Discards buffered packets on path change as they have the wrong connection ID in IETF QUIC.

The code would exercise on the server side only if:
1) Client uses non-empty connection ID.
2) There is buffered packets on the server side at the point of connection migration or reverse path validation failure.
The combination of 1) & 2) should be exceedingly rare on the server side.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 377525127
3 files changed
tree: 20e31aeedae688f1803072750efbe185a283a57f
  1. common/
  2. epoll_server/
  3. http2/
  4. quic/
  5. spdy/
  8. README.md


QUICHE (QUIC, Http/2, Etc) is Google‘s implementation of QUIC and related protocols. It powers Chromium as well as Google’s QUIC servers and some other projects. QUICHE is only supported on little-endian platforms.

Code can be viewed in CodeSearch in Quiche and is imported into Chromium.