Project import generated by Copybara.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 237361882
Change-Id: I109a68f44db867b20f8c6a7732b0ce657133e52a
diff --git a/quic/core/congestion_control/ b/quic/core/congestion_control/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..205cf65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quic/core/congestion_control/
@@ -0,0 +1,1314 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/congestion_control/bbr_sender.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/congestion_control/rtt_stats.h"
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_packets.h"
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_utils.h"
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_logging.h"
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_ptr_util.h"
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_test.h"
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/test_tools/mock_clock.h"
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/test_tools/quic_config_peer.h"
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/test_tools/quic_connection_peer.h"
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/test_tools/quic_sent_packet_manager_peer.h"
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/test_tools/quic_test_utils.h"
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/test_tools/simulator/quic_endpoint.h"
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/test_tools/simulator/simulator.h"
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/test_tools/simulator/switch.h"
+namespace quic {
+namespace test {
+// Use the initial CWND of 10, as 32 is too much for the test network.
+const uint32_t kInitialCongestionWindowPackets = 10;
+const uint32_t kDefaultWindowTCP =
+ kInitialCongestionWindowPackets * kDefaultTCPMSS;
+// Test network parameters. Here, the topology of the network is:
+// BBR sender
+// |
+// | <-- local link (10 Mbps, 2 ms delay)
+// |
+// Network switch
+// * <-- the bottleneck queue in the direction
+// | of the receiver
+// |
+// | <-- test link (4 Mbps, 30 ms delay)
+// |
+// |
+// Receiver
+// The reason the bandwidths chosen are relatively low is the fact that the
+// connection simulator uses QuicTime for its internal clock, and as such has
+// the granularity of 1us, meaning that at bandwidth higher than 20 Mbps the
+// packets can start to land on the same timestamp.
+const QuicBandwidth kTestLinkBandwidth =
+ QuicBandwidth::FromKBitsPerSecond(4000);
+const QuicBandwidth kLocalLinkBandwidth =
+ QuicBandwidth::FromKBitsPerSecond(10000);
+const QuicTime::Delta kTestPropagationDelay =
+ QuicTime::Delta::FromMilliseconds(30);
+const QuicTime::Delta kLocalPropagationDelay =
+ QuicTime::Delta::FromMilliseconds(2);
+const QuicTime::Delta kTestTransferTime =
+ kTestLinkBandwidth.TransferTime(kMaxPacketSize) +
+ kLocalLinkBandwidth.TransferTime(kMaxPacketSize);
+const QuicTime::Delta kTestRtt =
+ (kTestPropagationDelay + kLocalPropagationDelay + kTestTransferTime) * 2;
+const QuicByteCount kTestBdp = kTestRtt * kTestLinkBandwidth;
+class BbrSenderTest : public QuicTest {
+ protected:
+ BbrSenderTest()
+ : simulator_(),
+ bbr_sender_(&simulator_,
+ "BBR sender",
+ "Receiver",
+ Perspective::IS_CLIENT,
+ /*connection_id=*/TestConnectionId(42)),
+ competing_sender_(&simulator_,
+ "Competing sender",
+ "Competing receiver",
+ Perspective::IS_CLIENT,
+ /*connection_id=*/TestConnectionId(43)),
+ receiver_(&simulator_,
+ "Receiver",
+ "BBR sender",
+ Perspective::IS_SERVER,
+ /*connection_id=*/TestConnectionId(42)),
+ competing_receiver_(&simulator_,
+ "Competing receiver",
+ "Competing sender",
+ Perspective::IS_SERVER,
+ /*connection_id=*/TestConnectionId(43)),
+ receiver_multiplexer_("Receiver multiplexer",
+ {&receiver_, &competing_receiver_}) {
+ rtt_stats_ = bbr_sender_.connection()->sent_packet_manager().GetRttStats();
+ sender_ = SetupBbrSender(&bbr_sender_);
+ clock_ = simulator_.GetClock();
+ simulator_.set_random_generator(&random_);
+ uint64_t seed = QuicRandom::GetInstance()->RandUint64();
+ random_.set_seed(seed);
+ QUIC_LOG(INFO) << "BbrSenderTest simulator set up. Seed: " << seed;
+ }
+ simulator::Simulator simulator_;
+ simulator::QuicEndpoint bbr_sender_;
+ simulator::QuicEndpoint competing_sender_;
+ simulator::QuicEndpoint receiver_;
+ simulator::QuicEndpoint competing_receiver_;
+ simulator::QuicEndpointMultiplexer receiver_multiplexer_;
+ std::unique_ptr<simulator::Switch> switch_;
+ std::unique_ptr<simulator::SymmetricLink> bbr_sender_link_;
+ std::unique_ptr<simulator::SymmetricLink> competing_sender_link_;
+ std::unique_ptr<simulator::SymmetricLink> receiver_link_;
+ SimpleRandom random_;
+ // Owned by different components of the connection.
+ const QuicClock* clock_;
+ const RttStats* rtt_stats_;
+ BbrSender* sender_;
+ // Enables BBR on |endpoint| and returns the associated BBR congestion
+ // controller.
+ BbrSender* SetupBbrSender(simulator::QuicEndpoint* endpoint) {
+ const RttStats* rtt_stats =
+ endpoint->connection()->sent_packet_manager().GetRttStats();
+ // Ownership of the sender will be overtaken by the endpoint.
+ BbrSender* sender = new BbrSender(
+ rtt_stats,
+ QuicSentPacketManagerPeer::GetUnackedPacketMap(
+ QuicConnectionPeer::GetSentPacketManager(endpoint->connection())),
+ kInitialCongestionWindowPackets, kDefaultMaxCongestionWindowPackets,
+ &random_);
+ QuicConnectionPeer::SetSendAlgorithm(endpoint->connection(), sender);
+ endpoint->RecordTrace();
+ return sender;
+ }
+ // Creates a default setup, which is a network with a bottleneck between the
+ // receiver and the switch. The switch has the buffers four times larger than
+ // the bottleneck BDP, which should guarantee a lack of losses.
+ void CreateDefaultSetup() {
+ switch_ = QuicMakeUnique<simulator::Switch>(&simulator_, "Switch", 8,
+ 2 * kTestBdp);
+ bbr_sender_link_ = QuicMakeUnique<simulator::SymmetricLink>(
+ &bbr_sender_, switch_->port(1), kLocalLinkBandwidth,
+ kLocalPropagationDelay);
+ receiver_link_ = QuicMakeUnique<simulator::SymmetricLink>(
+ &receiver_, switch_->port(2), kTestLinkBandwidth,
+ kTestPropagationDelay);
+ }
+ // Same as the default setup, except the buffer now is half of the BDP.
+ void CreateSmallBufferSetup() {
+ switch_ = QuicMakeUnique<simulator::Switch>(&simulator_, "Switch", 8,
+ 0.5 * kTestBdp);
+ bbr_sender_link_ = QuicMakeUnique<simulator::SymmetricLink>(
+ &bbr_sender_, switch_->port(1), kLocalLinkBandwidth,
+ kTestPropagationDelay);
+ receiver_link_ = QuicMakeUnique<simulator::SymmetricLink>(
+ &receiver_, switch_->port(2), kTestLinkBandwidth,
+ kTestPropagationDelay);
+ }
+ // Creates the variation of the default setup in which there is another sender
+ // that competes for the same bottleneck link.
+ void CreateCompetitionSetup() {
+ switch_ = QuicMakeUnique<simulator::Switch>(&simulator_, "Switch", 8,
+ 2 * kTestBdp);
+ // Add a small offset to the competing link in order to avoid
+ // synchronization effects.
