Update googleurl to the latest version from Chromium

The version used is 51d0fb56d0f3cbb4be624aba1148411a1bde1554
from Fri Dec 4 00:14:56 2020 +0000
diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS
index 160949c..a619990 100644
@@ -199,6 +199,7 @@
 Chris Szurgot <szurgotc@amazon.com>
 Chris Tserng <tserng@amazon.com>
 Chris Vasselli <clindsay@gmail.com>
+Chris Ye <hawkoyates@gmail.com>
 Christophe Dumez <ch.dumez@samsung.com>
 Christopher Dale <chrelad@gmail.com>
 Chunbo Hua <chunbo.hua@intel.com>
@@ -259,6 +260,7 @@
 Deokjin Kim <deokjin81.kim@samsung.com>
 Derek Halman <d.halman@gmail.com>
 Devlin Cronin <rdevlin.cronin@gmail.com>
+Dhi Aurrahman <dio@rockybars.com>
 Diana Suvorova <diana.suvorova@gmail.com>
 Diego Ferreiro Val <elfogris@gmail.com>
 Dillon Sellars <dill.sellars@gmail.com>
@@ -441,6 +443,7 @@
 James Willcox <jwillcox@litl.com>
 Jan Rucka <ruckajan10@gmail.com>
 Jan Sauer <jan@jansauer.de>
+Janusz Majnert <jmajnert@gmail.com>
 Janwar Dinata <j.dinata@gmail.com>
 Jared Shumway <jaredshumway94@gmail.com>
 Jared Sohn <jared.sohn@gmail.com>
@@ -634,6 +637,7 @@
 Luke Zarko <lukezarko@gmail.com>
 Luoxi Pan <l.panpax@gmail.com>
 Maarten Lankhorst <m.b.lankhorst@gmail.com>
+Maciej Pawlowski <m.pawlowski@eyeo.com>
 Magnus Danielsson <fuzzac@gmail.com>
 Mahesh Kulkarni <mahesh.kk@samsung.com>
 Mahesh Machavolu <mahesh.ma@samsung.com>
@@ -787,6 +791,7 @@
 Paweł Hajdan jr <phajdan.jr@gmail.com>
 Piotr Zarycki <piotr.zarycki@gmail.com>
 Payal Pandey <payal.pandey@samsung.com>
+Pedro Tôrres <t0rr3s.p3dr0@gmail.com>
 Peng Hu <penghu@tencent.com>
 Peng Jiang <leiyi.jp@gmail.com>
 Peng Xinchao <pxinchao@gmail.com>
@@ -860,6 +865,7 @@
 Robert Bradford <robert.bradford@intel.com>
 Robert Goldberg <goldberg@adobe.com>
 Robert Hogan <robhogan@gmail.com>
+Robert O'Callahan <rocallahan@gmail.com>
 Robert Nagy <robert.nagy@gmail.com>
 Robert Sesek <rsesek@bluestatic.org>
 Roger Zanoni <rogerzanoni@gmail.com>
@@ -970,6 +976,7 @@
 Soren Dreijer <dreijerbit@gmail.com>
 Sreerenj Balachandran <sreerenj.balachandran@intel.com>
 Srirama Chandra Sekhar Mogali <srirama.m@samsung.com>
+Stacy Kim <stacy.kim@ucla.edu>
 Staphany Park <stapark008@gmail.com>
 Stephan Hartmann <stha09@googlemail.com>
 Stephen Searles <stephen.searles@gmail.com>
@@ -1021,6 +1028,7 @@
 Thomas Butter <tbutter@gmail.com>
 Thomas Conti <tomc@amazon.com>
 Thomas Nguyen <haitung.nguyen@avast.com>
+Thomas Phillips <tphillips@snapchat.com>
 Thomas White <im.toms.inbox@gmail.com>
 Tiago Vignatti <tiago.vignatti@intel.com>
 Tibor Dusnoki <tibor.dusnoki.91@gmail.com>
diff --git a/base/compiler_specific.h b/base/compiler_specific.h
index 0f960c1..fe3d499 100644
--- a/base/compiler_specific.h
+++ b/base/compiler_specific.h
@@ -11,6 +11,19 @@
 #error "Only clang-cl is supported on Windows, see https://crbug.com/988071"
+// This is a wrapper around `__has_cpp_attribute`, which can be used to test for
+// the presence of an attribute. In case the compiler does not support this
+// macro it will simply evaluate to 0.
+// References:
+// https://wg21.link/sd6#testing-for-the-presence-of-an-attribute-__has_cpp_attribute
+// https://wg21.link/cpp.cond#:__has_cpp_attribute
+#if defined(__has_cpp_attribute)
+#define HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE(x) __has_cpp_attribute(x)
+#define HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE(x) 0
 // Annotate a variable indicating it's ok if the variable is not used.
 // (Typically used to silence a compiler warning when the assignment
 // is important for some other reason.)
@@ -99,6 +112,20 @@
+// In case the compiler supports it NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS evaluates to the C++20
+// attribute [[no_unique_address]]. This allows annotating data members so that
+// they need not have an address distinct from all other non-static data members
+// of its class.
+// References:
+// * https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/attributes/no_unique_address
+// * https://wg21.link/dcl.attr.nouniqueaddr
+#if HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE(no_unique_address)
+#define NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS [[no_unique_address]]
 // Tell the compiler a function is using a printf-style format string.
