Project import generated by Copybara.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 237361882
Change-Id: I109a68f44db867b20f8c6a7732b0ce657133e52a
diff --git a/quic/core/congestion_control/ b/quic/core/congestion_control/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a7fe2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quic/core/congestion_control/
@@ -0,0 +1,923 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/congestion_control/bbr_sender.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <sstream>
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/congestion_control/rtt_stats.h"
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/crypto/crypto_protocol.h"
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_bug_tracker.h"
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_fallthrough.h"
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_flag_utils.h"
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_flags.h"
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_logging.h"
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_string.h"
+namespace quic {
+namespace {
+// Constants based on TCP defaults.
+// The minimum CWND to ensure delayed acks don't reduce bandwidth measurements.
+// Does not inflate the pacing rate.
+const QuicByteCount kDefaultMinimumCongestionWindow = 4 * kMaxSegmentSize;
+// The gain used for the STARTUP, equal to 2/ln(2).
+const float kDefaultHighGain = 2.885f;
+// The newly derived gain for STARTUP, equal to 4 * ln(2)
+const float kDerivedHighGain = 2.773f;
+// The newly derived CWND gain for STARTUP, 2.
+const float kDerivedHighCWNDGain = 2.773f;
+// The gain used in STARTUP after loss has been detected.
+// 1.5 is enough to allow for 25% exogenous loss and still observe a 25% growth
+// in measured bandwidth.
+const float kStartupAfterLossGain = 1.5f;
+// The cycle of gains used during the PROBE_BW stage.
+const float kPacingGain[] = {1.25, 0.75, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
+// The length of the gain cycle.
+const size_t kGainCycleLength = sizeof(kPacingGain) / sizeof(kPacingGain[0]);
+// The size of the bandwidth filter window, in round-trips.
+const QuicRoundTripCount kBandwidthWindowSize = kGainCycleLength + 2;
+// The time after which the current min_rtt value expires.
+const QuicTime::Delta kMinRttExpiry = QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(10);
+// The minimum time the connection can spend in PROBE_RTT mode.
+const QuicTime::Delta kProbeRttTime = QuicTime::Delta::FromMilliseconds(200);
+// If the bandwidth does not increase by the factor of |kStartupGrowthTarget|
+// within |kRoundTripsWithoutGrowthBeforeExitingStartup| rounds, the connection
+// will exit the STARTUP mode.
+const float kStartupGrowthTarget = 1.25;
+const QuicRoundTripCount kRoundTripsWithoutGrowthBeforeExitingStartup = 3;
+// Coefficient of target congestion window to use when basing PROBE_RTT on BDP.
+const float kModerateProbeRttMultiplier = 0.75;
+// Coefficient to determine if a new RTT is sufficiently similar to min_rtt that
+// we don't need to enter PROBE_RTT.
+const float kSimilarMinRttThreshold = 1.125;
+} // namespace
+BbrSender::DebugState::DebugState(const BbrSender& sender)
+ : mode(sender.mode_),
+ max_bandwidth(sender.max_bandwidth_.GetBest()),
+ round_trip_count(sender.round_trip_count_),
+ gain_cycle_index(sender.cycle_current_offset_),
+ congestion_window(sender.congestion_window_),
+ is_at_full_bandwidth(sender.is_at_full_bandwidth_),
+ bandwidth_at_last_round(sender.bandwidth_at_last_round_),
+ rounds_without_bandwidth_gain(sender.rounds_without_bandwidth_gain_),
+ min_rtt(sender.min_rtt_),
+ min_rtt_timestamp(sender.min_rtt_timestamp_),
+ recovery_state(sender.recovery_state_),
+ recovery_window(sender.recovery_window_),
+ last_sample_is_app_limited(sender.last_sample_is_app_limited_),
+ end_of_app_limited_phase(sender.sampler_.end_of_app_limited_phase()) {}
+BbrSender::DebugState::DebugState(const DebugState& state) = default;
+BbrSender::BbrSender(const RttStats* rtt_stats,
+ const QuicUnackedPacketMap* unacked_packets,
+ QuicPacketCount initial_tcp_congestion_window,
+ QuicPacketCount max_tcp_congestion_window,
+ QuicRandom* random)
+ : rtt_stats_(rtt_stats),
+ unacked_packets_(unacked_packets),
+ random_(random),