+ const QuicTime::Delta small_offset = QuicTime::Delta::FromMicroseconds(3);
+ bbr_sender_link_ = QuicMakeUnique<simulator::SymmetricLink>(
+ &bbr_sender_, switch_->port(1), kLocalLinkBandwidth,
+ kLocalPropagationDelay);
+ competing_sender_link_ = QuicMakeUnique<simulator::SymmetricLink>(
+ &competing_sender_, switch_->port(3), kLocalLinkBandwidth,
+ kLocalPropagationDelay + small_offset);
+ receiver_link_ = QuicMakeUnique<simulator::SymmetricLink>(
+ &receiver_multiplexer_, switch_->port(2), kTestLinkBandwidth,
+ kTestPropagationDelay);
+ }
+ // Creates a BBR vs BBR competition setup.
+ void CreateBbrVsBbrSetup() {
+ SetupBbrSender(&competing_sender_);
+ CreateCompetitionSetup();
+ }
+ void EnableAggregation(QuicByteCount aggregation_bytes,
+ QuicTime::Delta aggregation_timeout) {
+ // Enable aggregation on the path from the receiver to the sender.
+ switch_->port_queue(1)->EnableAggregation(aggregation_bytes,
+ aggregation_timeout);
+ }
+ void DoSimpleTransfer(QuicByteCount transfer_size, QuicTime::Delta deadline) {
+ bbr_sender_.AddBytesToTransfer(transfer_size);
+ // TODO(vasilvv): consider rewriting this to run until the receiver actually
+ // receives the intended amount of bytes.
+ bool simulator_result = simulator_.RunUntilOrTimeout(
+ [this]() { return bbr_sender_.bytes_to_transfer() == 0; }, deadline);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(simulator_result)
+ << "Simple transfer failed. Bytes remaining: "
+ << bbr_sender_.bytes_to_transfer();
+ QUIC_LOG(INFO) << "Simple transfer state: " << sender_->ExportDebugState();
+ }
+ // Drive the simulator by sending enough data to enter PROBE_BW.
+ void DriveOutOfStartup() {
+ ASSERT_FALSE(sender_->ExportDebugState().is_at_full_bandwidth);
+ DoSimpleTransfer(1024 * 1024, QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(15));
+ EXPECT_EQ(BbrSender::PROBE_BW, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ ExpectApproxEq(kTestLinkBandwidth,
+ sender_->ExportDebugState().max_bandwidth, 0.02f);
+ }
+ // Send |bytes|-sized bursts of data |number_of_bursts| times, waiting for
+ // |wait_time| between each burst.
+ void SendBursts(size_t number_of_bursts,
+ QuicByteCount bytes,
+ QuicTime::Delta wait_time) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(0u, bbr_sender_.bytes_to_transfer());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < number_of_bursts; i++) {
+ bbr_sender_.AddBytesToTransfer(bytes);
+ // Transfer data and wait for three seconds between each transfer.
+ simulator_.RunFor(wait_time);
+ // Ensure the connection did not time out.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(bbr_sender_.connection()->connected());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(receiver_.connection()->connected());
+ }
+ simulator_.RunFor(wait_time + kTestRtt);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0u, bbr_sender_.bytes_to_transfer());
+ }
+ void SetConnectionOption(QuicTag option) {
+ QuicConfig config;
+ QuicTagVector options;
+ options.push_back(option);
+ QuicConfigPeer::SetReceivedConnectionOptions(&config, options);
+ sender_->SetFromConfig(config, Perspective::IS_SERVER);
+ }
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, SetInitialCongestionWindow) {
+ EXPECT_NE(3u * kDefaultTCPMSS, sender_->GetCongestionWindow());
+ sender_->SetInitialCongestionWindowInPackets(3);
+ EXPECT_EQ(3u * kDefaultTCPMSS, sender_->GetCongestionWindow());
+// Test a simple long data transfer in the default setup.
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, SimpleTransfer) {
+ // Disable Ack Decimation on the receiver, because it can increase srtt.
+ QuicConnectionPeer::SetAckMode(receiver_.connection(), AckMode::TCP_ACKING);
+ CreateDefaultSetup();
+ // At startup make sure we are at the default.
+ EXPECT_EQ(kDefaultWindowTCP, sender_->GetCongestionWindow());
+ // At startup make sure we can send.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(sender_->CanSend(0));
+ // And that window is un-affected.
+ EXPECT_EQ(kDefaultWindowTCP, sender_->GetCongestionWindow());
+ // Verify that Sender is in slow start.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(sender_->InSlowStart());
+ // Verify that pacing rate is based on the initial RTT.
+ QuicBandwidth expected_pacing_rate = QuicBandwidth::FromBytesAndTimeDelta(
+ 2.885 * kDefaultWindowTCP, rtt_stats_->initial_rtt());
+ ExpectApproxEq(expected_pacing_rate.ToBitsPerSecond(),
+ sender_->PacingRate(0).ToBitsPerSecond(), 0.01f);
+ ASSERT_GE(kTestBdp, kDefaultWindowTCP + kDefaultTCPMSS);
+ DoSimpleTransfer(12 * 1024 * 1024, QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(30));
+ EXPECT_EQ(BbrSender::PROBE_BW, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, bbr_sender_.connection()->GetStats().packets_lost);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(sender_->ExportDebugState().last_sample_is_app_limited);
+ // The margin here is quite high, since there exists a possibility that the
+ // connection just exited high gain cycle.
+ ExpectApproxEq(kTestRtt, rtt_stats_->smoothed_rtt(), 0.2f);
+// Test a simple transfer in a situation when the buffer is less than BDP.
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, SimpleTransferSmallBuffer) {
+ CreateSmallBufferSetup();
+ DoSimpleTransfer(12 * 1024 * 1024, QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(30));
+ EXPECT_EQ(BbrSender::PROBE_BW, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ ExpectApproxEq(kTestLinkBandwidth, sender_->ExportDebugState().max_bandwidth,
+ 0.01f);
+ EXPECT_GE(bbr_sender_.connection()->GetStats().packets_lost, 0u);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(sender_->ExportDebugState().last_sample_is_app_limited);
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, SimpleTransferEarlyPacketLoss) {
+ SetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_bbr_no_bytes_acked_in_startup_recovery, true);
+ // Enable rate based startup so the recovery window doesn't hide the true
+ // congestion_window_ in GetCongestionWindow().
+ SetConnectionOption(kBBS1);
+ // Disable Ack Decimation on the receiver, because it can increase srtt.
+ QuicConnectionPeer::SetAckMode(receiver_.connection(), AckMode::TCP_ACKING);
+ CreateDefaultSetup();
+ // At startup make sure we are at the default.
+ EXPECT_EQ(kDefaultWindowTCP, sender_->GetCongestionWindow());
+ // Verify that Sender is in slow start.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(sender_->InSlowStart());
+ // At startup make sure we can send.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(sender_->CanSend(0));
+ // And that window is un-affected.
+ EXPECT_EQ(kDefaultWindowTCP, sender_->GetCongestionWindow());
+ // Transfer 12MB.
+ bbr_sender_.AddBytesToTransfer(12 * 1024 * 1024);
+ // Drop the first packet.
+ receiver_.DropNextIncomingPacket();
+ bool simulator_result = simulator_.RunUntilOrTimeout(
+ [this]() {
+ if (sender_->InRecovery()) {
+ // Two packets are acked before the first is declared lost.
+ EXPECT_LE(sender_->GetCongestionWindow(),
+ (kDefaultWindowTCP + 2 * kDefaultTCPMSS));
+ }
+ return bbr_sender_.bytes_to_transfer() == 0 || !sender_->InSlowStart();
+ },
+ QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(30));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(simulator_result) << "Simple transfer failed. Bytes remaining: "
+ << bbr_sender_.bytes_to_transfer();
+ EXPECT_EQ(BbrSender::DRAIN, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1u, bbr_sender_.connection()->GetStats().packets_lost);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(sender_->ExportDebugState().last_sample_is_app_limited);
+// Test a simple long data transfer with 2 rtts of aggregation.
