Branches the nghttp2_adapter interface from //net/http2.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 361667825
Change-Id: I94cab47ce471f23eb872a39173efbc9c159eb76b
diff --git a/http2/adapter/http2_visitor_interface.h b/http2/adapter/http2_visitor_interface.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..765e9f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/http2/adapter/http2_visitor_interface.h
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+#include <vector>
+#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
+#include "http2/adapter/http2_protocol.h"
+namespace http2 {
+namespace adapter {
+// Http2VisitorInterface contains callbacks for receiving HTTP/2-level events. A
+// processor like NghttpAdapter parses HTTP/2 frames and invokes the callbacks
+// on an instance of this interface. Prefer a void return type for these
+// callbacks, instead setting output parameters as needed.
+// Example sequences of calls/events:
+//   GET:
+//     - OnBeginHeadersForStream()
+//     - OnHeaderForStream()
+//     - OnEndHeadersForStream()
+//     - OnEndStream()
+//   POST:
+//     - OnBeginHeadersForStream()
+//     - OnHeaderForStream()
+//     - OnEndHeadersForStream()
+//     - OnBeginDataForStream()
+//     - OnDataForStream()
+//     - OnEndStream()
+//   Request canceled mid-stream, e.g, with error code CANCEL:
+//     - OnBeginHeadersForStream()
+//     - OnHeaderForStream()
+//     - OnEndHeadersForStream()
+//     - OnRstStream()
+//     - OnAbortStream()
+//   Request closed mid-stream, e.g., with error code NO_ERROR:
+//     - OnBeginHeadersForStream()
+//     - OnHeaderForStream()
+//     - OnEndHeadersForStream()
+//     - OnRstStream()
+//     - OnCloseStream()
+// More details are at RFC 7540 (go/http2spec), and more examples are at
+// http://google3/net/http2/server/lib/internal/h2/nghttp2/
+class Http2VisitorInterface {
+ public:
+  Http2VisitorInterface(const Http2VisitorInterface&) = delete;
+  Http2VisitorInterface& operator=(const Http2VisitorInterface&) = delete;
+  virtual ~Http2VisitorInterface() = default;
+  // Called when a connection-level processing error has been encountered.
+  virtual void OnConnectionError() = 0;
+  // Called when a non-ack SETTINGS frame is received.
+  virtual void OnSettingsStart() = 0;
+  // Called for each SETTINGS id-value pair.
+  virtual void OnSetting(Http2Setting setting) = 0;
+  // Called at the end of a non-ack SETTINGS frame.
+  virtual void OnSettingsEnd() = 0;
+  // Called when a SETTINGS ack frame is received.
+  virtual void OnSettingsAck() = 0;
+  // Called when the connection receives the header block for a HEADERS frame on
+  // a stream but has not yet parsed individual headers.
+  virtual void OnBeginHeadersForStream(Http2StreamId stream_id) = 0;
+  // Called when the connection receives the header |key| and |value| for a
+  // stream. The HTTP/2 pseudo-headers defined in RFC 7540 Sections and
+  // are also conveyed in this callback. This method is called after
+  // OnBeginHeadersForStream().
+  virtual void OnHeaderForStream(Http2StreamId stream_id, absl::string_view key,
+                                 absl::string_view value) = 0;
+  // Called when the connection has received the complete header block for a
+  // logical HEADERS frame on a stream (which may contain CONTINUATION frames,
+  // transparent to the user).
+  virtual void OnEndHeadersForStream(Http2StreamId stream_id) = 0;
+  // Called when the connection receives the beginning of a DATA frame. The data
+  // payload will be provided via subsequent calls to OnDataForStream().
+  virtual void OnBeginDataForStream(Http2StreamId stream_id,
+                                    size_t payload_length) = 0;
+  // Called when the connection receives some |data| (as part of a DATA frame
+  // payload) for a stream.