 // |format_param| is the one-based index of the format string parameter;
 // |dots_param| is the one-based index of the "..." parameter.
diff --git a/base/ranges/algorithm.h b/base/ranges/algorithm.h
index 649059f..646b733 100644
--- a/base/ranges/algorithm.h
+++ b/base/ranges/algorithm.h
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
 #include <type_traits>
 #include <utility>
+#include "polyfills/base/check.h"
+#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
 #include "base/functional/identity.h"
 #include "base/functional/invoke.h"
 #include "base/ranges/functional.h"
@@ -150,14 +152,13 @@
 namespace ranges {
-// C++14 implementation of std::ranges::in_fun_result. Note the because C++14
-// lacks the `no_unique_address` attribute it is commented out.
+// C++14 implementation of std::ranges::in_fun_result.
 // Reference: https://wg21.link/algorithms.results#:~:text=in_fun_result
 template <typename I, typename F>
 struct in_fun_result {
-  /* [[no_unique_address]] */ I in;
-  /* [[no_unique_address]] */ F fun;
   template <typename I2,
             typename F2,
@@ -3732,6 +3733,8 @@
                         Comp comp = {},
                         Proj1 proj1 = {},
                         Proj2 proj2 = {}) {
+  GURL_DCHECK(ranges::is_sorted(first1, last1, comp, proj1));
+  GURL_DCHECK(ranges::is_sorted(first2, last2, comp, proj2));
   // Needs to opt-in to all permutations, since std::includes expects
   // comp(proj1(lhs), proj2(rhs)) and comp(proj2(lhs), proj1(rhs)) to compile.
   return std::includes(
diff --git a/base/stl_util.h b/base/stl_util.h
index 49fd272..f3d86ef 100644
--- a/base/stl_util.h
+++ b/base/stl_util.h
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 #include "polyfills/base/check.h"
 #include "base/optional.h"
+#include "base/ranges/algorithm.h"
 #include "base/template_util.h"
 namespace gurl_base {
@@ -464,29 +465,11 @@
-// Returns true if the container is sorted. Requires constexpr std::begin/end,
-// which exists for arrays in C++14.
-// Note that std::is_sorted is constexpr beginning C++20 and this should be
-// switched to use it when C++20 is supported.
-template <typename Container>
-constexpr bool STLIsSorted(const Container& cont) {
-  auto it = std::begin(cont);
-  const auto end = std::end(cont);
-  if (it == end)
-    return true;
-  for (auto prev = it++; it != end; prev = it++) {
-    if (*it < *prev)
-      return false;
-  }
-  return true;
 // Returns a new ResultType containing the difference of two sorted containers.
 template <typename ResultType, typename Arg1, typename Arg2>
 ResultType STLSetDifference(const Arg1& a1, const Arg2& a2) {
-  GURL_DCHECK(STLIsSorted(a1));
-  GURL_DCHECK(STLIsSorted(a2));
+  GURL_DCHECK(ranges::is_sorted(a1));
+  GURL_DCHECK(ranges::is_sorted(a2));
   ResultType difference;
   std::set_difference(a1.begin(), a1.end(),
                       a2.begin(), a2.end(),
@@ -497,8 +480,8 @@
 // Returns a new ResultType containing the union of two sorted containers.
 template <typename ResultType, typename Arg1, typename Arg2>
 ResultType STLSetUnion(const Arg1& a1, const Arg2& a2) {
-  GURL_DCHECK(STLIsSorted(a1));
-  GURL_DCHECK(STLIsSorted(a2));
+  GURL_DCHECK(ranges::is_sorted(a1));
+  GURL_DCHECK(ranges::is_sorted(a2));
   ResultType result;
   std::set_union(a1.begin(), a1.end(),
                  a2.begin(), a2.end(),
@@ -510,8 +493,8 @@
 // containers.
 template <typename ResultType, typename Arg1, typename Arg2>
 ResultType STLSetIntersection(const Arg1& a1, const Arg2& a2) {
-  GURL_DCHECK(STLIsSorted(a1));
-  GURL_DCHECK(STLIsSorted(a2));
+  GURL_DCHECK(ranges::is_sorted(a1));
+  GURL_DCHECK(ranges::is_sorted(a2));
   ResultType result;
   std::set_intersection(a1.begin(), a1.end(),
                         a2.begin(), a2.end(),
@@ -519,16 +502,6 @@
   return result;
-// Returns true if the sorted container |a1| contains all elements of the sorted
-// container |a2|.
-template <typename Arg1, typename Arg2>
-bool STLIncludes(const Arg1& a1, const Arg2& a2) {
-  GURL_DCHECK(STLIsSorted(a1));
-  GURL_DCHECK(STLIsSorted(a2));
-  return std::includes(a1.begin(), a1.end(),
-                       a2.begin(), a2.end());
 // Erase/EraseIf are based on C++20's uniform container erasure API:
 // - https://eel.is/c++draft/libraryindex#:erase
 // - https://eel.is/c++draft/libraryindex#:erase_if
diff --git a/url/gurl_unittest.cc b/url/gurl_unittest.cc
index 1030416..f0f72cd 100644
--- a/url/gurl_unittest.cc
+++ b/url/gurl_unittest.cc
@@ -480,22 +480,24 @@
     const char* ref;
     const char* expected;
   } replace_cases[] = {
-      {"http://www.google.com/foo/bar.html?foo#bar", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
-       NULL, "/", "", "", "http://www.google.com/"},
+      {"http://www.google.com/foo/bar.html?foo#bar", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
+       nullptr, nullptr, "/", "", "", "http://www.google.com/"},
       {"http://www.google.com/foo/bar.html?foo#bar", "javascript", "", "", "",
        "", "window.open('foo');", "", "", "javascript:window.open('foo');"},
-      {"file:///C:/foo/bar.txt", "http", NULL, NULL, "www.google.com", "99",
-       "/foo", "search", "ref", "http://www.google.com:99/foo?search#ref"},
+      {"file:///C:/foo/bar.txt", "http", nullptr, nullptr, "www.google.com",
+       "99", "/foo", "search", "ref",
+       "http://www.google.com:99/foo?search#ref"},
 #ifdef WIN32
       {"http://www.google.com/foo/bar.html?foo#bar", "file", "", "", "", "",
        "c:\\", "", "", "file:///C:/"},
-      {"filesystem:http://www.google.com/foo/bar.html?foo#bar", NULL, NULL,
-       NULL, NULL, NULL, "/", "", "", "filesystem:http://www.google.com/foo/"},
+      {"filesystem:http://www.google.com/foo/bar.html?foo#bar", nullptr,
+       nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, "/", "", "",
+       "filesystem:http://www.google.com/foo/"},
       // Lengthen the URL instead of shortening it, to test creation of
       // inner_url.
