blob: 52c7ef5e1e164eef56d2c08b9b88f029e00552ed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/status/statusor.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "absl/types/variant.h"
#include "quiche/common/platform/api/quiche_logging.h"
#include "quiche/common/quiche_buffer_allocator.h"
#include "quiche/common/quiche_ip_address.h"
#include "quiche/web_transport/web_transport.h"
namespace quiche {
enum class CapsuleType : uint64_t {
// Casing in this enum matches the IETF specifications.
DATAGRAM = 0x00, // RFC 9297.
LEGACY_DATAGRAM = 0xff37a0, // draft-ietf-masque-h3-datagram-04.
0xff37a5, // draft-ietf-masque-h3-datagram-05 to -08.
// draft-ietf-masque-connect-ip-03.
QUICHE_EXPORT std::string CapsuleTypeToString(CapsuleType capsule_type);
QUICHE_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
const CapsuleType& capsule_type);
struct QUICHE_EXPORT DatagramCapsule {
absl::string_view http_datagram_payload;
std::string ToString() const;
CapsuleType capsule_type() const { return CapsuleType::DATAGRAM; }
bool operator==(const DatagramCapsule& other) const {
return http_datagram_payload == other.http_datagram_payload;
struct QUICHE_EXPORT LegacyDatagramCapsule {
absl::string_view http_datagram_payload;
std::string ToString() const;
CapsuleType capsule_type() const { return CapsuleType::LEGACY_DATAGRAM; }
bool operator==(const LegacyDatagramCapsule& other) const {
return http_datagram_payload == other.http_datagram_payload;
struct QUICHE_EXPORT LegacyDatagramWithoutContextCapsule {
absl::string_view http_datagram_payload;
std::string ToString() const;
CapsuleType capsule_type() const {
bool operator==(const LegacyDatagramWithoutContextCapsule& other) const {
return http_datagram_payload == other.http_datagram_payload;
struct QUICHE_EXPORT CloseWebTransportSessionCapsule {
webtransport::SessionErrorCode error_code;
absl::string_view error_message;
std::string ToString() const;
CapsuleType capsule_type() const {
bool operator==(const CloseWebTransportSessionCapsule& other) const {
return error_code == other.error_code &&
error_message == other.error_message;
struct QUICHE_EXPORT PrefixWithId {
uint64_t request_id;
quiche::QuicheIpPrefix ip_prefix;
bool operator==(const PrefixWithId& other) const;
struct QUICHE_EXPORT IpAddressRange {
quiche::QuicheIpAddress start_ip_address;
quiche::QuicheIpAddress end_ip_address;
uint8_t ip_protocol;
bool operator==(const IpAddressRange& other) const;
struct QUICHE_EXPORT AddressAssignCapsule {
std::vector<PrefixWithId> assigned_addresses;
bool operator==(const AddressAssignCapsule& other) const;
std::string ToString() const;
CapsuleType capsule_type() const { return CapsuleType::ADDRESS_ASSIGN; }
struct QUICHE_EXPORT AddressRequestCapsule {
std::vector<PrefixWithId> requested_addresses;
bool operator==(const AddressRequestCapsule& other) const;
std::string ToString() const;
CapsuleType capsule_type() const { return CapsuleType::ADDRESS_REQUEST; }
struct QUICHE_EXPORT RouteAdvertisementCapsule {
std::vector<IpAddressRange> ip_address_ranges;
bool operator==(const RouteAdvertisementCapsule& other) const;
std::string ToString() const;
CapsuleType capsule_type() const { return CapsuleType::ROUTE_ADVERTISEMENT; }
struct QUICHE_EXPORT UnknownCapsule {
uint64_t type;
absl::string_view payload;
std::string ToString() const;
CapsuleType capsule_type() const { return static_cast<CapsuleType>(type); }
bool operator==(const UnknownCapsule& other) const {
return type == other.type && payload == other.payload;
// Capsule from RFC 9297.
// IMPORTANT NOTE: Capsule does not own any of the absl::string_view memory it
// points to. Strings saved into a capsule must outlive the capsule object. Any
// code that sees a capsule in a callback needs to either process it immediately
// or perform its own deep copy.
class QUICHE_EXPORT Capsule {
static Capsule Datagram(
absl::string_view http_datagram_payload = absl::string_view());
static Capsule LegacyDatagram(
absl::string_view http_datagram_payload = absl::string_view());
static Capsule LegacyDatagramWithoutContext(
absl::string_view http_datagram_payload = absl::string_view());
static Capsule CloseWebTransportSession(
webtransport::SessionErrorCode error_code = 0,
absl::string_view error_message = "");
static Capsule AddressRequest();
static Capsule AddressAssign();
static Capsule RouteAdvertisement();
static Capsule Unknown(
uint64_t capsule_type,
absl::string_view unknown_capsule_data = absl::string_view());
template <typename CapsuleStruct>
explicit Capsule(CapsuleStruct capsule) : capsule_(std::move(capsule)) {}
bool operator==(const Capsule& other) const;
// Human-readable information string for debugging purposes.
