Project import generated by Copybara.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 237361882
Change-Id: I109a68f44db867b20f8c6a7732b0ce657133e52a
diff --git a/quic/core/quic_sent_packet_manager.h b/quic/core/quic_sent_packet_manager.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aacdc34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quic/core/quic_sent_packet_manager.h
@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <set>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/macros.h"
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/congestion_control/pacing_sender.h"
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/congestion_control/rtt_stats.h"
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/congestion_control/send_algorithm_interface.h"
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/congestion_control/uber_loss_algorithm.h"
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/proto/cached_network_parameters.pb.h"
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_packets.h"
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_pending_retransmission.h"
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_sustained_bandwidth_recorder.h"
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_transmission_info.h"
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_types.h"
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_unacked_packet_map.h"
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_containers.h"
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_export.h"
+#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_string.h"
+namespace quic {
+namespace test {
+class QuicConnectionPeer;
+class QuicSentPacketManagerPeer;
+} // namespace test
+class QuicClock;
+class QuicConfig;
+struct QuicConnectionStats;
+// Class which tracks the set of packets sent on a QUIC connection and contains
+// a send algorithm to decide when to send new packets. It keeps track of any
+// retransmittable data associated with each packet. If a packet is
+// retransmitted, it will keep track of each version of a packet so that if a
+// previous transmission is acked, the data will not be retransmitted.
+class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicSentPacketManager {
+ public:
+ // Interface which gets callbacks from the QuicSentPacketManager at
+ // interesting points. Implementations must not mutate the state of
+ // the packet manager or connection as a result of these callbacks.
+ class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE DebugDelegate {
+ public:
+ virtual ~DebugDelegate() {}
+ // Called when a spurious retransmission is detected.
+ virtual void OnSpuriousPacketRetransmission(
+ TransmissionType transmission_type,
+ QuicByteCount byte_size) {}
+ virtual void OnIncomingAck(const QuicAckFrame& ack_frame,
+ QuicTime ack_receive_time,
+ QuicPacketNumber largest_observed,
+ bool rtt_updated,
+ QuicPacketNumber least_unacked_sent_packet) {}
+ virtual void OnPacketLoss(QuicPacketNumber lost_packet_number,
+ TransmissionType transmission_type,
+ QuicTime detection_time) {}
+ virtual void OnApplicationLimited() {}
+ virtual void OnAdjustNetworkParameters(QuicBandwidth bandwidth,
+ QuicTime::Delta rtt) {}
+ };
+ // Interface which gets callbacks from the QuicSentPacketManager when
+ // network-related state changes. Implementations must not mutate the
+ // state of the packet manager as a result of these callbacks.
+ class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE NetworkChangeVisitor {
+ public:
+ virtual ~NetworkChangeVisitor() {}
+ // Called when congestion window or RTT may have changed.
+ virtual void OnCongestionChange() = 0;
+ // Called when the Path MTU may have increased.
+ virtual void OnPathMtuIncreased(QuicPacketLength packet_size) = 0;
+ };
+ QuicSentPacketManager(Perspective perspective,
+ const QuicClock* clock,
+ QuicConnectionStats* stats,
+ CongestionControlType congestion_control_type,
+ LossDetectionType loss_type);
+ QuicSentPacketManager(const QuicSentPacketManager&) = delete;
+ QuicSentPacketManager& operator=(const QuicSentPacketManager&) = delete;
+ virtual ~QuicSentPacketManager();
+ virtual void SetFromConfig(const QuicConfig& config);
+ // Pass the CachedNetworkParameters to the send algorithm.
+ void ResumeConnectionState(
+ const CachedNetworkParameters& cached_network_params,
+ bool max_bandwidth_resumption);
+ void SetMaxPacingRate(QuicBandwidth max_pacing_rate) {
+ pacing_sender_.set_max_pacing_rate(max_pacing_rate);
+ }
+ QuicBandwidth MaxPacingRate() const {
+ return pacing_sender_.max_pacing_rate();
+ }
+ // Set handshake_confirmed_ to true and neuter packets in HANDSHAKE packet
+ // number space.
