Do not pretend receiving FIN when receiving trailers in QUIC v99.

In Google QUIC, trailing HEADERS must have FIN bit.  In IETF QUIC, HTTP/3 frames
do not have flags, so trailing HEADERS will never have FIN.  This CL makes
QuicSpdyStream stop faking a FIN bit.

In non-v99 QUIC, |fin| must be true at the end of OnTrailingHeadersComplete(),
otherwise the connection would have been closed in line 568.

In v99 QUIC, |fin| is false in production, when OnStreamHeaderList() is called
from OnHeadersFrameEnd().  However, a large number of tests call
OnStreamHeaderList() with fin = true, so this needs to be supported for the time
being.  See linked bug.

This is prework for  I do not want QuicSpdyStream to
close the connection when trailers arrive, so that it can signal an error if
other frames are received afterwards.

Also, according to,
PUSH_PROMISE frames can arrive after trailers, so the stream really should
remain open.

This CL also fixes descriptions of some QuicSpdyStream methods related to FIN

gfe-relnote: n/a, QUIC v99-only change.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 255681867
Change-Id: I33928191e35d601514a0be5b18b8aa5ff389c831
3 files changed
tree: b4e6dbdd944251d1a9875edb75c183c1e920824a
  1. common/
  2. epoll_server/
  3. http2/
  4. quic/
  5. spdy/


QUICHE (QUIC, Http/2, Etc) is Google‘s implementation of QUIC and related protocols. It powers Chromium as well as Google’s QUIC servers and some other projects.

The code is currently in process of being moved from into this repository. Please excuse our appearance while we're under construction.