blob: 267e4b9d9a51356f014d3018fdfd3abd936c3a06 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "url/url_util.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <ostream>
#include "polyfills/base/check_op.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/containers/contains.h"
#include "base/no_destructor.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "url/url_canon_internal.h"
#include "url/url_constants.h"
#include "url/url_file.h"
#include "url/url_util_internal.h"
namespace url {
namespace {
// A pair for representing a standard scheme name and the SchemeType for it.
struct SchemeWithType {
std::string scheme;
SchemeType type;
// A pair for representing a scheme and a custom protocol handler for it.
// This pair of strings must be normalized protocol handler parameters as
// described in the Custom Handler specification.
struct SchemeWithHandler {
std::string scheme;
std::string handler;
// List of currently registered schemes and associated properties.
struct SchemeRegistry {
// Standard format schemes (see header for details).
std::vector<SchemeWithType> standard_schemes = {
// Yes, file URLs can have a hostname, so file URLs should be handled as
// "standard". File URLs never have a port as specified by the SchemeType
// field. Unlike other SCHEME_WITH_HOST schemes, the 'host' in a file
// URL may be empty, a behavior which is special-cased during
// canonicalization.
{kFileScheme, SCHEME_WITH_HOST},
// Schemes that are allowed for referrers.
// WARNING: Adding (1) a non-"standard" scheme or (2) a scheme whose URLs have
// opaque origins could lead to surprising behavior in some of the referrer
// generation logic. In order to avoid surprises, be sure to have adequate
// test coverage in each of the multiple code locations that compute
// referrers.
std::vector<SchemeWithType> referrer_schemes = {
// Schemes that do not trigger mixed content warning.
std::vector<std::string> secure_schemes = {
// Schemes that normal pages cannot link to or access (i.e., with the same
// security rules as those applied to "file" URLs).
std::vector<std::string> local_schemes = {
// Schemes that cause pages loaded with them to not have access to pages
// loaded with any other URL scheme.
std::vector<std::string> no_access_schemes = {
// Schemes that can be sent CORS requests.
std::vector<std::string> cors_enabled_schemes = {
// Schemes that can be used by web to store data (local storage, etc).
std::vector<std::string> web_storage_schemes = {
kHttpsScheme, kHttpScheme, kFileScheme, kFtpScheme, kWssScheme, kWsScheme,
// Schemes that can bypass the Content-Security-Policy (CSP) checks.
std::vector<std::string> csp_bypassing_schemes = {};
// Schemes that are strictly empty documents, allowing them to commit
// synchronously.
std::vector<std::string> empty_document_schemes = {
// Schemes with a predefined default custom handler.
std::vector<SchemeWithHandler> predefined_handler_schemes;
bool allow_non_standard_schemes = false;
// See the LockSchemeRegistries declaration in the header.
bool scheme_registries_locked = false;
// Ensure that the schemes aren't modified after first use.
static std::atomic<bool> g_scheme_registries_used{false};
// Gets the scheme registry without locking the schemes. This should *only* be
// used for adding schemes to the registry.
SchemeRegistry* GetSchemeRegistryWithoutLocking() {
static gurl_base::NoDestructor<SchemeRegistry> registry;
return registry.get();
const SchemeRegistry& GetSchemeRegistry() {
return *GetSchemeRegistryWithoutLocking();
// Pass this enum through for methods which would like to know if whitespace
// removal is necessary.
enum WhitespaceRemovalPolicy {
// Given a string and a range inside the string, compares it to the given
// lower-case |compare_to| buffer.
template<typename CHAR>
inline bool DoCompareSchemeComponent(const CHAR* spec,
const Component& component,
const char* compare_to) {
if (component.is_empty())
return compare_to[0] == 0; // When component is empty, match empty scheme.
return gurl_base::EqualsCaseInsensitiveASCII(
std::basic_string_view(&spec[component.begin], component.len),
// Returns true and sets |type| to the SchemeType of the given scheme
// identified by |scheme| within |spec| if in |schemes|.