-      {"filesystem:http://www.google.com/foo/", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
-       "bar.html", "foo", "bar",
+      {"filesystem:http://www.google.com/foo/", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
+       nullptr, nullptr, "bar.html", "foo", "bar",
@@ -554,13 +556,17 @@
     const char* expected;
     const char* inner_expected;
   } cases[] = {
-    {"http://www.google.com", "/", NULL},
-    {"http://www.google.com/", "/", NULL},
-    {"http://www.google.com/foo/bar.html?baz=22", "/foo/bar.html?baz=22", NULL},
-    {"http://www.google.com/foo/bar.html#ref", "/foo/bar.html", NULL},
-    {"http://www.google.com/foo/bar.html?query#ref", "/foo/bar.html?query", NULL},
-    {"filesystem:http://www.google.com/temporary/foo/bar.html?query#ref", "/foo/bar.html?query", "/temporary"},
-    {"filesystem:http://www.google.com/temporary/foo/bar.html?query", "/foo/bar.html?query", "/temporary"},
+      {"http://www.google.com", "/", nullptr},
+      {"http://www.google.com/", "/", nullptr},
+      {"http://www.google.com/foo/bar.html?baz=22", "/foo/bar.html?baz=22",
+       nullptr},
+      {"http://www.google.com/foo/bar.html#ref", "/foo/bar.html", nullptr},
+      {"http://www.google.com/foo/bar.html?query#ref", "/foo/bar.html?query",
+       nullptr},
+      {"filesystem:http://www.google.com/temporary/foo/bar.html?query#ref",
+       "/foo/bar.html?query", "/temporary"},
+      {"filesystem:http://www.google.com/temporary/foo/bar.html?query",
+       "/foo/bar.html?query", "/temporary"},
   for (size_t i = 0; i < gurl_base::size(cases); i++) {
diff --git a/url/origin.h b/url/origin.h
index f4c1bf8..8cb3ef0 100644
--- a/url/origin.h
+++ b/url/origin.h
@@ -56,8 +56,6 @@
 }  // namespace mojo
 namespace net {
-class NetworkIsolationKey;
-class OpaqueNonTransientNetworkIsolationKeyTest;
 class SchemefulSite;
 }  // namespace net
@@ -299,11 +297,9 @@
   friend class blink::SecurityOrigin;
-  friend class net::NetworkIsolationKey;
   // SchemefulSite needs access to the serialization/deserialization logic which
   // includes the nonce.
   friend class net::SchemefulSite;
-  friend class net::OpaqueNonTransientNetworkIsolationKeyTest;
   friend class OriginTest;
   friend struct mojo::UrlOriginAdapter;
   friend struct ipc_fuzzer::FuzzTraits<Origin>;
diff --git a/url/scheme_host_port.cc b/url/scheme_host_port.cc
index c541cae..265761b 100644
--- a/url/scheme_host_port.cc
+++ b/url/scheme_host_port.cc
@@ -242,9 +242,6 @@
-  if (port_ == 0)
-    return result;
   // Omit the port component if the port matches with the default port
   // defined for the scheme, if any.
   int default_port = DefaultPortForScheme(scheme_.data(),
diff --git a/url/scheme_host_port_unittest.cc b/url/scheme_host_port_unittest.cc
index 3e7bf65..a4cbdb3 100644
--- a/url/scheme_host_port_unittest.cc
+++ b/url/scheme_host_port_unittest.cc
@@ -224,6 +224,7 @@
       {"https://example.com:123/", "https://example.com:123"},
       {"file:///etc/passwd", "file://"},
       {"file://example.com/etc/passwd", "file://example.com"},
+      {"https://example.com:0/", "https://example.com:0"},
   for (const auto& test : cases) {
diff --git a/url/url_canon.h b/url/url_canon.h
index c50cceb..84b3549 100644
--- a/url/url_canon.h
+++ b/url/url_canon.h
@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@
                       Component* out_port);
 // Returns the default port for the given canonical scheme, or PORT_UNSPECIFIED
-// if the scheme is unknown.
+// if the scheme is unknown. Based on https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#default-port
 int DefaultPortForScheme(const char* scheme, int scheme_len);
diff --git a/url/url_canon_stdurl.cc b/url/url_canon_stdurl.cc
index 6a94f50..005877a 100644
--- a/url/url_canon_stdurl.cc
+++ b/url/url_canon_stdurl.cc
@@ -108,9 +108,11 @@
 }  // namespace
 // Returns the default port for the given canonical scheme, or PORT_UNSPECIFIED
 // if the scheme is unknown.