+ void SetHandshakeConfirmed();
+ // Requests retransmission of all unacked packets of |retransmission_type|.
+ // The behavior of this method depends on the value of |retransmission_type|:
+ // ALL_UNACKED_RETRANSMISSION - All unacked packets will be retransmitted.
+ // This can happen, for example, after a version negotiation packet has been
+ // received and all packets needs to be retransmitted with the new version.
+ // ALL_INITIAL_RETRANSMISSION - Only initially encrypted packets will be
+ // retransmitted. This can happen, for example, when a CHLO has been rejected
+ // and the previously encrypted data needs to be encrypted with a new key.
+ void RetransmitUnackedPackets(TransmissionType retransmission_type);
+ // Notify the sent packet manager of an external network measurement or
+ // prediction for either |bandwidth| or |rtt|; either can be empty.
+ void AdjustNetworkParameters(QuicBandwidth bandwidth, QuicTime::Delta rtt);
+ // Retransmits the oldest pending packet there is still a tail loss probe
+ // pending. Invoked after OnRetransmissionTimeout.
+ bool MaybeRetransmitTailLossProbe();
+ // Retransmits the oldest pending packet.
+ bool MaybeRetransmitOldestPacket(TransmissionType type);
+ // Removes the retransmittable frames from all unencrypted packets to ensure
+ // they don't get retransmitted.
+ // TODO(fayang): Consider remove this function when deprecating
+ // quic_use_uber_loss_algorithm.
+ void NeuterUnencryptedPackets();
+ // Returns true if there are pending retransmissions.
+ // Not const because retransmissions may be cancelled before returning.
+ bool HasPendingRetransmissions() const {
+ return !pending_retransmissions_.empty();
+ }
+ // Retrieves the next pending retransmission. You must ensure that
+ // there are pending retransmissions prior to calling this function.
+ QuicPendingRetransmission NextPendingRetransmission();
+ // Returns true if there's outstanding crypto data.
+ bool HasUnackedCryptoPackets() const {
+ return unacked_packets_.HasPendingCryptoPackets();
+ }
+ // Returns true if there are packets in flight expecting to be acknowledged.
+ bool HasInFlightPackets() const {
+ return unacked_packets_.HasInFlightPackets();
+ }
+ // Returns the smallest packet number of a serialized packet which has not
+ // been acked by the peer.
+ QuicPacketNumber GetLeastUnacked() const {
+ return unacked_packets_.GetLeastUnacked();
+ }
+ // Called when we have sent bytes to the peer. This informs the manager both
+ // the number of bytes sent and if they were retransmitted. Returns true if
+ // the sender should reset the retransmission timer.
+ bool OnPacketSent(SerializedPacket* serialized_packet,
+ QuicPacketNumber original_packet_number,
+ QuicTime sent_time,
+ TransmissionType transmission_type,
+ HasRetransmittableData has_retransmittable_data);
+ // Called when the retransmission timer expires.
+ void OnRetransmissionTimeout();
+ // Calculate the time until we can send the next packet to the wire.
+ // Note 1: When kUnknownWaitTime is returned, there is no need to poll
+ // TimeUntilSend again until we receive an OnIncomingAckFrame event.
+ // Note 2: Send algorithms may or may not use |retransmit| in their
+ // calculations.
+ QuicTime::Delta TimeUntilSend(QuicTime now) const;
+ // Returns the current delay for the retransmission timer, which may send
+ // either a tail loss probe or do a full RTO. Returns QuicTime::Zero() if
+ // there are no retransmittable packets.
+ const QuicTime GetRetransmissionTime() const;
+ // Returns the current delay for the path degrading timer, which is used to
+ // notify the session that this connection is degrading.
+ const QuicTime::Delta GetPathDegradingDelay() const;
+ const RttStats* GetRttStats() const { return &rtt_stats_; }
+ // Returns the estimated bandwidth calculated by the congestion algorithm.