template<typename CHAR>
bool DoIsInSchemes(const CHAR* spec,
const Component& scheme,
SchemeType* type,
const std::vector<SchemeWithType>& schemes) {
if (scheme.is_empty())
return false; // Empty or invalid schemes are non-standard.
for (const SchemeWithType& scheme_with_type : schemes) {
if (gurl_base::EqualsCaseInsensitiveASCII(
std::basic_string_view(&spec[scheme.begin], scheme.len),
scheme_with_type.scheme)) {
*type = scheme_with_type.type;
return true;
return false;
template<typename CHAR>
bool DoIsStandard(const CHAR* spec, const Component& scheme, SchemeType* type) {
return DoIsInSchemes(spec, scheme, type,
template<typename CHAR>
bool DoFindAndCompareScheme(const CHAR* str,
int str_len,
const char* compare,
Component* found_scheme) {
// Before extracting scheme, canonicalize the URL to remove any whitespace.
// This matches the canonicalization done in DoCanonicalize function.
STACK_UNINITIALIZED RawCanonOutputT<CHAR> whitespace_buffer;
int spec_len;
const CHAR* spec =
RemoveURLWhitespace(str, str_len, &whitespace_buffer, &spec_len, nullptr);
Component our_scheme;
if (!ExtractScheme(spec, spec_len, &our_scheme)) {
// No scheme.
if (found_scheme)
*found_scheme = Component();
return false;
if (found_scheme)
*found_scheme = our_scheme;
return DoCompareSchemeComponent(spec, our_scheme, compare);
template <typename CHAR>
bool DoCanonicalize(const CHAR* spec,
int spec_len,
bool trim_path_end,
WhitespaceRemovalPolicy whitespace_policy,
CharsetConverter* charset_converter,
CanonOutput* output,
Parsed* output_parsed) {
// Trim leading C0 control characters and spaces.
int begin = 0;
TrimURL(spec, &begin, &spec_len, trim_path_end);
GURL_DCHECK(0 <= begin && begin <= spec_len);
spec += begin;
spec_len -= begin;
// Remove any whitespace from the middle of the relative URL if necessary.
// Possibly this will result in copying to the new buffer.
STACK_UNINITIALIZED RawCanonOutputT<CHAR> whitespace_buffer;
if (whitespace_policy == REMOVE_WHITESPACE) {
spec = RemoveURLWhitespace(spec, spec_len, &whitespace_buffer, &spec_len,
Parsed parsed_input;
#ifdef WIN32
// For Windows, we allow things that look like absolute Windows paths to be
// fixed up magically to file URLs. This is done for IE compatibility. For
// example, this will change "c:/foo" into a file URL rather than treating
// it as a URL with the protocol "c". It also works for UNC ("\\foo\bar.txt").
// There is similar logic in for
// For Max & Unix, we don't do this (the equivalent would be "/foo/bar" which
// has no meaning as an absolute path name. This is because browsers on Mac
// & Unix don't generally do this, so there is no compatibility reason for
// doing so.
if (DoesBeginUNCPath(spec, 0, spec_len, false) ||
DoesBeginWindowsDriveSpec(spec, 0, spec_len)) {
ParseFileURL(spec, spec_len, &parsed_input);
return CanonicalizeFileURL(spec, spec_len, parsed_input, charset_converter,
output, output_parsed);
Component scheme;
if (!ExtractScheme(spec, spec_len, &scheme))
return false;
// This is the parsed version of the input URL, we have to canonicalize it
// before storing it in our object.
bool success;
if (DoCompareSchemeComponent(spec, scheme, url::kFileScheme)) {
// File URLs are special.
ParseFileURL(spec, spec_len, &parsed_input);
success = CanonicalizeFileURL(spec, spec_len, parsed_input,
charset_converter, output, output_parsed);
} else if (DoCompareSchemeComponent(spec, scheme, url::kFileSystemScheme)) {
// Filesystem URLs are special.
ParseFileSystemURL(spec, spec_len, &parsed_input);
success = CanonicalizeFileSystemURL(spec, spec_len, parsed_input,
charset_converter, output,
} else if (DoIsStandard(spec, scheme, &scheme_type)) {
// All "normal" URLs.