+// Please keep blink::DefaultPortForProtocol and url::DefaultPortForProtocol in
+// sync.
 int DefaultPortForScheme(const char* scheme, int scheme_len) {
   int default_port = PORT_UNSPECIFIED;
   switch (scheme_len) {
diff --git a/url/url_canon_unittest.cc b/url/url_canon_unittest.cc
index 8f709be..55ef089 100644
--- a/url/url_canon_unittest.cc
+++ b/url/url_canon_unittest.cc
@@ -144,26 +144,26 @@
     const char* output;
   } utf_cases[] = {
       // Valid canonical input should get passed through & escaped.
-    {"\xe4\xbd\xa0\xe5\xa5\xbd", L"\x4f60\x597d", true, "%E4%BD%A0%E5%A5%BD"},
+      {"\xe4\xbd\xa0\xe5\xa5\xbd", L"\x4f60\x597d", true, "%E4%BD%A0%E5%A5%BD"},
       // Test a character that takes > 16 bits (U+10300 = old italic letter A)
-    {"\xF0\x90\x8C\x80", L"\xd800\xdf00", true, "%F0%90%8C%80"},
+      {"\xF0\x90\x8C\x80", L"\xd800\xdf00", true, "%F0%90%8C%80"},
       // Non-shortest-form UTF-8 characters are invalid. The bad bytes should
       // each be replaced with the invalid character (EF BF DB in UTF-8).
-    {"\xf0\x84\xbd\xa0\xe5\xa5\xbd", NULL, false,
+      {"\xf0\x84\xbd\xa0\xe5\xa5\xbd", nullptr, false,
+       "%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%E5%A5%BD"},
       // Invalid UTF-8 sequences should be marked as invalid (the first
       // sequence is truncated).
-    {"\xe4\xa0\xe5\xa5\xbd", L"\xd800\x597d", false, "%EF%BF%BD%E5%A5%BD"},
+      {"\xe4\xa0\xe5\xa5\xbd", L"\xd800\x597d", false, "%EF%BF%BD%E5%A5%BD"},
       // Character going off the end.
-    {"\xe4\xbd\xa0\xe5\xa5", L"\x4f60\xd800", false, "%E4%BD%A0%EF%BF%BD"},
+      {"\xe4\xbd\xa0\xe5\xa5", L"\x4f60\xd800", false, "%E4%BD%A0%EF%BF%BD"},
       // ...same with low surrogates with no high surrogate.
-    {nullptr, L"\xdc00", false, "%EF%BF%BD"},
+      {nullptr, L"\xdc00", false, "%EF%BF%BD"},
       // Test a UTF-8 encoded surrogate value is marked as invalid.
       // ED A0 80 = U+D800
-    {"\xed\xa0\x80", NULL, false, "%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD"},
+      {"\xed\xa0\x80", nullptr, false, "%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD"},
       // ...even when paired.
-    {"\xed\xa0\x80\xed\xb0\x80", nullptr, false,
+      {"\xed\xa0\x80\xed\xb0\x80", nullptr, false,
   std::string out_str;
@@ -1068,89 +1068,100 @@
 TEST(URLCanonTest, Path) {
   DualComponentCase path_cases[] = {
-    // ----- path collapsing tests -----
-    {"/././foo", L"/././foo", "/foo", Component(0, 4), true},
-    {"/./.foo", L"/./.foo", "/.foo", Component(0, 5), true},
-    {"/foo/.", L"/foo/.", "/foo/", Component(0, 5), true},
-    {"/foo/./", L"/foo/./", "/foo/", Component(0, 5), true},
+      // ----- path collapsing tests -----
+      {"/././foo", L"/././foo", "/foo", Component(0, 4), true},
+      {"/./.foo", L"/./.foo", "/.foo", Component(0, 5), true},
+      {"/foo/.", L"/foo/.", "/foo/", Component(0, 5), true},
+      {"/foo/./", L"/foo/./", "/foo/", Component(0, 5), true},
       // double dots followed by a slash or the end of the string count
-    {"/foo/bar/..", L"/foo/bar/..", "/foo/", Component(0, 5), true},
-    {"/foo/bar/../", L"/foo/bar/../", "/foo/", Component(0, 5), true},
+      {"/foo/bar/..", L"/foo/bar/..", "/foo/", Component(0, 5), true},
+      {"/foo/bar/../", L"/foo/bar/../", "/foo/", Component(0, 5), true},
       // don't count double dots when they aren't followed by a slash
-    {"/foo/..bar", L"/foo/..bar", "/foo/..bar", Component(0, 10), true},
+      {"/foo/..bar", L"/foo/..bar", "/foo/..bar", Component(0, 10), true},
       // some in the middle
-    {"/foo/bar/../ton", L"/foo/bar/../ton", "/foo/ton", Component(0, 8), true},
-    {"/foo/bar/../ton/../../a", L"/foo/bar/../ton/../../a", "/a", Component(0, 2), true},
+      {"/foo/bar/../ton", L"/foo/bar/../ton", "/foo/ton", Component(0, 8),
+       true},
+      {"/foo/bar/../ton/../../a", L"/foo/bar/../ton/../../a", "/a",
+       Component(0, 2), true},
       // we should not be able to go above the root
-    {"/foo/../../..", L"/foo/../../..", "/", Component(0, 1), true},
-    {"/foo/../../../ton", L"/foo/../../../ton", "/ton", Component(0, 4), true},
+      {"/foo/../../..", L"/foo/../../..", "/", Component(0, 1), true},
+      {"/foo/../../../ton", L"/foo/../../../ton", "/ton", Component(0, 4),
+       true},
       // escaped dots should be unescaped and treated the same as dots
-    {"/foo/%2e", L"/foo/%2e", "/foo/", Component(0, 5), true},
-    {"/foo/%2e%2", L"/foo/%2e%2", "/foo/.%2", Component(0, 8), true},
-    {"/foo/%2e./%2e%2e/.%2e/%2e.bar", L"/foo/%2e./%2e%2e/.%2e/%2e.bar", "/..bar", Component(0, 6), true},
+      {"/foo/%2e", L"/foo/%2e", "/foo/", Component(0, 5), true},
+      {"/foo/%2e%2", L"/foo/%2e%2", "/foo/.%2", Component(0, 8), true},
+      {"/foo/%2e./%2e%2e/.%2e/%2e.bar", L"/foo/%2e./%2e%2e/.%2e/%2e.bar",
+       "/..bar", Component(0, 6), true},
       // Multiple slashes in a row should be preserved and treated like empty
       // directory names.