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, SimpleTransfer2RTTAggregationBytes) {
+ CreateDefaultSetup();
+ // 2 RTTs of aggregation, with a max of 10kb.
+ EnableAggregation(10 * 1024, 2 * kTestRtt);
+ // Transfer 12MB.
+ DoSimpleTransfer(12 * 1024 * 1024, QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(35));
+ EXPECT_EQ(BbrSender::PROBE_BW, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ // It's possible to read a bandwidth as much as 50% too high with aggregation.
+ EXPECT_LE(kTestLinkBandwidth * 0.99f,
+ sender_->ExportDebugState().max_bandwidth);
+ // TODO(ianswett): Tighten this bound once we understand why BBR is
+ // overestimating bandwidth with aggregation. b/36022633
+ EXPECT_GE(kTestLinkBandwidth * 1.5f,
+ sender_->ExportDebugState().max_bandwidth);
+ // TODO(ianswett): Expect 0 packets are lost once BBR no longer measures
+ // bandwidth higher than the link rate.
+ // The margin here is high, because the aggregation greatly increases
+ // smoothed rtt.
+ EXPECT_GE(kTestRtt * 4, rtt_stats_->smoothed_rtt());
+ ExpectApproxEq(kTestRtt, rtt_stats_->min_rtt(), 0.2f);
+// Test a simple long data transfer with 2 rtts of aggregation.
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, SimpleTransferAckDecimation) {
+ // Decrease the CWND gain so extra CWND is required with stretch acks.
+ FLAGS_quic_bbr_cwnd_gain = 1.0;
+ sender_ = new BbrSender(
+ rtt_stats_,
+ QuicSentPacketManagerPeer::GetUnackedPacketMap(
+ QuicConnectionPeer::GetSentPacketManager(bbr_sender_.connection())),
+ kInitialCongestionWindowPackets, kDefaultMaxCongestionWindowPackets,
+ &random_);
+ QuicConnectionPeer::SetSendAlgorithm(bbr_sender_.connection(), sender_);
+ // Enable Ack Decimation on the receiver.
+ QuicConnectionPeer::SetAckMode(receiver_.connection(),
+ CreateDefaultSetup();
+ // Transfer 12MB.
+ DoSimpleTransfer(12 * 1024 * 1024, QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(35));
+ EXPECT_EQ(BbrSender::PROBE_BW, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ // It's possible to read a bandwidth as much as 50% too high with aggregation.
+ EXPECT_LE(kTestLinkBandwidth * 0.99f,
+ sender_->ExportDebugState().max_bandwidth);
+ // TODO(ianswett): Tighten this bound once we understand why BBR is
+ // overestimating bandwidth with aggregation. b/36022633
+ EXPECT_GE(kTestLinkBandwidth * 1.5f,
+ sender_->ExportDebugState().max_bandwidth);
+ // TODO(ianswett): Expect 0 packets are lost once BBR no longer measures
+ // bandwidth higher than the link rate.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(sender_->ExportDebugState().last_sample_is_app_limited);
+ // The margin here is high, because the aggregation greatly increases
+ // smoothed rtt.
+ EXPECT_GE(kTestRtt * 2, rtt_stats_->smoothed_rtt());
+ ExpectApproxEq(kTestRtt, rtt_stats_->min_rtt(), 0.1f);
+// Test a simple long data transfer with 2 rtts of aggregation.
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, SimpleTransfer2RTTAggregationBytes20RTTWindow) {
+ // Disable Ack Decimation on the receiver, because it can increase srtt.
+ QuicConnectionPeer::SetAckMode(receiver_.connection(), AckMode::TCP_ACKING);
+ CreateDefaultSetup();
+ SetConnectionOption(kBBR4);
+ // 2 RTTs of aggregation, with a max of 10kb.
+ EnableAggregation(10 * 1024, 2 * kTestRtt);
+ // Transfer 12MB.
+ DoSimpleTransfer(12 * 1024 * 1024, QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(35));
+ EXPECT_EQ(BbrSender::PROBE_BW, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ // It's possible to read a bandwidth as much as 50% too high with aggregation.
+ EXPECT_LE(kTestLinkBandwidth * 0.99f,
+ sender_->ExportDebugState().max_bandwidth);
+ // TODO(ianswett): Tighten this bound once we understand why BBR is
+ // overestimating bandwidth with aggregation. b/36022633
+ EXPECT_GE(kTestLinkBandwidth * 1.5f,
+ sender_->ExportDebugState().max_bandwidth);
+ // TODO(ianswett): Expect 0 packets are lost once BBR no longer measures
+ // bandwidth higher than the link rate.
+ // The margin here is high, because the aggregation greatly increases
+ // smoothed rtt.
+ EXPECT_GE(kTestRtt * 4, rtt_stats_->smoothed_rtt());
+ ExpectApproxEq(kTestRtt, rtt_stats_->min_rtt(), 0.12f);
+// Test a simple long data transfer with 2 rtts of aggregation.
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, SimpleTransfer2RTTAggregationBytes40RTTWindow) {
+ // Disable Ack Decimation on the receiver, because it can increase srtt.
+ QuicConnectionPeer::SetAckMode(receiver_.connection(), AckMode::TCP_ACKING);
+ CreateDefaultSetup();
+ SetConnectionOption(kBBR5);
+ // 2 RTTs of aggregation, with a max of 10kb.
+ EnableAggregation(10 * 1024, 2 * kTestRtt);
+ // Transfer 12MB.
+ DoSimpleTransfer(12 * 1024 * 1024, QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(35));
+ EXPECT_EQ(BbrSender::PROBE_BW, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ // It's possible to read a bandwidth as much as 50% too high with aggregation.
+ EXPECT_LE(kTestLinkBandwidth * 0.99f,
+ sender_->ExportDebugState().max_bandwidth);
+ // TODO(ianswett): Tighten this bound once we understand why BBR is
+ // overestimating bandwidth with aggregation. b/36022633
+ EXPECT_GE(kTestLinkBandwidth * 1.5f,
+ sender_->ExportDebugState().max_bandwidth);
+ // TODO(ianswett): Expect 0 packets are lost once BBR no longer measures
+ // bandwidth higher than the link rate.
+ // The margin here is high, because the aggregation greatly increases
+ // smoothed rtt.
+ EXPECT_GE(kTestRtt * 4, rtt_stats_->smoothed_rtt());
+ ExpectApproxEq(kTestRtt, rtt_stats_->min_rtt(), 0.12f);
+// Test the number of losses incurred by the startup phase in a situation when
+// the buffer is less than BDP.
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, PacketLossOnSmallBufferStartup) {
+ CreateSmallBufferSetup();
+ DriveOutOfStartup();
+ float loss_rate =
+ static_cast<float>(bbr_sender_.connection()->GetStats().packets_lost) /
+ bbr_sender_.connection()->GetStats().packets_sent;
+ EXPECT_LE(loss_rate, 0.31);
+// Ensures the code transitions loss recovery states correctly (NOT_IN_RECOVERY
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, RecoveryStates) {
+ // Set seed to the position where the gain cycling causes the sender go
+ // into conservation upon entering PROBE_BW.
+ //
+ // TODO(vasilvv): there should be a better way to test this.
+ random_.set_seed(UINT64_C(14719894707049085006));
+ const QuicTime::Delta timeout = QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(10);
+ bool simulator_result;
+ CreateSmallBufferSetup();
+ bbr_sender_.AddBytesToTransfer(100 * 1024 * 1024);
+ sender_->ExportDebugState().recovery_state);
+ simulator_result = simulator_.RunUntilOrTimeout(
+ [this]() {
+ return sender_->ExportDebugState().recovery_state !=
+ },
+ timeout);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(simulator_result);
+ sender_->ExportDebugState().recovery_state);
+ simulator_result = simulator_.RunUntilOrTimeout(
+ [this]() {
+ return sender_->ExportDebugState().recovery_state !=
+ },
+ timeout);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(simulator_result);
+ ASSERT_EQ(BbrSender::GROWTH, sender_->ExportDebugState().recovery_state);
+ simulator_result = simulator_.RunUntilOrTimeout(
+ [this]() {
+ return sender_->ExportDebugState().recovery_state != BbrSender::GROWTH;
+ },
+ timeout);
+ ASSERT_EQ(BbrSender::PROBE_BW, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ sender_->ExportDebugState().recovery_state);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(simulator_result);
+// Verify the behavior of the algorithm in the case when the connection sends
+// small bursts of data after sending continuously for a while.