+ QuicBandwidth BandwidthEstimate() const {
+ return send_algorithm_->BandwidthEstimate();
+ }
+ const QuicSustainedBandwidthRecorder* SustainedBandwidthRecorder() const {
+ return &sustained_bandwidth_recorder_;
+ }
+ // Returns the size of the current congestion window in number of
+ // kDefaultTCPMSS-sized segments. Note, this is not the *available* window.
+ // Some send algorithms may not use a congestion window and will return 0.
+ QuicPacketCount GetCongestionWindowInTcpMss() const {
+ return send_algorithm_->GetCongestionWindow() / kDefaultTCPMSS;
+ }
+ // Returns the number of packets of length |max_packet_length| which fit in
+ // the current congestion window. More packets may end up in flight if the
+ // congestion window has been recently reduced, of if non-full packets are
+ // sent.
+ QuicPacketCount EstimateMaxPacketsInFlight(
+ QuicByteCount max_packet_length) const {
+ return send_algorithm_->GetCongestionWindow() / max_packet_length;
+ }
+ // Returns the size of the current congestion window size in bytes.
+ QuicByteCount GetCongestionWindowInBytes() const {
+ return send_algorithm_->GetCongestionWindow();
+ }
+ // Returns the size of the slow start congestion window in nume of 1460 byte
+ // TCP segments, aka ssthresh. Some send algorithms do not define a slow
+ // start threshold and will return 0.
+ QuicPacketCount GetSlowStartThresholdInTcpMss() const {
+ return send_algorithm_->GetSlowStartThreshold() / kDefaultTCPMSS;
+ }
+ // Returns debugging information about the state of the congestion controller.
+ QuicString GetDebugState() const;
+ // Returns the number of bytes that are considered in-flight, i.e. not lost or
+ // acknowledged.
+ QuicByteCount GetBytesInFlight() const {
+ return unacked_packets_.bytes_in_flight();
+ }
+ // No longer retransmit data for |stream_id|.
+ void CancelRetransmissionsForStream(QuicStreamId stream_id);
+ // Called when peer address changes and the connection migrates.
+ void OnConnectionMigration(AddressChangeType type);
+ // Called when an ack frame is initially parsed.
+ void OnAckFrameStart(QuicPacketNumber largest_acked,
+ QuicTime::Delta ack_delay_time,
+ QuicTime ack_receive_time);
+ // Called when ack range [start, end) is received. Populates packets_acked_
+ // with newly acked packets.
+ void OnAckRange(QuicPacketNumber start, QuicPacketNumber end);
+ // Called when a timestamp is processed. If it's present in packets_acked_,
+ // the timestamp field is set. Otherwise, the timestamp is ignored.
+ void OnAckTimestamp(QuicPacketNumber packet_number, QuicTime timestamp);
+ // Called when an ack frame is parsed completely. Returns true if a previously
+ // -unacked packet is acked.
+ bool OnAckFrameEnd(QuicTime ack_receive_time);
+ // Called to enable/disable letting session decide what to write.
+ void SetSessionDecideWhatToWrite(bool session_decides_what_to_write) {
+ unacked_packets_.SetSessionDecideWhatToWrite(session_decides_what_to_write);
+ }
+ void SetDebugDelegate(DebugDelegate* debug_delegate);
+ void SetPacingAlarmGranularity(QuicTime::Delta alarm_granularity) {
+ pacing_sender_.set_alarm_granularity(alarm_granularity);
+ }
+ QuicPacketNumber GetLargestObserved() const {
+ return unacked_packets_.largest_acked();
+ }
+ QuicPacketNumber GetLargestSentPacket() const {
+ return unacked_packets_.largest_sent_packet();
+ }
+ void SetNetworkChangeVisitor(NetworkChangeVisitor* visitor) {
+ DCHECK(!network_change_visitor_);
+ DCHECK(visitor);
+ network_change_visitor_ = visitor;
+ }
+ bool InSlowStart() const { return send_algorithm_->InSlowStart(); }
+ size_t GetConsecutiveRtoCount() const { return consecutive_rto_count_; }
+ size_t GetConsecutiveTlpCount() const { return consecutive_tlp_count_; }
+ void OnApplicationLimited();
+ const SendAlgorithmInterface* GetSendAlgorithm() const {
+ return send_algorithm_.get();
+ }
+ void SetSessionNotifier(SessionNotifierInterface* session_notifier) {
+ unacked_packets_.SetSessionNotifier(session_notifier);
+ }
+ QuicTime GetNextReleaseTime() const;
+ QuicPacketCount initial_congestion_window() const {
+ return initial_congestion_window_;
+ }
+ QuicPacketNumber largest_packet_peer_knows_is_acked() const {
+ return largest_packet_peer_knows_is_acked_;
+ }
+ bool handshake_confirmed() const { return handshake_confirmed_; }
+ bool session_decides_what_to_write() const {
+ return unacked_packets_.session_decides_what_to_write();
+ }
+ size_t pending_timer_transmission_count() const {
+ return pending_timer_transmission_count_;
+ }
+ QuicTime::Delta delayed_ack_time() const { return delayed_ack_time_; }
+ void set_delayed_ack_time(QuicTime::Delta delayed_ack_time) {
+ // The delayed ack time should never be more than one half the min RTO time.