-    {"////../..", L"////../..", "//", Component(0, 2), true},
+      {"////../..", L"////../..", "//", Component(0, 2), true},
-    // ----- escaping tests -----
-    {"/foo", L"/foo", "/foo", Component(0, 4), true},
+      // ----- escaping tests -----
+      {"/foo", L"/foo", "/foo", Component(0, 4), true},
       // Valid escape sequence
-    {"/%20foo", L"/%20foo", "/%20foo", Component(0, 7), true},
+      {"/%20foo", L"/%20foo", "/%20foo", Component(0, 7), true},
       // Invalid escape sequence we should pass through unchanged.
-    {"/foo%", L"/foo%", "/foo%", Component(0, 5), true},
-    {"/foo%2", L"/foo%2", "/foo%2", Component(0, 6), true},
+      {"/foo%", L"/foo%", "/foo%", Component(0, 5), true},
+      {"/foo%2", L"/foo%2", "/foo%2", Component(0, 6), true},
       // Invalid escape sequence: bad characters should be treated the same as
       // the sourrounding text, not as escaped (in this case, UTF-8).
-    {"/foo%2zbar", L"/foo%2zbar", "/foo%2zbar", Component(0, 10), true},
-    {"/foo%2\xc2\xa9zbar", NULL, "/foo%2%C2%A9zbar", Component(0, 16), true},
-    {NULL, L"/foo%2\xc2\xa9zbar", "/foo%2%C3%82%C2%A9zbar", Component(0, 22), true},
+      {"/foo%2zbar", L"/foo%2zbar", "/foo%2zbar", Component(0, 10), true},
+      {"/foo%2\xc2\xa9zbar", nullptr, "/foo%2%C2%A9zbar", Component(0, 16),
+       true},
+      {nullptr, L"/foo%2\xc2\xa9zbar", "/foo%2%C3%82%C2%A9zbar",
+       Component(0, 22), true},
       // Regular characters that are escaped should be unescaped
-    {"/foo%41%7a", L"/foo%41%7a", "/fooAz", Component(0, 6), true},
+      {"/foo%41%7a", L"/foo%41%7a", "/fooAz", Component(0, 6), true},
       // Funny characters that are unescaped should be escaped
-    {"/foo\x09\x91%91", NULL, "/foo%09%91%91", Component(0, 13), true},
-    {NULL, L"/foo\x09\x91%91", "/foo%09%C2%91%91", Component(0, 16), true},
+      {"/foo\x09\x91%91", nullptr, "/foo%09%91%91", Component(0, 13), true},
+      {nullptr, L"/foo\x09\x91%91", "/foo%09%C2%91%91", Component(0, 16), true},
       // Invalid characters that are escaped should cause a failure.
-    {"/foo%00%51", L"/foo%00%51", "/foo%00Q", Component(0, 8), false},
+      {"/foo%00%51", L"/foo%00%51", "/foo%00Q", Component(0, 8), false},
       // Some characters should be passed through unchanged regardless of esc.
-    {"/(%28:%3A%29)", L"/(%28:%3A%29)", "/(%28:%3A%29)", Component(0, 13), true},
+      {"/(%28:%3A%29)", L"/(%28:%3A%29)", "/(%28:%3A%29)", Component(0, 13),
+       true},
       // Characters that are properly escaped should not have the case changed
       // of hex letters.
-    {"/%3A%3a%3C%3c", L"/%3A%3a%3C%3c", "/%3A%3a%3C%3c", Component(0, 13), true},
+      {"/%3A%3a%3C%3c", L"/%3A%3a%3C%3c", "/%3A%3a%3C%3c", Component(0, 13),
+       true},
       // Funny characters that are unescaped should be escaped
-    {"/foo\tbar", L"/foo\tbar", "/foo%09bar", Component(0, 10), true},
+      {"/foo\tbar", L"/foo\tbar", "/foo%09bar", Component(0, 10), true},
       // Backslashes should get converted to forward slashes
-    {"\\foo\\bar", L"\\foo\\bar", "/foo/bar", Component(0, 8), true},
+      {"\\foo\\bar", L"\\foo\\bar", "/foo/bar", Component(0, 8), true},
       // Hashes found in paths (possibly only when the caller explicitly sets
       // the path on an already-parsed URL) should be escaped.