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, ApplicationLimitedBursts) {
+ CreateDefaultSetup();
+ DriveOutOfStartup();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(sender_->ExportDebugState().last_sample_is_app_limited);
+ SendBursts(20, 512, QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(3));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(sender_->ExportDebugState().last_sample_is_app_limited);
+ ExpectApproxEq(kTestLinkBandwidth, sender_->ExportDebugState().max_bandwidth,
+ 0.01f);
+// Verify the behavior of the algorithm in the case when the connection sends
+// small bursts of data and then starts sending continuously.
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, ApplicationLimitedBurstsWithoutPrior) {
+ CreateDefaultSetup();
+ SendBursts(40, 512, QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(3));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(sender_->ExportDebugState().last_sample_is_app_limited);
+ DriveOutOfStartup();
+ ExpectApproxEq(kTestLinkBandwidth, sender_->ExportDebugState().max_bandwidth,
+ 0.01f);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(sender_->ExportDebugState().last_sample_is_app_limited);
+// Verify that the DRAIN phase works correctly.
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, Drain) {
+ // Disable Ack Decimation on the receiver, because it can increase srtt.
+ QuicConnectionPeer::SetAckMode(receiver_.connection(), AckMode::TCP_ACKING);
+ CreateDefaultSetup();
+ const QuicTime::Delta timeout = QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(10);
+ // Get the queue at the bottleneck, which is the outgoing queue at the port to
+ // which the receiver is connected.
+ const simulator::Queue* queue = switch_->port_queue(2);
+ bool simulator_result;
+ // We have no intention of ever finishing this transfer.
+ bbr_sender_.AddBytesToTransfer(100 * 1024 * 1024);
+ // Run the startup, and verify that it fills up the queue.
+ ASSERT_EQ(BbrSender::STARTUP, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ simulator_result = simulator_.RunUntilOrTimeout(
+ [this]() {
+ return sender_->ExportDebugState().mode != BbrSender::STARTUP;
+ },
+ timeout);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(simulator_result);
+ ASSERT_EQ(BbrSender::DRAIN, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ ExpectApproxEq(sender_->BandwidthEstimate() * (1 / 2.885f),
+ sender_->PacingRate(0), 0.01f);
+ // BBR uses CWND gain of 2.88 during STARTUP, hence it will fill the buffer
+ // with approximately 1.88 BDPs. Here, we use 1.5 to give some margin for
+ // error.
+ EXPECT_GE(queue->bytes_queued(), 1.5 * kTestBdp);
+ // Observe increased RTT due to bufferbloat.
+ const QuicTime::Delta queueing_delay =
+ kTestLinkBandwidth.TransferTime(queue->bytes_queued());
+ ExpectApproxEq(kTestRtt + queueing_delay, rtt_stats_->latest_rtt(), 0.1f);
+ // Transition to the drain phase and verify that it makes the queue
+ // have at most a BDP worth of packets.
+ simulator_result = simulator_.RunUntilOrTimeout(
+ [this]() { return sender_->ExportDebugState().mode != BbrSender::DRAIN; },
+ timeout);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(simulator_result);
+ ASSERT_EQ(BbrSender::PROBE_BW, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ EXPECT_LE(queue->bytes_queued(), kTestBdp);
+ // Wait for a few round trips and ensure we're in appropriate phase of gain
+ // cycling before taking an RTT measurement.
+ const QuicRoundTripCount start_round_trip =
+ sender_->ExportDebugState().round_trip_count;
+ simulator_result = simulator_.RunUntilOrTimeout(
+ [this, start_round_trip]() {
+ QuicRoundTripCount rounds_passed =
+ sender_->ExportDebugState().round_trip_count - start_round_trip;
+ return rounds_passed >= 4 &&
+ sender_->ExportDebugState().gain_cycle_index == 7;
+ },
+ timeout);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(simulator_result);
+ // Observe the bufferbloat go away.
+ ExpectApproxEq(kTestRtt, rtt_stats_->smoothed_rtt(), 0.1f);
+// Verify that the DRAIN phase works correctly.
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, ShallowDrain) {
+ SetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_bbr_slower_startup3, true);
+ // Disable Ack Decimation on the receiver, because it can increase srtt.
+ QuicConnectionPeer::SetAckMode(receiver_.connection(), AckMode::TCP_ACKING);
+ CreateDefaultSetup();
+ // BBQ4 increases the pacing gain in DRAIN to 0.75
+ SetConnectionOption(kBBQ4);
+ const QuicTime::Delta timeout = QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(10);
+ // Get the queue at the bottleneck, which is the outgoing queue at the port to
+ // which the receiver is connected.
+ const simulator::Queue* queue = switch_->port_queue(2);
+ bool simulator_result;
+ // We have no intention of ever finishing this transfer.
+ bbr_sender_.AddBytesToTransfer(100 * 1024 * 1024);
+ // Run the startup, and verify that it fills up the queue.
+ ASSERT_EQ(BbrSender::STARTUP, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ simulator_result = simulator_.RunUntilOrTimeout(
+ [this]() {
+ return sender_->ExportDebugState().mode != BbrSender::STARTUP;
+ },
+ timeout);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(simulator_result);
+ ASSERT_EQ(BbrSender::DRAIN, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0.75 * sender_->BandwidthEstimate(), sender_->PacingRate(0));
+ // BBR uses CWND gain of 2.88 during STARTUP, hence it will fill the buffer
+ // with approximately 1.88 BDPs. Here, we use 1.5 to give some margin for
+ // error.
+ EXPECT_GE(queue->bytes_queued(), 1.5 * kTestBdp);
+ // Observe increased RTT due to bufferbloat.
+ const QuicTime::Delta queueing_delay =
+ kTestLinkBandwidth.TransferTime(queue->bytes_queued());
+ ExpectApproxEq(kTestRtt + queueing_delay, rtt_stats_->latest_rtt(), 0.1f);
+ // Transition to the drain phase and verify that it makes the queue
+ // have at most a BDP worth of packets.
+ simulator_result = simulator_.RunUntilOrTimeout(
+ [this]() { return sender_->ExportDebugState().mode != BbrSender::DRAIN; },
+ timeout);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(simulator_result);
+ ASSERT_EQ(BbrSender::PROBE_BW, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ EXPECT_LE(queue->bytes_queued(), kTestBdp);
+ // Wait for a few round trips and ensure we're in appropriate phase of gain
+ // cycling before taking an RTT measurement.
+ const QuicRoundTripCount start_round_trip =
+ sender_->ExportDebugState().round_trip_count;
+ simulator_result = simulator_.RunUntilOrTimeout(
+ [this, start_round_trip]() {
+ QuicRoundTripCount rounds_passed =
+ sender_->ExportDebugState().round_trip_count - start_round_trip;
+ return rounds_passed >= 4 &&
+ sender_->ExportDebugState().gain_cycle_index == 7;
+ },
+ timeout);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(simulator_result);
+ // Observe the bufferbloat go away.
+ ExpectApproxEq(kTestRtt, rtt_stats_->smoothed_rtt(), 0.1f);
+// Verify that the connection enters and exits PROBE_RTT correctly.
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, ProbeRtt) {
+ CreateDefaultSetup();
+ DriveOutOfStartup();
+ // We have no intention of ever finishing this transfer.