ParseStandardURL(spec, spec_len, &parsed_input);
success = CanonicalizeStandardURL(spec, spec_len, parsed_input, scheme_type,
charset_converter, output, output_parsed);
} else if (DoCompareSchemeComponent(spec, scheme, url::kMailToScheme)) {
// Mailto URLs are treated like standard URLs, with only a scheme, path,
// and query.
ParseMailtoURL(spec, spec_len, &parsed_input);
success = CanonicalizeMailtoURL(spec, spec_len, parsed_input, output,
} else {
// "Weird" URLs like data: and javascript:.
ParsePathURL(spec, spec_len, trim_path_end, &parsed_input);
success = CanonicalizePathURL(spec, spec_len, parsed_input, output,
return success;
template<typename CHAR>
bool DoResolveRelative(const char* base_spec,
int base_spec_len,
const Parsed& base_parsed,
const CHAR* in_relative,
int in_relative_length,
CharsetConverter* charset_converter,
CanonOutput* output,
Parsed* output_parsed) {
// Remove any whitespace from the middle of the relative URL, possibly
// copying to the new buffer.
STACK_UNINITIALIZED RawCanonOutputT<CHAR> whitespace_buffer;
int relative_length;
const CHAR* relative = RemoveURLWhitespace(
in_relative, in_relative_length, &whitespace_buffer, &relative_length,
bool base_is_authority_based = false;
bool base_is_hierarchical = false;
if (base_spec &&
base_parsed.scheme.is_nonempty()) {
int after_scheme = base_parsed.scheme.end() + 1; // Skip past the colon.
int num_slashes = CountConsecutiveSlashes(base_spec, after_scheme,
base_is_authority_based = num_slashes > 1;
base_is_hierarchical = num_slashes > 0;
bool standard_base_scheme =
base_parsed.scheme.is_nonempty() &&
DoIsStandard(base_spec, base_parsed.scheme, &unused_scheme_type);
bool is_relative;
Component relative_component;
if (!IsRelativeURL(base_spec, base_parsed, relative, relative_length,
(base_is_hierarchical || standard_base_scheme),
&is_relative, &relative_component)) {
// Error resolving.
return false;
// Don't reserve buffer space here. Instead, reserve in DoCanonicalize and
// ReserveRelativeURL, to enable more accurate buffer sizes.
// Pretend for a moment that |base_spec| is a standard URL. Normally
// non-standard URLs are treated as PathURLs, but if the base has an
// authority we would like to preserve it.
if (is_relative && base_is_authority_based && !standard_base_scheme) {
Parsed base_parsed_authority;
ParseStandardURL(base_spec, base_spec_len, &base_parsed_authority);
if ( {
STACK_UNINITIALIZED RawCanonOutputT<char> temporary_output;
bool did_resolve_succeed =
ResolveRelativeURL(base_spec, base_parsed_authority, false, relative,
relative_component, charset_converter,
&temporary_output, output_parsed);
// The output_parsed is incorrect at this point (because it was built
// based on base_parsed_authority instead of base_parsed) and needs to be
// re-created.
DoCanonicalize(, temporary_output.length(), true,
REMOVE_WHITESPACE, charset_converter, output,
return did_resolve_succeed;
} else if (is_relative) {
// Relative, resolve and canonicalize.
bool file_base_scheme = base_parsed.scheme.is_nonempty() &&
DoCompareSchemeComponent(base_spec, base_parsed.scheme, kFileScheme);
return ResolveRelativeURL(base_spec, base_parsed, file_base_scheme, relative,
relative_component, charset_converter, output,
// Not relative, canonicalize the input.
return DoCanonicalize(relative, relative_length, true,
DO_NOT_REMOVE_WHITESPACE, charset_converter, output,
template<typename CHAR>
bool DoReplaceComponents(const char* spec,
int spec_len,
const Parsed& parsed,
const Replacements<CHAR>& replacements,
CharsetConverter* charset_converter,
CanonOutput* output,
Parsed* out_parsed) {
// If the scheme is overridden, just do a simple string substitution and
// re-parse the whole thing. There are lots of edge cases that we really don't
// want to deal with. Like what happens if I replace "http://e:8080/foo"
// with a file. Does it become "file:///E:/8080/foo" where the port number
// becomes part of the path? Parsing that string as a file URL says "yes"
// but almost no sane rule for dealing with the components individually would
// come up with that.