-    {"/foo#bar", L"/foo#bar", "/foo%23bar", Component(0, 10), true},
+      {"/foo#bar", L"/foo#bar", "/foo%23bar", Component(0, 10), true},
       // %7f should be allowed and %3D should not be unescaped (these were wrong
       // in a previous version).
-    {"/%7Ffp3%3Eju%3Dduvgw%3Dd", L"/%7Ffp3%3Eju%3Dduvgw%3Dd", "/%7Ffp3%3Eju%3Dduvgw%3Dd", Component(0, 24), true},
+      {"/%7Ffp3%3Eju%3Dduvgw%3Dd", L"/%7Ffp3%3Eju%3Dduvgw%3Dd",
+       "/%7Ffp3%3Eju%3Dduvgw%3Dd", Component(0, 24), true},
       // @ should be passed through unchanged (escaped or unescaped).
-    {"/@asdf%40", L"/@asdf%40", "/@asdf%40", Component(0, 9), true},
+      {"/@asdf%40", L"/@asdf%40", "/@asdf%40", Component(0, 9), true},
       // Nested escape sequences should result in escaping the leading '%' if
       // unescaping would result in a new escape sequence.
-    {"/%A%42", L"/%A%42", "/%25AB", Component(0, 6), true},
-    {"/%%41B", L"/%%41B", "/%25AB", Component(0, 6), true},
-    {"/%%41%42", L"/%%41%42", "/%25AB", Component(0, 6), true},
+      {"/%A%42", L"/%A%42", "/%25AB", Component(0, 6), true},
+      {"/%%41B", L"/%%41B", "/%25AB", Component(0, 6), true},
+      {"/%%41%42", L"/%%41%42", "/%25AB", Component(0, 6), true},
       // Make sure truncated "nested" escapes don't result in reading off the
       // string end.
-    {"/%%41", L"/%%41", "/%A", Component(0, 3), true},
+      {"/%%41", L"/%%41", "/%A", Component(0, 3), true},
       // Don't unescape the leading '%' if unescaping doesn't result in a valid
       // new escape sequence.
-    {"/%%470", L"/%%470", "/%G0", Component(0, 4), true},
-    {"/%%2D%41", L"/%%2D%41", "/%-A", Component(0, 4), true},
+      {"/%%470", L"/%%470", "/%G0", Component(0, 4), true},
+      {"/%%2D%41", L"/%%2D%41", "/%-A", Component(0, 4), true},
       // Don't erroneously downcast a UTF-16 charater in a way that makes it
       // look like part of an escape sequence.
-    {NULL, L"/%%41\x0130", "/%A%C4%B0", Component(0, 9), true},
+      {nullptr, L"/%%41\x0130", "/%A%C4%B0", Component(0, 9), true},
-    // ----- encoding tests -----
+      // ----- encoding tests -----
       // Basic conversions
-    {"/\xe4\xbd\xa0\xe5\xa5\xbd\xe4\xbd\xa0\xe5\xa5\xbd", L"/\x4f60\x597d\x4f60\x597d", "/%E4%BD%A0%E5%A5%BD%E4%BD%A0%E5%A5%BD", Component(0, 37), true},
+      {"/\xe4\xbd\xa0\xe5\xa5\xbd\xe4\xbd\xa0\xe5\xa5\xbd",
+       L"/\x4f60\x597d\x4f60\x597d", "/%E4%BD%A0%E5%A5%BD%E4%BD%A0%E5%A5%BD",
+       Component(0, 37), true},
       // Invalid unicode characters should fail. We only do validation on
       // UTF-16 input, so this doesn't happen on 8-bit.
-    {"/\xef\xb7\x90zyx", NULL, "/%EF%B7%90zyx", Component(0, 13), true},
-    {NULL, L"/\xfdd0zyx", "/%EF%BF%BDzyx", Component(0, 13), false},
+      {"/\xef\xb7\x90zyx", nullptr, "/%EF%B7%90zyx", Component(0, 13), true},
+      {nullptr, L"/\xfdd0zyx", "/%EF%BF%BDzyx", Component(0, 13), false},
   for (size_t i = 0; i < gurl_base::size(path_cases); i++) {
@@ -1293,8 +1304,8 @@
       // Escaping should be preserved unchanged, even invalid ones
       {"%41%a", L"%41%a", "#%41%a", Component(1, 5), true},
       // Invalid UTF-8/16 input should be flagged and the input made valid
-      {"\xc2", NULL, "#%EF%BF%BD", Component(1, 9), true},
-      {NULL, L"\xd800\x597d", "#%EF%BF%BD%E5%A5%BD", Component(1, 18), true},
+      {"\xc2", nullptr, "#%EF%BF%BD", Component(1, 9), true},
+      {nullptr, L"\xd800\x597d", "#%EF%BF%BD%E5%A5%BD", Component(1, 18), true},
       // Test a Unicode invalid character.
       {"a\xef\xb7\x90", L"a\xfdd0", "#a%EF%BF%BD", Component(1, 10), true},
       // Refs can have # signs and we should preserve them.
@@ -1437,14 +1448,22 @@
 TEST(URLCanonTest, ReplaceStandardURL) {
   ReplaceCase replace_cases[] = {
       // Common case of truncating the path.