+ mode_(STARTUP),
+ round_trip_count_(0),
+ max_bandwidth_(kBandwidthWindowSize, QuicBandwidth::Zero(), 0),
+ max_ack_height_(kBandwidthWindowSize, 0, 0),
+ aggregation_epoch_start_time_(QuicTime::Zero()),
+ aggregation_epoch_bytes_(0),
+ min_rtt_(QuicTime::Delta::Zero()),
+ min_rtt_timestamp_(QuicTime::Zero()),
+ congestion_window_(initial_tcp_congestion_window * kDefaultTCPMSS),
+ initial_congestion_window_(initial_tcp_congestion_window *
+ kDefaultTCPMSS),
+ max_congestion_window_(max_tcp_congestion_window * kDefaultTCPMSS),
+ min_congestion_window_(kDefaultMinimumCongestionWindow),
+ high_gain_(kDefaultHighGain),
+ high_cwnd_gain_(kDefaultHighGain),
+ drain_gain_(1.f / kDefaultHighGain),
+ pacing_rate_(QuicBandwidth::Zero()),
+ pacing_gain_(1),
+ congestion_window_gain_(1),
+ congestion_window_gain_constant_(
+ static_cast<float>(FLAGS_quic_bbr_cwnd_gain)),
+ num_startup_rtts_(kRoundTripsWithoutGrowthBeforeExitingStartup),
+ exit_startup_on_loss_(false),
+ cycle_current_offset_(0),
+ last_cycle_start_(QuicTime::Zero()),
+ is_at_full_bandwidth_(false),
+ rounds_without_bandwidth_gain_(0),
+ bandwidth_at_last_round_(QuicBandwidth::Zero()),
+ exiting_quiescence_(false),
+ exit_probe_rtt_at_(QuicTime::Zero()),
+ probe_rtt_round_passed_(false),
+ last_sample_is_app_limited_(false),
+ has_non_app_limited_sample_(false),
+ flexible_app_limited_(false),
+ recovery_state_(NOT_IN_RECOVERY),
+ recovery_window_(max_congestion_window_),
+ is_app_limited_recovery_(false),
+ slower_startup_(false),
+ rate_based_startup_(false),
+ startup_rate_reduction_multiplier_(0),
+ startup_bytes_lost_(0),
+ enable_ack_aggregation_during_startup_(false),
+ expire_ack_aggregation_in_startup_(false),
+ drain_to_target_(false),
+ probe_rtt_based_on_bdp_(false),
+ probe_rtt_skipped_if_similar_rtt_(false),
+ probe_rtt_disabled_if_app_limited_(false),
+ app_limited_since_last_probe_rtt_(false),
+ min_rtt_since_last_probe_rtt_(QuicTime::Delta::Infinite()) {
+ EnterStartupMode();
+BbrSender::~BbrSender() {}
+void BbrSender::SetInitialCongestionWindowInPackets(
+ QuicPacketCount congestion_window) {
+ if (mode_ == STARTUP) {
+ initial_congestion_window_ = congestion_window * kDefaultTCPMSS;
+ congestion_window_ = congestion_window * kDefaultTCPMSS;
+ }
+bool BbrSender::InSlowStart() const {
+ return mode_ == STARTUP;
+void BbrSender::OnPacketSent(QuicTime sent_time,
+ QuicByteCount bytes_in_flight,
+ QuicPacketNumber packet_number,
+ QuicByteCount bytes,
+ HasRetransmittableData is_retransmittable) {
+ last_sent_packet_ = packet_number;
+ if (bytes_in_flight == 0 && sampler_.is_app_limited()) {
+ exiting_quiescence_ = true;
+ }
+ if (!aggregation_epoch_start_time_.IsInitialized()) {
+ aggregation_epoch_start_time_ = sent_time;
+ }
+ sampler_.OnPacketSent(sent_time, packet_number, bytes, bytes_in_flight,
+ is_retransmittable);
+bool BbrSender::CanSend(QuicByteCount bytes_in_flight) {
+ return bytes_in_flight < GetCongestionWindow();
+QuicBandwidth BbrSender::PacingRate(QuicByteCount bytes_in_flight) const {
+ if (pacing_rate_.IsZero()) {
+ return high_gain_ * QuicBandwidth::FromBytesAndTimeDelta(
+ initial_congestion_window_, GetMinRtt());
+ }
+ return pacing_rate_;
+QuicBandwidth BbrSender::BandwidthEstimate() const {
+ return max_bandwidth_.GetBest();
+QuicByteCount BbrSender::GetCongestionWindow() const {
+ if (mode_ == PROBE_RTT) {
+ return ProbeRttCongestionWindow();
+ }
+ if (InRecovery() && !(rate_based_startup_ && mode_ == STARTUP)) {
+ return std::min(congestion_window_, recovery_window_);
+ }
+ return congestion_window_;
+QuicByteCount BbrSender::GetSlowStartThreshold() const {
+ return 0;
+bool BbrSender::InRecovery() const {
+ return recovery_state_ != NOT_IN_RECOVERY;
+bool BbrSender::ShouldSendProbingPacket() const {
+ if (pacing_gain_ <= 1) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // TODO(b/77975811): If the pipe is highly under-utilized, consider not
+ // sending a probing transmission, because the extra bandwidth is not needed.
+ // If flexible_app_limited is enabled, check if the pipe is sufficiently full.
+ if (flexible_app_limited_) {
+ return !IsPipeSufficientlyFull();
+ } else {
+ return true;
+ }
+bool BbrSender::IsPipeSufficientlyFull() const {
+ // See if we need more bytes in flight to see more bandwidth.