// Why allow these crazy cases at all? Programatically, there is almost no
// case for replacing the scheme. The most common case for hitting this is
// in JS when building up a URL using the location object. In this case, the
// JS code expects the string substitution behavior:
if (replacements.IsSchemeOverridden()) {
// Canonicalize the new scheme so it is 8-bit and can be concatenated with
// the existing spec.
STACK_UNINITIALIZED RawCanonOutput<128> scheme_replaced;
Component scheme_replaced_parsed;
&scheme_replaced, &scheme_replaced_parsed);
// We can assume that the input is canonicalized, which means it always has
// a colon after the scheme (or where the scheme would be).
int spec_after_colon = parsed.scheme.is_valid() ? parsed.scheme.end() + 1
: 1;
if (spec_len - spec_after_colon > 0) {
spec_len - spec_after_colon);
// We now need to completely re-parse the resulting string since its meaning
// may have changed with the different scheme.
STACK_UNINITIALIZED RawCanonOutput<128> recanonicalized;
Parsed recanonicalized_parsed;
DoCanonicalize(, scheme_replaced.length(), true,
REMOVE_WHITESPACE, charset_converter, &recanonicalized,
// Recurse using the version with the scheme already replaced. This will now
// use the replacement rules for the new scheme.
// Warning: this code assumes that ReplaceComponents will re-check all
// components for validity. This is because we can't fail if DoCanonicalize
// failed above since theoretically the thing making it fail could be
// getting replaced here. If ReplaceComponents didn't re-check everything,
// we wouldn't know if something *not* getting replaced is a problem.
// If the scheme-specific replacers are made more intelligent so they don't
// re-check everything, we should instead re-canonicalize the whole thing
// after this call to check validity (this assumes replacing the scheme is
// much much less common than other types of replacements, like clearing the
// ref).
Replacements<CHAR> replacements_no_scheme = replacements;
replacements_no_scheme.SetScheme(NULL, Component());
// If the input URL has potentially dangling markup, set the flag on the
// output too. Note that in some cases the replacement gets rid of the
// potentially dangling markup, but this ok since the check will fail
// closed.
if (parsed.potentially_dangling_markup) {
out_parsed->potentially_dangling_markup = true;
return DoReplaceComponents(, recanonicalized.length(),
recanonicalized_parsed, replacements_no_scheme,
charset_converter, output, out_parsed);
// TODO(csharrison): We could be smarter about size to reserve if this is done
// in callers below, and the code checks to see which components are being
// replaced, and with what length. If this ends up being a hot spot it should
// be changed.
// If we get here, then we know the scheme doesn't need to be replaced, so can
// just key off the scheme in the spec to know how to do the replacements.
if (DoCompareSchemeComponent(spec, parsed.scheme, url::kFileScheme)) {
return ReplaceFileURL(spec, parsed, replacements, charset_converter, output,
if (DoCompareSchemeComponent(spec, parsed.scheme, url::kFileSystemScheme)) {
return ReplaceFileSystemURL(spec, parsed, replacements, charset_converter,
output, out_parsed);
if (DoIsStandard(spec, parsed.scheme, &scheme_type)) {
return ReplaceStandardURL(spec, parsed, replacements, scheme_type,
charset_converter, output, out_parsed);
if (DoCompareSchemeComponent(spec, parsed.scheme, url::kMailToScheme)) {
return ReplaceMailtoURL(spec, parsed, replacements, output, out_parsed);
// Default is a path URL.
return ReplacePathURL(spec, parsed, replacements, output, out_parsed);
void DoSchemeModificationPreamble() {
// If this assert triggers, it means you've called Add*Scheme after
// the SchemeRegistry has been used.
// This normally means you're trying to set up a new scheme too late or using
// the SchemeRegistry too early in your application's init process.