+ bbr_sender_.AddBytesToTransfer(100 * 1024 * 1024);
+ // Wait until the connection enters PROBE_RTT.
+ const QuicTime::Delta timeout = QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(12);
+ bool simulator_result = simulator_.RunUntilOrTimeout(
+ [this]() {
+ return sender_->ExportDebugState().mode == BbrSender::PROBE_RTT;
+ },
+ timeout);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(simulator_result);
+ ASSERT_EQ(BbrSender::PROBE_RTT, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ // Exit PROBE_RTT.
+ const QuicTime probe_rtt_start = clock_->Now();
+ const QuicTime::Delta time_to_exit_probe_rtt =
+ kTestRtt + QuicTime::Delta::FromMilliseconds(200);
+ simulator_.RunFor(1.5 * time_to_exit_probe_rtt);
+ EXPECT_EQ(BbrSender::PROBE_BW, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ EXPECT_GE(sender_->ExportDebugState().min_rtt_timestamp, probe_rtt_start);
+// Verify that the first sample after PROBE_RTT is not used as the bandwidth,
+// because the round counter doesn't advance during PROBE_RTT.
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, AppLimitedRecoveryNoBandwidthDecrease) {
+ SetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_bbr_app_limited_recovery, true);
+ CreateDefaultSetup();
+ DriveOutOfStartup();
+ // We have no intention of ever finishing this transfer.
+ bbr_sender_.AddBytesToTransfer(100 * 1024 * 1024);
+ // Wait until the connection enters PROBE_RTT.
+ const QuicTime::Delta timeout = QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(12);
+ bool simulator_result = simulator_.RunUntilOrTimeout(
+ [this]() {
+ return sender_->ExportDebugState().mode == BbrSender::PROBE_RTT;
+ },
+ timeout);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(simulator_result);
+ ASSERT_EQ(BbrSender::PROBE_RTT, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ const QuicBandwidth beginning_bw = sender_->BandwidthEstimate();
+ // Run for most of PROBE_RTT.
+ const QuicTime probe_rtt_start = clock_->Now();
+ const QuicTime::Delta time_to_exit_probe_rtt =
+ kTestRtt + QuicTime::Delta::FromMilliseconds(200);
+ simulator_.RunFor(0.60 * time_to_exit_probe_rtt);
+ EXPECT_EQ(BbrSender::PROBE_RTT, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ // Lose a packet before exiting PROBE_RTT, which puts us in packet
+ // conservation and then continue there for a while and ensure the bandwidth
+ // estimate doesn't decrease.
+ for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
+ receiver_.DropNextIncomingPacket();
+ simulator_.RunFor(0.9 * kTestRtt);
+ // Ensure the bandwidth didn't decrease and the samples are app limited.
+ EXPECT_LE(beginning_bw, sender_->BandwidthEstimate());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(sender_->ExportDebugState().last_sample_is_app_limited);
+ }
+ EXPECT_GE(sender_->ExportDebugState().min_rtt_timestamp, probe_rtt_start);
+// Verify that the connection enters and exits PROBE_RTT correctly.
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, ProbeRttBDPBasedCWNDTarget) {
+ CreateDefaultSetup();
+ SetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_bbr_less_probe_rtt, true);
+ SetConnectionOption(kBBR6);
+ DriveOutOfStartup();
+ // We have no intention of ever finishing this transfer.
+ bbr_sender_.AddBytesToTransfer(100 * 1024 * 1024);
+ // Wait until the connection enters PROBE_RTT.
+ const QuicTime::Delta timeout = QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(12);
+ bool simulator_result = simulator_.RunUntilOrTimeout(
+ [this]() {
+ return sender_->ExportDebugState().mode == BbrSender::PROBE_RTT;
+ },
+ timeout);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(simulator_result);
+ ASSERT_EQ(BbrSender::PROBE_RTT, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ // Exit PROBE_RTT.
+ const QuicTime probe_rtt_start = clock_->Now();
+ const QuicTime::Delta time_to_exit_probe_rtt =
+ kTestRtt + QuicTime::Delta::FromMilliseconds(200);
+ simulator_.RunFor(1.5 * time_to_exit_probe_rtt);
+ EXPECT_EQ(BbrSender::PROBE_BW, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ EXPECT_GE(sender_->ExportDebugState().min_rtt_timestamp, probe_rtt_start);
+// Verify that the connection enters does not enter PROBE_RTT.
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, ProbeRttSkippedAfterAppLimitedAndStableRtt) {
+ CreateDefaultSetup();
+ SetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_bbr_less_probe_rtt, true);
+ SetConnectionOption(kBBR7);
+ DriveOutOfStartup();
+ // We have no intention of ever finishing this transfer.
+ bbr_sender_.AddBytesToTransfer(100 * 1024 * 1024);
+ // Wait until the connection enters PROBE_RTT.
+ const QuicTime::Delta timeout = QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(12);
+ bool simulator_result = simulator_.RunUntilOrTimeout(
+ [this]() {
+ return sender_->ExportDebugState().mode == BbrSender::PROBE_RTT;
+ },
+ timeout);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(simulator_result);
+ ASSERT_EQ(BbrSender::PROBE_BW, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+// Verify that the connection enters does not enter PROBE_RTT.
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, ProbeRttSkippedAfterAppLimited) {
+ CreateDefaultSetup();
+ SetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_bbr_less_probe_rtt, true);
+ SetConnectionOption(kBBR8);
+ DriveOutOfStartup();
+ // We have no intention of ever finishing this transfer.
+ bbr_sender_.AddBytesToTransfer(100 * 1024 * 1024);
+ // Wait until the connection enters PROBE_RTT.
+ const QuicTime::Delta timeout = QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(12);
+ bool simulator_result = simulator_.RunUntilOrTimeout(
+ [this]() {
+ return sender_->ExportDebugState().mode == BbrSender::PROBE_RTT;
+ },
+ timeout);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(simulator_result);
+ ASSERT_EQ(BbrSender::PROBE_BW, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+// Ensure that a connection that is app-limited and is at sufficiently low
+// bandwidth will not exit high gain phase, and similarly ensure that the
+// connection will exit low gain early if the number of bytes in flight is low.
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, InFlightAwareGainCycling) {
+ // Disable Ack Decimation on the receiver, because it can increase srtt.
+ QuicConnectionPeer::SetAckMode(receiver_.connection(), AckMode::TCP_ACKING);
+ CreateDefaultSetup();
+ DriveOutOfStartup();
+ const QuicTime::Delta timeout = QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(5);
+ bool simulator_result;
+ // Start a few cycles prior to the high gain one.
+ simulator_result = simulator_.RunUntilOrTimeout(
+ [this]() { return sender_->ExportDebugState().gain_cycle_index == 6; },
+ timeout);
+ // Send at 10% of available rate. Run for 3 seconds, checking in the middle
+ // and at the end. The pacing gain should be high throughout.
+ QuicBandwidth target_bandwidth = 0.1f * kTestLinkBandwidth;
+ QuicTime::Delta burst_interval = QuicTime::Delta::FromMilliseconds(300);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ SendBursts(5, target_bandwidth * burst_interval, burst_interval);
+ EXPECT_EQ(BbrSender::PROBE_BW, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, sender_->ExportDebugState().gain_cycle_index);
+ ExpectApproxEq(kTestLinkBandwidth,
+ sender_->ExportDebugState().max_bandwidth, 0.01f);
+ }
+ // Now that in-flight is almost zero and the pacing gain is still above 1,
+ // send approximately 1.25 BDPs worth of data. This should cause the
+ // PROBE_BW mode to enter low gain cycle, and exit it earlier than one min_rtt
+ // due to running out of data to send.