+ if (mode_ == STARTUP) {
+ // STARTUP exits if it doesn't observe a 25% bandwidth increase, so the CWND
+ // must be more than 25% above the target.
+ return unacked_packets_->bytes_in_flight() >=
+ GetTargetCongestionWindow(1.5);
+ }
+ if (pacing_gain_ > 1) {
+ // Super-unity PROBE_BW doesn't exit until 1.25 * BDP is achieved.
+ return unacked_packets_->bytes_in_flight() >=
+ GetTargetCongestionWindow(pacing_gain_);
+ }
+ // If bytes_in_flight are above the target congestion window, it should be
+ // possible to observe the same or more bandwidth if it's available.
+ return unacked_packets_->bytes_in_flight() >= GetTargetCongestionWindow(1.1);
+void BbrSender::SetFromConfig(const QuicConfig& config,
+ Perspective perspective) {
+ if (config.HasClientRequestedIndependentOption(kLRTT, perspective)) {
+ exit_startup_on_loss_ = true;
+ }
+ if (config.HasClientRequestedIndependentOption(k1RTT, perspective)) {
+ num_startup_rtts_ = 1;
+ }
+ if (config.HasClientRequestedIndependentOption(k2RTT, perspective)) {
+ num_startup_rtts_ = 2;
+ }
+ if (config.HasClientRequestedIndependentOption(kBBRS, perspective)) {
+ slower_startup_ = true;
+ }
+ if (config.HasClientRequestedIndependentOption(kBBR3, perspective)) {
+ drain_to_target_ = true;
+ }
+ if (config.HasClientRequestedIndependentOption(kBBS1, perspective)) {
+ rate_based_startup_ = true;
+ }
+ if (GetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_bbr_startup_rate_reduction) &&
+ config.HasClientRequestedIndependentOption(kBBS4, perspective)) {
+ rate_based_startup_ = true;
+ // Hits 1.25x pacing multiplier when ~2/3 CWND is lost.
+ startup_rate_reduction_multiplier_ = 1;
+ }
+ if (GetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_bbr_startup_rate_reduction) &&
+ config.HasClientRequestedIndependentOption(kBBS5, perspective)) {
+ rate_based_startup_ = true;
+ // Hits 1.25x pacing multiplier when ~1/3 CWND is lost.
+ startup_rate_reduction_multiplier_ = 2;
+ }
+ if (config.HasClientRequestedIndependentOption(kBBR4, perspective)) {
+ max_ack_height_.SetWindowLength(2 * kBandwidthWindowSize);
+ }
+ if (config.HasClientRequestedIndependentOption(kBBR5, perspective)) {
+ max_ack_height_.SetWindowLength(4 * kBandwidthWindowSize);
+ }
+ if (GetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_bbr_less_probe_rtt) &&
+ config.HasClientRequestedIndependentOption(kBBR6, perspective)) {
+ QUIC_RELOADABLE_FLAG_COUNT_N(quic_bbr_less_probe_rtt, 1, 3);
+ probe_rtt_based_on_bdp_ = true;
+ }
+ if (GetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_bbr_less_probe_rtt) &&
+ config.HasClientRequestedIndependentOption(kBBR7, perspective)) {
+ QUIC_RELOADABLE_FLAG_COUNT_N(quic_bbr_less_probe_rtt, 2, 3);
+ probe_rtt_skipped_if_similar_rtt_ = true;
+ }
+ if (GetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_bbr_less_probe_rtt) &&
+ config.HasClientRequestedIndependentOption(kBBR8, perspective)) {
+ QUIC_RELOADABLE_FLAG_COUNT_N(quic_bbr_less_probe_rtt, 3, 3);
+ probe_rtt_disabled_if_app_limited_ = true;
+ }
+ if (GetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_bbr_flexible_app_limited) &&
+ config.HasClientRequestedIndependentOption(kBBR9, perspective)) {
+ QUIC_RELOADABLE_FLAG_COUNT(quic_bbr_flexible_app_limited);
+ flexible_app_limited_ = true;
+ }
+ if (GetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_bbr_slower_startup3) &&
+ config.HasClientRequestedIndependentOption(kBBQ1, perspective)) {
+ QUIC_RELOADABLE_FLAG_COUNT_N(quic_bbr_slower_startup3, 1, 4);
+ set_high_gain(kDerivedHighGain);
+ set_high_cwnd_gain(kDerivedHighGain);
+ set_drain_gain(1.f / kDerivedHighGain);
+ }
+ if (GetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_bbr_slower_startup3) &&
+ config.HasClientRequestedIndependentOption(kBBQ2, perspective)) {