<< "Trying to add a scheme after the lists have been used. "
"Make sure that you haven't added any static GURL initializers in tests.";
// If this assert triggers, it means you've called Add*Scheme after
// LockSchemeRegistries has been called (see the header file for
// LockSchemeRegistries for more).
// This normally means you're trying to set up a new scheme too late in your
// application's init process. Locate where your app does this initialization
// and calls LockSchemeRegistries, and add your new scheme there.
<< "Trying to add a scheme after the lists have been locked.";
void DoAddSchemeWithHandler(const char* new_scheme,
const char* handler,
std::vector<SchemeWithHandler>* schemes) {
GURL_DCHECK(strlen(new_scheme) > 0);
GURL_DCHECK(strlen(handler) > 0);
GURL_DCHECK_EQ(gurl_base::ToLowerASCII(new_scheme), new_scheme);
GURL_DCHECK(!gurl_base::Contains(*schemes, new_scheme, &SchemeWithHandler::scheme));
schemes->push_back({new_scheme, handler});
void DoAddScheme(const char* new_scheme, std::vector<std::string>* schemes) {
GURL_DCHECK(strlen(new_scheme) > 0);
GURL_DCHECK_EQ(gurl_base::ToLowerASCII(new_scheme), new_scheme);
GURL_DCHECK(!gurl_base::Contains(*schemes, new_scheme));
void DoAddSchemeWithType(const char* new_scheme,
SchemeType type,
std::vector<SchemeWithType>* schemes) {
GURL_DCHECK(strlen(new_scheme) > 0);
GURL_DCHECK_EQ(gurl_base::ToLowerASCII(new_scheme), new_scheme);
GURL_DCHECK(!gurl_base::Contains(*schemes, new_scheme, &SchemeWithType::scheme));
schemes->push_back({new_scheme, type});
} // namespace
void ClearSchemesForTests() {
<< "Schemes already used "
<< "(use ScopedSchemeRegistryForTests to relax for tests).";
<< "Schemes already locked "
<< "(use ScopedSchemeRegistryForTests to relax for tests).";
*GetSchemeRegistryWithoutLocking() = SchemeRegistry();
class ScopedSchemeRegistryInternal {
: registry_(std::make_unique<SchemeRegistry>(
*GetSchemeRegistryWithoutLocking())) {;
scheme_registries_locked = false;
~ScopedSchemeRegistryInternal() {
*GetSchemeRegistryWithoutLocking() = *registry_;;
scheme_registries_locked = true;
std::unique_ptr<SchemeRegistry> registry_;
: internal_(std::make_unique<ScopedSchemeRegistryInternal>()) {}
ScopedSchemeRegistryForTests::~ScopedSchemeRegistryForTests() = default;
void EnableNonStandardSchemesForAndroidWebView() {
GetSchemeRegistryWithoutLocking()->allow_non_standard_schemes = true;
bool AllowNonStandardSchemesForAndroidWebView() {
return GetSchemeRegistry().allow_non_standard_schemes;
void AddStandardScheme(const char* new_scheme, SchemeType type) {
DoAddSchemeWithType(new_scheme, type,
std::vector<std::string> GetStandardSchemes() {
std::vector<std::string> result;
for (const auto& entry : GetSchemeRegistry().standard_schemes) {
return result;
void AddReferrerScheme(const char* new_scheme, SchemeType type) {
DoAddSchemeWithType(new_scheme, type,
void AddSecureScheme(const char* new_scheme) {
DoAddScheme(new_scheme, &GetSchemeRegistryWithoutLocking()->secure_schemes);
const std::vector<std::string>& GetSecureSchemes() {
return GetSchemeRegistry().secure_schemes;
void AddLocalScheme(const char* new_scheme) {
DoAddScheme(new_scheme, &GetSchemeRegistryWithoutLocking()->local_schemes);
const std::vector<std::string>& GetLocalSchemes() {
return GetSchemeRegistry().local_schemes;