std::string ToString() const;
friend QUICHE_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
const Capsule& capsule);
CapsuleType capsule_type() const {
return absl::visit(
[](const auto& capsule) { return capsule.capsule_type(); }, capsule_);
DatagramCapsule& datagram_capsule() {
return absl::get<DatagramCapsule>(capsule_);
const DatagramCapsule& datagram_capsule() const {
return absl::get<DatagramCapsule>(capsule_);
LegacyDatagramCapsule& legacy_datagram_capsule() {
return absl::get<LegacyDatagramCapsule>(capsule_);
const LegacyDatagramCapsule& legacy_datagram_capsule() const {
return absl::get<LegacyDatagramCapsule>(capsule_);
legacy_datagram_without_context_capsule() {
return absl::get<LegacyDatagramWithoutContextCapsule>(capsule_);
const LegacyDatagramWithoutContextCapsule&
legacy_datagram_without_context_capsule() const {
return absl::get<LegacyDatagramWithoutContextCapsule>(capsule_);
CloseWebTransportSessionCapsule& close_web_transport_session_capsule() {
return absl::get<CloseWebTransportSessionCapsule>(capsule_);
const CloseWebTransportSessionCapsule& close_web_transport_session_capsule()
const {
return absl::get<CloseWebTransportSessionCapsule>(capsule_);
AddressRequestCapsule& address_request_capsule() {
return absl::get<AddressRequestCapsule>(capsule_);
const AddressRequestCapsule& address_request_capsule() const {
return absl::get<AddressRequestCapsule>(capsule_);
AddressAssignCapsule& address_assign_capsule() {
return absl::get<AddressAssignCapsule>(capsule_);
const AddressAssignCapsule& address_assign_capsule() const {
return absl::get<AddressAssignCapsule>(capsule_);
RouteAdvertisementCapsule& route_advertisement_capsule() {
return absl::get<RouteAdvertisementCapsule>(capsule_);
const RouteAdvertisementCapsule& route_advertisement_capsule() const {
return absl::get<RouteAdvertisementCapsule>(capsule_);
UnknownCapsule& unknown_capsule() {
return absl::get<UnknownCapsule>(capsule_);
const UnknownCapsule& unknown_capsule() const {
return absl::get<UnknownCapsule>(capsule_);
absl::variant<DatagramCapsule, LegacyDatagramCapsule,
CloseWebTransportSessionCapsule, AddressRequestCapsule,
AddressAssignCapsule, RouteAdvertisementCapsule, UnknownCapsule>
namespace test {
class CapsuleParserPeer;
} // namespace test
class QUICHE_EXPORT CapsuleParser {
class QUICHE_EXPORT Visitor {
virtual ~Visitor() {}
// Called when a capsule has been successfully parsed. The return value
// indicates whether the contents of the capsule are valid: if false is
// returned, the parse operation will be considered failed and
// OnCapsuleParseFailure will be called. Note that since Capsule does not
// own the memory backing its string_views, that memory is only valid until
// this callback returns. Visitors that wish to access the capsule later
// MUST make a deep copy before this returns.
virtual bool OnCapsule(const Capsule& capsule) = 0;
virtual void OnCapsuleParseFailure(absl::string_view error_message) = 0;
// |visitor| must be non-null, and must outlive CapsuleParser.
explicit CapsuleParser(Visitor* visitor);
// Ingests a capsule fragment (any fragment of bytes from the capsule data
// stream) and parses and complete capsules it encounters. Returns false if a
// parsing error occurred.
bool IngestCapsuleFragment(absl::string_view capsule_fragment);
void ErrorIfThereIsRemainingBufferedData();
friend class test::CapsuleParserPeer;
// Attempts to parse a single capsule from |buffered_data_|. If a full capsule
// is not available, returns 0. If a parsing error occurs, returns an error.
// Otherwise, returns the number of bytes in the parsed capsule.
absl::StatusOr<size_t> AttemptParseCapsule();
void ReportParseFailure(absl::string_view error_message);
// Whether a parsing error has occurred.
bool parsing_error_occurred_ = false;
// Visitor which will receive callbacks, unowned.
Visitor* visitor_;
std::string buffered_data_;
// Serializes |capsule| into a newly allocated buffer.
QUICHE_EXPORT quiche::QuicheBuffer SerializeCapsule(
const Capsule& capsule, quiche::QuicheBufferAllocator* allocator);
} // namespace quiche