+ QUIC_RELOADABLE_FLAG_COUNT_N(quic_bbr_slower_startup3, 2, 4);
+ set_high_cwnd_gain(kDerivedHighCWNDGain);
+ }
+ if (GetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_bbr_slower_startup3) &&
+ config.HasClientRequestedIndependentOption(kBBQ3, perspective)) {
+ QUIC_RELOADABLE_FLAG_COUNT_N(quic_bbr_slower_startup3, 3, 4);
+ enable_ack_aggregation_during_startup_ = true;
+ }
+ if (GetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_bbr_slower_startup3) &&
+ config.HasClientRequestedIndependentOption(kBBQ4, perspective)) {
+ QUIC_RELOADABLE_FLAG_COUNT_N(quic_bbr_slower_startup3, 4, 4);
+ set_drain_gain(kModerateProbeRttMultiplier);
+ }
+ if (GetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_bbr_slower_startup4) &&
+ config.HasClientRequestedIndependentOption(kBBQ5, perspective)) {
+ QUIC_RELOADABLE_FLAG_COUNT(quic_bbr_slower_startup4);
+ expire_ack_aggregation_in_startup_ = true;
+ }
+ if (config.HasClientRequestedIndependentOption(kMIN1, perspective)) {
+ min_congestion_window_ = kMaxSegmentSize;
+ }
+void BbrSender::AdjustNetworkParameters(QuicBandwidth bandwidth,
+ QuicTime::Delta rtt) {
+ if (!bandwidth.IsZero()) {
+ max_bandwidth_.Update(bandwidth, round_trip_count_);
+ }
+ if (!rtt.IsZero() && (min_rtt_ > rtt || min_rtt_.IsZero())) {
+ min_rtt_ = rtt;
+ }
+void BbrSender::OnCongestionEvent(bool /*rtt_updated*/,
+ QuicByteCount prior_in_flight,
+ QuicTime event_time,
+ const AckedPacketVector& acked_packets,
+ const LostPacketVector& lost_packets) {
+ const QuicByteCount total_bytes_acked_before = sampler_.total_bytes_acked();
+ bool is_round_start = false;
+ bool min_rtt_expired = false;
+ DiscardLostPackets(lost_packets);
+ // Input the new data into the BBR model of the connection.
+ QuicByteCount excess_acked = 0;
+ if (!acked_packets.empty()) {
+ QuicPacketNumber last_acked_packet = acked_packets.rbegin()->packet_number;
+ is_round_start = UpdateRoundTripCounter(last_acked_packet);
+ min_rtt_expired = UpdateBandwidthAndMinRtt(event_time, acked_packets);
+ UpdateRecoveryState(last_acked_packet, !lost_packets.empty(),
+ is_round_start);
+ const QuicByteCount bytes_acked =
+ sampler_.total_bytes_acked() - total_bytes_acked_before;
+ excess_acked = UpdateAckAggregationBytes(event_time, bytes_acked);
+ }
+ // Handle logic specific to PROBE_BW mode.
+ if (mode_ == PROBE_BW) {
+ UpdateGainCyclePhase(event_time, prior_in_flight, !lost_packets.empty());
+ }
+ // Handle logic specific to STARTUP and DRAIN modes.
+ if (is_round_start && !is_at_full_bandwidth_) {
+ CheckIfFullBandwidthReached();
+ }
+ MaybeExitStartupOrDrain(event_time);
+ // Handle logic specific to PROBE_RTT.
+ MaybeEnterOrExitProbeRtt(event_time, is_round_start, min_rtt_expired);
+ // Calculate number of packets acked and lost.
+ QuicByteCount bytes_acked =
+ sampler_.total_bytes_acked() - total_bytes_acked_before;
+ QuicByteCount bytes_lost = 0;
+ for (const auto& packet : lost_packets) {
+ bytes_lost += packet.bytes_lost;
+ }
+ // After the model is updated, recalculate the pacing rate and congestion
+ // window.
+ CalculatePacingRate();
+ CalculateCongestionWindow(bytes_acked, excess_acked);
+ CalculateRecoveryWindow(bytes_acked, bytes_lost);
+ // Cleanup internal state.
+ sampler_.RemoveObsoletePackets(unacked_packets_->GetLeastUnacked());
+CongestionControlType BbrSender::GetCongestionControlType() const {
+ return kBBR;
+QuicTime::Delta BbrSender::GetMinRtt() const {
+ return !min_rtt_.IsZero() ? min_rtt_ : rtt_stats_->initial_rtt();
+QuicByteCount BbrSender::GetTargetCongestionWindow(float gain) const {
+ QuicByteCount bdp = GetMinRtt() * BandwidthEstimate();
+ QuicByteCount congestion_window = gain * bdp;
+ // BDP estimate will be zero if no bandwidth samples are available yet.