-    {"http://www.google.com/foo?bar=baz#ref", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "/", kDeleteComp, kDeleteComp, "http://www.google.com/"},
+      {"http://www.google.com/foo?bar=baz#ref", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
+       nullptr, nullptr, "/", kDeleteComp, kDeleteComp,
+       "http://www.google.com/"},
       // Replace everything
-    {"http://a:b@google.com:22/foo;bar?baz@cat", "https", "me", "pw", "host.com", "99", "/path", "query", "ref", "https://me:pw@host.com:99/path?query#ref"},
+      {"http://a:b@google.com:22/foo;bar?baz@cat", "https", "me", "pw",
+       "host.com", "99", "/path", "query", "ref",
+       "https://me:pw@host.com:99/path?query#ref"},
       // Replace nothing
-    {"http://a:b@google.com:22/foo?baz@cat", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "http://a:b@google.com:22/foo?baz@cat"},
+      {"http://a:b@google.com:22/foo?baz@cat", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
+       nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
+       "http://a:b@google.com:22/foo?baz@cat"},
       // Replace scheme with filesystem. The result is garbage, but you asked
       // for it.
-    {"http://a:b@google.com:22/foo?baz@cat", "filesystem", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "filesystem://a:b@google.com:22/foo?baz@cat"},
+      {"http://a:b@google.com:22/foo?baz@cat", "filesystem", nullptr, nullptr,
+       nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
+       "filesystem://a:b@google.com:22/foo?baz@cat"},
   for (size_t i = 0; i < gurl_base::size(replace_cases); i++) {
@@ -1514,24 +1533,37 @@
 TEST(URLCanonTest, ReplaceFileURL) {
   ReplaceCase replace_cases[] = {
       // Replace everything
-    {"file:///C:/gaba?query#ref", NULL, NULL, NULL, "filer", NULL, "/foo", "b", "c", "file://filer/foo?b#c"},
+      {"file:///C:/gaba?query#ref", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, "filer", nullptr,
+       "/foo", "b", "c", "file://filer/foo?b#c"},
       // Replace nothing
-    {"file:///C:/gaba?query#ref", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "file:///C:/gaba?query#ref"},
-    {"file:///Y:", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "file:///Y:"},
-    {"file:///Y:/", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "file:///Y:/"},
-    {"file:///./Y", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "file:///Y"},
-    {"file:///./Y:", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "file:///Y:"},
+      {"file:///C:/gaba?query#ref", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
+       nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, "file:///C:/gaba?query#ref"},
+      {"file:///Y:", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
+       nullptr, nullptr, "file:///Y:"},
+      {"file:///Y:/", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
+       nullptr, nullptr, "file:///Y:/"},
+      {"file:///./Y", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
+       nullptr, nullptr, "file:///Y"},
+      {"file:///./Y:", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
+       nullptr, nullptr, "file:///Y:"},
       // Clear non-path components (common)
-    {"file:///C:/gaba?query#ref", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, kDeleteComp, kDeleteComp, "file:///C:/gaba"},
+      {"file:///C:/gaba?query#ref", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
+       nullptr, kDeleteComp, kDeleteComp, "file:///C:/gaba"},
       // Replace path with something that doesn't begin with a slash and make
       // sure it gets added properly.
-    {"file:///C:/gaba", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "interesting/", NULL, NULL, "file:///interesting/"},
-    {"file:///home/gaba?query#ref", NULL, NULL, NULL, "filer", NULL, "/foo", "b", "c", "file://filer/foo?b#c"},
-    {"file:///home/gaba?query#ref", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "file:///home/gaba?query#ref"},
-    {"file:///home/gaba?query#ref", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, kDeleteComp, kDeleteComp, "file:///home/gaba"},
-    {"file:///home/gaba", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "interesting/", NULL, NULL, "file:///interesting/"},
+      {"file:///C:/gaba", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
+       "interesting/", nullptr, nullptr, "file:///interesting/"},
+      {"file:///home/gaba?query#ref", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, "filer",
+       nullptr, "/foo", "b", "c", "file://filer/foo?b#c"},
+      {"file:///home/gaba?query#ref", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
+       nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, "file:///home/gaba?query#ref"},
+      {"file:///home/gaba?query#ref", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
+       nullptr, nullptr, kDeleteComp, kDeleteComp, "file:///home/gaba"},
+      {"file:///home/gaba", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
+       "interesting/", nullptr, nullptr, "file:///interesting/"},
       // Replace scheme -- shouldn't do anything.
-    {"file:///C:/gaba?query#ref", "http", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "file:///C:/gaba?query#ref"},
+      {"file:///C:/gaba?query#ref", "http", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
+       nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, "file:///C:/gaba?query#ref"},
   for (size_t i = 0; i < gurl_base::size(replace_cases); i++) {
@@ -1565,38 +1597,41 @@
 TEST(URLCanonTest, ReplaceFileSystemURL) {
   ReplaceCase replace_cases[] = {
       // Replace everything in the outer URL.
-      {"filesystem:file:///temporary/gaba?query#ref", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
-       NULL, "/foo", "b", "c", "filesystem:file:///temporary/foo?b#c"},
+      {"filesystem:file:///temporary/gaba?query#ref", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
+       nullptr, nullptr, "/foo", "b", "c",
+       "filesystem:file:///temporary/foo?b#c"},
       // Replace nothing
-      {"filesystem:file:///temporary/gaba?query#ref", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
-       NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "filesystem:file:///temporary/gaba?query#ref"},
+      {"filesystem:file:///temporary/gaba?query#ref", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
+       nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
+       "filesystem:file:///temporary/gaba?query#ref"},
       // Clear non-path components (common)
-      {"filesystem:file:///temporary/gaba?query#ref", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
-       NULL, NULL, kDeleteComp, kDeleteComp,
+      {"filesystem:file:///temporary/gaba?query#ref", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
+       nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, kDeleteComp, kDeleteComp,
       // Replace path with something that doesn't begin with a slash and make
       // sure it gets added properly.