void AddNoAccessScheme(const char* new_scheme) {
const std::vector<std::string>& GetNoAccessSchemes() {
return GetSchemeRegistry().no_access_schemes;
void AddCorsEnabledScheme(const char* new_scheme) {
const std::vector<std::string>& GetCorsEnabledSchemes() {
return GetSchemeRegistry().cors_enabled_schemes;
void AddWebStorageScheme(const char* new_scheme) {
const std::vector<std::string>& GetWebStorageSchemes() {
return GetSchemeRegistry().web_storage_schemes;
void AddCSPBypassingScheme(const char* new_scheme) {
const std::vector<std::string>& GetCSPBypassingSchemes() {
return GetSchemeRegistry().csp_bypassing_schemes;
void AddEmptyDocumentScheme(const char* new_scheme) {
const std::vector<std::string>& GetEmptyDocumentSchemes() {
return GetSchemeRegistry().empty_document_schemes;
void AddPredefinedHandlerScheme(const char* new_scheme, const char* handler) {
new_scheme, handler,
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> GetPredefinedHandlerSchemes() {
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> result;
for (const SchemeWithHandler& entry :
GetSchemeRegistry().predefined_handler_schemes) {
result.emplace_back(entry.scheme, entry.handler);
return result;
void LockSchemeRegistries() {
scheme_registries_locked = true;
bool IsStandard(const char* spec, const Component& scheme) {
SchemeType unused_scheme_type;
return DoIsStandard(spec, scheme, &unused_scheme_type);
bool GetStandardSchemeType(const char* spec,
const Component& scheme,
SchemeType* type) {
return DoIsStandard(spec, scheme, type);
bool GetStandardSchemeType(const char16_t* spec,
const Component& scheme,
SchemeType* type) {
return DoIsStandard(spec, scheme, type);
bool IsStandard(const char16_t* spec, const Component& scheme) {
SchemeType unused_scheme_type;
return DoIsStandard(spec, scheme, &unused_scheme_type);
bool IsReferrerScheme(const char* spec, const Component& scheme) {
SchemeType unused_scheme_type;
return DoIsInSchemes(spec, scheme, &unused_scheme_type,
bool FindAndCompareScheme(const char* str,
int str_len,
const char* compare,
Component* found_scheme) {
return DoFindAndCompareScheme(str, str_len, compare, found_scheme);
bool FindAndCompareScheme(const char16_t* str,
int str_len,
const char* compare,
Component* found_scheme) {
return DoFindAndCompareScheme(str, str_len, compare, found_scheme);
bool DomainIs(std::string_view canonical_host,
std::string_view canonical_domain) {
if (canonical_host.empty() || canonical_domain.empty())
return false;
// If the host name ends with a dot but the input domain doesn't, then we
// ignore the dot in the host name.
size_t host_len = canonical_host.length();
if (canonical_host.back() == '.' && canonical_domain.back() != '.')
if (host_len < canonical_domain.length())
return false;
// |host_first_pos| is the start of the compared part of the host name, not
// start of the whole host name.
const char* host_first_pos = + host_len - canonical_domain.length();
if (std::string_view(host_first_pos, canonical_domain.length()) !=
canonical_domain) {
return false;
// Make sure there aren't extra characters in host before the compared part;
// if the host name is longer than the input domain name, then the character
// immediately before the compared part should be a dot. For example,
// has domain "", but does not.