+ if (congestion_window == 0) {
+ congestion_window = gain * initial_congestion_window_;
+ }
+ return std::max(congestion_window, min_congestion_window_);
+QuicByteCount BbrSender::ProbeRttCongestionWindow() const {
+ if (probe_rtt_based_on_bdp_) {
+ return GetTargetCongestionWindow(kModerateProbeRttMultiplier);
+ }
+ return min_congestion_window_;
+void BbrSender::EnterStartupMode() {
+ mode_ = STARTUP;
+ pacing_gain_ = high_gain_;
+ congestion_window_gain_ = high_cwnd_gain_;
+void BbrSender::EnterProbeBandwidthMode(QuicTime now) {
+ mode_ = PROBE_BW;
+ congestion_window_gain_ = congestion_window_gain_constant_;
+ // Pick a random offset for the gain cycle out of {0, 2..7} range. 1 is
+ // excluded because in that case increased gain and decreased gain would not
+ // follow each other.
+ cycle_current_offset_ = random_->RandUint64() % (kGainCycleLength - 1);
+ if (cycle_current_offset_ >= 1) {
+ cycle_current_offset_ += 1;
+ }
+ last_cycle_start_ = now;
+ pacing_gain_ = kPacingGain[cycle_current_offset_];
+void BbrSender::DiscardLostPackets(const LostPacketVector& lost_packets) {
+ for (const LostPacket& packet : lost_packets) {
+ sampler_.OnPacketLost(packet.packet_number);
+ if (startup_rate_reduction_multiplier_ != 0 && mode_ == STARTUP) {
+ startup_bytes_lost_ += packet.bytes_lost;
+ }
+ }
+bool BbrSender::UpdateRoundTripCounter(QuicPacketNumber last_acked_packet) {
+ if (!current_round_trip_end_.IsInitialized() ||
+ last_acked_packet > current_round_trip_end_) {
+ round_trip_count_++;
+ current_round_trip_end_ = last_sent_packet_;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool BbrSender::UpdateBandwidthAndMinRtt(
+ QuicTime now,
+ const AckedPacketVector& acked_packets) {
+ QuicTime::Delta sample_min_rtt = QuicTime::Delta::Infinite();
+ for (const auto& packet : acked_packets) {
+ if (packet.bytes_acked == 0) {
+ // Skip acked packets with 0 in flight bytes when updating bandwidth.
+ continue;
+ }
+ BandwidthSample bandwidth_sample =
+ sampler_.OnPacketAcknowledged(now, packet.packet_number);
+ last_sample_is_app_limited_ = bandwidth_sample.is_app_limited;
+ has_non_app_limited_sample_ |= !bandwidth_sample.is_app_limited;
+ if (!bandwidth_sample.rtt.IsZero()) {
+ sample_min_rtt = std::min(sample_min_rtt, bandwidth_sample.rtt);
+ }
+ if (!bandwidth_sample.is_app_limited ||
+ bandwidth_sample.bandwidth > BandwidthEstimate()) {
+ max_bandwidth_.Update(bandwidth_sample.bandwidth, round_trip_count_);
+ }
+ }
+ // If none of the RTT samples are valid, return immediately.
+ if (sample_min_rtt.IsInfinite()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ min_rtt_since_last_probe_rtt_ =
+ std::min(min_rtt_since_last_probe_rtt_, sample_min_rtt);
+ // Do not expire min_rtt if none was ever available.
+ bool min_rtt_expired =
+ !min_rtt_.IsZero() && (now > (min_rtt_timestamp_ + kMinRttExpiry));
+ if (min_rtt_expired || sample_min_rtt < min_rtt_ || min_rtt_.IsZero()) {
+ QUIC_DVLOG(2) << "Min RTT updated, old value: " << min_rtt_
+ << ", new value: " << sample_min_rtt
+ << ", current time: " << now.ToDebuggingValue();
+ if (min_rtt_expired && ShouldExtendMinRttExpiry()) {
+ min_rtt_expired = false;
+ } else {
+ min_rtt_ = sample_min_rtt;
+ }
+ min_rtt_timestamp_ = now;
+ // Reset since_last_probe_rtt fields.
+ min_rtt_since_last_probe_rtt_ = QuicTime::Delta::Infinite();
+ app_limited_since_last_probe_rtt_ = false;
+ }
+ DCHECK(!min_rtt_.IsZero());
+ return min_rtt_expired;
+bool BbrSender::ShouldExtendMinRttExpiry() const {
+ if (probe_rtt_disabled_if_app_limited_ && app_limited_since_last_probe_rtt_) {
+ // Extend the current min_rtt if we've been app limited recently.
+ return true;
+ }
+ const bool min_rtt_increased_since_last_probe =
+ min_rtt_since_last_probe_rtt_ > min_rtt_ * kSimilarMinRttThreshold;
+ if (probe_rtt_skipped_if_similar_rtt_ && app_limited_since_last_probe_rtt_ &&
+ !min_rtt_increased_since_last_probe) {
+ // Extend the current min_rtt if we've been app limited recently and an rtt
+ // has been measured in that time that's less than 12.5% more than the
+ // current min_rtt.
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void BbrSender::UpdateGainCyclePhase(QuicTime now,
+ QuicByteCount prior_in_flight,
+ bool has_losses) {
+ const QuicByteCount bytes_in_flight = unacked_packets_->bytes_in_flight();
+ // In most cases, the cycle is advanced after an RTT passes.