+  virtual void OnDataForStream(Http2StreamId stream_id,
+                               absl::string_view data) = 0;
+  // Called when the peer sends the END_STREAM flag on a stream, indicating that
+  // the peer will not send additional headers or data for that stream.
+  virtual void OnEndStream(Http2StreamId stream_id) = 0;
+  // Called when the connection receives a RST_STREAM for a stream. This call
+  // will be followed by either OnCloseStream() or OnAbortStream().
+  virtual void OnRstStream(Http2StreamId stream_id,
+                           Http2ErrorCode error_code) = 0;
+  // Called when a stream is closed with error code NO_ERROR. Compare with
+  // OnAbortStream().
+  virtual void OnCloseStream(Http2StreamId stream_id) = 0;
+  // Called when a stream is aborted, i.e., closed for the reason indicated by
+  // the given |error_code|, where error_code != NO_ERROR. Compare with
+  // OnCloseStream().
+  virtual void OnAbortStream(Http2StreamId stream_id,
+                             Http2ErrorCode error_code) = 0;
+  // Called when the connection receives a PRIORITY frame.
+  virtual void OnPriorityForStream(Http2StreamId stream_id,
+                                   Http2StreamId parent_stream_id, int weight,
+                                   bool exclusive) = 0;
+  // Called when the connection receives a PING frame.
+  virtual void OnPing(Http2PingId ping_id, bool is_ack) = 0;
+  // Called when the connection receives a PUSH_PROMISE frame. The server push
+  // request headers follow in calls to OnHeaderForStream() with |stream_id|.
+  virtual void OnPushPromiseForStream(Http2StreamId stream_id,
+                                      Http2StreamId promised_stream_id) = 0;
+  // Called when the connection receives a GOAWAY frame.
+  virtual void OnGoAway(Http2StreamId last_accepted_stream_id,
+                        Http2ErrorCode error_code,
+                        absl::string_view opaque_data) = 0;
+  // Called when the connection receives a WINDOW_UPDATE frame. For
+  // connection-level window updates, the |stream_id| will be 0.
+  virtual void OnWindowUpdate(Http2StreamId stream_id,
+                              int window_increment) = 0;
+  // Called when the connection is ready to send data for a stream. The
+  // implementation should write at most |length| bytes of the data payload to
+  // the |destination_buffer| and set |end_stream| to true IFF there will be no
+  // more data sent on this stream. Sets |written| to the number of bytes
+  // written to the |destination_buffer| or a negative value if an error occurs.
+  virtual void OnReadyToSendDataForStream(Http2StreamId stream_id,
+                                             char* destination_buffer,
+                                             size_t length,
+                                             ssize_t* written,
+                                             bool* end_stream) = 0;
+  // Called when the connection is ready to write metadata for |stream_id| to
+  // the wire. The implementation should write at most |length| bytes of the
+  // serialized metadata payload to the |buffer| and set |written| to the number
+  // of bytes written or a negative value if there was an error.
+  virtual void OnReadyToSendMetadataForStream(Http2StreamId stream_id,
+                                              char* buffer, size_t length,
+                                              ssize_t* written) = 0;
+  // Called when the connection receives the beginning of a METADATA frame
+  // (which may itself be the middle of a logical metadata block). The metadata
+  // payload will be provided via subsequent calls to OnMetadataForStream().
+  virtual void OnBeginMetadataForStream(Http2StreamId stream_id,
+                                        size_t payload_length) = 0;
+  // Called when the connection receives |metadata| as part of a METADATA frame
+  // payload for a stream.
+  virtual void OnMetadataForStream(Http2StreamId stream_id,
+                                   absl::string_view metadata) = 0;
+  // Called when the connection has finished receiving a logical metadata block
+  // for a stream. Note that there may be multiple metadata blocks for a stream.
+  virtual void OnMetadataEndForStream(Http2StreamId stream_id) = 0;
+ protected:
+  Http2VisitorInterface() = default;
+}  // namespace adapter
+}  // namespace http2