if (canonical_domain[0] != '.' && host_len > canonical_domain.length() &&
*(host_first_pos - 1) != '.') {
return false;
return true;
bool HostIsIPAddress(std::string_view host) {
STACK_UNINITIALIZED url::RawCanonOutputT<char, 128> ignored_output;
url::CanonHostInfo host_info;
url::CanonicalizeIPAddress(, Component(0, host.length()),
&ignored_output, &host_info);
return host_info.IsIPAddress();
bool Canonicalize(const char* spec,
int spec_len,
bool trim_path_end,
CharsetConverter* charset_converter,
CanonOutput* output,
Parsed* output_parsed) {
return DoCanonicalize(spec, spec_len, trim_path_end, REMOVE_WHITESPACE,
charset_converter, output, output_parsed);
bool Canonicalize(const char16_t* spec,
int spec_len,
bool trim_path_end,
CharsetConverter* charset_converter,
CanonOutput* output,
Parsed* output_parsed) {
return DoCanonicalize(spec, spec_len, trim_path_end, REMOVE_WHITESPACE,
charset_converter, output, output_parsed);
bool ResolveRelative(const char* base_spec,
int base_spec_len,
const Parsed& base_parsed,
const char* relative,
int relative_length,
CharsetConverter* charset_converter,
CanonOutput* output,
Parsed* output_parsed) {
return DoResolveRelative(base_spec, base_spec_len, base_parsed,
relative, relative_length,
charset_converter, output, output_parsed);
bool ResolveRelative(const char* base_spec,
int base_spec_len,
const Parsed& base_parsed,
const char16_t* relative,
int relative_length,
CharsetConverter* charset_converter,
CanonOutput* output,
Parsed* output_parsed) {
return DoResolveRelative(base_spec, base_spec_len, base_parsed,
relative, relative_length,
charset_converter, output, output_parsed);
bool ReplaceComponents(const char* spec,
int spec_len,
const Parsed& parsed,
const Replacements<char>& replacements,
CharsetConverter* charset_converter,
CanonOutput* output,
Parsed* out_parsed) {
return DoReplaceComponents(spec, spec_len, parsed, replacements,
charset_converter, output, out_parsed);
bool ReplaceComponents(const char* spec,
int spec_len,
const Parsed& parsed,
const Replacements<char16_t>& replacements,
CharsetConverter* charset_converter,
CanonOutput* output,
Parsed* out_parsed) {
return DoReplaceComponents(spec, spec_len, parsed, replacements,
charset_converter, output, out_parsed);
void DecodeURLEscapeSequences(std::string_view input,
DecodeURLMode mode,
CanonOutputW* output) {
if (input.empty()) {
STACK_UNINITIALIZED RawCanonOutputT<char> unescaped_chars;
for (size_t i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) {
if (input[i] == '%') {
unsigned char ch;
if (DecodeEscaped(, &i, input.length(), &ch)) {
} else {
// Invalid escape sequence, copy the percent literal.
} else {
// Regular non-escaped 8-bit character.
int output_initial_length = output->length();
// Convert that 8-bit to UTF-16. It's not clear IE does this at all to
// JavaScript URLs, but Firefox and Safari do.
size_t unescaped_length = unescaped_chars.length();
for (size_t i = 0; i < unescaped_length; i++) {
unsigned char uch = static_cast<unsigned char>(;
if (uch < 0x80) {
// Non-UTF-8, just append directly
} else {
// next_ch will point to the last character of the decoded
// character.
size_t next_character = i;
base_icu::UChar32 code_point;
if (ReadUTFCharLossy(, &next_character,
unescaped_length, &code_point)) {
// Valid UTF-8 character, convert to UTF-16.
AppendUTF16Value(code_point, output);
i = next_character;
} else if (mode == DecodeURLMode::kUTF8) {
GURL_DCHECK_EQ(code_point, 0xFFFD);
AppendUTF16Value(code_point, output);
i = next_character;
} else {
// If there are any sequences that are not valid UTF-8, we
// revert |output| changes, and promote any bytes to UTF-16. We
// copy all characters from the beginning to the end of the
// identified sequence.
for (size_t j = 0; j < unescaped_chars.length(); ++j)
output->push_back(static_cast<unsigned char>(;
void EncodeURIComponent(std::string_view input, CanonOutput* output) {
for (unsigned char c : input) {
if (IsComponentChar(c)) {
} else {
AppendEscapedChar(c, output);
bool IsURIComponentChar(char c) {
return IsComponentChar(c);
bool CompareSchemeComponent(const char* spec,
const Component& component,
const char* compare_to) {
return DoCompareSchemeComponent(spec, component, compare_to);
bool CompareSchemeComponent(const char16_t* spec,
const Component& component,
const char* compare_to) {
return DoCompareSchemeComponent(spec, component, compare_to);
bool HasInvalidURLEscapeSequences(std::string_view input) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < input.size(); i++) {
if (input[i] == '%') {
unsigned char ch;
if (!DecodeEscaped(, &i, input.size(), &ch)) {
return true;
return false;
} // namespace url