+ bool should_advance_gain_cycling = now - last_cycle_start_ > GetMinRtt();
+ // If the pacing gain is above 1.0, the connection is trying to probe the
+ // bandwidth by increasing the number of bytes in flight to at least
+ // pacing_gain * BDP. Make sure that it actually reaches the target, as long
+ // as there are no losses suggesting that the buffers are not able to hold
+ // that much.
+ if (pacing_gain_ > 1.0 && !has_losses &&
+ prior_in_flight < GetTargetCongestionWindow(pacing_gain_)) {
+ should_advance_gain_cycling = false;
+ }
+ // If pacing gain is below 1.0, the connection is trying to drain the extra
+ // queue which could have been incurred by probing prior to it. If the number
+ // of bytes in flight falls down to the estimated BDP value earlier, conclude
+ // that the queue has been successfully drained and exit this cycle early.
+ if (pacing_gain_ < 1.0 && bytes_in_flight <= GetTargetCongestionWindow(1)) {
+ should_advance_gain_cycling = true;
+ }
+ if (should_advance_gain_cycling) {
+ cycle_current_offset_ = (cycle_current_offset_ + 1) % kGainCycleLength;
+ last_cycle_start_ = now;
+ // Stay in low gain mode until the target BDP is hit.
+ // Low gain mode will be exited immediately when the target BDP is achieved.
+ if (drain_to_target_ && pacing_gain_ < 1 &&
+ kPacingGain[cycle_current_offset_] == 1 &&
+ bytes_in_flight > GetTargetCongestionWindow(1)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ pacing_gain_ = kPacingGain[cycle_current_offset_];
+ }
+void BbrSender::CheckIfFullBandwidthReached() {
+ if (last_sample_is_app_limited_) {
+ return;
+ }
+ QuicBandwidth target = bandwidth_at_last_round_ * kStartupGrowthTarget;
+ if (BandwidthEstimate() >= target) {
+ bandwidth_at_last_round_ = BandwidthEstimate();
+ rounds_without_bandwidth_gain_ = 0;
+ if (expire_ack_aggregation_in_startup_) {
+ // Expire old excess delivery measurements now that bandwidth increased.
+ max_ack_height_.Reset(0, round_trip_count_);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ rounds_without_bandwidth_gain_++;
+ if ((rounds_without_bandwidth_gain_ >= num_startup_rtts_) ||
+ (exit_startup_on_loss_ && InRecovery())) {
+ DCHECK(has_non_app_limited_sample_);
+ is_at_full_bandwidth_ = true;
+ }
+void BbrSender::MaybeExitStartupOrDrain(QuicTime now) {
+ if (mode_ == STARTUP && is_at_full_bandwidth_) {
+ mode_ = DRAIN;
+ pacing_gain_ = drain_gain_;
+ congestion_window_gain_ = high_cwnd_gain_;
+ }
+ if (mode_ == DRAIN &&
+ unacked_packets_->bytes_in_flight() <= GetTargetCongestionWindow(1)) {
+ EnterProbeBandwidthMode(now);
+ }
+void BbrSender::MaybeEnterOrExitProbeRtt(QuicTime now,
+ bool is_round_start,
+ bool min_rtt_expired) {
+ if (min_rtt_expired && !exiting_quiescence_ && mode_ != PROBE_RTT) {
+ mode_ = PROBE_RTT;
+ pacing_gain_ = 1;
+ // Do not decide on the time to exit PROBE_RTT until the |bytes_in_flight|
+ // is at the target small value.
+ exit_probe_rtt_at_ = QuicTime::Zero();
+ }
+ if (mode_ == PROBE_RTT) {
+ sampler_.OnAppLimited();
+ if (exit_probe_rtt_at_ == QuicTime::Zero()) {
+ // If the window has reached the appropriate size, schedule exiting
+ // PROBE_RTT. The CWND during PROBE_RTT is kMinimumCongestionWindow, but
+ // we allow an extra packet since QUIC checks CWND before sending a
+ // packet.
+ if (unacked_packets_->bytes_in_flight() <
+ ProbeRttCongestionWindow() + kMaxPacketSize) {
+ exit_probe_rtt_at_ = now + kProbeRttTime;
+ probe_rtt_round_passed_ = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (is_round_start) {
+ probe_rtt_round_passed_ = true;
+ }
+ if (now >= exit_probe_rtt_at_ && probe_rtt_round_passed_) {
+ min_rtt_timestamp_ = now;
+ if (!is_at_full_bandwidth_) {
+ EnterStartupMode();
+ } else {
+ EnterProbeBandwidthMode(now);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ exiting_quiescence_ = false;
+void BbrSender::UpdateRecoveryState(QuicPacketNumber last_acked_packet,
+ bool has_losses,
+ bool is_round_start) {
+ // Exit recovery when there are no losses for a round.