+ DCHECK_LE(delayed_ack_time, (min_rto_timeout_ * 0.5));
+ delayed_ack_time_ = delayed_ack_time;
+ }
+ const QuicUnackedPacketMap& unacked_packets() const {
+ return unacked_packets_;
+ }
+ // Sets the send algorithm to the given congestion control type and points the
+ // pacing sender at |send_algorithm_|. Can be called any number of times.
+ void SetSendAlgorithm(CongestionControlType congestion_control_type);
+ // Sets the send algorithm to |send_algorithm| and points the pacing sender at
+ // |send_algorithm_|. Takes ownership of |send_algorithm|. Can be called any
+ // number of times.
+ // Setting the send algorithm once the connection is underway is dangerous.
+ void SetSendAlgorithm(SendAlgorithmInterface* send_algorithm);
+ private:
+ friend class test::QuicConnectionPeer;
+ friend class test::QuicSentPacketManagerPeer;
+ // The retransmission timer is a single timer which switches modes depending
+ // upon connection state.
+ enum RetransmissionTimeoutMode {
+ // A conventional TCP style RTO.
+ // A tail loss probe. By default, QUIC sends up to two before RTOing.
+ // Retransmission of handshake packets prior to handshake completion.
+ // Re-invoke the loss detection when a packet is not acked before the
+ // loss detection algorithm expects.
+ };
+ typedef QuicLinkedHashMap<QuicPacketNumber,
+ TransmissionType,
+ QuicPacketNumberHash>
+ PendingRetransmissionMap;
+ // Returns the current retransmission mode.
+ RetransmissionTimeoutMode GetRetransmissionMode() const;
+ // Retransmits all crypto stream packets.
+ void RetransmitCryptoPackets();
+ // Retransmits two packets for an RTO and removes any non-retransmittable
+ // packets from flight.
+ void RetransmitRtoPackets();
+ // Returns the timeout for retransmitting crypto handshake packets.
+ const QuicTime::Delta GetCryptoRetransmissionDelay() const;
+ // Returns the timeout for a new tail loss probe. |consecutive_tlp_count| is
+ // the number of consecutive tail loss probes that have already been sent.
+ const QuicTime::Delta GetTailLossProbeDelay(
+ size_t consecutive_tlp_count) const;
+ // Calls GetTailLossProbeDelay() with values from the current state of this
+ // packet manager as its params.
+ const QuicTime::Delta GetTailLossProbeDelay() const {
+ return GetTailLossProbeDelay(consecutive_tlp_count_);
+ }
+ // Returns the retransmission timeout, after which a full RTO occurs.
+ // |consecutive_rto_count| is the number of consecutive RTOs that have already
+ // occurred.
+ const QuicTime::Delta GetRetransmissionDelay(
+ size_t consecutive_rto_count) const;
+ // Calls GetRetransmissionDelay() with values from the current state of this
+ // packet manager as its params.
+ const QuicTime::Delta GetRetransmissionDelay() const {
+ return GetRetransmissionDelay(consecutive_rto_count_);
+ }
+ // Returns the newest transmission associated with a packet.
