blob: ec0c124cd1b699b7d8561241465d1939f5110896 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains data structures and utility functions used for serializing
// and parsing alternative service header values, common to HTTP/1.1 header
// fields and HTTP/2 and QUIC ALTSVC frames. See specification at
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/container/inlined_vector.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "quiche/common/platform/api/quiche_export.h"
namespace spdy {
namespace test {
class SpdyAltSvcWireFormatPeer;
} // namespace test
class QUICHE_EXPORT SpdyAltSvcWireFormat {
using VersionVector = absl::InlinedVector<uint32_t, 8>;
struct QUICHE_EXPORT AlternativeService {
std::string protocol_id;
std::string host;
// Default is 0: invalid port.
uint16_t port = 0;
// Default is one day.
uint32_t max_age_seconds = 86400;
// Default is empty: unspecified version.
VersionVector version;
AlternativeService(const std::string& protocol_id, const std::string& host,
uint16_t port, uint32_t max_age_seconds,
VersionVector version);
AlternativeService(const AlternativeService& other);
bool operator==(const AlternativeService& other) const {
return protocol_id == other.protocol_id && host == &&
port == other.port && version == other.version &&
max_age_seconds == other.max_age_seconds;
// An empty vector means alternative services should be cleared for given
// origin. Note that the wire format for this is the string "clear", not an
// empty value (which is invalid).
typedef std::vector<AlternativeService> AlternativeServiceVector;
friend class test::SpdyAltSvcWireFormatPeer;
static bool ParseHeaderFieldValue(absl::string_view value,
AlternativeServiceVector* altsvc_vector);
static std::string SerializeHeaderFieldValue(
const AlternativeServiceVector& altsvc_vector);
// Forward |*c| over space and tab or until |end| is reached.
static void SkipWhiteSpace(absl::string_view::const_iterator* c,
absl::string_view::const_iterator end);
// Decode percent-decoded string between |c| and |end| into |*output|.
// Return true on success, false if input is invalid.
static bool PercentDecode(absl::string_view::const_iterator c,
absl::string_view::const_iterator end,
std::string* output);
// Parse the authority part of Alt-Svc between |c| and |end| into |*host| and
// |*port|. Return true on success, false if input is invalid.
static bool ParseAltAuthority(absl::string_view::const_iterator c,
absl::string_view::const_iterator end,
std::string* host, uint16_t* port);
// Parse a positive integer between |c| and |end| into |*value|.
// Return true on success, false if input is not a positive integer or it
// cannot be represented on uint16_t.
static bool ParsePositiveInteger16(absl::string_view::const_iterator c,
absl::string_view::const_iterator end,
uint16_t* value);
// Parse a positive integer between |c| and |end| into |*value|.
// Return true on success, false if input is not a positive integer or it
// cannot be represented on uint32_t.
static bool ParsePositiveInteger32(absl::string_view::const_iterator c,
absl::string_view::const_iterator end,
uint32_t* value);
// Parse |c| as hexadecimal digit, case insensitive. |c| must be [0-9a-fA-F].
// Output is between 0 and 15.
static char HexDigitToInt(char c);
// Parse |data| as hexadecimal number into |*value|. |data| must only contain
// hexadecimal digits, no "0x" prefix.
// Return true on success, false if input is empty, not valid hexadecimal
// number, or cannot be represented on uint32_t.
static bool HexDecodeToUInt32(absl::string_view data, uint32_t* value);
} // namespace spdy