Migration from SPDY_BUG to SPDY_BUG_V2(bug_id).

Per go/gfe-bug-improvements GFE_BUGs are getting stable IDs to allow for monitoring and alerting. Existing SPDY_BUG instances are changed to have `spdy_bug_n_m` ID, where `n` is unique for each file, and `m` is a counter within each file, so we get `SPDY_BUG_V2(spdy_bug_123_2))`

PiperOrigin-RevId: 362310756
Change-Id: I3903233dbe00f5c0239dc0d7767044280e6fdf6e
diff --git a/spdy/core/spdy_framer.cc b/spdy/core/spdy_framer.cc
index 6b850c2..8b9d6ce 100644
--- a/spdy/core/spdy_framer.cc
+++ b/spdy/core/spdy_framer.cc
@@ -294,8 +294,9 @@
 size_t SpdyFramer::SpdyFrameIterator::NextFrame(ZeroCopyOutputBuffer* output) {
   const SpdyFrameIR& frame_ir = GetIR();
   if (!has_next_frame_) {
-    SPDY_BUG << "SpdyFramer::SpdyFrameIterator::NextFrame called without "
-             << "a next frame.";
+    SPDY_BUG_V2(spdy_bug_75_1)
+        << "SpdyFramer::SpdyFrameIterator::NextFrame called without "
+        << "a next frame.";
     return false;