+ if (has_losses) {
+ end_recovery_at_ = last_sent_packet_;
+ }
+ switch (recovery_state_) {
+ // Enter conservation on the first loss.
+ if (has_losses) {
+ recovery_state_ = CONSERVATION;
+ // This will cause the |recovery_window_| to be set to the correct
+ // value in CalculateRecoveryWindow().
+ recovery_window_ = 0;
+ // Since the conservation phase is meant to be lasting for a whole
+ // round, extend the current round as if it were started right now.
+ current_round_trip_end_ = last_sent_packet_;
+ if (GetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_bbr_app_limited_recovery) &&
+ last_sample_is_app_limited_) {
+ QUIC_RELOADABLE_FLAG_COUNT(quic_bbr_app_limited_recovery);
+ is_app_limited_recovery_ = true;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ if (is_round_start) {
+ recovery_state_ = GROWTH;
+ }
+ case GROWTH:
+ // Exit recovery if appropriate.
+ if (!has_losses && last_acked_packet > end_recovery_at_) {
+ recovery_state_ = NOT_IN_RECOVERY;
+ is_app_limited_recovery_ = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (recovery_state_ != NOT_IN_RECOVERY && is_app_limited_recovery_) {
+ sampler_.OnAppLimited();
+ }
+// TODO(ianswett): Move this logic into BandwidthSampler.
+QuicByteCount BbrSender::UpdateAckAggregationBytes(
+ QuicTime ack_time,
+ QuicByteCount newly_acked_bytes) {
+ // Compute how many bytes are expected to be delivered, assuming max bandwidth
+ // is correct.
+ QuicByteCount expected_bytes_acked =
+ max_bandwidth_.GetBest() * (ack_time - aggregation_epoch_start_time_);
+ // Reset the current aggregation epoch as soon as the ack arrival rate is less
+ // than or equal to the max bandwidth.
+ if (aggregation_epoch_bytes_ <= expected_bytes_acked) {
+ // Reset to start measuring a new aggregation epoch.
+ aggregation_epoch_bytes_ = newly_acked_bytes;
+ aggregation_epoch_start_time_ = ack_time;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Compute how many extra bytes were delivered vs max bandwidth.
+ // Include the bytes most recently acknowledged to account for stretch acks.
+ aggregation_epoch_bytes_ += newly_acked_bytes;
+ max_ack_height_.Update(aggregation_epoch_bytes_ - expected_bytes_acked,
+ round_trip_count_);
+ return aggregation_epoch_bytes_ - expected_bytes_acked;
+void BbrSender::CalculatePacingRate() {
+ if (BandwidthEstimate().IsZero()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ QuicBandwidth target_rate = pacing_gain_ * BandwidthEstimate();
+ if (is_at_full_bandwidth_) {
+ pacing_rate_ = target_rate;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Pace at the rate of initial_window / RTT as soon as RTT measurements are
+ // available.
+ if (pacing_rate_.IsZero() && !rtt_stats_->min_rtt().IsZero()) {
+ pacing_rate_ = QuicBandwidth::FromBytesAndTimeDelta(
+ initial_congestion_window_, rtt_stats_->min_rtt());
+ return;
+ }
+ // Slow the pacing rate in STARTUP once loss has ever been detected.
+ const bool has_ever_detected_loss = end_recovery_at_.IsInitialized();
+ if (slower_startup_ && has_ever_detected_loss &&
+ has_non_app_limited_sample_) {
+ pacing_rate_ = kStartupAfterLossGain * BandwidthEstimate();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Slow the pacing rate in STARTUP by the bytes_lost / CWND.
+ if (startup_rate_reduction_multiplier_ != 0 && has_ever_detected_loss &&
+ has_non_app_limited_sample_) {
+ pacing_rate_ =
+ (1 - (startup_bytes_lost_ * startup_rate_reduction_multiplier_ * 1.0f /
+ congestion_window_)) *
+ target_rate;
+ // Ensure the pacing rate doesn't drop below the startup growth target times
+ // the bandwidth estimate.
+ pacing_rate_ =
+ std::max(pacing_rate_, kStartupGrowthTarget * BandwidthEstimate());
+ return;
+ }
+ // Do not decrease the pacing rate during startup.
+ pacing_rate_ = std::max(pacing_rate_, target_rate);
+void BbrSender::CalculateCongestionWindow(QuicByteCount bytes_acked,
+ QuicByteCount excess_acked) {
+ if (mode_ == PROBE_RTT) {
+ return;
+ }
+ QuicByteCount target_window =
+ GetTargetCongestionWindow(congestion_window_gain_);
+ if (is_at_full_bandwidth_) {
+ // Add the max recently measured ack aggregation to CWND.
+ target_window += max_ack_height_.GetBest();
+ } else if (enable_ack_aggregation_during_startup_) {
+ // Add the most recent excess acked. Because CWND never decreases in
+ // STARTUP, this will automatically create a very localized max filter.
