blob: 93ad860453d7766528c4e6b5054581c8c0fb8c09 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// HpackEntryCollector records calls to HpackEntryDecoderListener in support
// of tests of HpackEntryDecoder, or which use it. Can only record the callbacks
// for the decoding of a single entry; call Clear() between decoding successive
// entries or use a distinct HpackEntryCollector for each entry.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <string>
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "quiche/http2/hpack/decoder/hpack_entry_decoder_listener.h"
#include "quiche/http2/hpack/http2_hpack_constants.h"
#include "quiche/http2/test_tools/hpack_block_builder.h"
#include "quiche/http2/test_tools/hpack_string_collector.h"
#include "quiche/common/platform/api/quiche_export.h"
#include "quiche/common/platform/api/quiche_test.h"
namespace http2 {
namespace test {
class QUICHE_NO_EXPORT HpackEntryCollector : public HpackEntryDecoderListener {
HpackEntryCollector(const HpackEntryCollector& other);
// These next three constructors are intended for use in tests that create
// an HpackEntryCollector "manually", and then compare it against another
// that is populated via calls to the HpackEntryDecoderListener methods.
HpackEntryCollector(HpackEntryType type, size_t index_or_size);
HpackEntryCollector(HpackEntryType type, size_t index, bool value_huffman,
const std::string& value);
HpackEntryCollector(HpackEntryType type, bool name_huffman,
const std::string& name, bool value_huffman,
const std::string& value);
~HpackEntryCollector() override;
// Methods defined by HpackEntryDecoderListener.
void OnIndexedHeader(size_t index) override;
void OnStartLiteralHeader(HpackEntryType header_type,
size_t maybe_name_index) override;
void OnNameStart(bool huffman_encoded, size_t len) override;
void OnNameData(const char* data, size_t len) override;
void OnNameEnd() override;
void OnValueStart(bool huffman_encoded, size_t len) override;
void OnValueData(const char* data, size_t len) override;
void OnValueEnd() override;
void OnDynamicTableSizeUpdate(size_t size) override;
// Clears the fields of the collector so that it is ready to start collecting
// another HPACK block entry.
void Clear();
// Is the collector ready to start collecting another HPACK block entry.
bool IsClear() const;
// Has a complete entry been collected?
bool IsComplete() const;
// Based on the HpackEntryType, is a literal name expected?
bool LiteralNameExpected() const;
// Based on the HpackEntryType, is a literal value expected?
bool LiteralValueExpected() const;
// Returns success if collected an Indexed Header (i.e. OnIndexedHeader was
// called).
::testing::AssertionResult ValidateIndexedHeader(size_t expected_index) const;
// Returns success if collected a Header with an indexed name and literal
// value (i.e. OnStartLiteralHeader was called with a non-zero index for
// the name, which must match expected_index).
::testing::AssertionResult ValidateLiteralValueHeader(
HpackEntryType expected_type, size_t expected_index,
bool expected_value_huffman, absl::string_view expected_value) const;
// Returns success if collected a Header with an literal name and literal
// value.
::testing::AssertionResult ValidateLiteralNameValueHeader(
HpackEntryType expected_type, bool expected_name_huffman,
absl::string_view expected_name, bool expected_value_huffman,
absl::string_view expected_value) const;
// Returns success if collected a Dynamic Table Size Update,
// with the specified size.
::testing::AssertionResult ValidateDynamicTableSizeUpdate(
size_t expected_size) const;
void set_header_type(HpackEntryType v) { header_type_ = v; }
HpackEntryType header_type() const { return header_type_; }
void set_index(size_t v) { index_ = v; }
size_t index() const { return index_; }
void set_name(const HpackStringCollector& v) { name_ = v; }
const HpackStringCollector& name() const { return name_; }
void set_value(const HpackStringCollector& v) { value_ = v; }
const HpackStringCollector& value() const { return value_; }
void set_started(bool v) { started_ = v; }
bool started() const { return started_; }
void set_ended(bool v) { ended_ = v; }
bool ended() const { return ended_; }
void AppendToHpackBlockBuilder(HpackBlockBuilder* hbb) const;
// Returns a debug string.
std::string ToString() const;
void Init(HpackEntryType type, size_t maybe_index);
HpackEntryType header_type_;
size_t index_;
HpackStringCollector name_;
HpackStringCollector value_;
// True if has received a call to an HpackEntryDecoderListener method
// indicating the start of decoding an HPACK entry; for example,
// OnIndexedHeader set it true, but OnNameStart does not change it.
bool started_ = false;
// True if has received a call to an HpackEntryDecoderListener method
// indicating the end of decoding an HPACK entry; for example,
// OnIndexedHeader and OnValueEnd both set it true, but OnNameEnd does
// not change it.
bool ended_ = false;
QUICHE_NO_EXPORT bool operator==(const HpackEntryCollector& a,
const HpackEntryCollector& b);
QUICHE_NO_EXPORT bool operator!=(const HpackEntryCollector& a,
const HpackEntryCollector& b);
QUICHE_NO_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,
const HpackEntryCollector& v);
} // namespace test
} // namespace http2