+ bbr_sender_.AddBytesToTransfer(1.3 * kTestBdp);
+ simulator_result = simulator_.RunUntilOrTimeout(
+ [this]() { return sender_->ExportDebugState().gain_cycle_index == 1; },
+ timeout);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(simulator_result);
+ simulator_.RunFor(0.75 * sender_->ExportDebugState().min_rtt);
+ EXPECT_EQ(BbrSender::PROBE_BW, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, sender_->ExportDebugState().gain_cycle_index);
+// Ensure that the pacing rate does not drop at startup.
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, NoBandwidthDropOnStartup) {
+ CreateDefaultSetup();
+ const QuicTime::Delta timeout = QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(5);
+ bool simulator_result;
+ QuicBandwidth initial_rate = QuicBandwidth::FromBytesAndTimeDelta(
+ kInitialCongestionWindowPackets * kDefaultTCPMSS,
+ rtt_stats_->initial_rtt());
+ EXPECT_GE(sender_->PacingRate(0), initial_rate);
+ // Send a packet.
+ bbr_sender_.AddBytesToTransfer(1000);
+ simulator_result = simulator_.RunUntilOrTimeout(
+ [this]() { return receiver_.bytes_received() == 1000; }, timeout);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(simulator_result);
+ EXPECT_GE(sender_->PacingRate(0), initial_rate);
+ // Wait for a while.
+ simulator_.RunFor(QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(2));
+ EXPECT_GE(sender_->PacingRate(0), initial_rate);
+ // Send another packet.
+ bbr_sender_.AddBytesToTransfer(1000);
+ simulator_result = simulator_.RunUntilOrTimeout(
+ [this]() { return receiver_.bytes_received() == 2000; }, timeout);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(simulator_result);
+ EXPECT_GE(sender_->PacingRate(0), initial_rate);
+// Test exiting STARTUP earlier due to the 1RTT connection option.
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, SimpleTransfer1RTTStartup) {
+ CreateDefaultSetup();
+ SetConnectionOption(k1RTT);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1u, sender_->num_startup_rtts());
+ // Run until the full bandwidth is reached and check how many rounds it was.
+ bbr_sender_.AddBytesToTransfer(12 * 1024 * 1024);
+ QuicRoundTripCount max_bw_round = 0;
+ QuicBandwidth max_bw(QuicBandwidth::Zero());
+ bool simulator_result = simulator_.RunUntilOrTimeout(
+ [this, &max_bw, &max_bw_round]() {
+ if (max_bw < sender_->ExportDebugState().max_bandwidth) {
+ max_bw = sender_->ExportDebugState().max_bandwidth;
+ max_bw_round = sender_->ExportDebugState().round_trip_count;
+ }
+ return sender_->ExportDebugState().is_at_full_bandwidth;
+ },
+ QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(5));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(simulator_result);
+ EXPECT_EQ(BbrSender::DRAIN, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1u, sender_->ExportDebugState().round_trip_count - max_bw_round);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1u, sender_->ExportDebugState().rounds_without_bandwidth_gain);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, bbr_sender_.connection()->GetStats().packets_lost);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(sender_->ExportDebugState().last_sample_is_app_limited);
+// Test exiting STARTUP earlier due to the 2RTT connection option.
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, SimpleTransfer2RTTStartup) {
+ CreateDefaultSetup();
+ SetConnectionOption(k2RTT);
+ EXPECT_EQ(2u, sender_->num_startup_rtts());
+ // Run until the full bandwidth is reached and check how many rounds it was.
+ bbr_sender_.AddBytesToTransfer(12 * 1024 * 1024);
+ QuicRoundTripCount max_bw_round = 0;
+ QuicBandwidth max_bw(QuicBandwidth::Zero());
+ bool simulator_result = simulator_.RunUntilOrTimeout(
+ [this, &max_bw, &max_bw_round]() {
+ if (max_bw < sender_->ExportDebugState().max_bandwidth) {
+ max_bw = sender_->ExportDebugState().max_bandwidth;
+ max_bw_round = sender_->ExportDebugState().round_trip_count;
+ }
+ return sender_->ExportDebugState().is_at_full_bandwidth;
+ },
+ QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(5));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(simulator_result);
+ EXPECT_EQ(BbrSender::DRAIN, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ EXPECT_EQ(2u, sender_->ExportDebugState().round_trip_count - max_bw_round);
+ EXPECT_EQ(2u, sender_->ExportDebugState().rounds_without_bandwidth_gain);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, bbr_sender_.connection()->GetStats().packets_lost);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(sender_->ExportDebugState().last_sample_is_app_limited);
+// Test exiting STARTUP earlier upon loss due to the LRTT connection option.
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, SimpleTransferLRTTStartup) {
+ CreateDefaultSetup();
+ SetConnectionOption(kLRTT);
+ EXPECT_EQ(3u, sender_->num_startup_rtts());
+ // Run until the full bandwidth is reached and check how many rounds it was.
+ bbr_sender_.AddBytesToTransfer(12 * 1024 * 1024);
+ QuicRoundTripCount max_bw_round = 0;
+ QuicBandwidth max_bw(QuicBandwidth::Zero());
+ bool simulator_result = simulator_.RunUntilOrTimeout(
+ [this, &max_bw, &max_bw_round]() {
+ if (max_bw < sender_->ExportDebugState().max_bandwidth) {
+ max_bw = sender_->ExportDebugState().max_bandwidth;
+ max_bw_round = sender_->ExportDebugState().round_trip_count;
+ }
+ return sender_->ExportDebugState().is_at_full_bandwidth;
+ },
+ QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(5));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(simulator_result);
+ EXPECT_EQ(BbrSender::DRAIN, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ EXPECT_EQ(3u, sender_->ExportDebugState().round_trip_count - max_bw_round);
+ EXPECT_EQ(3u, sender_->ExportDebugState().rounds_without_bandwidth_gain);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, bbr_sender_.connection()->GetStats().packets_lost);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(sender_->ExportDebugState().last_sample_is_app_limited);
+// Test exiting STARTUP earlier upon loss due to the LRTT connection option.
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, SimpleTransferLRTTStartupSmallBuffer) {
+ CreateSmallBufferSetup();
+ SetConnectionOption(kLRTT);
+ EXPECT_EQ(3u, sender_->num_startup_rtts());
+ // Run until the full bandwidth is reached and check how many rounds it was.
+ bbr_sender_.AddBytesToTransfer(12 * 1024 * 1024);
+ QuicRoundTripCount max_bw_round = 0;
+ QuicBandwidth max_bw(QuicBandwidth::Zero());
+ bool simulator_result = simulator_.RunUntilOrTimeout(
+ [this, &max_bw, &max_bw_round]() {
+ if (max_bw < sender_->ExportDebugState().max_bandwidth) {
+ max_bw = sender_->ExportDebugState().max_bandwidth;
+ max_bw_round = sender_->ExportDebugState().round_trip_count;
+ }
+ return sender_->ExportDebugState().is_at_full_bandwidth;
+ },
+ QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(5));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(simulator_result);
+ EXPECT_EQ(BbrSender::DRAIN, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ EXPECT_GE(2u, sender_->ExportDebugState().round_trip_count - max_bw_round);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1u, sender_->ExportDebugState().rounds_without_bandwidth_gain);
+ EXPECT_NE(0u, bbr_sender_.connection()->GetStats().packets_lost);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(sender_->ExportDebugState().last_sample_is_app_limited);
+// Test slower pacing after loss in STARTUP due to the BBRS connection option.
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, SimpleTransferSlowerStartup) {
+ CreateSmallBufferSetup();
+ SetConnectionOption(kBBRS);
+ EXPECT_EQ(3u, sender_->num_startup_rtts());
+ // Run until the full bandwidth is reached and check how many rounds it was.