+ QuicPacketNumber GetNewestRetransmission(
+ QuicPacketNumber packet_number,
+ const QuicTransmissionInfo& transmission_info) const;
+ // Update the RTT if the ack is for the largest acked packet number.
+ // Returns true if the rtt was updated.
+ bool MaybeUpdateRTT(QuicPacketNumber largest_acked,
+ QuicTime::Delta ack_delay_time,
+ QuicTime ack_receive_time);
+ // Invokes the loss detection algorithm and loses and retransmits packets if
+ // necessary.
+ void InvokeLossDetection(QuicTime time);
+ // Invokes OnCongestionEvent if |rtt_updated| is true, there are pending acks,
+ // or pending losses. Clears pending acks and pending losses afterwards.
+ // |prior_in_flight| is the number of bytes in flight before the losses or
+ // acks, |event_time| is normally the timestamp of the ack packet which caused
+ // the event, although it can be the time at which loss detection was
+ // triggered.
+ void MaybeInvokeCongestionEvent(bool rtt_updated,
+ QuicByteCount prior_in_flight,
+ QuicTime event_time);
+ // Removes the retransmittability and in flight properties from the packet at
+ // |info| due to receipt by the peer.
+ void MarkPacketHandled(QuicPacketNumber packet_number,
+ QuicTransmissionInfo* info,
+ QuicTime::Delta ack_delay_time);
+ // Request that |packet_number| be retransmitted after the other pending
+ // retransmissions. Does not add it to the retransmissions if it's already
+ // a pending retransmission.
+ void MarkForRetransmission(QuicPacketNumber packet_number,
+ TransmissionType transmission_type);
+ // Performs whatever work is need to retransmit the data correctly, either
+ // by retransmitting the frames directly or by notifying that the frames
+ // are lost.
+ void HandleRetransmission(TransmissionType transmission_type,
+ QuicTransmissionInfo* transmission_info);
+ // Called after packets have been marked handled with last received ack frame.
+ void PostProcessAfterMarkingPacketHandled(
+ const QuicAckFrame& ack_frame,
+ QuicTime ack_receive_time,
+ bool rtt_updated,
+ QuicByteCount prior_bytes_in_flight);
+ // Notify observers that packet with QuicTransmissionInfo |info| is a spurious
+ // retransmission. It is caller's responsibility to guarantee the packet with
+ // QuicTransmissionInfo |info| is a spurious retransmission before calling
+ // this function.
+ void RecordOneSpuriousRetransmission(const QuicTransmissionInfo& info);
+ // Notify observers about spurious retransmits of packet with
+ // QuicTransmissionInfo |info|.
+ void RecordSpuriousRetransmissions(const QuicTransmissionInfo& info,
+ QuicPacketNumber acked_packet_number);
+ // Sets the initial RTT of the connection.
+ void SetInitialRtt(QuicTime::Delta rtt);
+ // Called when handshake is confirmed to remove the retransmittable frames
+ // from all packets of HANDSHAKE_DATA packet number space to ensure they don't
+ // get retransmitted and will eventually be removed from unacked packets map.
+ // Only used when quic_use_uber_loss_algorithm is true. Please note, this only
+ // applies to QUIC Crypto and needs to be changed when switches to IETF QUIC
+ // with QUIC TLS.
+ void NeuterHandshakePackets();
+ // Newly serialized retransmittable packets are added to this map, which
+ // contains owning pointers to any contained frames. If a packet is
+ // retransmitted, this map will contain entries for both the old and the new
+ // packet. The old packet's retransmittable frames entry will be nullptr,
+ // while the new packet's entry will contain the frames to retransmit.
+ // If the old packet is acked before the new packet, then the old entry will
+ // be removed from the map and the new entry's retransmittable frames will be
+ // set to nullptr.
+ QuicUnackedPacketMap unacked_packets_;
+ // Pending retransmissions which have not been packetized and sent yet.