-      {"filesystem:file:///temporary/gaba?query#ref", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
-       NULL, "interesting/", NULL, NULL,
+      {"filesystem:file:///temporary/gaba?query#ref", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
+       nullptr, nullptr, "interesting/", nullptr, nullptr,
       // Replace scheme -- shouldn't do anything except canonicalize.
-      {"filesystem:http://u:p@bar.com/t/gaba?query#ref", "http", NULL, NULL,
+      {"filesystem:http://u:p@bar.com/t/gaba?query#ref", "http", nullptr,
+       nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
       // Replace username -- shouldn't do anything except canonicalize.
-      {"filesystem:http://u:p@bar.com/t/gaba?query#ref", NULL, "u2", NULL, NULL,
-       NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "filesystem:http://bar.com/t/gaba?query#ref"},
+      {"filesystem:http://u:p@bar.com/t/gaba?query#ref", nullptr, "u2", nullptr,
+       nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
+       "filesystem:http://bar.com/t/gaba?query#ref"},
       // Replace password -- shouldn't do anything except canonicalize.
-      {"filesystem:http://u:p@bar.com/t/gaba?query#ref", NULL, NULL, "pw2",
+      {"filesystem:http://u:p@bar.com/t/gaba?query#ref", nullptr, nullptr,
+       "pw2", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
       // Replace host -- shouldn't do anything except canonicalize.
-      {"filesystem:http://u:p@bar.com:80/t/gaba?query#ref", NULL, NULL, NULL,
-       "foo.com", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+      {"filesystem:http://u:p@bar.com:80/t/gaba?query#ref", nullptr, nullptr,
+       nullptr, "foo.com", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
       // Replace port -- shouldn't do anything except canonicalize.
-      {"filesystem:http://u:p@bar.com:40/t/gaba?query#ref", NULL, NULL, NULL,
-       NULL, "41", NULL, NULL, NULL,
+      {"filesystem:http://u:p@bar.com:40/t/gaba?query#ref", nullptr, nullptr,
+       nullptr, nullptr, "41", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
@@ -1630,13 +1665,18 @@
 TEST(URLCanonTest, ReplacePathURL) {
   ReplaceCase replace_cases[] = {
       // Replace everything
-    {"data:foo", "javascript", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "alert('foo?');", NULL, NULL, "javascript:alert('foo?');"},
+      {"data:foo", "javascript", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
+       "alert('foo?');", nullptr, nullptr, "javascript:alert('foo?');"},
       // Replace nothing
-    {"data:foo", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "data:foo"},
+      {"data:foo", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
+       nullptr, nullptr, "data:foo"},
       // Replace one or the other
-    {"data:foo", "javascript", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "javascript:foo"},
-    {"data:foo", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "bar", NULL, NULL, "data:bar"},
-    {"data:foo", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, kDeleteComp, NULL, NULL, "data:"},
+      {"data:foo", "javascript", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
+       nullptr, nullptr, "javascript:foo"},
+      {"data:foo", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, "bar", nullptr,
+       nullptr, "data:bar"},
+      {"data:foo", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, kDeleteComp,
+       nullptr, nullptr, "data:"},
   for (size_t i = 0; i < gurl_base::size(replace_cases); i++) {
diff --git a/url/url_parse_unittest.cc b/url/url_parse_unittest.cc
index a1c38c2..b67b550 100644
--- a/url/url_parse_unittest.cc
+++ b/url/url_parse_unittest.cc
@@ -492,21 +492,21 @@
     const char* input;
     const char* expected;
   } file_cases[] = {
-    {"http://www.google.com", NULL},
-    {"http://www.google.com/", ""},
-    {"http://www.google.com/search", "search"},
-    {"http://www.google.com/search/", ""},
-    {"http://www.google.com/foo/bar.html?baz=22", "bar.html"},
-    {"http://www.google.com/foo/bar.html#ref", "bar.html"},
-    {"http://www.google.com/search/;param", ""},
-    {"http://www.google.com/foo/bar.html;param#ref", "bar.html"},
-    {"http://www.google.com/foo/bar.html;foo;param#ref", "bar.html"},
-    {"http://www.google.com/foo/bar.html?query#ref", "bar.html"},
-    {"http://www.google.com/foo;/bar.html", "bar.html"},
-    {"http://www.google.com/foo;/", ""},
-    {"http://www.google.com/foo;", "foo"},
-    {"http://www.google.com/;", ""},
-    {"http://www.google.com/foo;bar;html", "foo"},
+      {"http://www.google.com", nullptr},
+      {"http://www.google.com/", ""},
+      {"http://www.google.com/search", "search"},
+      {"http://www.google.com/search/", ""},
+      {"http://www.google.com/foo/bar.html?baz=22", "bar.html"},
+      {"http://www.google.com/foo/bar.html#ref", "bar.html"},
+      {"http://www.google.com/search/;param", ""},
+      {"http://www.google.com/foo/bar.html;param#ref", "bar.html"},
+      {"http://www.google.com/foo/bar.html;foo;param#ref", "bar.html"},
+      {"http://www.google.com/foo/bar.html?query#ref", "bar.html"},
+      {"http://www.google.com/foo;/bar.html", "bar.html"},
+      {"http://www.google.com/foo;/", ""},
+      {"http://www.google.com/foo;", "foo"},
+      {"http://www.google.com/;", ""},
+      {"http://www.google.com/foo;bar;html", "foo"},
   for (size_t i = 0; i < gurl_base::size(file_cases); i++) {