view payload); |
| |
| class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE Http3DatagramVisitor { |
| public: |
| virtual ~Http3DatagramVisitor() {} |
| |
| // Called when an HTTP/3 datagram is received. |payload| does not contain |
| // the stream ID. |
| virtual void OnHttp3Datagram(QuicStreamId stream_id, |
| absl::string_view payload) = 0; |
| }; |
| |
| // Registers |visitor| to receive HTTP/3 datagrams. |visitor| must be |
| // valid until a corresponding call to UnregisterHttp3DatagramVisitor. |
| void RegisterHttp3DatagramVisitor(Http3DatagramVisitor* visitor); |
| |
| // Unregisters an HTTP/3 datagram visitor. Must only be called after a call to |
| // RegisterHttp3DatagramVisitor. |
| void UnregisterHttp3DatagramVisitor(); |
| |
| // Replaces the current HTTP/3 datagram visitor with a different visitor. |
| // Mainly meant to be used by the visitors' move operators. |
| void ReplaceHttp3DatagramVisitor(Http3DatagramVisitor* visitor); |
| |
| class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE ConnectIpVisitor { |
| public: |
| virtual ~ConnectIpVisitor() {} |
| |
| virtual bool OnAddressAssignCapsule( |
| const quiche::AddressAssignCapsule& capsule) = 0; |
| virtual bool OnAddressRequestCapsule( |
| const quiche::AddressRequestCapsule& capsule) = 0; |
| virtual bool OnRouteAdvertisementCapsule( |
| const quiche::RouteAdvertisementCapsule& capsule) = 0; |
| virtual void OnHeadersWritten() = 0; |
| }; |
| |
| // Registers |visitor| to receive CONNECT-IP capsules. |visitor| must be |
| // valid until a corresponding call to UnregisterConnectIpVisitor. |
| void RegisterConnectIpVisitor(ConnectIpVisitor* visitor); |
| |
| // Unregisters a CONNECT-IP visitor. Must only be called after a call to |
| // RegisterConnectIpVisitor. |
| void UnregisterConnectIpVisitor(); |
| |
| // Replaces the current CONNECT-IP visitor with a different visitor. |
| // Mainly meant to be used by the visitors' move operators. |
| void ReplaceConnectIpVisitor(ConnectIpVisitor* visitor); |
| |
| // Sets max datagram time in queue. |
| void SetMaxDatagramTimeInQueue(QuicTime::Delta max_time_in_queue); |
| |
| void OnDatagramReceived(QuicDataReader* reader); |
| |
| QuicByteCount GetMaxDatagramSize() const; |
| |
| // Writes |capsule| onto the DATA stream. |
| void WriteCapsule(const quiche::Capsule& capsule, bool fin = false); |
| |
| void WriteGreaseCapsule(); |
| |
| protected: |
| // Called when the received headers are too large. By default this will |
| // reset the stream. |
| virtual void OnHeadersTooLarge(); |
| |
| virtual void OnInitialHeadersComplete(bool fin, size_t frame_len, |
| const QuicHeaderList& header_list); |
| virtual void OnTrailingHeadersComplete(bool fin, size_t frame_len, |
| const QuicHeaderList& header_list); |
| virtual size_t WriteHeadersImpl( |
| spdy::Http2HeaderBlock header_block, bool fin, |
| quiche::QuicheReferenceCountedPointer<QuicAckListenerInterface> |
| ack_listener); |
| |
| virtual bool CopyAndValidateTrailers(const QuicHeaderList& header_list, |
| bool expect_final_byte_offset, |
| size_t* final_byte_offset, |
| spdy::Http2HeaderBlock* trailers); |
| |
| Visitor* visitor() { return visitor_; } |
| |
| void set_headers_decompressed(bool val) { headers_decompressed_ = val; } |
| |
| void set_ack_listener( |
| quiche::QuicheReferenceCountedPointer<QuicAckListenerInterface> |
| ack_listener) { |
| ack_listener_ = std::move(ack_listener); |
| } |
| |
| void OnWriteSideInDataRecvdState() override; |
| |
| virtual bool AreHeadersValid(const QuicHeaderList& header_list) const; |
| // TODO(b/202433856) Merge AreHeaderFieldValueValid into AreHeadersValid once |
| // all flags guarding the behavior of AreHeadersValid has been rolled out. |
| virtual bool AreHeaderFieldValuesValid( |
| const QuicHeaderList& header_list) const; |
| |
| // Reset stream upon invalid request headers. |
| virtual void OnInvalidHeaders(); |
| |
| private: |
| friend class test::QuicSpdyStreamPeer; |
| friend class test::QuicStreamPeer; |
| friend class QuicStreamUtils; |
| class HttpDecoderVisitor; |
| |
| struct QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE WebTransportDataStream { |
| WebTransportDataStream(QuicSpdyStream* stream, |
| WebTransportSessionId session_id); |
| |
| WebTransportSessionId session_id; |
| WebTransportStreamAdapter adapter; |
| }; |
| |
| // Called by HttpDecoderVisitor. |
| bool OnDataFrameStart(QuicByteCount header_length, |
| QuicByteCount payload_length); |
| bool OnDataFramePayload(absl::string_view payload); |
| bool OnDataFrameEnd(); |
| bool OnHeadersFrameStart(QuicByteCount header_length, |
| QuicByteCount payload_length); |
| bool OnHeadersFramePayload(absl::string_view payload); |
| bool OnHeadersFrameEnd(); |