+ PendingRetransmissionMap pending_retransmissions_;
+ const QuicClock* clock_;
+ QuicConnectionStats* stats_;
+ DebugDelegate* debug_delegate_;
+ NetworkChangeVisitor* network_change_visitor_;
+ QuicPacketCount initial_congestion_window_;
+ RttStats rtt_stats_;
+ std::unique_ptr<SendAlgorithmInterface> send_algorithm_;
+ // Not owned. Always points to |general_loss_algorithm_| outside of tests.
+ LossDetectionInterface* loss_algorithm_;
+ // TODO(fayang): Remove general_loss_algorithm_ when deprecating
+ // quic_use_uber_loss_algorithm.
+ GeneralLossAlgorithm general_loss_algorithm_;
+ UberLossAlgorithm uber_loss_algorithm_;
+ // Tracks the first RTO packet. If any packet before that packet gets acked,
+ // it indicates the RTO was spurious and should be reversed(F-RTO).
+ QuicPacketNumber first_rto_transmission_;
+ // Number of times the RTO timer has fired in a row without receiving an ack.
+ size_t consecutive_rto_count_;
+ // Number of times the tail loss probe has been sent.
+ size_t consecutive_tlp_count_;
+ // Number of times the crypto handshake has been retransmitted.
+ size_t consecutive_crypto_retransmission_count_;
+ // Number of pending transmissions of TLP, RTO, or crypto packets.
+ size_t pending_timer_transmission_count_;
+ // Maximum number of tail loss probes to send before firing an RTO.
+ size_t max_tail_loss_probes_;
+ // Maximum number of packets to send upon RTO.
+ QuicPacketCount max_rto_packets_;
+ // If true, send the TLP at 0.5 RTT.
+ bool enable_half_rtt_tail_loss_probe_;
+ bool using_pacing_;
+ // If true, use the new RTO with loss based CWND reduction instead of the send
+ // algorithms's OnRetransmissionTimeout to reduce the congestion window.
+ bool use_new_rto_;
+ // If true, use a more conservative handshake retransmission policy.
+ bool conservative_handshake_retransmits_;
+ // The minimum TLP timeout.
+ QuicTime::Delta min_tlp_timeout_;
+ // The minimum RTO.
+ QuicTime::Delta min_rto_timeout_;
+ // Whether to use IETF style TLP that includes the max ack delay.
+ bool ietf_style_tlp_;
+ // IETF style TLP, but with a 2x multiplier instead of 1.5x.
+ bool ietf_style_2x_tlp_;
+ // Vectors packets acked and lost as a result of the last congestion event.
+ AckedPacketVector packets_acked_;
+ LostPacketVector packets_lost_;
+ // Largest newly acknowledged packet.
+ QuicPacketNumber largest_newly_acked_;
+ // Largest packet in bytes ever acknowledged.
+ QuicPacketLength largest_mtu_acked_;
+ // Replaces certain calls to |send_algorithm_| when |using_pacing_| is true.
+ // Calls into |send_algorithm_| for the underlying congestion control.
+ PacingSender pacing_sender_;
+ // Set to true after the crypto handshake has successfully completed. After
+ // this is true we no longer use HANDSHAKE_MODE, and further frames sent on
+ // the crypto stream (i.e. SCUP messages) are treated like normal
+ // retransmittable frames.
+ bool handshake_confirmed_;
+ // Records bandwidth from server to client in normal operation, over periods
+ // of time with no loss events.
+ QuicSustainedBandwidthRecorder sustained_bandwidth_recorder_;
+ // The largest acked value that was sent in an ack, which has then been acked.
+ QuicPacketNumber largest_packet_peer_knows_is_acked_;
+ // The maximum amount of time to wait before sending an acknowledgement.
+ // The recovery code assumes the delayed ack time is the same on both sides.
+ QuicTime::Delta delayed_ack_time_;
+ // Latest received ack frame.
+ QuicAckFrame last_ack_frame_;
+ // Record whether RTT gets updated by last largest acked..
+ bool rtt_updated_;
+ // A reverse iterator of last_ack_frame_.packets. This is reset in
+ // OnAckRangeStart, and gradually moves in OnAckRange..
+ PacketNumberQueue::const_reverse_iterator acked_packets_iter_;
+} // namespace quic