+ bbr_sender_.AddBytesToTransfer(12 * 1024 * 1024);
+ QuicRoundTripCount max_bw_round = 0;
+ QuicBandwidth max_bw(QuicBandwidth::Zero());
+ bool simulator_result = simulator_.RunUntilOrTimeout(
+ [this, &max_bw, &max_bw_round]() {
+ if (max_bw < sender_->ExportDebugState().max_bandwidth) {
+ max_bw = sender_->ExportDebugState().max_bandwidth;
+ max_bw_round = sender_->ExportDebugState().round_trip_count;
+ }
+ // Expect the pacing rate in STARTUP to decrease once packet loss
+ // is observed, but the CWND does not.
+ if (bbr_sender_.connection()->GetStats().packets_lost > 0 &&
+ !sender_->ExportDebugState().is_at_full_bandwidth &&
+ sender_->has_non_app_limited_sample()) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(1.5f * max_bw, sender_->PacingRate(0));
+ }
+ return sender_->ExportDebugState().is_at_full_bandwidth;
+ },
+ QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(5));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(simulator_result);
+ EXPECT_EQ(BbrSender::DRAIN, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ EXPECT_GE(3u, sender_->ExportDebugState().round_trip_count - max_bw_round);
+ EXPECT_EQ(3u, sender_->ExportDebugState().rounds_without_bandwidth_gain);
+ EXPECT_NE(0u, bbr_sender_.connection()->GetStats().packets_lost);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(sender_->ExportDebugState().last_sample_is_app_limited);
+// Ensures no change in congestion window in STARTUP after loss.
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, SimpleTransferNoConservationInStartup) {
+ CreateSmallBufferSetup();
+ SetConnectionOption(kBBS1);
+ // Run until the full bandwidth is reached and check how many rounds it was.
+ bbr_sender_.AddBytesToTransfer(12 * 1024 * 1024);
+ bool used_conservation_cwnd = false;
+ bool simulator_result = simulator_.RunUntilOrTimeout(
+ [this, &used_conservation_cwnd]() {
+ if (!sender_->ExportDebugState().is_at_full_bandwidth &&
+ sender_->GetCongestionWindow() <
+ sender_->ExportDebugState().congestion_window) {
+ used_conservation_cwnd = true;
+ }
+ return sender_->ExportDebugState().is_at_full_bandwidth;
+ },
+ QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(5));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(simulator_result);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(used_conservation_cwnd);
+ EXPECT_EQ(BbrSender::DRAIN, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ EXPECT_EQ(3u, sender_->ExportDebugState().rounds_without_bandwidth_gain);
+ EXPECT_NE(0u, bbr_sender_.connection()->GetStats().packets_lost);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(sender_->ExportDebugState().last_sample_is_app_limited);
+// Ensures no change in congestion window in STARTUP after loss, but that the
+// rate decreases.
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, SimpleTransferStartupRateReduction) {
+ SetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_bbr_startup_rate_reduction, true);
+ CreateSmallBufferSetup();
+ SetConnectionOption(kBBS4);
+ // Run until the full bandwidth is reached and check how many rounds it was.
+ bbr_sender_.AddBytesToTransfer(12 * 1024 * 1024);
+ bool used_conservation_cwnd = false;
+ bool simulator_result = simulator_.RunUntilOrTimeout(
+ [this, &used_conservation_cwnd]() {
+ if (!sender_->ExportDebugState().is_at_full_bandwidth &&
+ sender_->GetCongestionWindow() <
+ sender_->ExportDebugState().congestion_window) {
+ used_conservation_cwnd = true;
+ }
+ // Exit once a loss is hit.
+ return bbr_sender_.connection()->GetStats().packets_lost > 0 ||
+ sender_->ExportDebugState().is_at_full_bandwidth;
+ },
+ QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(5));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(simulator_result);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(sender_->InRecovery());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(used_conservation_cwnd);
+ EXPECT_EQ(BbrSender::STARTUP, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ EXPECT_NE(0u, bbr_sender_.connection()->GetStats().packets_lost);
+ // Lose each outstanding packet and the pacing rate decreases.
+ const QuicBandwidth original_pacing_rate = sender_->PacingRate(0);
+ QuicBandwidth pacing_rate = original_pacing_rate;
+ const QuicByteCount original_cwnd = sender_->GetCongestionWindow();
+ LostPacketVector lost_packets;
+ lost_packets.push_back(LostPacket(QuicPacketNumber(), kMaxPacketSize));
+ QuicPacketNumber largest_sent =
+ bbr_sender_.connection()->sent_packet_manager().GetLargestSentPacket();
+ for (QuicPacketNumber packet_number =
+ bbr_sender_.connection()->sent_packet_manager().GetLeastUnacked();
+ packet_number <= largest_sent; ++packet_number) {
+ lost_packets[0].packet_number = packet_number;
+ sender_->OnCongestionEvent(false, 0, clock_->Now(), {}, lost_packets);
+ EXPECT_EQ(original_cwnd, sender_->GetCongestionWindow());
+ EXPECT_GT(original_pacing_rate, sender_->PacingRate(0));
+ EXPECT_GE(pacing_rate, sender_->PacingRate(0));
+ EXPECT_LE(1.25 * sender_->BandwidthEstimate(), sender_->PacingRate(0));
+ pacing_rate = sender_->PacingRate(0);
+ }
+// Ensures no change in congestion window in STARTUP after loss, but that the
+// rate decreases twice as fast as BBS4.
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, SimpleTransferDoubleStartupRateReduction) {
+ SetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_bbr_startup_rate_reduction, true);
+ CreateSmallBufferSetup();
+ SetConnectionOption(kBBS5);
+ // Run until the full bandwidth is reached and check how many rounds it was.
+ bbr_sender_.AddBytesToTransfer(12 * 1024 * 1024);
+ bool used_conservation_cwnd = false;
+ bool simulator_result = simulator_.RunUntilOrTimeout(
+ [this, &used_conservation_cwnd]() {
+ if (!sender_->ExportDebugState().is_at_full_bandwidth &&
+ sender_->GetCongestionWindow() <
+ sender_->ExportDebugState().congestion_window) {
+ used_conservation_cwnd = true;
+ }
+ // Exit once a loss is hit.
+ return bbr_sender_.connection()->GetStats().packets_lost > 0 ||
+ sender_->ExportDebugState().is_at_full_bandwidth;
+ },
+ QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(5));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(simulator_result);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(sender_->InRecovery());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(used_conservation_cwnd);
+ EXPECT_EQ(BbrSender::STARTUP, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ EXPECT_NE(0u, bbr_sender_.connection()->GetStats().packets_lost);
+ // Lose each outstanding packet and the pacing rate decreases.
+ const QuicBandwidth original_pacing_rate = sender_->PacingRate(0);
+ QuicBandwidth pacing_rate = original_pacing_rate;
+ const QuicByteCount original_cwnd = sender_->GetCongestionWindow();
+ LostPacketVector lost_packets;
+ lost_packets.push_back(LostPacket(QuicPacketNumber(), kMaxPacketSize));
+ QuicPacketNumber largest_sent =
+ bbr_sender_.connection()->sent_packet_manager().GetLargestSentPacket();
+ for (QuicPacketNumber packet_number =
+ bbr_sender_.connection()->sent_packet_manager().GetLeastUnacked();
+ packet_number <= largest_sent; ++packet_number) {
+ lost_packets[0].packet_number = packet_number;
+ sender_->OnCongestionEvent(false, 0, clock_->Now(), {}, lost_packets);
+ EXPECT_EQ(original_cwnd, sender_->GetCongestionWindow());
+ EXPECT_GT(original_pacing_rate, sender_->PacingRate(0));
+ EXPECT_GE(pacing_rate, sender_->PacingRate(0));
+ EXPECT_LE(1.25 * sender_->BandwidthEstimate(), sender_->PacingRate(0));
+ pacing_rate = sender_->PacingRate(0);
+ }
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, DerivedPacingGainStartup) {
+ SetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_bbr_slower_startup3, true);
+ CreateDefaultSetup();
+ SetConnectionOption(kBBQ1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(3u, sender_->num_startup_rtts());
+ // Verify that Sender is in slow start.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(sender_->InSlowStart());
+ // Verify that pacing rate is based on the initial RTT.