+ target_window += excess_acked;
+ }
+ // Instead of immediately setting the target CWND as the new one, BBR grows
+ // the CWND towards |target_window| by only increasing it |bytes_acked| at a
+ // time.
+ const bool add_bytes_acked =
+ !GetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_bbr_no_bytes_acked_in_startup_recovery) ||
+ !InRecovery();
+ if (is_at_full_bandwidth_) {
+ congestion_window_ =
+ std::min(target_window, congestion_window_ + bytes_acked);
+ } else if (add_bytes_acked &&
+ (congestion_window_ < target_window ||
+ sampler_.total_bytes_acked() < initial_congestion_window_)) {
+ // If the connection is not yet out of startup phase, do not decrease the
+ // window.
+ congestion_window_ = congestion_window_ + bytes_acked;
+ }
+ // Enforce the limits on the congestion window.
+ congestion_window_ = std::max(congestion_window_, min_congestion_window_);
+ congestion_window_ = std::min(congestion_window_, max_congestion_window_);
+void BbrSender::CalculateRecoveryWindow(QuicByteCount bytes_acked,
+ QuicByteCount bytes_lost) {
+ if (rate_based_startup_ && mode_ == STARTUP) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (recovery_state_ == NOT_IN_RECOVERY) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Set up the initial recovery window.
+ if (recovery_window_ == 0) {
+ recovery_window_ = unacked_packets_->bytes_in_flight() + bytes_acked;
+ recovery_window_ = std::max(min_congestion_window_, recovery_window_);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Remove losses from the recovery window, while accounting for a potential
+ // integer underflow.
+ recovery_window_ = recovery_window_ >= bytes_lost
+ ? recovery_window_ - bytes_lost
+ : kMaxSegmentSize;
+ // In CONSERVATION mode, just subtracting losses is sufficient. In GROWTH,
+ // release additional |bytes_acked| to achieve a slow-start-like behavior.
+ if (recovery_state_ == GROWTH) {
+ recovery_window_ += bytes_acked;
+ }
+ // Sanity checks. Ensure that we always allow to send at least an MSS or
+ // |bytes_acked| in response, whichever is larger.
+ recovery_window_ = std::max(
+ recovery_window_, unacked_packets_->bytes_in_flight() + bytes_acked);
+ if (GetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_bbr_one_mss_conservation)) {
+ recovery_window_ =
+ std::max(recovery_window_,
+ unacked_packets_->bytes_in_flight() + kMaxSegmentSize);
+ }
+ recovery_window_ = std::max(min_congestion_window_, recovery_window_);
+QuicString BbrSender::GetDebugState() const {
+ std::ostringstream stream;
+ stream << ExportDebugState();
+ return stream.str();
+void BbrSender::OnApplicationLimited(QuicByteCount bytes_in_flight) {
+ if (bytes_in_flight >= GetCongestionWindow()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (flexible_app_limited_ && IsPipeSufficientlyFull()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ app_limited_since_last_probe_rtt_ = true;
+ sampler_.OnAppLimited();
+ QUIC_DVLOG(2) << "Becoming application limited. Last sent packet: "
+ << last_sent_packet_ << ", CWND: " << GetCongestionWindow();
+BbrSender::DebugState BbrSender::ExportDebugState() const {
+ return DebugState(*this);
+static QuicString ModeToString(BbrSender::Mode mode) {
+ switch (mode) {
+ case BbrSender::STARTUP:
+ return "STARTUP";
+ case BbrSender::DRAIN:
+ return "DRAIN";
+ case BbrSender::PROBE_BW:
+ return "PROBE_BW";
+ case BbrSender::PROBE_RTT:
+ return "PROBE_RTT";
+ }
+ return "???";
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const BbrSender::Mode& mode) {
+ os << ModeToString(mode);
+ return os;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const BbrSender::DebugState& state) {
+ os << "Mode: " << ModeToString(state.mode) << std::endl;
+ os << "Maximum bandwidth: " << state.max_bandwidth << std::endl;
+ os << "Round trip counter: " << state.round_trip_count << std::endl;
+ os << "Gain cycle index: " << static_cast<int>(state.gain_cycle_index)
+ << std::endl;
+ os << "Congestion window: " << state.congestion_window << " bytes"
+ << std::endl;
+ if (state.mode == BbrSender::STARTUP) {
+ os << "(startup) Bandwidth at last round: " << state.bandwidth_at_last_round
+ << std::endl;
+ os << "(startup) Rounds without gain: "
+ << state.rounds_without_bandwidth_gain << std::endl;
+ }
+ os << "Minimum RTT: " << state.min_rtt << std::endl;
+ os << "Minimum RTT timestamp: " << state.min_rtt_timestamp.ToDebuggingValue()
+ << std::endl;
+ os << "Last sample is app-limited: "
+ << (state.last_sample_is_app_limited ? "yes" : "no");
+ return os;
+} // namespace quic