| void OnWebTransportStreamFrameType(QuicByteCount header_length, |
| WebTransportSessionId session_id); |
| bool OnUnknownFrameStart(uint64_t frame_type, QuicByteCount header_length, |
| QuicByteCount payload_length); |
| bool OnUnknownFramePayload(absl::string_view payload); |
| bool OnUnknownFrameEnd(); |
| |
| // Given the interval marked by [|offset|, |offset| + |data_length|), return |
| // the number of frame header bytes contained in it. |
| QuicByteCount GetNumFrameHeadersInInterval(QuicStreamOffset offset, |
| QuicByteCount data_length) const; |
| |
| void MaybeProcessSentWebTransportHeaders(spdy::Http2HeaderBlock& headers); |
| void MaybeProcessReceivedWebTransportHeaders(); |
| |
| // Writes HTTP/3 DATA frame header. If |force_write| is true, use |
| // WriteOrBufferData if send buffer cannot accomodate the header + data. |
| ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool WriteDataFrameHeader(QuicByteCount data_length, |
| bool force_write); |
| |
| // Simply calls OnBodyAvailable() unless capsules are in use, in which case |
| // pass the capsule fragments to the capsule manager. |
| void HandleBodyAvailable(); |
| |
| // Called when a datagram frame or capsule is received. |
| void HandleReceivedDatagram(absl::string_view payload); |
| |
| QuicSpdySession* spdy_session_; |
| |
| bool on_body_available_called_because_sequencer_is_closed_; |
| |
| Visitor* visitor_; |
| |
| // True if read side processing is blocked while waiting for callback from |
| // QPACK decoder. |
| bool blocked_on_decoding_headers_; |
| // True if the headers have been completely decompressed. |
| bool headers_decompressed_; |
| // True if uncompressed headers or trailers exceed maximum allowed size |
| // advertised to peer via SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE. |
| bool header_list_size_limit_exceeded_; |
| // Contains a copy of the decompressed header (name, value) pairs until they |
| // are consumed via Readv. |
| QuicHeaderList header_list_; |
| // Length of most recently received HEADERS frame payload. |
| QuicByteCount headers_payload_length_; |
| |
| // True if the trailers have been completely decompressed. |
| bool trailers_decompressed_; |
| // True if the trailers have been consumed. |
| bool trailers_consumed_; |
| |
| // The parsed trailers received from the peer. |
| spdy::Http2HeaderBlock received_trailers_; |
| |
| // Headers accumulator for decoding HEADERS frame payload. |
| std::unique_ptr<QpackDecodedHeadersAccumulator> |
| qpack_decoded_headers_accumulator_; |
| // Visitor of the HttpDecoder. |
| std::unique_ptr<HttpDecoderVisitor> http_decoder_visitor_; |
| // HttpDecoder for processing raw incoming stream frames. |
| HttpDecoder decoder_; |
| // Object that manages references to DATA frame payload fragments buffered by |
| // the sequencer and calculates how much data should be marked consumed with |
| // the sequencer each time new stream data is processed. |
| QuicSpdyStreamBodyManager body_manager_; |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<quiche::CapsuleParser> capsule_parser_; |
| |
| // Sequencer offset keeping track of how much data HttpDecoder has processed. |
| // Initial value is zero for fresh streams, or sequencer()->NumBytesConsumed() |
| // at time of construction if a PendingStream is converted to account for the |
| // length of the unidirectional stream type at the beginning of the stream. |
| QuicStreamOffset sequencer_offset_; |
| |
| // True when inside an HttpDecoder::ProcessInput() call. |
| // Used for detecting reentrancy. |
| bool is_decoder_processing_input_; |
| |
| // Ack listener of this stream, and it is notified when any of written bytes |
| // are acked or retransmitted. |
| quiche::QuicheReferenceCountedPointer<QuicAckListenerInterface> ack_listener_; |
| |
| // Offset of unacked frame headers. |
| QuicIntervalSet<QuicStreamOffset> unacked_frame_headers_offsets_; |
| |
| // Priority parameters sent in the last PRIORITY_UPDATE frame, or default |
| // values defined by RFC9218 if no PRIORITY_UPDATE frame has been sent. |
| QuicStreamPriority last_sent_priority_; |
| |
| // If this stream is a WebTransport extended CONNECT stream, contains the |
| // WebTransport session associated with this stream. |
| std::unique_ptr<WebTransportHttp3> web_transport_; |
| |
| // If this stream is a WebTransport data stream, |web_transport_data_| |
| // contains all of the associated metadata. |
| std::unique_ptr<WebTransportDataStream> web_transport_data_; |
| |
| // HTTP/3 Datagram support. |
| Http3DatagramVisitor* datagram_visitor_ = nullptr; |
| // CONNECT-IP support. |
| ConnectIpVisitor* connect_ip_visitor_ = nullptr; |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace quic |
| |