+ QuicBandwidth expected_pacing_rate = QuicBandwidth::FromBytesAndTimeDelta(
+ 2.773 * kDefaultWindowTCP, rtt_stats_->initial_rtt());
+ ExpectApproxEq(expected_pacing_rate.ToBitsPerSecond(),
+ sender_->PacingRate(0).ToBitsPerSecond(), 0.01f);
+ // Run until the full bandwidth is reached and check how many rounds it was.
+ bbr_sender_.AddBytesToTransfer(12 * 1024 * 1024);
+ bool simulator_result = simulator_.RunUntilOrTimeout(
+ [this]() { return sender_->ExportDebugState().is_at_full_bandwidth; },
+ QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(5));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(simulator_result);
+ EXPECT_EQ(BbrSender::DRAIN, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ EXPECT_EQ(3u, sender_->ExportDebugState().rounds_without_bandwidth_gain);
+ ExpectApproxEq(kTestLinkBandwidth, sender_->ExportDebugState().max_bandwidth,
+ 0.01f);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, bbr_sender_.connection()->GetStats().packets_lost);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(sender_->ExportDebugState().last_sample_is_app_limited);
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, DerivedCWNDGainStartup) {
+ SetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_bbr_slower_startup3, true);
+ CreateDefaultSetup();
+ SetConnectionOption(kBBQ2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(3u, sender_->num_startup_rtts());
+ // Verify that Sender is in slow start.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(sender_->InSlowStart());
+ // Verify that pacing rate is based on the initial RTT.
+ QuicBandwidth expected_pacing_rate = QuicBandwidth::FromBytesAndTimeDelta(
+ 2.885 * kDefaultWindowTCP, rtt_stats_->initial_rtt());
+ ExpectApproxEq(expected_pacing_rate.ToBitsPerSecond(),
+ sender_->PacingRate(0).ToBitsPerSecond(), 0.01f);
+ // Run until the full bandwidth is reached and check how many rounds it was.
+ bbr_sender_.AddBytesToTransfer(12 * 1024 * 1024);
+ bool simulator_result = simulator_.RunUntilOrTimeout(
+ [this]() { return sender_->ExportDebugState().is_at_full_bandwidth; },
+ QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(5));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(simulator_result);
+ EXPECT_EQ(BbrSender::DRAIN, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ EXPECT_EQ(3u, sender_->ExportDebugState().rounds_without_bandwidth_gain);
+ ExpectApproxEq(kTestLinkBandwidth, sender_->ExportDebugState().max_bandwidth,
+ 0.01f);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, bbr_sender_.connection()->GetStats().packets_lost);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(sender_->ExportDebugState().last_sample_is_app_limited);
+ // Expect an SRTT less than 2.7 * Min RTT on exit from STARTUP.
+ EXPECT_GT(kTestRtt * 2.7, rtt_stats_->smoothed_rtt());
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, AckAggregationInStartup) {
+ SetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_bbr_slower_startup3, true);
+ // Disable Ack Decimation on the receiver to avoid loss and make results
+ // consistent.
+ QuicConnectionPeer::SetAckMode(receiver_.connection(), AckMode::TCP_ACKING);
+ CreateDefaultSetup();
+ SetConnectionOption(kBBQ3);
+ EXPECT_EQ(3u, sender_->num_startup_rtts());
+ // Verify that Sender is in slow start.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(sender_->InSlowStart());
+ // Verify that pacing rate is based on the initial RTT.
+ QuicBandwidth expected_pacing_rate = QuicBandwidth::FromBytesAndTimeDelta(
+ 2.885 * kDefaultWindowTCP, rtt_stats_->initial_rtt());
+ ExpectApproxEq(expected_pacing_rate.ToBitsPerSecond(),
+ sender_->PacingRate(0).ToBitsPerSecond(), 0.01f);
+ // Run until the full bandwidth is reached and check how many rounds it was.
+ bbr_sender_.AddBytesToTransfer(12 * 1024 * 1024);
+ bool simulator_result = simulator_.RunUntilOrTimeout(
+ [this]() { return sender_->ExportDebugState().is_at_full_bandwidth; },
+ QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(5));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(simulator_result);
+ EXPECT_EQ(BbrSender::DRAIN, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ EXPECT_EQ(3u, sender_->ExportDebugState().rounds_without_bandwidth_gain);
+ ExpectApproxEq(kTestLinkBandwidth, sender_->ExportDebugState().max_bandwidth,
+ 0.01f);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, bbr_sender_.connection()->GetStats().packets_lost);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(sender_->ExportDebugState().last_sample_is_app_limited);
+// Test that two BBR flows started slightly apart from each other terminate.
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, SimpleCompetition) {
+ const QuicByteCount transfer_size = 10 * 1024 * 1024;
+ const QuicTime::Delta transfer_time =
+ kTestLinkBandwidth.TransferTime(transfer_size);
+ CreateBbrVsBbrSetup();
+ // Transfer 10% of data in first transfer.
+ bbr_sender_.AddBytesToTransfer(transfer_size);
+ bool simulator_result = simulator_.RunUntilOrTimeout(
+ [this]() { return receiver_.bytes_received() >= 0.1 * transfer_size; },
+ transfer_time);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(simulator_result);
+ // Start the second transfer and wait until both finish.
+ competing_sender_.AddBytesToTransfer(transfer_size);
+ simulator_result = simulator_.RunUntilOrTimeout(
+ [this]() {
+ return receiver_.bytes_received() == transfer_size &&
+ competing_receiver_.bytes_received() == transfer_size;
+ },
+ 3 * transfer_time);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(simulator_result);
+// Test that BBR can resume bandwidth from cached network parameters.
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, ResumeConnectionState) {
+ CreateDefaultSetup();
+ bbr_sender_.connection()->AdjustNetworkParameters(kTestLinkBandwidth,
+ kTestRtt);
+ EXPECT_EQ(kTestLinkBandwidth, sender_->ExportDebugState().max_bandwidth);
+ EXPECT_EQ(kTestLinkBandwidth, sender_->BandwidthEstimate());
+ ExpectApproxEq(kTestRtt, sender_->ExportDebugState().min_rtt, 0.01f);
+ DriveOutOfStartup();
+// Test with a min CWND of 1 instead of 4 packets.
+TEST_F(BbrSenderTest, ProbeRTTMinCWND1) {
+ CreateDefaultSetup();
+ SetConnectionOption(kMIN1);
+ DriveOutOfStartup();
+ // We have no intention of ever finishing this transfer.
+ bbr_sender_.AddBytesToTransfer(100 * 1024 * 1024);
+ // Wait until the connection enters PROBE_RTT.
+ const QuicTime::Delta timeout = QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(12);
+ bool simulator_result = simulator_.RunUntilOrTimeout(
+ [this]() {
+ return sender_->ExportDebugState().mode == BbrSender::PROBE_RTT;
+ },
+ timeout);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(simulator_result);
+ ASSERT_EQ(BbrSender::PROBE_RTT, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ // The PROBE_RTT CWND should be 1 if the min CWND is 1.
+ EXPECT_EQ(kDefaultTCPMSS, sender_->GetCongestionWindow());
+ // Exit PROBE_RTT.
+ const QuicTime probe_rtt_start = clock_->Now();
+ const QuicTime::Delta time_to_exit_probe_rtt =
+ kTestRtt + QuicTime::Delta::FromMilliseconds(200);
+ simulator_.RunFor(1.5 * time_to_exit_probe_rtt);
+ EXPECT_EQ(BbrSender::PROBE_BW, sender_->ExportDebugState().mode);
+ EXPECT_GE(sender_->ExportDebugState().min_rtt_timestamp, probe_rtt_start);
+} // namespace test
+} // namespace quic